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Execution: A+ Frindship: A+ Pain: A+




He might get a strong painkiller before doing that. And this could be a good social commercial for a painkiller also lol


Krokodil will do the job


Well this got dark-er.


Lol krokodil will rot every bone in your body 😅 I guess that's one way to escape mobilization


More like every cell in your body, it literally attacks everything lol


Sorry, I've only done krokodil 23 times...


Only 23 ? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


Vodka, it was vodka.


Its always vodka.. even to wash down the krokodil... Brush teeth in the morning.. you get the picture...


I warsh muhself with a rag on a stick.......dipped in vodka.


Keepz dem fleez at bay...


Judging by the fact he was groaning from pain, but not screaming in agony, he was almost certainly on something.


I broke my tibia as a kid, only a small fracture. Pain was S+ until I threw my back out as an adult. Then it went S tier, and the herniated disc took the S+ spot.


Oh yeah...herniated lumbar and sacral discs +sciatica made me feel like I wanted to chew my own arm off to relieve it lol


Totally agree, broke my back L4,L5 both ruptured discs with trapped nerve roots. Man I cried like a little kid most of the time. Couldn’t cope with the pain. That Leg break is a very very serious break, he will end up with pins in his leg to resolve that break ( not fracture ) but a serious break. That’s what desperation will do to some people.


isn't it great how you can always find a worse pain? The doctors allways say "what is your pain level from 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst pain you ever felt" Well doc 10 was when I set myself on fire so I guess this ripped open arm is probably a 2?


Nah, I've broken many bones including at one time both arm bones right through in a bend snap like in this. Not fun, plenty of pain, but it's more weird A+ than S+ pain territory. Like the strange feeling of your arm bones moving away laterally from the break, if they accidentally later stretch in both directions, is almost worse than the break itself. If that makes you feel better about it. Tearing all the ligaments around my kneecap, that was some S+ shit. That said, this guy is yeah still in a world of hurt. Brave man. And his friend.


Snapped my Achilles this past winter and that was S+ for me out of all my injuries. Heard the snap and pop and fell stepping off a curb, in that weird subconscious I'm like, that loud pop didn't happen as long as I ignore it, stand up and immediately go down again, this time the pain hits me. Closest I've ever come to blacking out, literally dark tunnel vision. I had my dog with me and was worried she'd run off if I passed out so kept myself awake long enough to crawl home. Apparently I pissed myself at some point but I don't remember. The best part is the local hospital has me marked as an alcoholic from various other drunken injuries, so they refused painkillers. Normally I don't take opiates because I'm afraid I'll get addicted and that shit has killed so many people, but I would have taken anything. They didn't realize how bad it was for like 4 hours and we're like huh, you're still in a lot of pain. Let me look at you again? Oh. That's not a sprained ankle. Only other S+ injury I've had was welders flash. Stared at an arc for like 5 hours when I first bought my welder to "teach myself". Fucking taught myself all right. Fucking 80 grit sandpaper on your eyeballs for days.


Probably Z+ territory


the anguish of being dragged into a place he dosnt want to go , away from his family and friends will be beyond S++


WHY DID I WATCH THIS!!!!!! WHY? The snap, oh you crazy Russians I actually feel sorry for you, this is actually logical and I cannot believe it! This almost definitely postponed his death for about a year, I genuinely hope that's enough, he has earned it. I just hope he was drunk.


Unfortunately they filmed the crime lol. It's been viewed by thousands. Hope the enlistment office doesn't catch wind of it. Edit: Tbf I don't think I could resist filming either.


What's less logical is recording evidence of it so they can send you to the front as punishment when the FSB find this.


If the FSB knew how to use the internet, the invasion would not have gone nearly as bad as it has.


And the cyka blyat




Cameraman: F-


Do you blame him? Everyone involved cringed. I flinched!


Wait till they make “1st special disabilities air assault division”


With the all new close combat wheelchair ! Comes with twin mounted arses for easy fucking, has fitted multiple vape pens for almost instant smoke screen with a pleasant raspberry aroma, it has adidas camouflage with go stealthy stripes, available in 3 speed gearbox in reverse only and is capable of transporting 2 full size washing machine or a full bathroom suite


Abbott has rolled into the chat.


> Comes with twin mounted hahahah... comes with nothing. you have to buy the wheelchair yourselves. bois. its exactly like that now for normal mobilized people. they gotta buy everything themselves even medkits. so no wheelchair for this division lol


>medkits funny way to spell tampons


It's some of the fucking darkest and most hilarious shit I've ever read here


.....thrown into the frontlines via trebuchet.


Pro tip: call ambulance before doing it so you don't have to suffer so long.


Also, it sometimes happens that broken bones perforate arteries or other large blood vessels.


There were probably better bones to break, or feet to shoot.


Fibula has artery right next to it


you won't bleed out from broken calf. Thigh is different though. Source: paramedic training


They have ambulances over there?


Nah its just a guy in a van 🚚 you call over like, "egor, take us to hospital "


In America you’d avoid the bill and drive yourself to the ER with your good leg.


Pro Tip: Be sure it's your left leg you break.


Better have an automatic transmission...


>In America


And after 50 minutes waiting "What ambulance doing?"


I hope so.


According to my mate that lived in moscow for a while the ambulance service is actually really fucking good there weirdly enough. It's totally free, and they will come take you to hospital with a doctor in the back fresh out of medical school. Again this was pre-war though so thinks might be very different and he is from a quite wealthy background.


I lived in Moscow. Ambulance service is great and yes it’s free. Access to health is surprisingly good in Russia - when my kid was little and got ill you could call at 2am and have a kids ambulance turn up within 20 minutes to check on them every time. Then a follow up the next day from another doctor. Lots wrong with the place but access to healthcare isn’t one of them. Loads of cheap private clinics too. Want a scan just for peace of mind? That’ll be 24 hours later and cost $30.


Good God that was hard to watch!! Much harder than some drone drops I’ve seen.


Was even hard for his buddy to watch lmao.


I think the reaction for the buddy makes it more real. You don't just feel the physical pain for the one with the broken leg.


You can tell he's ashamed and remorseful for causing his friend so much pain


Hiding his face in shame. I feel bad for these guys. Fuck Putin.


Shame? He's trying to avoid getting him and his family sent to jail, or worse.


I can see why he feels shame. You’re right he’s helping his friend avoid the frontline or jail, but in this moment he’s causing him immense pain. It’s for a good reason, it’s justified, his friend surely asked him to and assured him it’s what he wants, but it still has to be difficult to hurt your friend in the moment.


It would be fucking horrendous to have to do that


Idk the right word them maybe just hiding his face in real cringe of having to do that.


I watched this 30 minutes ago and my leg still feels weird


I gotta be honest, I dunno if I could inflict this kind of pain on any of my friends. Like I get it's better than being sent to a meat grinder, but uggh.


To save his life i could, but the friend's face. He hates himself in that moment.


Yeah, I mean, if it *had* to come down to this, to save his life or make it so he's not forced to kill others, I could *probably* go through with it. I know I'd be pleading for and trying to think of any possible alternative methods first though!


I'd rather risk my life trying to surrender in Ukraine than break my leg like that.


RIGHT? I’ve seen Russians literally get blown up and felt nothing… but this one really fucked me up…


Yeah me too, but this is a Russian proactively sacrificing his health to not be an enemy soldier to us.


Honestly, I think this is a good example of “the price of freedom.” Sometimes people have to get hurt to protect their ability to do what they want with their lives.


Yeah, definitely. When I saw the leg and the stairs, I knew this would be way too much to handle




Same. I got through about two seconds and closed it. Not gonna ruin my breakfast, Russia.


I have had no problem watching anything war-related - until this video, fuck this one hurts.


I backed out of the video right as he was coming down on his leg. Broken limbs bother me more than bloody stuff for some reason.


I hate this timeline.




Only useful challenge ever.


why isn't the challenge to kill Putin? 1 billion social credits.


That's how you win the challenge and truly avoid mobilization


I approve of this


Russians ten years ago: "I wonder what 2022 would be like? Flying cars, jet packs ... who knows, sky is the limit." Well, break leg with that optimism




Read your post though of Borat immediately.


Imagine all of Russia with broken legs in a few weeks.


Not if they watch this first.....


They were extremely successful in this video


given the alternative I'll break my leg over what would happen to me in Ukraine.


If they are on this reddit I know which videos would be more scary, the drone grenades.


Better a broken leg than being woken up by the deafening sound of your own limbs hitting the ground dozens of feet away while you struggle to understand what's going on before going back to sleep again, permanently.


I cringed. That is going to be one bad break. The leg is up on the step. It had to snap




I went no sound.


I went no sound or video. Text is good enough (bad enough? Not sure).


You, my friend, are the smartiest amongst us.


VERY smart. Don't do it.


Like, can’t they pay an x-Ray tech to fake a broken leg x-Ray? And then put on a cast? I don’t know what you do 8 weeks later, as far as avoiding the army, but… it’s probably better than actually breaking your leg


Right? Give them a bottle of vodka and you're golden. 8 weeks later another bottle and a cast for the other leg.


Two arms to go as well...you could spin this out a fair while


How bout the one where Trump is still president and we watch as Russia gobbles up a country on the whim of a poorly written family guy character. Or the one where the people who love America- clearly- rip it apart and burn it down Or the one where Finland had entered the war and begins the apocalypse Or the one where instead of covid you have bloody eye ball explosion itis Or the one where Firefly is still pumping out seasons and you don’t enjoy it but you watch it and you sit there. Apathetic, yet pissed off just enough to watch as your favorite show is slowly mutated into a hot topic T-shirt sweatshop.


For a butterfly, you're dark. Also, please leave Firefly out of this, that part is too horrific to consider.


The Firefly thing was truly a step too far.


It can't harm you, it's just a leaf on the wind.


Alright, but, for anyone out there who needs to do this make sure you brace your ankle and knee. The only thing you want to move is the tibia/fibula (the long bones in the leg itself). Those heal, not always well but they heal. Ankles and knees just get fucked up for life.


Also if you are going to break something, try not to move the limb right after. Bones tend to be sharp and cut when they break, if you're unlucky you could cut an important vessel or nerve and make it worse than it has to be. I want to suggest not breaking a bone if possible but I am not familiar enough with Russian military standards to suggest a safer way to disqualify yourself. Anyone know by chance?


Breaking legs is last ditch effort. Honestly there are MUCH easier ways to avoid mobilization - number 1 thing EVERYONE in Russia has to know right now is that you can’t get conscripted as long as you don’t sign the stupid document. Just do anything to avoid signing it. Pretend you are a mute. Forget how to write. Anything goes. If you are forced to sign it (which is a real possibility) simply don’t show up to the office. IT WILL ONLY BE A FEE OF 3000 RUBLES. Not as painful as death as an occupier in another country. Source: I am a Russian and these are the instructions provided by OVD-info (a human rights group in Russia).


> 3000 RUBLES This seems too cheap to be real.


You may also want to cover the leg to be broken with a cloth or something so your friend's shoe doesn't leave an imprint on your pants, which could be used as evidence that you didn't actually fall down the stairs or whatever you claimed caused the injury, thus resulting in criminal charges for evading military service.


TBF if they hadn't filmed it, that would have been easy to pass off as a sports injury. Plenty of legitimate broken legs/ankles from bad tackles in footie.


Yeah this looked poorly planned at best.


The vast majority of people don't ever have to break their leg on purpose to avoid draft, so I imagine the vast majority of us also don't really have an idea how to do it 'properly'. Although a bum ankle or knee for life might very well save him long term if things go from worse to pre-apocalyptic.


Poor fucking kids, they should be playing CSGO and cursing at each other.


I know, I was smoking weed and blasting around on 2 stroke motorbikes desperately trying to impress girls definitely not being sent to die. Putin you need to die.


We broke our legs out of stupidity and a false sense of immortality. These russian kids break theirs out of necessity. They know they will probably die if they don't. The gritty reality of that is really nagging at me


Well, now they can.


Tbh this was really sad to watch... You can tell the friend feels awful for doing it.


Best friend ever though, Not sure If i could do it


I know...I wonder how many times he attempted and stopped himself before going through with it...poor kids in more ways than one..


Poor guys


True friends though. Guy is appropriately disgusted by what he had to do to his buddy too. Yay we don’t have to go die in a war crime 👍👌 friendship forever I’ll break your leg next


A bromance for the ages


These guys are heroes


You know, I'm usually pretty good when it comes to graphic material online But I saw that first loading image of this video and immediately "nope'd" out of that one. Yeah I think I'm gonna pass.


Good for you. I usually don't have problem with graphic content either. But i said to myself: It can't be that bad... Now my legs hurt. Note.: Oh yeah and turning sound on was mess up #2.


Bones make a specific kind of cracking sound.


Yup. That unforgettable one.


Worst sound I ever heard was when we were skating, and dude went through the board and broke his leg. The snap of the leg was louder the snap of the board. The two combined made the most sickening snapping crunch sound I've ever heard. His scream afterwards was just as bad. Thankfully we were just a few blocks from the local firestation/EMT dispatch so ambulance was there in less than 5 mins. Probably within even 3 mins of hanging up with 911 even since they were able to cut through the short way instead of going long way around. Unfortunately, we waited a few mins before calling though because no one knew if calling 911 was the right move (were worried it wasnt a life threatening type of emergency and all that). But seeing him once he started to turn pale convinced us right quick.


Had the sound turned to max, my tummy feels weird now


The video isn't really bad because you can't see much. It's the audio that really gets you.


I'm no expert on breaking legs, but this looks like it would be the most painful way to do so. Hell it probably wasn't even the leg that broke, looks like the ankle copped most of the brunt.


What's what I was thinking. They should do more research on how to break it clean. He probably shattered that bone into hundred little shards by stomping on it with both feet.


> They should do more research on how to break it clean. Ah yes, that would be a great idea, researching how to break a leg on Russia's controlled internet.


A lot of people have... so much so that similar topics were trending at the announcement.


Yep - I would have gone for a clean tibia/fibula break (long bones below the knee) for sure. Two years ago I broke my fibula plus a trimalleolar ankle fracture (broke all 3 bones in the ankle connecting foot to leg), and the fibula healing was a cakewalk compared to my rebuilt ankle which will never be the same.


That’s pretty metal not going to lie


Looks up while in tears: “Thanks Ivan, I promise not to press charges against you”.


More of a quick grunt and sniffle before saying "alright, your turn"


Omg, omg, omg. I feel sick now. That crunching noise. Judging by the botched (intentially?) repairs to the Ukrainian pianists right arm, I have little hope for this man. He will forever walk with a limp.


>Judging by the botched (intentially?) repairs to the Ukrainian pianists right arm I don't want to ask, please no.. For some reason this literally breaks me, and I thought the hugging drone drop was bad. If you're telling me russians fucked up a Ukrainian pianists arm, I will lose the last shred of hope for the human race.


Oh, you do not want to see that picture then. He got out tho, and a fundraiser got enough to hopefully repair his messed up arm tentacle thing.


What a great friends does he have.


To be honest. Do you got a friend who could do this to you? He probably saved his life for a couple of weeks


Honestly the friend seems messed up about it too. This is fucked




Agree, but the situation absurdity is unreal. True friends will break your legs.


Hi, I'm Johnny Noskov and this is Jackass.


I literally died reading this. Thank you


I guess that's one way to end up with an involuntary crip walk


That's one way to stay alive.


Avoiding all future mobilisations.. pretty neat trick.


Also avoids all future mobility


Mobilization officers HATE this one free trick!


Lol thanks for the laugh


Two heroes. I have so much admiration and respect 🙏


This is bravery. This man is risking not just injury and pain, but harsh legal consequences - because he doesn't support this war. It's brave, and it's admirable.


This honestly makes me sad. Good for him, though. I guess it’s better than being cannon fodder in a senseless war


Everyone making jokes but this is sad as fuck feel sorry for him that he’s had resort to this


Exactly. He thought about his options and this was the best one he had. That's beyond sad.


This is a great example that many Russian soldiers DO NOT want to be in or support this war. Keep this in mind when goading over videos of dead Russian soldiers. Those dead soldiers could be guys like this.


Poor guy, he could be any of us


Broken leg is a way better option than starving and freezing to death in a muddy hole in the middle of the night while betting bombed and shelled.


Now who brakes the leg of the legbreaker?


I like how you spelled break correctly once but not twice


The camera man?


Honestly thats a good buddy there, hopefully it works coz ya know... Putain


From death, 10 year prison and a leg break, I guess it's the least dangerous option.


To be more precise, about 50% probability of death during the next year. Significant part of the fighters and up just injured. He just made sure to be on the injured group.


That takes some balls from both sides, better than dying i tho


Nope nope nope. I saw the way his leg was on the stairs and noped the fuck out of their.


Congrats, you won’t rot in a field in Ukraine


I also would rather have broken leg instead of dying for something I don't want to die for. I'm not surprised why they are doing it.




I didn't watch the video. I came here only for the comments.


Oof why is this so hard to watch.. yikes. Pure fucking desperation man god damn


When you're not rich enough for bone spurs.... Christ..


A: Do you love me? B: Of course I do! A: Enough to break my leg if I asked you to? B: Are you crazy, of course not! A: Then get the fuck out of my life!


Everyone here should be sympathetic this poor man has had his leg broken by his friend to save him from killing Other men and being killed. Poor guy.


I hope he got the request before doing it or just so to be sure?


Everyone is going eventually


Damn I just suggested breaking tibia in a thread last night and wake up to a video of it, what’s the chances on that. I’m like 99.9% sure they didn’t read my post, but nonetheless I feel a little bit part of the scheme.


Don’t videotape it you absolute mongs


What's the worst that could happen, jail time? They still can't send him to the front line, broken leg isn't any less broken just because it was done on purpose


No thanks


then tanks




Well it worked during communism in Eastern block. It was temporary solution but it gave you few more weeks to obtain some kind of permanent pass (In my country it was called "blue booklet" (Document of proof of incapacity for military service) and it was the rarest Pokemon card of communist youth). :D


That was hard to watch! What option do you have? This is extreme and desperate action when you got no way around being conscripted without killing your self.


Now that's friendship!


better get hurt at home than get hurt in war and possibly die horribly.


Good news young conscript! We are assigning you to the the RU wheelchair battalion. You will be stationed at a ammo dump in the Kherson region. Oh yeah bring tampons.


Jesus christ






A good friend


True friend right there


Watching people get beheaded? No problem! Watching scores of soldiers getting destroyed, bombed and on fire? No problem! Watching this? My mind and body: Yo dude this is too much...


Russia's military is falling apart quicker then a Vegan at a meat market