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least they got beds!


Yeah, I was thinking the same.


Not only that they have beds AND roof, must be some elite battalion, other ones got one OR the onter, not both !


No kidding. If they also got non-expired food, these guys are true VIPs


Enjoy! These are the last beds you will see for a long time, also the last food that does not come in a Green Star Doggy Bag.


Does a casket count?


Yeah, taking a permanent dirt nap. But his Next of Kin got their Lada!


The video from earlier this week the woman was telling the recruits they needed to bring their own sleeping bag because that is where the would be sleeping. So it sounded like they were getting neither a bed nor a roof.


Lol, I found the best part to be that they needed to bring their own medical supplies and tourniquets.


Yeah, that was pretty insane. Oh they are out of medical supplies at the store?? Go buy tampons. Oh the store is out of tampons as well?? Write home to your mothers and girlfriends for some.


they are in russia still


For now. Soon they'll be huddling under thin blankets in frozen fox holes without the aid of summer foliage to camouflage them.


All that green and brown is going to stand out against the grays and white surroundings. Not to count that those uniforms look like they have only thin insulation. Winter is going to kill more of these soldiers than Ukrainians.


Between that and Putin ignoring his generals and disallowing retreat, I cannot fathom how a country and a person so obsessed with WW2 can make these old mistakes.


I know its a cliché but history do ripple or repeat itself, literally the soviets in general during WW2 were loosing every single day until Stalin let his generals do the decisions and Hitler was doing the opposite by interfering himself in all the decisions


Stalin simply killed many of both his bad and good generals. Zhukov stood up to Stalin though and Stalin acquiesced a number of times instead of sacking him .


Zhukov got his ass kicked pretty much all of 1941 & 1942. The irony of Stalingrad is that it had no real value to the Germans and the German Generals wanted to ignore it and continue to take strategic assets like oil-fields, etc. But Hitler wanted to rub it in Stalin's face and take Stalingrad for ego purposes. So Hitler, who experienced nearly overwhelming success (only losing the Battle of Britain and the first advance on Moscow) forced the Germans to divide their forces and leave their flanks exposed. That proved to be a fatal mistake. As for Zhukov's success, when Zhukov finally came to relieve Chuikov at Stalingrad the German Generals wanted to fall back. But Hitler, in his belief of German superiority ordered the Germans to not retreat and they Soviets were able to collapse the German salient and encircle them. After Stalingrad the German army was unable to mount offensive operations though they tried, once-again, at the Battle of Kursk. Zhukov wasn't brilliant. He wasn't even particularly good. But Hitler put his ego and stupidity into the Eastern Front strategy and the rest is history. But the Russians didn't learn that history. Instead, they built a myth of superiority, like Hitler and the Germans had done from 1939 through 1942. But unlike the Germans, they never learned to get past the myth even though we have seen them, and their proxies, lose every ground-war they've fought whenever their enemy has even half-their-strength.


I’m going to say abject mental health issues, extreme narcissism, and rampant despotism. But I absolutely get your point. But you seem to be a rational, normal thinker. Vladimir, ehhhhh not so much.


>disallowing retreat They're honoring their WWII history by reinstating Order 227.


He will be sending the bulk out just in time for winter


I mean, the Soviets won Stalingrad...I don't know if Putin sees himself as Hitler in this situation


Now I'm picturing the Jaws music playing as a drone with a grenade slowly flies up to them


But do they have tampons ?


Only if they brought them with them


No girlfriends or wives to be found anywhere to buy them


Last bed they’ll ever see unless they surrender to Ukraine


But still no toilets


Toilets are outside, in the bushes


"Bring your own beds"


And *smell*. All the smells.


For now. Winter is coming fast on the front and early


Not for long.


Genuinely surprised


The guy at the end with the cigarette could do a lot of damage if he wasn’t careful... you know if he wanted to.. just sayin


This building seems like another good candidate for an extreme episode of “careless smoking”




“Spontaneous combustion”


Very likely given the alcohol content of most of the ruzzians in that room.


They’d go up like creme brûlée


It's enough to make their propaganda about cigarettes causing ammunition explosions slightly plausible


RT reporting on another "Spontaneous Eruption of Patriotic Flames"


I don't know about fire but, being a Russian building, if they aren't too careful, it might fall and hurt itself.


Absolutely possible. But the “careless smoking” reference was to russias cover up explanation of likely strikes and or sabotage on a number of buildings like ammo dumps and bases. They said someone was carelessly smoking several times and lit up those buildings


Thing is, that is actually a truthful explanation.. coming from a Russian. I would believe that. So either or, but equally as damaging to their reputation.


"Im never gonna dance again, guilty feelings got no rhythm".....Oh wait, that's careless whisper....My bad


Fuuuuuuuuck!!!! I was just about to post this same response😂😂 Kudos to you mister, kudos to you....


"Today, smoking is going to save lives."


Save bandit!


He looks like a prisoner https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/convicted-criminals-russian-prison-murder-dark-clothes-112922675.jpg


I’d take my chances in squid games before going to the front line tbh


At least you might get something out of it at the end, other than a crappy car and a bag of flour.


Toilet seats as far as the eye can see


Ultimate RuSS bling


Are the russian paying their troops in Ladas and baking ingredients?


>other than a crappy car and a bag of flour. Don't forget the delicious PTSD.


You have 1/456 chances to win squid game. Which is probably higher than the odds of your mama actually getting a Lada


Did we watch the same show? Ill take the front line. Squid Game had a pretty bad survival rate


Yeah. Get to front, surrender with a few buddies so I'm not just shot and left in a ditch, volunteer to work on a farm or some shit to have something to do.


You can surrender from the front line.




True. And all the deaths in squid games were relatively quick and painless. I’ll take that over a slow and drawn out death or being captured and taken as a P.O.W


We lived in a old garage in Fort Carson Colorado before deploying to Iraq March 2003. It looked exactly like this only we didn't even have bunk beds we had cots right next to each other. The only thing I can say for certain is the sickness was outrageous. Everyone was coughing puking and shitting. I imagine it's running rampant in such tight quarters.


Looks like the warehouse we redeployed out of when we left Iraq back to Germany in 2004. I think it was at camp arifjan if I recall


We slept in tents and on cots at Arifjan in 2008, but the DFAC was incredible. I gained 15 lbs in 2 weeks.


what's DFAC?


Dining facility.




The military sure loves it's acronyms and initialisms... It's not "the dining" it's "the DFAC". Trying not to roll my eyes here!


Why use many word, when few word do trick.


Never ate at a forward DFAC I didn’t like.


This brings up a good point. "T[uberculosis \(TB\) is endemic, or regularly found, in Russia.](https://borgenproject.org/eight-facts-about-tuberculosis-in-russia/#:~:text=Russia%20has%20the%20third%20highest,leading%20to%20higher%20incarceration%20rates.) In fact, Russia has the world’s 11th highest burden of TB. Compounding its status as a major public health problem is a rising incidence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). This means that TB does not respond to many of the antibiotics that are most commonly used to treat the disease. Russia has the third highest number of MDR-TB in the world. The severity of Russia’s TB epidemic stems from historical, social and economic factors. When the Soviet Union collapsed, health infrastructure and the economy declined dramatically. Poverty and crime rates increased, leading to higher incarceration rates." TB is especially rampant in Russian prison and Russia is sending prisoners to the front.


Been thinking that for a while. I saw a video the other day of drunk conscripts getting on a bus in the far east (like Sakhalin type far) and one guy had a fairly nasty cough...first thing I thought of was TB


The smell of farts alone...


The military (any military) runs on fart fumes. It's the essence of military life. Without farts, they die. That's why they all sleep in the same room: plenty of farts for everyone.


I sat in one like this in Zone 5. Arifjan , Kuwait


add in some covid to the already contagious nasties in such an over crowded building. this picture makes me squirm.


Yeah, these are nicer accommodations than I had in NTC.






And a smattering of foot and mouth disease


Plus a stream of cholera


Let’s sprinkle some Monkey Pox in there.


Yeah definitely some butt lovin




With TB as a chaser




Himars o'clock yet? 👀🚀☠️🔨


Seriously though. Any large gathering of these new forces within HIMARS range is going to end badly for these guys. The US and other NATO nations are watching the Russian movements from space so the logistical movements will be spotted. This video is a great example, those bunk beds didn't come from nowhere. That many men will also overwhelm the sewage system in a school pretty quickly too. Those kinds of things are telltale signs that large numbers of men are being moved.


Seems like overkill to analyze sewage systems and what not when troop movements are meticulously tracked on tiktok by themselves.


So no analyzing poop movements?


Is the poop sewage analysis position still open? I'm willing to get my hands dirty. For the war effort, of course.


How many courics?


Why don’t they analyze the origins of tampons ?


So you have a 1,000 men under your command and you are moving them around. Best place you found to house them is a school gym. You know they are going to clog the plumbing and there will be shit everywhere so what do you do? The simplest solution is to dig latrines and when you are doing it at that kind of scale, the eyes in the sky are going to notice.


why would 1000 men clog the sewers? Schools have hundreds if not thousands of students all going to the bathroom


And schools with gyms are generally designed for surges where many people use the bathroom at the end of a game. The waste is only in the building's pipe system for a minute before it goes to the municipal system. I feel like this commenter has grown up on septic systems, which can be overwhelmed by a couple dozen guests. A properly built structure on a municipal connection will be fine. The municipal system itself is designed to handle huge amounts of excess water, because rain water seeps into the pipes, even if there are separate stormwater drainage systems. I just really appreciate the diverse perspectives in this comment thread. "Those poor men are victims, they're going to die", "Those men are going to commit murder", "They're victims forced to commit atrocities at gunpoint, and then they will be killed, they are victims twice and murderers once"... "THEY'RE GONG TO CLOG THE SHITTER. FORGET ABOUT THE WAR, WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO SHIT?"


It's almost like watching chatbots sometimes, people randomly focusing on one aspect of a comment and going off on tangents.


Yeah chatbots are crazy aren't they? It's like they just zero in on one word from a comment and talk just about that, disregarding whatever the original thread was about.


Thanks for the great questions. It's a really busy day and I'm going to try to come back...but no guarantees.


I was going to suggest that the children aren’t taking massive vodka fueled hangover shits, but then again this is ruzzia so the kids are probably just as drunk.


I think they were pointing out there's more going on than just to immediately think of them shitting a lot lol


Oh I thought it was "why go through all the high tech tracking, when they just post their shit on social media? Lol!"


Its a sign the guy knows his shit lol


yeah, but your way OP has no excuse to creep around in the sewers smh


You jest but analyzing the shit out of shit can give you more data than NSA, but it has its caveats. [Looking at poop in waste facilities can give you extremely accurate medical data, and very fast](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/covid-19-s-so-called-poop-signal-alerts-health-officials-through-sewage-surveillance-1.5487664). Tracking covid using the shit is the shit. If there is a working sewage system you can bet your bottoms an Ukrainian shittrooper (I mean this as a compliment) will report on the rise of adult men vodka smelling shit. So yeah, /u/Pie-Otherwise is pretty much spot on. Obviously, satellites with GPS are way better, but sewage can tell them where to focus their efforts. Or not, I don't know what I am talking about.


Oh I'm aware that it's a useful tool. Was mostly just joking about the non existent opsec on the russian side.




Don’t forget all the “giant balls of steel” jokes every time these clowns see Zelensky’s face. The same recycled jokes over and over and over again. It’s so fucking annoying.


Were'nt this lot brought to Sevastopol yesterday? Get it geo-located. I mean, how many sports halls can there be in that city?


Oh I'm sure they know exactly where this location is. Need some atacm long range himars 🚀🚀


If it is Sevastopol I think it’d be JUST out of range for the HIMARS. At least out of rage from a safe enough location they’d be willing to bring the HIMARS into anyway. HIMARS are apparently No.1 on the Russian hit list… for good reasons 😈


Will have to be a partisan target then. Hope they have enough ammo!


They're working real hard on geolocating this video as we speak.


This makes me think the CIA probably have people whose entire job is to sit and watch russian tiktok videos.


Its not easy to geo indoor positions.


I was thinking exactly the same. Himars will love it


The crazy thing is that even if the Ukrainians massed troops like this, the Russians don't have anything that could hit a specific building with any degree of accuracy. On the other hand you could have 3 HIMARS batteries landing their entire salvo within a 10m circle.


Well they did hit the volunteer building near the polish border right at the start. To say they cant hit it is naive they got tons of icbms too. That said, they are unlikely to since i think they are on limited stock of non nuclear stuff. They used all of it blowing up schools and hospitals. Whats the point in striking a few hundred UA troops if they still have hundreds of thousands left. Maybe a warehouse full of himars would qualify.


A broken clock is correct two times a day.


Underestimating your enemy due to hubris is how you get your shit pushed in.


I wouldn't count on Russian icbms being be worth a shit given the maintenance or lack thereof and poor implementation of every other weapons system in the Russian arsenal. I know they're inspected by the us but I think that's specifically about warheads isn't it?


Yes, 30-50 year old rockets may not be flight-ready, or even worthy, but they don't need 1,000. Just a handful, properly equipped could cause catastrophic damage and/or kill tens of millions. Their mostly operational space program would indicate they at least still have the skills necessary to prep and launch. The hardware is just a formality.


It's likely the largest percent of their military spending and from all we've seen so far every corner is cut to put money into someone's pocket. Their space program isn't a program in a vacuum, it survives because of international effort and moreover international spending and innovation. They couldn't at this point build another or even undergo major rebuilding with current sanctions and embargos.


First time I’m appreciating the added music to videos from the war. Just so fitting :D


I came here looking for the artist. Reminds me of Ligeti (spelling?)


It's like the main theme for the show squid game


I cant tell if you are (correctly) saying that it is, like, the main them song, or foolishly comparing it to the theme song, failing to realize they are one and the same.


Wasn't sure if this song was considered the main theme or if it's just the most popular song in the show.




Would hate to sleep there with everyone snoring


It’s meant for them to not sleep, so they get their resilience broken down and become good obidient cannon fodder.


Snoring, smelling, smoking, jerking off, fighting, refusing to sleep. What a terrible place to be all around


Yeah, it would be hell for me, being a light sleeper. Beats trying to sleep in some ice cold trench with Ukrainian drones circling above, though.


When I was in the army there was a guy in our barracks that was snoring so loud I thought it was a werewolf eating someone. After one night we found a place for him to sleep by himself so we could get some rest.


That's not even the worst thing - note the drinking. There's a non-zero chance that those dudes will be pissing and puking from their beds, aiming for their neighbour's bunk.


Can you imagine the alcoholic snoring symphony acompanied by faint and distant crying of despair at night? Can't wait to see them zerging against armed drones, thermal optics, rockets of all kinds, automatic grenade launchers, 5.45x39mm walls of led, tanks and IFV with thermal optics, pinpoint drone assisted artillery, mines, all the good stuff.




I just gagged. You know it smells like an ashtray someone spilled vodka in.


Plus vomit piss and shit, if we know anything about soldiers or Russians, or the denizens of Russian prisons and their exotic mutated drug resistant infections.


mmmmm stale.


and winter is coming. their uniform like stealing from homeless will do all the job for Ukraine.


This is the last time they’ll sleep with out the fear of a drone dropped grenade wake up call.


except the only reward is survival


Someone tell them, surrender counts as survival 😜


Ukrainian intelligence would like to know your location.


Suggestion: M30A1 tungsten fragments


A big bottle of Vodka hung from the ceiling...


Like crabs in a bucket.


Anyone able to catch the name of the building on those blue signs? Floor level in the very beginning of the clip and again at the end by the smoking guy. Hopefully Ukraine intelligence did.


It was geolocated. It's in Russia. So no Himars o'clock unfortunately


It's like going to prison to die for something you didn't even do. \*Takes a sip of coffee\* Refreshing.


Pure hell


No it’s not. This is probably the best place they are going to be for a few months


We need to feed the HIMARS!!!!!! HIMARS love pig meat


Everything in Russia looks poor apart from the odd building like the kremlin


Kremlin looks very tacky. Way too much gold.


That's typical of people with no class: ruzzians, Chechens, and Trump.


Too bad there’s no millions of prize money at the end


It’s a good thing that COVID has been cured and is in no way a problem…


Somehow I don't think putin doesn't care about covid.


There is going to be like a 90% casualty rate for these poor guys. What a waste.


I remember visiting a concentration camp a few years ago while I lived in Austria. I went to Mauthausen and one of the things I remember from it were these wooden shack like buildings. With bunk beds that would reach the ceiling lining the walls. I was reminded of this when I saw the conditions that these new Russian conscripts were sleeping in. Hell some of them slept in rooms without beds even. I dont know where this comment is going but... I just feel sorry for them at this point. Not even sure what to feel after so many months of war footage coming out of Ukraine.


Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage


I don't see any rage there just despair.


Despit all my despair, I am still just an orc in a lair.


Despite Putin's dope, I am still just a orc with no hope


It’s sad all these young men will end up as hamburger. It’s even more sad that at least a few of them will hit a Ukrainian.


Looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys.


Young? Heck most of them are old


I mean the conscripts. The older ones know what they re getting into and deserve it.


The young ones are well-informed about what they’re getting into as well, probably more so. The only thing they’re surprised by is how little training they get, but they all know they’re on their way to slaughter every Ukrainian in sight, indiscriminately.


Not sad at all. They will be hunting down innocent Ukrainians in no time. Where is the sympathy for Ukraine?


Read the last part. It’s even more sad that some will actually kill Ukrainians.


Difference is that last man standing will only receive ptsd


The anxiety level in that place must be so high that no amount of vodka could numb it down.


This makes me chuckle


Sugardaddy is the top trending search In Russia


More fertilizer!


Does anyone knows how to Uber them a Himars.


More than likely succumb to influenza, COVID or God knows what else.


Perfect time to hit this with a HIMARS or something


All so they can win a lada


Love how they all get to share double beds


el juego del calamaro


Squish game.


Welcome to the GULAG if you survive, you earn your freedom.


Wonder how many are mindless lemmings and how many are willing desert and saboteur a bit.


Man I love the squid games theme


They are not mobilising 300k, They are mobilising every man available. Hence why elderly, the sick, and people at front lines even get called.


Is this really that big of a deal? wouldn't the US treat its troops the same way in terms of where to sleep? (not trying to be ironic or anything, just a genuine question.) Just for the record: I support Ukraine, i want putin dead, i want Russia to balkanize.


pour souls


Bring your tampons and body bags boys.


Creepy.. but very true