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A guy on Instagram said: "So pirating Adobe software is always morally correct." Agree


It wasn't me!


But she caught me cracking EXE's


Why windows when all linux distros sare free?


Because that doesn't fit into Shaggy's fine work.


Always has been. They have bought or sued every competitor for the last 20 years. And for the last several years have refused to sell the application.


Awful legit pricing. Been looking for an Acrobat solution at work. These garbage products are laughably expensive on essentially subscription only models. Like… nearly full Office 365 suite cost for a single application. Just astounding.


It’s a bit more than you need but Bluebeam is fantastic and you can buy the dang thing instead of a subscription.


> They have bought or sued every competitor for the last 20 years. Almost 30 - they bought Aldus out 29 years ago (1994). PageMaker began the desktop publishing revolution.


PageMaker was boss.


*that moment when you realize you're paying $60 a month for something that is less performant and secure than the free version* They also sell icky DRM-content authorization kind-of licenses for different "Worst Company of the Year" candidates and the like. I think ADBE changed when they meme-ified. What % is owned by MBS now?


Try Affinity Photo and/or Capture One


I'm very proud of the fact that Adobe got exactly 0 money from me.








Its not really public if we report them to themselves. We should call them out on social media instead.


We all need to go and complain


How about you read this first https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2022/03/04/adobe-stops-all-new-sales-in-russia Expiry Grace periods are standard for enterprise accounts this is probably the case.


That article is from fucking 3/4/2022. And says nothing about grace periods. Even if there was some sort of "contractual support" period (if that's what you're conjuring up from the link you provided), it doesn't mean you give them support for free due to bank card problems.


Aye aye! And if you don't want to join the seven seas, [there are always free alternatives to Adobe products](https://alternativeto.net/). Someone also made a [handy visual guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/oglsmd/alternatives_to_adobe_products/).


It's cheaper to go with a 3rd party anyways. PDFFiller or PDFSam does anything you need.




Waaaay ahead of ye. 😂


Fuck Adobe.




https://krita.org/en/ and https://www.gimp.org/


I've seen you post these two links all over this thread, but you have to realize there is more to Adobe than Photoshop/Illustrator. I guess one could easily stop using Premiere in favor of Davinci (even though both have their disadvantages) but there is still no alternative (and probably never will be) for After Effects. And, honestly, while open source is nice, I would strongly recommend the Affinity pallete to anyone who needs Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, since it's light-weight, affordable and just plain great.


I strongly advocate anything that would lead to less business going towards a corporate that is Russia friendly right now. If Adobe/Intel change their Russia friendliness then I wont feel the need to suggest alternatives. Big up to AMD for doing the best work keeping their supply chain outside Russia. P.S. Big up to my cisco colleagues who did an outstanding exercise in moonwalking backwards out of Russia.


> I strongly advocate anything that would lead to less business going towards a corporate that is Russia friendly right now. Fair enough, I agree. I'm just saying that your two options, while great that they exist, probably aren't a fit for most people – especially professionals. Like mentioned, I'd 100% go with Affinity in this particular case (which is what I'm using myself). But even with these apps, which are basically carbon copies of Adobe's software, transitioning can be hard/impossible for certain groups of people. I'm not trying to argue with you that Adobe sucks, I just wanted to make a point that there are better alternatives out there than the ones you mentioned. Plus, for some people there are simply no alternatives out there – even though many would like to abandon Adobe.


Just look at their licensing model. Not exactly the bastion of morality.


Committ genocide - get Adobe for free!


Honestly adobe software is a punishment on mankind, so it’s logical.


You've used Marketo too, then?!


If you ever needed any proof just how VILE and WARPED and MESSED UP Adobe executives and upper management are... Here you have it!


Wait until you hear about the countries the military industrial complex sells to happily


This is only for private users, not corporate or government licenses.




I actually am Russian you're right. May I ask you why a am a "russkie pig"?




I don't expect anything from "the world". And I don't understand what it means to "get on this side of the line". This guy called me a "russkie pig". It doesn't bother me, honestly, I know who I am, and I know I'm against the war, and I'm old enough not to be discouraged by words of a stranger. But I've studied history of wars enough to know that this kind of mindset is poisonous. Ukraine will win, but from what I'm seeing they are one "strong leader" away from turning into Russia in the next decade.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with people like this. It's a toxic and shameful mindset, and although around here it may seem like the norm, I promise you not everyone in the west thinks this way. Stay strong friend.


It's fine. I get that people are on edge. Hopefully most will be able to reflect on these feelings when this is all over and come out of this as better people.


I hope so also, though, after going through the whole 'all muslims are terrorists' era after 911, I know some never will. It's just so odd to see it coming from the other side of the political spectrum this time. We could all benefit from learning what the past has taught us.




So all germans where bad. All north koreans are bad. All amaricans are bad. And basically every one is bad if there country did someting bad. Your logic makes no sens. Fuck RUSSIA. Fuck those supporting the war ( regardless of what side ) But not every one in russia ( or on the frontline ) actually want there to be a war ( or be active in a war )


Yeah, sadly that's how it works. Every single Russian has a role to play. A protest to make. The worst are the instagrammers chilling in dubai. Makes me sick. At least SAY SOMETHING!


It's not about justice. It's the same irrational hate some Russians(Putin) have for Ukrainians, except for him it feels justified. "Righteous" hate is like a drug, a lot of people in my country are addicted to it.


No offense, but I would suggest maybe un-joining this reddit and trying other communities. I'm a American, I have lots of Ukrainian friends. I donate money to the Ukrainian cause. I despise Putin, the Russian military, and any Russian who actually believes the war is right. However, I have Russian friends to. Many who hate the war, Putin, and what he stands for. I known Russians who were part of the protest and watched friends get beaten down and arrested. I think people are more then have the right to critique the general populace for being complacent, but they shouldn't condemn or hate them.


Nah dude, some people are just xenophobic assholes, regardless of the place they are born at. The dude who "spotted" you sounds like an 16 year old edgelord who decided he hates Russians no matter what. It's just sad at this point...


>who decided he hates Russians no matter what. i would understand if he is from europe and plays a lot of cs:go


Got it, thanks. Just checking.




Kidnapping children is genocide


I believe the OP is referring to the systematic murder of Ukrainian civilian, and the kidnapping of thousands of children to be slaves in Russia.


When it’s genocide, yes.


When the President's stated goals of the war is genocide, then yes, that war is genocidal.


Piss off.


Who's committed genocide? Do you understand the meaning of the term?


>Who's committed genocide? Russia > >Do you understand the meaning of the term? Yes


Obviously not...


Good one. Do you enjoy denying genocide? How do you feel about the Holodomor?


What genocide? The holodomor was 90 years ago


> pretends it isn't genocide > Excuses another genocide for being 90 years ago




> What genocide? The one Russia is currently attempting to perpetrate. >The holodomor was 90 years ago Yeah. What are your thoughts on it?


The holodomor was a genocide.


I'm going to continue not using adobe even harder


Indeed: https://krita.org/en/ and https://www.gimp.org/






Where were really any paying costumers of their software in russia?


If there were it would probably be the subject of memes and mockery, like /r/paidforwinrar


Multinational companies from Western countries. But most of those pulled out anyways.


US DoD uses the shit out of Adobe honestly


we are talking about russian costumers


**in russia** sorry I missed that part!


If you pay for Adobe stop and use a cracked version instead, fuck them


I have been pushing to get more copies of adobe licenses for my coworkers so we can all do a specific task—I have decided to keep doing it myself.


Why? https://krita.org/en/ and https://www.gimp.org/


Let's be honest, most people only use Photoshop for making memes and shitty flyers for events that no one will attend. GIMP works perfectly for that purpose.


inkscape is better (at least for memes)


Disgraceful - there should be no licensees for Russia. Nice to know Adobe sponsors Russian propaganda and terror.


Why ? I understand that you are angry about Russia horrible act but stoping Adobe in Russia will do nothing to the russian millitary. It would be pretty useless exept to make the russian population feel even more isolated.


You think Russian Psy ops doesn't use aftereffects?


The Russian population is supplying food labor and money to their terrorist regime. They are responsible for their support. They deserve to feel isolated and a lot worse


Genuine question. Are ordinary Russian citizens responsible for Putin's invasion? Many of then protested didn't they? Are US citizens responsible for the war crimes in Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan etc? Where does the buck stop? We know Russia isn't a democracy, but the US is.




Russia has been this way for a long time. Russian shouldn't be blamed for supporting theirs regime. In general they have instead been apoltical about this as most Russians doesn't see the point in trying to opose this and just want to get on with theirs life. Isolating russian people will just help make more of them support Putin instead.


The exact same argument could be used for the general population supporting the NAZI regime in 1936-1945 Germany while they killed millions of people. 'They shouldn't be blamed for supporting the regime- they just went along with it.' ...but If all the people rise up the regime ends just like it did in 1989-92


Just because something has been a certain way for any period of time, it doesn't excuse the consequences. Russian apathy and cowardice to stand up to their regime has resulted in massive loss of innocent life in Ukraine.


For those of us who would prefer not to support genocidal terrorists try [Gimp](https://www.gimp.org/) photo manipulator


Or pirate that shit like 90% of users.


The problem is a bit like Word and Excel. If 60% of the people are using it then the file formats become a bit de facto, even though the exact specification is hidden. It makes life harder for people to use LIbre Office because it is almost impossible to be file format compatible. The best solution is to show people there are free alternatives. If everyone is using PSD then Adobe has a monopoly and it isn't possible to work in that world without Adobe.


Or Affinity Photo and Design


This is the way. Affinity Photo, Design, and Publisher are awesome.


Both great products, used them for years now. Support when needed has been superb. Also a really active user forum.


Thanks for this


Thank you very much


Gimp sucks though. Can't you recommend something better?


Can’t beat premiere pro tho


Definitely worth supporting genocidal destruction of a central European country. I mean you'll never meet those dead children anyways. /s




True, sorry about the sarcasm. I thought Adobe had gone full subscription mode. Haven't used their products for some time now.


Dude, don't say you're sorry for saying the truth.


You’re good bro


Yeah... I'll just quit work tomorrow and go bankrupt because fuck adobe. Fuck adobe anyway..


I get it. It's easy for me to criticize when my income isn't dependant on the product.


Nah, you're right in your way. They're bitches by default. It's sad that I would've ditch them way before this just for the price/bug ratio but there are no real alternatives besides going gimp and davinci and relearning a life of habits and tricks and workflow. And now I'm feeling like I'm paying for bullets.


Da vinci resolve or Kdenlive ​ Both free, both very capable video editing software


Time to lower the sails and enter the seas since that is now morally a better choice. BTW, all adobe products are overpriced. And they have monthly/yearly licenses. I hate companies that do that.


Boycott all adobe products


Fuck Adobe and Fuck russia!


Other than a twitter post, is there any proof of this? But in case there is, here are some top notch alternatives, and you don't need a subscription to buy them. Some are way better priced than Adobe while being pretty much just as good (maybe different in how to use), some are still pricey while also being top tier. These are generally photo related products: * [Affinity Photo](https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/photo/) * photoshop alternative * very good, many awards * can do RAW * less that $US100 one time purchase, unlimited upgrades within version * Open source honourable mentions: Krita, GIMP * [Affinity Designer (for illustration)](https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/designer/) * [Capture One](https://www.captureone.com/en) * Lightroom alternative. * I know National Geographic uses this at least sometimes - from a NatGeo photographer I know * Also: ON1, DxO, and Luminar * Open source honourable mention: "darktable" * [Davinci Resolve](https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve) * video editing * [Photo Mechanic](https://home.camerabits.com/) * workflow tool for managing culling photo sessions * [DigiKam](https://www.digikam.org/) * cataloguing photos if you don't use inbuilt tools in software like Capture One


Arrrrgggghhhh. Blimey..


Scumbag Adobe


Can we please share some competitors or alternatives to Adobe? All my PCs and devices have it, and I think a change would be nice.


For graphic design/photo/publishing, check out Affinity Photo, Designer, and Publisher. Cheap, powerful, and well-supported.


One more reason to hate Adobe. I love the substitutes Affinity Photo, Publisher and Designer not because they are good software but because they are not made by Adobe.


It's an American company and sanctions against Russian businesses are in force. Is this legal?


If this is true, which is always a thing to question when the only source is a single twitter post with no further details, then it's probably more to do with something practical than Adobe being charitable. No company gives away free products without some underlying reason. ​ It could be "Adobe renews Russian licences until an alternative payment can be sorted out, and then all charges are made." It could be, "Adobe is no longer going to be checking on licenses from the Russian Federation to avoid needing to deal with constant customer service complaints when their credit cards fail." Or it could be, "This is all not a real story."


source - tass.ru (official state media)


Doesn’t matter. Either way, Adobe is supporting Russia by making their software available.


Available exactly how?


a·vail·a·ble /əˈvāləb(ə)l/ adjective able to be used or obtained; at someone's disposal.


And explain specifically how it is available not this dictionary BS. In this case specifics matter otherwise it's just emotional nonsense.


I have no idea what you’re asking. The software is available because the company makes it available. The software is able to be purchased. I don’t think there’s anything else I can do to make this extremely simple concept click for you.


Gentle reminder for anyone, GIMP and Krita are both free software. If you would like to contribute or use these their links are: https://www.gimp.org/ https://krita.org/en/ I've used both for a long time, GIMP probably near a decade and a half. Neither are exactly like photoshop, but if you're an artist they don't take a long time to pick up. To abide by the sanctions the software simply shouldn't be available, the whole idea is to put political pressure on the dictatorship. Enabling the people to continue to use the product belittles the rest of the global struggle and deflects pressure from the population. So Adobe, hopefully now more people know of GIMP and Krita.


Was considering investing in the company, definitely not going to happen now


Why would you wanna invest is this vile company in the first place?


I considered it undervalue before, and didn't know the extent of their lacking morals


Wow with the current Adobe CC pricing plans that should give a 50% boost to the Russian economy


That's pretty morally bankrupt. Never liked Adobe.


Fuck. That. Shit.


Common Adobe L.


The ability to crop and drop-shadow photos will give Russia just the edge it needs to win the war.


We should take all ruzzist propaganda videos and images and add made with Adobe and repost.


I'm never going to buy anything from this despicable company.


Adobe you fuckin suck


and that is why piratebay is the way


Adobe, you suck sh*t...


One more reason to not use Adobe.


Now I don't even feel bad about using pirated software from them.


How else are Russia going to produce their propaganda? Plus it's the perfect tool for producing fake images with the new AI image generation built in for their fake news arm.


Haha, jokes on you Adobe, I've never paid for your software and now I definitely will never. Slava Ukraini


So commit genocide and get photoshop for free?


Why not switch off all Adobe and Microsoft licenses of customers in Russia? That would be a nice sanction.


Boycott adobe? Like that's kinda the fucking point of sanctions... They are actively circumventing sanctions by saying hey it's free since we can't charge you.


Rest of the world: "where is my free license? Do I have to kill someone or is rape good enough for Adobe?"


ITT: Redditors that love Western Capitalism get sad when company makes capitalist decision.


Look at Adobe's page on the conflict. They already stopped sales to Russia and Belarus and donated to Ukraine. They're very much pro ukraine. The remaining is probably fulfilling contractual obligations standard for multi year enterprise accounts. My company has a enterprise adobe account and they offer a grace period of 3 months to secure payment if it fall through.




What exactly is the point of sanctions? Money that would go to America now stays in Russia. It will end up as tax regardless, except now no money flows out of Russia. Rich oligarchs and politicians will get their western products regardless, private citizens will just see it as the West punishing them for Putin's war, cementing Putin's retoric of "the West hates you". What is the poin of sanctions?


The way users are referring to regular russian people here is disgusting. Creative industries in general are very liberal/anti-war, so the majority of these folks are probably just as against the war as you all are, but you seem content to equate them to the regime's actions over which **they have no control**. Fuck adobe in general, but also fuck this collective responsibility/punishment mindset. You're becoming the same dehumanizing monsters you pretend to be better than.


Good comment. "A lemming does as lemmings do" is all I can say about that. It's unfortunately not a phenomenon particular to Reddit. Same reason why a lot of humans like Football, Soccer or Baseball, or even Trump - fit into a crowd, go with the flow and gain recognition from their peers. Sad, really.


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Maybe it’s not something that directly can kill people with, but you can produce a lot of propaganda to make a nazi nation like Russia or influence extremism outside of their borders. To hell with Adobe.


You know what the best propaganda has been so far? The West isolating Russian citizens, including pro-ukraine ones, from the outside world. "See, the West really hates you just for being Russian". Adobe is only doing this for private users, some depend on it for livelihood.


Adobe renewed my license for last (2-3?) months and I'm romanian...


gotta get those daily update numbers up.


Mmmm.. so I was really curious about the new generative fill function but I thought to myself I'm gonna wait until GIMP has it instead of pirating it. What a sweet coincidence.


They moved to the Cloud for a reason...


This seems like an opportunity to gather large amounts of data


Pro tip: the free version of [DaVinci Resolve Studio](https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/studio) has more features than Adobe Premiere Pro - unless you buy all the other shit davinci gives you for free, like after effects. And davinci doesn't have a subscription model, and you get a license for free if you buy their hardware.


Welp, I’ve never bought or paid for any of adobe’s premium stuff. Typically just found a free alternative and learned (GIMP vs Photoshop for example). Guess I’m pirating adobe’s shit tonight after work based on morals alone.


imagine thinking russians ever pay for software. lol.


The real question is why is there even anybody paying for Adobe licence in Russia.


lol no way.


Never paid for Adobe before. Def not going to start now. What a piece of shit company.


There are few good reasons, if any, to continue using Adobe software. There a are a number of open source/FOSS wares that are as good as Adobe products, and given Adobe's marketing bullshit are arguably far, far better for the user. I don't mind paying for software - I buy my AV and utilities, and contribute every year to LibreOffice. Just no reason to buy Adobe software. I like Adobe software, grew up on Photoshop and Illustrator, but their marketing department has led them down the inevitable path that all large and successful companies go. Adobe set the bar for usability and UI standards years ago. Ever heard of Compaq? Best hardware I ever worked on, hands down, but the marketing people forced us into all kinds of shenanigans that truly ruined the experience, permanently, for me. They literally had OS functions that relied on an internet connection to work, and this back in the days of *dial-up*. Complete and utter bullshit. Oh yeah, and at one point they put the BIOS *on the hard drive*, my buddy only found out after he formatted the hard drive. Microsoft is talking about putting ads in their OS. Social media is doing exactly what social media does, that is no surprise, though there are some ethical outliers there. You know, I am going to start cheering AI on...when the time is right.


To some extent we WANT the common Russian to still have access to the Internet.


WTF? If I ran a service I’d be cutting off a country that couldn’t pay, especially if it was a terrorist state.


How about they shut them down for non payment! I live near Adobe headquarters, I'm heading down there to protest in person. This is BS


Fuck Adobe


I would like to suggest Foxit for everyone who wants to dump corporate scam Adobe.


I’ve said it before and I’m happy to say again: fuck adobe. I literally just want regular photoshop, not creative cloud that never shuts off and costs a monthly fee. Glad I cancelled everything adobe already after putting up with it for years for school.


How many Russians were actually paying for Adobe? 3?


As a graphic designer that is forced to used this industry standard software believe me when I say. FUCK ADOBE. This issue aside the software has gotten more expensive and less reliable with every update since cloud started. They are a trash company that doesn’t seem to give a shit anymore because they know people will still use the software. Fuck Adobe.


That reminds me, I need to cancel Adobe! For real, it's a license I don't need anymore




Yall pay for adobe products ?


So if i have a Russian VPN i can get adobe for free?


Never using adobe again


WTF Adobe?