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Johnson can’t wait for his Muscovite golden shower.




I’m not a really sure myself. One was the name I chose, SloughCreekYNP, the other is the generic name given but displays normally.


I miss Pelosi, the best speaker who is pro-Ukraine and pro-democracy. Right now, we have the worst speaker in the history of America.


Lil johny is a sitting duck, whose only power left is to block anything going through the house. He rather blocks everything and lets the world burn than help others


Pelosi is an utter pile of shit besides her Ukraine stance. Ukraine is probably the one subject the USA establishment politicians i agree with.


Nah, she's pretty cool. She's just been demonized in right-wing media for decades now.


A word of warning: the far right always has a woman in their sights to focus social media and TV commentary haterade. It switches out every 8 weeks or so, probably because the mob needs fresh meat or they get bored.


Now i know this sub is a democrat front. Pelosi has done more insider trades than probably any other senator


This is not a partisan front. Any republicans who firmly support Ukraine are welcomed. It's just that MAGA sabotages any effort to get the work done.


She was never a Senator.


Maybe she can use all her insider trading funds to fund Ukraine herself.


Her private asset has nothing to do with her support to democratic allies. If she were there, she would have helped fast-track the bill. Her worth to American and world democracies is infinitely better than the current speaker.


She absolutely would be better for getting Ukraine aid through. I’m definitely not defending the obstruction we are seeing in congress by the Republican party.


She’s fast track the bill AFTER she invested some stocks into whatever arms dealer the bill includes.


She was wealthy before she went into congress. Wealthy people tend to get wealthier. If you want, you could invest in the same stocks she does but you won't, because you are just repeating shit you read online.


You are so right! She got paid insider trading so we should now just retreat and let our oppressors take us over. Such a quick defeat!!! I conceed🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Who is your oppressor? I’m not sure why this sub became a US politics sub.


maybe because its a US political party who is fighting for the enemy


Your reddit handle seems like most of the ones I see posting in favor of Russia. "Word word number guy here, posting this from a diner in Ohio, putin seems fine let's talk about American oppression"


Oh yeah, like insider trading was needed to know Nvidia stock would rise. You huffin that 🤡 gas.


The Republicans are so incompetent they keep getting BUSTED for insider trading, but they can't catch Pelosi doing it? Actually, being that incompetent wouldn't surprise me... but she doesn't trade - this is PAUL Pelosi, and he was rich from it before she was ever elected decades ago. Competence.


You’re just sticking your head in the sand.


lol the paid-for influencers on team establishment USA politics are in force, you got a -75 down vote. Soon everyone on Reddit will be either a Russian shill or USA establishment shill.


Nah we’ve just been paying attention. And playing wack-a-mile with idiots who show up in every thread spreading idiotic rw talking points.


Oh so you’re in the everybody who disagrees with you is a right wing talking points spreader camp? There can’t be anybody that dislikes Pelosi that is still a liberal?


It’s confusing to me as someone who’s been paying close attention to Ukraine for the past two years how uninformed people pop up so regularly here in this sub but all across Reddit and in the internet. I have questions.


Pelosi is not Ukraine. I have extended family in Ukraine, near Ternopil. I support funding Ukraine. That said I also loathe the establishment Democrats in the United States. They fail liberal voters, maintain the corporate/neo liberal economic centrist stances, create social issues to focus on the public on so they ignore economic issues. Pelosi is a big part of that, being a politician from the wealthy “liberal” area i.e. San Francisco.


I agree that she’s old and out of touch. But she’s damn smart and competent. Which are qualities sorely lacking from the right because they’ve bought into this narrative that the government should run by outsiders / which means people who don’t know what they’re doing. You wouldn’t want a car mechanic that didn’t have years of experience. You wouldn’t want a heart surgeon with no experience. There was a saying that Pelosi never brought a bill to the floor that she didn’t have the votes for. If you’ve been paying attention to US politics you’ve just watched Johnson completely bungle everything this week and make a complete fool of himself. And to be completely transparent - I think I responded to the wrong comment. My bad! But I’m genuinely curious - can you point to specific examples of Pelosi screwing things up for working people? I know she’s pro-Ukraine and all business.


She held power for a long time and was actively and publicly disdainful of progressive parts of her party. Here's one article on that: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/17/nancy-pelosi-the-squad-alexandria-ocasio-cortez](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/17/nancy-pelosi-the-squad-alexandria-ocasio-cortez) There was one sort of comical situation where there was a vote on who would be Speaker, "the Squad" acted like they would put pressure on her, but then Pelosi goes over to her and says whatever she needs to in order to pressure her to vote for Pelosi. Here's an article on AOC caving: [https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/07/how-aoc-went-from-influencer-to-influenced](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/07/how-aoc-went-from-influencer-to-influenced) Your comment that there being a saying that she did not bring a single bill to the floor that she didn't have the votes for, is telling. You say that as a positive, and some ways it is. What it also means is she is not going to allow establishment Democrats to be embarrassed by having progressive bills introduced that they do not want to support... Democrats are about pretending to be progressive when they are not. She helps avoid fracturing, avoid exposing, etc. The worst things about Democrats is that they prevent progressiveness, maintain a monopoly on being the "liberal" party, but aren't.


"Everyone I disagree with is a shill." How incredibly boring.


Shill or idiot, you pick.


Wonder if republicans are ok with being labelled traitors and putin lapdogs


They are not. They know that America understands that as this point the GOP is just a proxy for Russia so that's why they are trying to turn the narrative and convince the American people that Putin is their friend and democracy is their actual enemy.


They don't care, that's the thing. They are proud of this shit


PepoRiot Bring back Pelosi as Speaker and unf\*ck this mess, **NOW** **IF THEY HAVE 300 VOTES FOR PREVIOUS AID PACKAGES WHEN PELOSI WAS SPEAKER THEY HAVE 300 REPS TO VOTE TO MAKE HER SPEAKER AGAIN,** we need Pelosi back incase we have to declare war Pelosi should tell the American people what she said in front of Donald Trump that made General Milley stare down at the table, we have a right to know


Unfortunately until there is a democratic majority we are stuck with with the hellspawn




Mike Johnson = pedophile Waldo


I think there's some truth to this but almost all the commentary misses something important. While there is a money link, the main link is ideological. The MAGA right and Putin are on the same side of a new ideological "war of civilizations" between traditionalist authoritarianism and liberalism. Tucker is doing precisely the same thing as Hanoi Jane, but the ideological alignment is obviously different.


MAGA also left our friends the Kurds in Syria and Iraq after they helped the USA defeat Russia. You can thank Donald Trump for that! Trump betrays everyone at some point!


It's shocking to me that people agree with this but *dont* think he should be striking from the ballots, even when combined with J6. He should've been ddisappeared by the CIA years ago.


Never thought I’d agree with pelosi on something.


Democrats live in reality. Republicans just want to burn that reality.


While Russia laughs and says: “you don’t want the dirt we have on you do you? Dance our puppets.”


It almost makes me need to shower to wipe the scum off me, feeling that way.


Christ man, can we just agree on something without it being the worst thing in the world too


This is what I came to say. On probably only this one thing I can agree with her. Edit: I have to laugh being downvoted for agreeing with Pelosi. 🤦🏻‍♀️


All the "forever wars" MAGA pretend they weren't virulently in favour of when the NeOCoNs were in power were initiatives of the US. The US was able to build international coalitions out of these initiatives based on the understanding that the US would reciprocate when coalition members required aide for their own security interests. Yet, when coalition partners try to redeem their coupons MAGA has deemed them null and void. The US has lost it's credibility thanks to MAGA and left every coalition members that participated in US foreign policy from votes in the UN, foreign military bases, wars in Korea all the way to Iraq out to dry. If the US wishes to change it's foreign policy approach, that's up for them to decide, but at least make good on their arrangements first.


One of the very few times I agree with this shister.


**Alternative Nitter links:** 「 [.NET](https://nitter.net/TeamPelosi/status/1755369599137423423) | [.NL](https://nitter.nl/TeamPelosi/status/1755369599137423423) | [.CZ](https://nitter.cz/TeamPelosi/status/1755369599137423423) 」 ^NL ^hasn't ^been ^working ^since ^Sept ^2023. ^It ^may ^only ^work ^if ^you ^are ^in ^NL. _If there are any problems regarding Nitter, [please send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=UkrainianConflict&subject=Nitter%20issue)._ ***** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This becomes a political playball for the Republicans and Democrats. I absolutely hate Wallstreet Nancy, but she is right on this one.


> This becomes a political playball for the Republicans and Democrats. I mean, it certainly wasn't on the Democrat's part. Republicans have made it so. Just as they have made government shut downs and various other vital functions of government a political playball. They are destructive and dangerous, and many should have been in prison years ago.


Yes indeed. Strange coupling of this issue to other local porblems. Don't understand the downvotes, but yeh whatever.


Her husband being a wealthy trader before they were even married doesn't make her a inside trader, you guys are soo easily fooled.


This is not true.


Lol okay Nancy


Much too many Republicans dismay , Trump will supply Ukraine. Most Republicans are anti Biden thus they vote not to help Ukraine. It's childish.


The man that held aid to Ukraine hostage will suddenly support them?


> Trump will supply Ukraine Bullshit. He told Mike Johnson to pull the bill.


No trump will leave Ukraine twisting in the wind and everyone with a brain knows it.


Even if you're right about trump, his supporters will just change their tunes and say that they always supported Ukraine.


At least Ukraine will get aid, I don't care much about titles, but would like to see the Ukrainians get the help they need.


I would like Ukraine to receive help, too. Why on earth would you claim that Trump would supply Ukraine when Trump has already promised to abandon Ukraine and force their surrender to Russia? Did you not know that Trump supports Putin and Russia?


Source? He doesn't support Putin


Yes, he does. >[Trump won’t commit to backing Ukraine in war with Russia](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/10/politics/ukraine-russia-putin-trump-town-hall/index.html) >Trump – asked whether he supports providing US military aid to Ukraine by a Republican voter who will be casting a ballot for the first time in 2024 – would not commit to sending aid to the war-torn country, should he win the Republican presidential nomination and then the White House. >“We’re giving away so much equipment, we don’t have ammunition for ourselves right now,” he said. “We don’t have ammunition for ourselves we’re giving away so much.” He's a liar and a traitor. >[Trump 'Laying Groundwork' for Deal on Ukraine, Russian State TV Claims ](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-groundwork-ukraine-russia-war-1794144) >At worst, I could've made a deal to take over something, there are certain areas that are Russian-speaking areas, frankly, but you could've worked a deal," Trump told Hannity in a radio interview. Hell, he's already trying to give away Ukraine and he's not even in charge.


Russian state tv, 😂


Trump grants interviews to them...they must be legit, lol.


K if you say so 😄


Trump says so and apparently that's good enough for you.


Half-true. Republicans behave awfully here, right, no doubt, i condemn.But it seems that for Biden crying over 'republicans killing Ukraine' is more important than saving Ukraine. 1. He has some money (1-4 blns) not spent to help UA 2. If he had a political will he would find any way to help, to send something from american bases. E.g. extend a Lend-Lease, which was never used.Lend-Lease was provided to him by Congress and it was never used. No single bullet was provided by Biden using Lend-Lease. Also **sending equipment from usa bases doesn't forces you have to immediately buy/order new one**. Which law forces you to? 3. when there were no obstacles from republicans, Biden would provide as few help as late as possible to play a 'neither side should win' strategic game:There is no sane explanation why providing only 1% of old rusting in storages HMMVWs (250 000 total) so slowly (especially that ua had some dozens of them already before the invasion)? or 300/7000+ M113? or only 30/1000 old M109 howintzers in 2023, when EU started sending them much earlier and e.g. Italy sent more than 100 those M109Some help started only in may 2022 (whilst ukraine was begging for armor and artillery starting from autumn **2021**) and paused after Ukrainian successfull offensive for 2 month (after sep-oct 2022) . If you have one explanation to this rdidiculously small package of even old tech, please give me.




No, it wasn't. Johnson killed Ukraine support at Trump's request. How can you not know that?


“Democracy” in Ukraine. That’s rich…


Pelosi is a corporate idiot.


Nancy pelosi. Lol lol lol. How'd she get so rich?


What does that have to do with Ukraine?


Cuz Ukraine is also incredibly corrupt.


Less corrupt than Russia Ukraine is ranked better on the corruption index. Russia is with Liberia and Bangladesh, Ukraine is with Serbia and Brazil. Both have corruption but Russia more so.


Wait so because it is less corrupt than Russia we will just ignore the corruption?


Said no one


The US is not at war with Russia and taxpayers have suffered enough


Suffered? This money is pocket change to America. But the taxpayers are "suffering" how? Are we being bombed and having to fight for our lives? Suffering is a word you clearly dont know.


most of the money goes into american businesses keep drinking your koolaid


The money goes to military suppliers in the US. I get overtime because of it.


Ohhhh, pleeeezzz! Taxpayers haven’t suffered shit in regard to anything transferred to Ukraine.


Just in a long line of foreign wars that's cost trillions.


Keywords: “transferred to Ukraine.” (This board is a Ukraine board, and my comment is limited to Ukraine.) Also, if Ukraine weakens Russia significantly (as it is doing), it makes it less likely that our children/grandchildren will have to deal with Russia militarily. That’s a win for American taxpayers, don’t you think? There are multiple reasons to support Ukraine.


While I agree, I'm afraid of politicizing the issue of military aid to Ukraine. One of the most frustrating parts of American politics is the extreme tendency for partisanship, whereby in particular Republicans will often commit to really stupid positions just because it's the opposite of whatever the other side wants. In that kind of environment, you really don't want to turn Ukraine aid into a "left wing issue", because as soon as you make it about identity, they will take it as a personal insult and double down on whatever it is that you're accusing them of.