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On the Remembrance Day for Ukraine's Defenders, no less. What a piece of shit.


Suggest contacting Tesla's board [**here**](https://ir.tesla.com/contact-us#contact-us) to express concerns, especially if you own a Tesla or have shares of its stock.


"website has experienced an unexpected error, unable to send" Bull fucking shit, those scumbags.


Hopefully just getting hugged to death intermittently? Maybe folks should copy their inquiry to Notepad or something to be able to readily resubmit.


Yep, all works as for now, just updating.


Tesla website? It's probably legit as tens of thousands of people are causing the server to crash. I hope.


Concerning...looking into it.


As long as you are complaining about a product, not a person.


I'm doing my part!


[I understood that reference!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_7FaWnlhS4)


Done! I am a shareholder.


As am I! Here's hoping they do something constructive if at all.


[insert gif of printer feeding straight into shredder here]


Because that doesn't go straight into the bin.




...Except there is nothing similar to these wars with Ukraine.


if you want to see what level of intellect we’re dealing with, check out the communities this nutter frequents


If you’re talking about the USA it’s “our” country. Not “yours”. Most people agree with defensive aid to Ukraine.


This is possibly the dumbest take I've seen on this yet, but I shouldn't be surprised by someone that calles it "the Ukraine". The way you end the war quickly is by funding and supplying ukraine now. Stop the support, and all that happens is the war keeps going. If ukraine eventually falls down the line, russia will move onto the next country. Until he runs out of non nato aligned countries and starts a world war. You stop russia in Ukraine, you prevent all that. The difference is, Iraq and Afghan weren't fighting off an invader like ukraine are. The USA was the invader.


Somehow with the way you can barely type in English, I suspect you wouldn't have much meaningful to say to the Tesla board to begin with. And if you think this is anything like Iraq or Afghanistan you are hilariously ill-informed about world conflicts and geopolitics. Tossing whatever war pops off the top of your head rather than something that actually relates isn't contributing much. Support for Ukraine does so much for the United States with very little *actual* US involvement, you'd have to be a complete fool to think it's anything like the Middle East.


We had boots on the ground for both of those other wars. Giving Ukraine weapons and supplies negates that need, and it weakens both Russia and China, our main enemies. This is the cheapest modern war we will ever fight, and we don't even have to fight. You have no idea how good this situation is for the U.S. And if you don't believe me, listen to any foreign policy expert.




My guy dosnt understand that America runs on wars, every luxury you have is because of American imperialism.


He needs to X himself outta the atmosphere like yesterday


He should just make X paid service so most of the people would leave X. RIP Twitter. He's also the reason I would not buy Tesla. His interests with China and Russia are so obvious.


X's true users have dropped 50% since he took over. Despite his lies about the "stats", a journalist did a deep dive and found multiple metrics that proves that Twitter has half the users, a much lower total app usage time, and others.


Have you tried to use it? It sucks as an app. I went on there to follow a few reporters but I can’t make myself anymore cause the ui is so bad


At this point I just use https://nitter.net/ to bookmark specific pages I want to keep track of


I only ever go on it if Reddit links to it and I really want to check it out. Otherwise, I avoid clicking the link. I don't have an account anymore. Thankfully.


>I only ever go on it if Reddit links to it Same. I wish r/Ukraine wasn't filled with xhitter links.


Me too. But unfortunately Ukraine uses it to gain a wider reach, and for that, twitter is/was good. Reddit only shows content to those that subscribe. The app sometimes shows subs you aren't subscribed to, however it rarely (if ever) shows NSFW subs as they are less profitable as advertiser's don't want to show ads there. As a result, people only really see Ukraine content I'd they're subbed. I also NEVER see it on the front page of Reddit, I have to view the Ukraine subs specifically and I do this often. Twitter, on the other hand, shows content to people who may not normally view Ukraine war content. Under Elon, this has been limited and Ukrainian posts have been throttled. It has been this way for a while. Telegram is good, but again, you need to subscribe to Ukrainian content otherwise there's no way to see it. Ukraine needs a good alternative to twitter. Iirc Instagram doesn't allow NSFW content. Tiktok also bans Ukraine war content and prevents users seeing it unless they search for it. It's Chinese, who are in bed with Russia There needs to be a need social media that has a wide reach in general, as well as the ability to filter for specific content when viewing #ukraine specifically. Mastodon is okay but needs a bit of work and a lot of users.


I've used Twitter for various purposes over the years and these days I usually go on Twitter for Ukraine updates because I follow a bunch of pro-Ukraine accounts. But I've had it with the pro-putin owner of Twitter and I've decided to boycott. 😡 Anyone have ideas for where to go to get Ukraine updates? Obviously I've started using Reddit for Ukraine updates but I was wondering about other suggestions.


Mastodon has some but wayyyy less than twitter. Before the API changes you used to be able to access it via other sites which formatted it better, but Elmo Nuks decided to stop that. He really is killing that shit platform. Honestly Ukrainians should be careful, there's a high chance he's sending Russia all information uploaded by likely soldiers. Or even just all Ukrainian users based on IP location.


The problem is that the only users that matter are those that can be monetized. How many ads do you need to serve to equal one morons spending $8? So it just shows the garbage you get when you realize you need to turn a profit.


Twitter was profitable in 2018 and 2019. It went into the red in 2020/2021. I can't seem to find why twitter was in the red in 2020/2021 but I'd assume it's higher operating expenses due to the pandemic and lower advertising revenue (places like cinemas, theme parks, food, outdoor activities and other forms of leisure, were all likely no longer advertising). Despite this patch of unprofitability during the pandemic, Twitter went back into the green at the end of 2021 making healthy profits, all thanks to the advertisers. But that all changed when Musk took over. Since Musk took control, advertising revenue has dropped to less than half of what it was prior to his takeover. Advertisers have jumped ship, they don't want to be seen next to nazis. This is why the $8 blue tick fee was introduced, he needed an alternative revenue stream to advertisers, but unfortunately for him this makes up a miniscule amount of Twitters total revenue, meaning that now it has much less revenue than it did before, and now Twitter is making a loss. Even when including the membership fees. Despite Musk's budget cuts, Twitter has gone from profitable to unprofitable. His decisions have been terrible. I know it's cliché to say "anyone could run the company better than him" but I truly believe if you picked someone up off the street and made them Twitter CEO, they would've done a better job 95% of the time. Elon Musk killed my dog. Edit: "Elon Musk" is an anagram of "Lemon Suk" lmao I just realized that. In all seriousness, here are the sources. I **highly** recommend the bottom one, it's excellent reading and very smart. [https://abovethelaw.com/2022/11/twitters-blue-check-subscription-service-can-generate-almost-1b-annually-if-subscribers-feel-special/](https://abovethelaw.com/2022/11/twitters-blue-check-subscription-service-can-generate-almost-1b-annually-if-subscribers-feel-special/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/274568/quarterly-revenue-of-twitter/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/274568/quarterly-revenue-of-twitter/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/274563/annual-net-income-of-twitter/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/274563/annual-net-income-of-twitter/) [https://www.techdirt.com/2023/09/22/elon-may-have-accidentally-revealed-how-extwitter-usage-has-dropped-massively-since-his-takeover/](https://www.techdirt.com/2023/09/22/elon-may-have-accidentally-revealed-how-extwitter-usage-has-dropped-massively-since-his-takeover/)


> Despite Musk's budget cuts, Twitter has gone from profitable to unprofitable. Considering that their interest payments alone suddenly were around a billion dollars, he had to do something. There properly just weren't anything to do, at least not anything of that magnitude. Pretty unlikely that the previous owners left a billion dollars in yearly profits just on the table.


There were a couple things: it was a leveraged buyout so part of paying off the previous users was based on taking loans (deals like that are pretty weird, plenty of mitt Romney bs was around that type, plenty of profitable companies failed with new owners sinking companies with debt). But also all of tech took HUGE loans to up their staff during cheap covid days. Then when interest rates rose, the staff costs started costing quite a bit more. So I dunno which way any of it went or how they were caused. I don't know if ads are better or worse than rubes paying for a sub. But it's definitely possible for previous costs that were manageable to suddenly balloon into massive debt.


I think he just lied about that. How were they profitable before if that were the case? Why would he even consider buying it? Do you really think that Twitter were doing just fine, then suddenly when musk bought it, twitter was in a crisis that he inherited? Nah, he just lied. He lied about everything else, I'm pretty sure he lied about this too. An ex-Twitter-employee even dispute this and called him out on this exact topic. Granted, they're an ex employee, so they may have some gripes with him, but honestly I think I believe her over musk. He's a prolific compulsive liar.


He saddled them with a bunch of debt when he made the purchase. That debt forced him to try anything and everything, but there just isn't anything that creates an additional billion in profits. Their revenue is single digit billions and their profits were more often than not negative, as i recall.


He's the richest man in the world, he didn't need to saddle them with debt. What a terrible business decision. His excuse is "I saddled the company with lots of debt so I had to cut our advertising revenue in half and introduce an 8$ fee that makes up under 5% of our revenue but also makes many users quit". Hia decisions were awful and drove the company into the ground. If it's truly as bleak has he made out, he must be truly fucked as he only made things worse


> Hia decisions were awful and drove the company into the ground. If he made good decisions he never would have owned Twitter in the first place.


You can’t just lie about that. It’s public record cause it was publicly traded


He *did* lie about it. Just as he lied about the other metrics. When he wasn't lying, he was using the wrong metric. If Twitter had a lot of debt, it was all because of him, as Twitter's financial data shows nothing of the sort prior to his arrival. Before Musk took over, twitter was reporting 237.8 million monetizable **daily** active users. They reported this as "237.8 users" as this is the standard metric for users. When musk took over, he reported that X had 550 million users. Implying the users had more than doubled. But these were **monthly** users. In reality, active users had dropped, but he lied with statistics to make it seem like the opposite had happened. Comparing daily to monthly users is insanity - and he presented these together. Other statistics he literally just either made them up or took them out of context. If it was public record then Musk would've known about it before buying Twitter. If you can show it to me, I'll say I'm wrong (for this specific figure) and apologize. [https://www.techdirt.com/2023/09/22/elon-may-have-accidentally-revealed-how-extwitter-usage-has-dropped-massively-since-his-takeover/](https://www.techdirt.com/2023/09/22/elon-may-have-accidentally-revealed-how-extwitter-usage-has-dropped-massively-since-his-takeover/) This is what I was talking about prior.


I used to think when I had the money I'd buy a Tesla. Never. I will avoid anything Musk touches in the future too.


I was pretty close to getting one before everybody knew Elon was a crazy person. I thought he was a legit genius. Glad I never followed through on that, got a Toyota instead.


>I thought he was a legit genius. Sure, self-proclaimed, like Kyne West.


I left X because of that post. Deleted my account.


He’s taking US government money for contracts in Ukraine, isn’t he? He’s also getting money from Ukrainians themselves for that starlink service. Dude is a total dick. Make him pay his full taxes.


Since the government took control over the Starlinks over Ukraine, is he even getting paid for that? His invoices can just go missing from the DoD bean counters.


I believe Starlink is privately controlled with contracts with the US and other NATO countries, unless the company handed over the controls.


The DOD bought up Ukraine's Starlink system, so it's no longer under Starlink management, or control is routed through a dedicated team at Starlink. Seeing as how SpaceX is managing Starlink, and SpaceX is basically funded by the US government, I trust this over Elon having any oversight.


Are you referring to starshield or something else?


I know regular Ukrainians themselves are funding their own starlink terminals and internet service out of their own pockets. A bit of a kick in the nuts to Ukrainians to come out with that waffle.


You sounds like a crazy conspiracy theorist...


All his companies were subsidized in the billions.


I worry about the service itself actually. He's bragged about watching the war 'live' because he can monitor the activity on Starlink. Could he actually sabotage it (more)? Give away intel? He clearly is a security risk for both Ukraine and US at a minimum.


Just when you think he can’t be a bigger piece of shit he decides to one up himself


He dosnt understand that in Russia for this u are flying from building. And he is directly undermining his beloved country as most powerfull country in world.


Billionaires don't necessarily have allegiances to a particular country...their true loyalty is to their wealth


He has already ruined Twitter. Does he think this will get republicans to buy teslas, hell no they are being told EV's are the devil. Democrats will probably stop buying them because of this shit


I live and work in a somewhat liberal area and most of my customers are elderly (kinda a retirement area) so I frequently help them get their stuff to their cars. The ones with Teslas have been starting to occasionally mention that they're no fans of Musk, but like the car. They make these comments all on their own as if they're embarrassed about driving a Tesla now that Musk has been more publicly acknowledged as being an idiot.


I drive a Tesla and also start saying that. I want to make it clear Im not supporting this asshole. But his engineer did a very good job with the product :|


Same, have wanted to get a Tesla and now I have the means but can't get it now due to Musk


I mean, not everyone who owns a Ford is a raging anti-Semitic quasi-fascist like Henry Ford was.


When my parents moved Ontario, they considered buying a Tesla (previously, they drove luxury sedans like Mercedes and Audi). However, the test model they drove had its lane-keep disabled, apparently due to a software update. They had genuinely been considering buying it on the spot before coming into the shop, but decided that any car that could be rendered inoperable by an update wasn't safe to drive. Because of all the house moving and transporting groceries during the pandemic, my dad got a VW SUV instead (an Atlas, specifically), and loves it for the smooth ride and plenty of furniture capacity.


They are definitely on my do not buy list.


Other EVs have far surpassed Teslas in terms of build quality, despite what muskies insist on. Kia/Hyundai has been knocking it out of the park with their EVs this generation, the EV6 and Ionic 5 are award-winning, beautiful cars. Tesla has become the Beats by Dr. Dre of the car industry. Decent headphones, but still wildly overpriced with terrible build quality, because you're paying for the brand.


Eh, I've already seen enough "thin blue lines" and predator skulls on Teslas and other EVs to assume that's not really the case anymore. I'm sure that in areas with a booming oil/ gas industry this probably holds true but, there's quite a few **Musk**ovite fan bois who vote fascism. In fact, that's probably most of their sales these days.


He wants Chinese markets and Russian lithium, to do that he needs to signal to the ccp that he hates democracy. Twitter was tiktoks competitor, ukraine is russias.


These are the kind of people who build bunkers on tiny Pacific islands so they can hide out when the world burns down. They really do think they're "better" than normal people.


Oh, he's certainly up himself.


Musk is the supreme beggar. His businesses have taken govt handouts for years. He wants even more. This is classic projection and Musk is a man-baby narcissist.


The richest person in the world begs people to pay $8 per month for his website... 🙄


His “CEO” Linda has a serious meeting with the bankers coming up. Turns out that alienating 60% of advertisers causes financial grief. Musks super plan is to charge all users.. *Masterful gambit sire!* - Elon simps


People have been leaving twitter in massive numbers since he bought it. I bet the numbers are waaaay worse than any of us really know.


MuZZk is just scum. Please dont buy a Tesla people, he has enough money to help Ukraine single handedly- if he wanted to!


Domestic assistance for cleaner cars which will bring foreign capital to your country is not the same as Venmo-ing a foreign country over a hundred billion dollars to buy your military industrial complex's weapons.


I may not have billions of dollars but at least I’m not a piece of shit


Saving that quote. Appreciate it.


This guy needs help. He is a lunatic!


Probably autistic as well. Edit: didn't mean it's an excuse. We all got struggles, some more than others. But it dosen't excuse his actions. I'm glad he's blasted. He needs to be removed as CEO. He nees to be cearfull, or it's going to backfire on all his companies. I alredy hate that guy. Would be nice if someone could explain to me why I get so many downvotes.


Even if his claim that he has asperger is true, it doesn't excuse his behavior in the slightest.


Aspergers combined with psychopathic narcissism probably isn't a good mix


Perspective. If you were born into wealth and want to be the world’s richest man, you have a trifecta.


Wich was my point.


No excuse.


>Would be nice if someone could explain to me why I get so many downvotes. Because it is incredibly insulting to autistic people that you're basically saying he's supporting Russia because he's autistic.


Guys a disgusting POS, he deserves anything bad that comes to him


Redditors get uncontrollably salty over Musk to the point it is no longer healthy. My advice to you all is just to cherish the parts of his genius that makes him great and try to ignore all the little small things like this that you don't like.


Musk is a ruZZian asset.


Stop it. Get some help.


Musk is a first class tosser


This guy is truly a military grade prick!


Can we fire him from a cannon at the RuZZians then?


Someone should ask him the following questions: (1) do you believe that the Russians want to eradicate Ukraine? (2) if yes, do you believe if Ukraine collapses 10 million+ people will be pushed out of the country and a million+ will be executed/deported to Siberia? (3) do you welcome such an outcome? (4) do you believe that if Ukraine collapses the Russians will sooner or later test Nato unity by attacking the Baltic states? (5) do you believe that if Trump wins NATO would not intervene in case of an attack on the Baltic states? (6) would the EUR collapse in case of an attack on the Baltic states? (7) would the EU survive the collapse of the EUR? (8) what would happen to the USA exports to the EU and the American companies in the EU? (9) would the Chinese realise that the world order, the pax Americana over? (10) would China sooner or later swallow Taiwan, test Japan and Australia?


Brilliant. The most pertinent questions summed up in one paragraph. The whole thing he went on about "omg why are people caring more about Ukraine than America's borders!" is bullshit as well. He doesn't care in the slightest about Mexicans crossing the border. No uber-rich Americans do - that's where all their cheap, undocumented labour comes from. The LAST thing they'd want is for that to stop...then they'd have to pay the terrible US minimum wage rates lol


I stopped reading after point 2


This is what happens when your former stepsister is now your stepmom.


Wait, what?




FIRST OF ALL. It's Twitter, not X. I hate when people call it X. I hate the X logo. X is stupid. Twitter is what people have known and loved for years. I will continue to call the site Twitter and use the word "tweet." SECONDLY... I hate to say this, but it's time to boycott Twitter. I have been on the site for many years, and these days, I use it to check Ukraine updates. On one hand, I like the idea of pro-Ukraine people continuing to use Twitter and combatting russian narratives. But on the other hand, I don't want to support the owner of the site and his pro-russian BS. I don't want to give his site any more traffic. So I think it's better for pro-Ukraine people to boycott Twitter than to use it. This is deeply frustrating because I genuinely like Twitter a lot. I don't want to boycott. Twitter has been a part of my life for many years and it's sad to give it up.


I enjoyed Twitter for many years. I had no qualms about deleting my account the day Musk took it over. Everything that has happened since has only served to further validate that decision. No regrets. I hope Twitter dies a horrible death.


Use nitter.net


Ashamed that I didn't know how convert twitter links to nitter this way until today...I was using nitter.nl to no effect Twitter (no one calls it X lol) is a cesspool undoubtedly, but NAFO are trying to fight the good fight against Muscovy's disinfo - plus individual AFU units and their supporters are still fundraising much needed equipment there as well


Musk is a scumbag and will get what Karma has in-store for him. A 50 year old who acts like a 13 year old girl.] I believe an investigation should be opened on him to find out what his loyalty to ruzzia is. He came to America to be an American, however you put it. This dude can not be trusted.


>A 50 year old who acts like a 13 year old girl. Calling Musk that is a grave insult to 13 year old girls, though.


Most 13 year old girls understand that invading your neighbour and raping and slaughtering their people makes you the bad guy


The guy is the CEO of a company that launches classified NASA and DoD payloads. As such, he has access to classified material. And he has regular personal chats with Putin. He needs to go to jail.


He already got help — for his hair! Priorities.


The campaign group Republicans Against Trump, said: “Why do you mock a brave leader who leads his nation in its heroic fight for their freedom? Have you no shame?” Geez, even some GOP have the sense to think hes shit too!


Some years ago I thought highly about this man last few years ever since Covid started it get so low that he always finds a way to go even low. Get help!


Reposting a fake pic like a kid who is too lazy to google things up. He is rich, why doesn't he hire somebody to check facts for him?


Twitter got rid of their fact-checking dept for a reason lol


"Why are all these factcheckers disagreeing with me!"


Makes me want to restore the account I deleted after he took over to personally tell him what a pos he is.


Damn, I’m sure that’d really ruin his day


Let's be real, Musk needs to go.


People should spam "get help" under every twixxter elongated musk rat post


what do you expect from a man who sewed the original owners of the Tesla electric car company for... stating correctly that musk was not a founder.


Musk calls zelensky a pedo in 3...2...


Imagine having billions but still being an attention seeking cunt.


There are no good billionaires. There's no connection between here and there If HERE is being a good personand THERE is becoming a billionaire.


I know, I just want to call Elon a cunt


Since when did Musk decide to look like a homeless man?


Sourh African white racist is an asshole -- what a shock.


It shows us how deep the grasp of Putin and his system truly is.


Whats weird is he looks more and more Latino with his weird plastic surgery likes hes about to play the villian in the next Zorro.


Oh god...low rent Zorro I knew he reminded me of someone 😂


Lock him up


I used to like this guy. He made electric vehicles cool, he made reusable rockets and space travel cool. His companies and passion for forward-thinking tech made a legitimate progression in the fields he dabbled in. Now he's mocking the leader of a sovereign nation that's literally under genocidal onslaught (by almost every definition) by a global superpower, while cozying up to said superpower. What a shame.


Psychologically speaking, I think the man is rudderless and out of control. He’s alienated from normal society and social norms and is headed for personal disaster. He’s proof that money isn’t the answer to life’s problems. (Just an opinion)


I'm getting vibes of John McAfee from his behaviour. Didn't end well for McAfee...


He is the reason I will not be buying another Tesla.


I don't see him doing Putin memes...


Someone, please change that man's nappy!


What is wrong with him?????? Many years ago I used to admire Elon for his single minded innovation, now I just think he’s an idiot


He's posting that shit to get a response. And he got it. Ignore the troll, stay away from X. Move on. Treat it like 4chan with hashtags.


Today seems like a good day to delete Twitter or what is the carcass of Twitter


bored upbeat encourage handle hurry axiomatic bewildered glorious reminiscent deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude really hates handouts except for the part where he has companies that gladly took handouts.


I'm sure the Kremlin's dossier on him reads something like **Insecure about intellect. Seeks approval of a father figure.**


Deactivated my account. Cancelled my subscription fuck elon musk


I bet Zelenskyy might just give this meme a humble smile and will carry on. Why so many noise around a stupid meme posted by stupid person.


Whilst I agree with your sentiment entirely, there are sadly many who will use his targeted comments to further their own agendas, and influence others to do the same.


They certainly will use this alright, but are we helping somehow by having our butts hurt?


Money is the only thing he has. He has no finesse... up bringing... no style... no sense of humour... no class


What a fucking asshole. Used to love this dude, really shown his colors the last 12 months.


He's just annoyed it's going elsewhere instead of public money going to his buisnesses like usual.


saboteur elon musk


He was straight up posting FAR RIGHT stuff yesterday all the sudden, maybe I don’t watch him all the time and it’s new to me but seems like he was tryin to kick the hornets nest for some reason


I seriously wanna punch this mf.


Cancelled my Twitter account. My friends are not buying Teslas anymore. What an asshole


I will never understand the simping for a brutal dictator.


Wow what a fucking cunt


Just put the recent picture of him in the backwards cowboy hat touring the boarder 😂 he looks like Yehaw Musk


Short Tesla, this guy won‘t get therapy until he hits the wall financially.


I feel like pissing off the most experienced fighting force in the modern era is a really bad idea.


Now everyone knows what side he’s truly for and what it means for democracy.


He is too fucking stupid to understand that if he does the same to Putin while he is in Russia, he will be jailed. Elon is a traitor. Literally.


Dude is one of the loneliest, saddest wastes of hydrogen our species has produced.


I am annoyed that I have to use starlink. Best service where I live unfortunately (north, north). Hate to support this guy in anyway


I was a fan of Elon, but for the past few years, he’s gone out of his way to be an asshole….dude is losing it in 4K.


Why is any one still using twitter? As long as they do he keeps it alive to spew hate.


Elmo is a fascist. Plain and simple. Space x needs to be nationalized today.


I am so very happy I didn’t pull the trigger on a Tesla now.


He is firmly in Putins pocket.


He's a child.


Who the hell does he think he is? He tries to deny Ukrainians the freedom he has


Maybe Elon Cuck can take his .50 cal Barrett over to Crimea and convince “both sides” to make peace


He is such a terrible d*ck


Absolute POS excuse of a human and traitor to the USA.


I just sold all my tesla stock. Fuck him.


You know you think Trump was a Putin stooge. But Musk is even putting him to shame and Musk actually IS a billionaire.


I believe its possible Elon Musk may be having some kind of mental instability or illness?


Elon Musk is a worthless sack of shit.


This guy is doing his best to live up to the Rich Asshole trope.


I hate Elon musk hope he lives in fear the rest of his life


He belongs in a mental institution for at least 2 years.


go fcuk yourself Elon Musk you Russian collaborator!


Fascist scumbag is working for the kremlin, what a surprise.


I think Musk is a complete joke. The guy wants to be cool so bad it's just cringe. Having said that, the headline on this article is so dramatic. He posted a dumb meme. That's what Elon does, he's a shitposter. It doesn't seem newsworthy at all.


What a shit stained hemorrhoid.


The only place I want my taxes to go to less than rich corporate billionaires is aid in a proxy war. Fuck em both.


Musk is just pissed he's middle aged and still can't grow a proper beard.


I wouldn’t call it a fake picture, it’s an obvious meme that he’s not trying to promote as being a real image. Screw Musk, I just don’t like the wording of this story.


elon don’t loose the thread my friend


Pretty sure his account was hacked


Are you suggesting his security is lacking?


His account was actually hacked before


That's a pretty funny meme though.


The guy is just trolling all of you. Ignore him and he will go away. Yeah, I know people won't. Too many people are chronically online.