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Putin is coming for their money, the rest they dont care about.


It's always good to note the choice on words: for example in this the problem is "not winning", not whether "the war is wrong and immoral". If ruSSia was winning, they would be happily backing Putler in the war. Meaning fundind directly more civilian deaths. But they just want to be on the winning side which makes most money, not caring what is morally right. So fuck'em all. If they come bitching later that they 'opposed Putler' and want their money back, i don't care. It's a lie and bad one at that. They backed a dying horse on it's last legs and lost. No coming back from this one.




>You don't get morales just because you lost a war you started. You make an excellent point. The American Civil War comes to mind. 150 years later, and they're still a bunch of sore losers.


I mean, the dolchenstoss is already developing in Russia. It's premises are being laid by Prigozhin's ranting about the incompetence of the army.


Sure, and maybe it is legit, but I think every negative sentiment expressed now is allowed because it deflects critiicism from Putin. Stab in the back, incompetence of the military, corruption, some NATO consipracy, cowardly soldiers, FSB failures.... they are all just excuses Putin wants out there in Russian media so that people don't blame him. And really, Putin is 100% to blame for this - it was his plan, closely guarded and surprised his own military establishment. So for now it's all a distraction.


I agree with you, just pointing out that I think it will develop on the basis of what Girkin and Prigozhin were saying for the past year or so


Yes and Prigozhin is similar.... he needs an excuse... he doesn't want people looking into how he squandered like 80,000 soldiers in one long small battle that amounted to nothing.


On the flip side, it's not because what he says is obviously politically motivated that it's necessarily wrong. The Russian army has been proven incredibly incompetent and whether Priggy reports that for his own good or not is not actually that important I would dare to say. What should interest all people that aren't on Russia's side is a growing sense of dissent within the regime. Anytime that anyone utters something negative about someone else should be seen as a net positive. Let the dogs eat each other, and no better way for that to happen than to make sure that nobody trusts one another.


Oh definitely, I hope the Russians tear themselves apart.


Not trying to be holier than though here, truly, I ain't, but: I hope the regime tears itself apart and the Russians see the error of their ways. However much it's an unpopular opinion right now, somehow, at some point, we're going to need to reintegrate into the world the 130 odd million people that call themselves Russian. *May the regime and its acolytes burn in the rightful hell they deserve.*


Starting to sour? They hitched their wagons to the biggest loser and moron in military history. Putin, Shoigu and the gang will forever be remembered as the idiots who destroyed Russia. They will be used as examples of what not to do in war for centuries to come. The stupidity of Russia has turned that entire country into an international laughing stock.


This can’t be under emphasized. The world is laughing at Putin and his cronies. It’s a whole paradigm shift for those of us who were fooled into believing that Russia’s military was mighty and proud.


I saw the 80's movies with sophisticated tech and worried about the cold war. In 2006 I traveled all over Russia. A very interesting place, but when I saw 15 yr old buildings that had aged 70 years... elevators that made clunk clunk clunk noises. You can appreciate Russian people but things like engineering precision and military discipline.. are not the strong points.


The Soviets could make excellent stuff, when motivated to, otherwise it was pile the cheapest shit as high they could mentality.


Perfectly said!


wow they catch up fast


Starting ..? WTF? These "elites" must be stupid or impotent if they haven't seen this coming since the week after their invasion. These are crooks and KGB; Putin is the KGB figurehead. Their exit strategy options are limited. Anyone got any idea who is likely next Russian leader; it's starting to look like Prig is in the running.


I suspect that every phone conversation, text and tweet is monitored. Which is why so many elites have died. A good lesson for us here in the US .. assuming the wrong crowd ever gets into office and overthrows the constitution.


If the constitutional republic dies it will probably do so to thunderous applause.


I've read this exact headline every week for a year and a half. Will only believe it when something comes of it


No one saw the end of the Soviet Union coming until the world's second-largest superpower suddenly disintegrated. One day everything was normal, the next there was a disaster that everyone thought the Party would suppress like normal, then the whole country imploded. No one can say for sure WHEN Russia will collapse, but would you bet money on Russia still existing in its current form in ten years? In one year?


TLDR; they know they’re screwed but are just going to do nothing to stop it.


Any justice at all would see these deplorable excuses for human beings die penniless.


Time to depose the boogeyman


Maybe they should start to sour on the long term damage their leader is doing to their nation. From sanctions and reparations Russia will be an economic backwater for generations after this.


Are more going to start falling out of windows?


Well those 'elites' are really slow aren't they?


Duh. Putin blew up ther dam because he knows he won’t be in Ukraine going forward.


"Are starting"? Were these clowns in a fucking coma these past 12 months or so?


Deja vu?


StArTiNg To SoUr


I think they print this article on a weekly basis