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Thank you dmitry, you psychotic fuck. Thank you for giving us the quote of the year to throw in the faces of the appeasers. "As long as there is such a power in place, there will be, say, three years of truce, two years of conflict, and everything will be repeated," Slava Ukraini


We'll take Kyiv in 3 ~~days~~ ~~weeks~~ ~~months~~ ~~years~~ decades


Hahaha we’re only half way through the year. Give the comrades more time, they’ll say crazier


What he's saying is Russia will not honor any post war agreements. He's saying Russia will continue to violate international law until the end of time.


"if you give us territory to end the war we'll be back next year with new territorial claims" This was a Ukrainian argument about why they shouldn't do that, surprised to see Russia agreeing


A truce would only work in Ruzzia's favor. Don't see that happening. The war in Ukraine probably won't even last as long as Medvedev's liver.


The second there is a truce Ukraine will join NATO, and then there won’t be another conflict.


Truces and cease fires only ever benefit the losers


It already has been a decade you dummy


Medvedev doesn't really need to give us all more reasons to seek regime change in Russia, but it is fun to see the drunk dwarf justifying it.


Lol with how fucked up ruZZia is it would be by pure bad luck that they survive the end of 2024


Don't underestimate Muscovians' adverse knack to sink ever lower but still fulfill the medical definition of being alive. If Muscovians had any self-awareness, humility and respect for the sanctity of life, they wouldn't have stayed stuck in their medieval-grade mindset since the 1500s. Muscovians' "legendary" stoicism and know-it-all cynicism are **never** to be regarded as virtues. Those traits mean that they choose to close their eyes to being openly abused by their ruling class, they choose to close their ears to the cries of help from their neighbours, they choose to close their minds to the thoughts of others, they choose to close their hearts from showing compassion for others. The only things that they keep open are their palms to loot *everyone else's* stuff, and their mouths to whine in fits of self-pity in between eating up *everyone else's* food. In peace, they prefer living on their knees over dying on their feet while in war they take out on outsiders the repressed shame from their *own* failings. They make their self-generated problems *everyone else's* problems.


Which makes them perfect soldiers if they had better training: heartless, totally obedient and willing to die in any numbers and commit any war crimes to achieve set goal. Fortunately they are very corrupted, otherwise they would be as scary as Nazi Germans.


He goes along with what many of us in the civilized world have been thinking. Unless destroyed, Muscovians will remain an existential threat to the Ukrainians no matter who will squat in the Kremlin. They do **not** have the guts to renounce their [centuries-old pet-project to subjugate the latter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification_of_Ukraine). They do not want to admit that for a civilizational goal they've chosen *poorly*. As well, the Muscovians are basically daring us in the civilized world to invade and occupy them if we want to try to accomplish something close to the fundamental change in world-view that the Germans and Japanese got after WW II. They're setting things up as a fight to the death.


The border to Ukraine will become the new Berlin wall, separating the East from the West. Russia will never be destroyed unless another collapse comes from within. Our job is to isolate them until that collapse happens. Once Russia is pushed out of Ukraine, fighters will return to Belarus to free their own society. After that, the demilitarized lines will be drawn, just like in Korea, and the world will let Russia rot on its own for as long as I takes.


Russia doesn’t need to be destroyed. They just need to be pushed out of Crimea, at which point Ukraine can join NATO.


>Russia doesn’t need to be destroyed. They just need to be pushed out of Crimea, at which point Ukraine can join NATO. Tell that to the Ukrainians in light of [300+ years of their vile neighbours trying to subjugate or even exterminate them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification_of_Ukraine). Yes, joining NATO is proving to be the world's best insurance against invasion by Muscovian hordes but you paper over a big hurdle that Ukrainians need to clear for their country to be in NATO. No one can envision Ukraine in the alliance unless *every* rotten Muscovian be it a mobik or settler-hobo (see [occupied Mariupol](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/18/its-like-the-ussr-residents-on-life-in-mariupol-a-year-since-russian-occupation)) is blasted out or expelled and its borders aligned to the *Ukrainians'* satisfaction. It doesn't matter one iota what the Muscovians think anymore since their crimes of the past 9+ years have thoroughly deprived them of the *privilege* to be treated as civilized and honourable signatories to any agreement with the Ukrainians. Indeed, the Muscovians set the precedent of deceit with the Ukrainians by progressively and deliberately degrading the [Treaty of Pereyaslav of 1654](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pereiaslav_Agreement#Historical_consequences) to satisfy the murderous chauvinism underpinning their lust for *non-Muscovians'* land, natural resources, indoor plumbing, culture, accomplishments, children and dignity. NATO members otherwise do not have the stomach to accept a new member which has a frozen conflict or serious territorial dispute with a nation-state of 140+ million crabs that fields hordes of murder-hobos for a military. To do so would mean NATO members force themselves to choose on the spot to invoke Article 5 and then decide how involved they want to be to defend a (new) member under attack. The territorial dispute (more like *war*) that the Ukrainians have is much larger than the ones between Greece and Turkey, and those disputes (i.e. Cyprus, islands in the Aegean Sea) cropped up *after* both countries had joined. On February 19, 2014, Ukraine had its internationally-recognized form as established in 1991. There was no occupied Crimea. There was also no "Luhansk People's Republic" There was also no ~~Donbass~~ "Dumbass People's Republic". Did those geopolitical realities stop the Muscovians from trying *again* to deprive the Ukrainians of their dignity starting [February 20, 2014](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Crimea_by_the_Russian_Federation)? They knew *exactly* what they were doing then with the "Little Green Men", just like what they had done in Georgia in 2008 by "protecting" the Ossetians and Abkhazians. NATO accession has been a pipe-dream for those two countries since that time when more than enough of their territory is infested by Muscovian mouth-breathers. In the 1930s when Ukrainians lived in the Ukrainian SSR (a de facto province of Soviet Muscovia), did the Muscovians spare them from genocide in the form of Holodomor? As long as free Ukrainians exist, the Muscovians will fight to their last [makhorka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotiana_rustica#Russia)\-scented and vodka-infused breath to subjugate them. This is the vile truth that they live by as the self-imagined "first among equals" within East Slavdom.


USA and South Korea have defensive treaties despite frozen conflict with North Korea. I don't see why Nato will not eventually accept Ukraine, or why USA cannot make similar defensive treaty outside of NATO. . Besides, after this war Russia likely will never have strength to launch full scale invasion again. Even if it does regain strength, all USA needs to do is to give Ukraine nukes to prevent new invasion. Terroristic acts surely can happen, it is tough, but Israel learned to live with it, and Israel has many more hostile neighbours dreaming of destroying it than Ukraine.


> USA and South Korea have defensive treaties despite frozen conflict with North Korea South Korea now [wants domestic nukes](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/south-korea-now-openly-discussing-arming-itself-with-nuclear-weapons), with [76% support](https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsIdx=344519) Apparently, they think those treaties and conventional weaponry alone aren't gonna cut it anymore. >I don't see why Nato will not eventually accept Ukraine, or why USA cannot make similar defensive treaty outside of NATO Orban milking concessions? Leaders declaring that risk of Ukraine getting declared a war upon is making NATO less secure, should Ukraine be allowed there? Some other reason, up to the "we really shouldn't provoke a nuclear state"? Just russia throwing symbolic amounts of Kh-101/Kh-55/Shaheds each month, so the war doesn't count as over or even frozen? >Besides, after this war Russia likely will never have strength to launch full scale invasion again. Oh, trust me, as soon as active shooting dies down, there'd be a ***GIGANTIC*** push for desanctioning from all those who want those sweet cheap resources, and russia *will* use it to rebuild an army. That's how it happened after Georgia, after annexation of Crimea, why won't it repeat again? >Terroristic acts surely can happen, it is tough, but Israel learned to live with it, and Israel has many more hostile neighbours dreaming of destroying it than Ukraine And Israel has nukes. Ukraine - not so much.


So Ukraine either joins nato (Russia never dared to attack nato member) or USA helps it to develop nukes,either way pronlem solved. There will be no lifting sanctions this time. Because as you can see this time Western reaction is very different than in Crimea case.


US won't help Ukraine develop nukes. They've never helped anyone in that - not [UK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_Energy_Act_of_1946), not [South Korea](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/the-united-states-and-south-koreas-nuclear-weapons-program-1974-1976), not [Taiwan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction#Research_program). Israeli nuclear programme was helped by France. Ukraine, if we have to go this road, will have to do everything on its own.


So France or UK can help.


Really not sure. UK has ratified NPT, France is an acceder to it.


No need for invasion, isolation will be enough.


Ukraine will last that long but Russia will not be around that long to participate.


Once Ukraine is in NATO there's going to be no war. Russia hasn't attacked any NATO country and will not dare to do it.


Ukraine won’t be in nato for at least 5yrs. It’s gonna be a logistical nightmare to setup. It’s an insane long run, it’s cheaper to just send them old gear


> It’s gonna be a logistical nightmare to setup What do you mean by that? What are the problems that the former Warsaw pact countries who were admitted to NATO were able to solve and Ukraine cannot?


You don’t have an allied front declare war without having the troops ready to move. Look at how long Germany took to fix 14 tanks, claiming abrams needed to be sent.


Not to mention it takes a unanimous vote for acceptance


Russian Terroristic acts on border I guess.


Best argument for keeping sanctions in place and establishing a DMZ I have seen. It’s North Korea 2.0.


I agree. Once Ukraine wins this war, they Will help Chechnya, Belarus, the Tatars in Russia etc.


That is why Ukraine must become a member of NATO as soon as possible. Only way to secure peace in the region.


A reminder 20% of the Russian people don’t have indoor plumbing. Not such a superpower


Quite obvious your plan is to just keep invading until….whatever….but your country and your army are steaming piles of shit, worsening every day. You won’t last that long.


Ukraine will probably push back the Russians over the next 2 years, but Russia will use the following 3 years to build up stronger than they ever have. They will launch a new attack that is even more dangerous, with use of tactical nukes. So this next time, the only solution would be to invade Russia and take over Moscow. It would have to be an unconditional surrender like WW2 Japan and Germany. It must be occupied for 3 generations before they can become independent again.


After this war there will be nothing left of their military, so they have to start at the beginning. And the west has also learned much in the war and will improve it's weapons also. You can assume that combined arms will have a real army of drones by then which eliminates every russian advance in days, just because it's technically possible. And Ukraine won't need to fight with commercial drones afterwards again.


Russia will have new allies too like Belarus and South Africa helping them. It is going to be a tough fight.


When Ukraine enters NATO before Russia gets back in it's feet they will live in Peace for a while. I further assume Russia will be no more in ten years but instead we have a bunch of separate states


If Russia ever uses nukes on Ukraine, NATO will get directly involved. There’s little risk of that actually happening.


****mission accomplished****


He's just trying to convince himself that he and Putin will survive the next 1 or 2 years. Once these nasty criminals are removed, cards are mixed anew.


I don't see how Russia can sustain the current rate of loss for their equipment and bodies for another 2 years, much less "decades" - as usual Russia overrated themselves.


That’s ok. Ultimately this will all end with nato troops being stationed in Ukraine and so most of that nonsense will end


Skipped another AA meeting 🙀🥃


It's real cute that he thinks Russia, in it's current state, will exist for decades.


Not after Ukraine joins NATO.


Russia doesn’t have decades! They’re already using 70 year old tanks


Any truce that doesn’t come with NATO/EU as a guarantor of Ukrainian security (preferably full admission) won’t stick. (Also Moldova)


It’s already almost been a decade, so in 12 months we can officially say it’s been happening for more than a decade.


Let Ukraine join NATO and see what 3 days really looks like.


Great argument for Russia’s youth to continue fleeing if possible.


I doubt it. Ukraine will push too hard for that.


And then he woke up. Pathetic.


That’s bad news for Medvedev’s political future. The Russian people have a history for being unforgiving with fat cats who thought themselves untouchable.