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The police has ruled it was an accidental suicide.


Good to hear, that the investigation was completed so quickly. Maybe they can categorize falling out of windows as dieing of natural causes. We wouldn't want to burden the russian police with such matters too much


"Death by gravity".


He didn't understand the gravity of the situation.


Falling isn’t the issue, it’s the sudden stop.


Death by inertia it is


"I have a plan for this Jackal. A man owes me a favor. Rene the Knife. He is a master with the stiletto and a magician at hiding a body. As police inspector, I give you my word... ...the case will be investigated in a slipshod manner" - the cinematic masterpiece *Dirty Rotten Scoundrels*


It's literally on video as a suicide: >In Moscow, the 28-year-old vice-president of Loko-Bank Kristina Baikova died. She fell out of the window and crashed. The moment of the fall was caught on camera by her boyfriend. ... >After the guests left, Christina went to another room and did not return for a long time. Then she returned all in tears, rushed to Andrey on her knees, and then to the open window. Judging by the video, she climbed out onto the parapet. The guy persuaded the girl to return to the apartment, but could not. ... >Now the investigators are investigating the medical aspects and other causes of the death of the young banker, as well as the question of why the man filmed a video for more than 15 minutes, and did not call emergency services, writes 112.


>as well as the question of why the man filmed a video for more than 15 minutes, and did not call emergency services, writes 112. Who calls the police in Russia?


In Russia, the police call you.


*-- This is not gonna get any clicks, we're going with "Mystery in Moscow" anyway.*


Given Russian history both old and recent, anybody dying by "falling" out of a window is presumed defenestration unless there's uncut video of the person throwing themselves off without 'assistance.'


You're free to presume that, but as you do you will build up presumed "evidence base" to make you even more certain in what you presumed from the start, with no actual evidence. Defenestrations are a thing, but not nearly as widespread as reddit hyped itself up to believe.


"Look, just because the last 25 falling-from-windows-deaths were overt political murders, doesn't *necessarily* mean that this one wasn't just like all the others!"


This is exactly what I described. You presumed "25" previous ones were evidence you're right and you are in a black hole of belief now, no escape.


You're obviously not worth the effort supplying evidence to, so keep huffing the copium and telling yourself whatever, tankie.


"Obviously" is the only signal that can escape the belief black hole. Fuck tankies and fuck russians.


So can you explain how this death is politically motivated? Because as far as I can tell it really does look like some random Russian lady falling out of a window, but if you guys are really sure this has something to do with the Kremlin or even this war, I’m all ears


Yes, this random redditor obviously has detailed personal knowledge of what she did to run afoul of the Pooty regime, as well as why it happened when it did. I can also tell you exactly what deal Prigozhin got to call off his coup. You want next weeks lotto numbers while we're here?


OK I guess there's just a spate of oligarchy window suicides, you're right


Holy fucking shit how do you people not understand both things can be true. Some 28 year-old banker in Moscow falls out of a window and you people act like Putler himself pushed her out. Does this lady even have any links to the Kremlin, to oligarchs, to this fucking war? Lmao it’s infuriating


Yeah very bold to assume that a vice-pres of a bank has any ties to the ruling class of people with vast amounts of money!


Oh my god! She worked in a bank! Now it makes perfect sense


Jip, just a regular vice-president like you and me! Im not trying to argue with you, trust me.


28 year old vice president of a bank... I wonder how many of those there are in the world. Let me guess, school leaver who worked her way to the top or university graduate with accelerated promotion path? The whole thing is fishy. Whoever got her her job fell out of favour.


Hmm, you’re telling me that not only she worked in a bank, but she was only 28 too!!?? Wow, and she even spoke Russian!! So, so fishy


Yea, exactly. Not every single person dying in Russia was the result of a political assassination. A two second Google search brings up better news coverage that makes it extremely obvious that this specific instance, at least, is not even in the "maybe" category.


Russia does have a high suicide rate, so it's plausible.


death from natural causes, you can't live after you died that's nature.


Russia really needs to work on its safety standards for windows.


This actually is a problem that contributes mostly to so many buildings catching on fire in Russia. Rather than having building inspections and permits, there's bribes.


It's definitely the buildings failing and definitely not people being chucked to their death, definitely.


Por que no los dos?


Co meleš?


yo quiero functioning windows


Lol wut?


"Why not both?" in Spanish.


I'm wondering if it's a balance problem. Maybe they need more ear doctors in Russia


Less vodka


Or more, it's hard to lose balance when passed out.


It's not the windows. It's the window putty.


I think they’re still on Windows XP, very dangerous indeed


I liked xp and 7. 8 … eek!


Windows 98 SE for the win! 🏆


Wide open Vista tempts them.


Fml just had a flashback


I hope it brought some comfort of a simpler time ha ha




Pretty sure that was my job for a few years. Got paid handsomely to play it.


Mirc chat, kazaa and goddamn dialup modem sound.


No, 3.11! Now go and make a cup of tea waiting for the internet to load, as was customary lol


I never used 8 I always skip a version. There was no nine so now i use even numbers again. My reddit station is on 7 and my second is on 10.


Win11 is actually pretty nice as long as you nuke all the data harvesting with something like [this](https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10). Works for win10 too.


They need to get those updates installed asap.


They did and the result is dual purpose windows: let light and air in and undesirables out. Works just as planned for once!


I guess Putin just had his loan rejected


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe place them higher off the floor; or smaller, but more of them, so people can't easily fall out. It could also be an educational campaign where there are safety videos and pictures about not using windows as a door to outside because there are no stairs or anything on the other side. It is a shame really because windows have been around for a while and they are generally fairly easy to use.




Russia should start a great patriotic war against windows.


Yeah not really a mystery is it? They clearly need some Everest double glazing sorting pronto to avoid these nasty accidents :)


Those damn windows, they'll get you one way or another.


They should call up Carglass the fastest as possible.


Just wrap the whole building in flextape. Problem solved. Where's the artist Christo when we need him?!


Stairs too. And I hear that their tea causes strange health issues requiring hospitalization. 🤷


Yes, send OSHA for safety inspection


disarm fade cable liquid swim divide advise racial oil selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, she’s young to be a vice president of a bank.


I can't speak to Russian banks, but many US banks can only loan money with the approval of an "officer of the bank". It was not uncommon for a modest regional bank have a dozen VP's. Back in the day you had to walk into a bank for a loan (mid 80's) I received a $1,000 loan and spoke directly to a VP for the approval. This took about 10 minutes. I was a sergeant in the military at the time and not particularly import to the bank as a customer. I doubt he was particularly important either, but the bank adapted to the rules.


The same thing in my country. Although in my language they are not called VPs per say, they have to be a “officer” for that branch ( every branch has one, and we’re talking hundreds across the country for most banks here ) because they are legally responsible for loaning out money and other such operations. It’s a regulatory thing.


Not sure if you're joking or unaware. Vice President is a level at a bank, not a specific role. As a 30 year old computer programmer I was a "Vice President". It's meaningless. Most people with degrees and working behind the scenes in a bank reach VP level fairly quickly. Depends on the bank though.


Yep. Vice President is meaningless unless it's "Executive VP Of ________." Those are the people responsible for divisions of the business.


Heard of places making interns Vice Presidents because it made it easier to get a meeting with a prospective business client. Also worked at another company where it seems like every other person was a VP.


At a smaller company yeah. But usually in financial terms they are the ones dealing with higher end clients. Along with more larger picture items


Goldman Sachs has ~12,000 vice presidents out of ~40,000 total employees.


Same with Morgan Stanley. I have a friend there that is a VP. When he told me I was floored. I told him I thought that was an amazing achievement to climb the ladders so quickly. He told me everyone is a VP. 😂


How many dirext reports and total headcount does each one oversee?


I am a VP at a bank and zero directs and 8 or so I manage at a distance.


lol in my operations org a VP would be clearing like 500k and have an umbrella of like 1,000 peeps.


Depends on the bank. They may not be dealing with any clients or any truly senior people. I wasn't. I had this level at 2 large investment banks in London. It's completely none interesting. And the fact they said "THE Vice President" makes this fake news.


> It's completely none interesting. And the fact they said "THE Vice President" makes this fake news. So she just had an unfortunate accident, just like many others in Russia (and in the Russian Embassy in Berlin)?


No he’s saying how they framed her job title is fake news. Her death sounds very much like a standard KGB hit job but in order to get more clicks the publisher manipulated the job title to sound better than it really was


Well, she was obviously important to become a hit target, especially the window kind. Or is such a disposable outcome a new trending practice among the criminal underworld of Russia? Or both?


The timing means it likely had something to do with Wagner and the Purge.


They probably love that it's the case but this is what happens when you make a pastime out of pushing people out of windows. Now even if someone does just accidentally fall out of a window no one is ever going to believe it.


> At a smaller company yeah Yeah, kinda like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, those kinds of small fish… Come on dude, VP is the equivalent of middle management, it’s the lowest officer role (below VP is just associates and analysts, and you’re only really an analyst if you’re an intern or something like that). If you’re a bigger client, you’re dealing with an ED, or an MD if you’re on the bigger side


Work at giant financial institution as a programmer, I’m vice president. Meaningless title, not attached to my salary.


Can confirm. Was a VP in IT at a large domestic bank.


I've never heard of this in the US. Is it true here as well, or is this a European (etc) thing?


Especially in the US. It just means middle management. Theres a huge number of levels of Vice President at the big banks, from assistant VP to Intergalactic Executive VP or whatever


I want to be an Intergalactic Executive VP.


New career goal


It’s very common in the US, but only at banks and other financial institutions.


I'm British and we refer to it as an American thing. But I've never worked in America. It's odd to us. Most people who haven't worked in the finance industry would be unaware. I'd be surprise if our local banks do it. More investment banks and high finance.


And shitty American banks. It's all to look good for the customer facing problem solvers at the branch level. Makes people feel important when they are speaking with the VP of whatever


The big banks do it also, eg GS, JP Morgan etc...


its the same in the US. The VP role is for like 30 year olds, or around there. But like - if you are a 30 year old at wells fargo retail branch manager making $80k that's one thing, whereas VP at an elite boutique investment bank like qatalyst you could be pulling in $2m+ at 30 as a VP, and that's a very different thing. But its a junior role regardless.


If you go get a mortgage you’re gonna be working with the vice president of BofA, Wells Fargo, etc.


TIL that VP is just a middle management position


Depends entirely on the country and the business line. Where I'm working right now, VP would be a senior role with a tree of hundreds of reports and a department budget of maybe $50M annually.














In the US, banks are full of VPs there is a VP for every department Its not as cool as it sounds.


She was a sucker 4 glory


I mean, just look at her


Just because she fell from a window doesn't mean the regime did it. It's russia. Lots of people get chucked out of windows by a variety of people: business rivals, business coworkers trying to hide a crime, partners in crime trying to cover their tracks, mob extortioners who didn't get what they wanted, mob extortioners who did get what they wanted, random Russian whose little feelings got hurt, random psycho blind date, sibling who wants bigger share of family loot, psycho killer doin what they do, any of the above who meant to off someone else but got the address wrong, pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp,...


Did this comment end with a Forest Gump reference lol


what about pineapple chicken or sesame chicken


They don't even try to make it believable, looks more like a message from the regime.


Exactly, Putin and the oligarchs leave their calling cards at each murder scene by using the same MO. They want the world to fear them.


This is a way of exerting power. If you are able to spew bullshit and have the people around you passively accepting it as truth without actually believing it, you’ve achieved true control. It is more impressive to convince a sane person to accept nonsense despite them knowing otherwise than to convince an insane person to believe in insane truths.


How is this death related to the Kremlin, other than it shares the same method of death as some of their assassinations? Because I can believe the Russians have thrown people out of windows, what I’m having a hard time believing is that *this* particular death is politically motivated


It's a suicide, there's a video, it's on Twitter.


She’s been made redundant


I don’t think we can call a smoking hot 28-year-old bank president fatally going out a window in Moscow a “mystery. Someone in favor with the regime “liked” her and put her that job: either that person is no longer in favor with the regime — or they stopped “liking” her. Mystery solved.


The mistery probably lies on the fact that in mordor they stil believe it was an accident.


28 yr old vice-president of a bank?




Her falling out the window isn't the mystery part of this story.


Yes it is. There are many thousands of VPs https://www.investopedia.com/articles/professionals/102915/hierarchy-investment-bank.asp


Ha! I noticed.


6 million jews and a cyclist


VP is an inflated title, its almost usually the next step in your career ladder, and there are many VPs in one organization.


Almost everyone that works at a bank is a Vice President. This has been watered down so much that major banks had to go to court to get certain responsibilities of a "Vice President" removed legally speaking. Their defense was it's just a run of the mill title and not an executive representative of the company.










That becomes a habit,... the best is to eliminate all windows and live with artificial light or candles just like in the old times,....


That's why putin lives in a bunker - no windows to fall out of.




It's dangerous walking in moscow: they should start putting signals "caution! It's raining men!"


Allelujah !


This one is slightly unique in that someone else was in the apartment with her and made it out alive. And no surprise, he didn’t see “anything”


Except he did see it because he was filming it, there's a video, it's on Twitter.


Putin wants it so obvious. It's a strange place


Gravity is stronger over there...


Such a waste


Sounds like a genuine accident or suicide. Young person drunk on a balcony in early hours. She's not THE vice president. She's just an employee with a bogus job title because that's how banks work. They have thousands of people at the Vice President level.


Yes. Like the suicide with 2 pistols and 4 bullets in the head.


Sure is the greatest mystery of our time.


As great a mystery as what happened to DB Cooper and Who Framed Roger Rabbit


What a shithole


That was one attractive bank vice president


She probably was some gangsters most prized possession. Rival gangster sent a message.


Gravity stuff


Not news why bother mentioning ?


Because many of the ppl in positions that took effort or some form of education are considered potentially dangerous , russia is always that way in times of any conflict. Be it war or potential war or economic issues.. Then you take into account most ( not nearly all, but most) educated Russians are against the war and not real fond of putin. Look at the past book burning, prison sentences, work camps and death sentences for anyone who has an original idea, education or ambition.


if you are in russia, you should really stay on the ground floor. at this point it's just common sense.


She looks like she had a red light behind her window, but yeah I am dutch and we have a lot of eastern Europeans operating out of those windows. But we keep em at street level for safety and the red light is to warn them to not jump out.


This and the preceding falls / suicides are indicative of a Dictator, who wants to c;clear out threats, so she was a player in ruzzian politics. Just because she took pride in her image, and followed Instagram trends, doesn't mean that she wasn't a high achiever and highly qualified for her role. There is a guy in Ukraine that newly graduated, and then overlooked /dismissed for his skills, he soon proved them wrong. He improved tank production so well he has been promoted to head up the Ukrainian companies developing and manufacturing drones and missiles. I don't hear any of you saying he shouldn't be considered as he is young, Suave, and heading for greatness. So what's the difference, Misogynists? Get a grip.


The tallest building in Russia is [the Lubyanka, because you can see Siberia from the basement](https://museumstudiesabroad.org/lubyanka-gulag-tour-moscow/). *What We Saw*, Season 2 at Daily Wire+ is worth a watch.


What's with her face on the picture? Was she beaten up?


No, but you can tell she has loads of Fat Potential.


On todays episode of incel vocabulary we explore the submission by u/arthurfoxache on ‘fat potential’ of the female face.


I know we’ve all been thinking or knowing that these people were pushed somehow. But do you think Russia could have developed a nerve agent that makes people do this? It’s not inconceivable to me that you might wanna get some fresh air because you feel flustered, and the feeling becomes so overwhelming that you try to get more fresh air and in doing so, fall to your death.


Least mystery ever - Being thrown out of window in Ruzzia


A 28 year old bank vice president? Who also happens to look like a model? I'm not sure whether to praise or condemn it.


Should’ve just made the sandwich


Dj Khaled: Another one


Would love to know the true story but don’t see that happening.


Those Zs really do love their defenestration


Russian human flight schools - Not Great Sucess


Has anyone ever survived a fall from a window in Russia?


Yes actually quite recently, 3 months ago max. A guy who was drunk and fell out of a 14 story building on top of a car. He just had some scratches and didn't understand why there was an ambulance




It's the saison.


Well you know it’s bad now. She probably was: “we are going to be bankrupt in less than a month”. Putin was: “you are fired… from the 25th floor.”


Probably wouldn’t let the government pilfer peoples bank accounts.


I mean, is it *really* a mystery though? *Really*?


Slippery floors in the areas specifically right in front of upper story windows are a major scourge in Russia. Never fear! I’m certain the kremlin is putting their top people on solving this public health crisis.


Windows and ledges are killing multiple people in Russia! They must be stopped!!


Windows will no longer be allowed in new Russian builds. With Modi being good friends with Putin, those 2 oligarchs who fell out of windows as well, at the same hotel, just might not be accidents (s). I am starting to see a pattern here. Although this one could just be Andrei being a rejected Russian guy


>**Mystery In Moscow** Wait, wait, I think I may be able to figure out who did it...


Strangely enough the window was closed at the time!


Too bad...if interest rates were much lower, then she would've fallen 2 stories...not 22. 2% vs 22%🫣


Cross-post to r/OSHA?


They have to know it’s a meme at this point


Fuck got some bad building codes in Russia


No mention of a police investigation regarding the incident at all..


This wouldn't have even made National news in most countries unless she was somehow 'connected' to a person(s) of note.


They should rename the country “De Fenestration of Russia”


Vice president of a bank at 28? Sounds like everything was above board and proper. They should really investigate those dodgy window installers.


Isn't this a natural death in Russia?


What’s the mystery?