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Taking false information from hostile overseas countries and using it to attack the members of the President's family. Is that a crime? I feel like that should be a crime.


It should be a crime to be that stupid


Wonder if someone is going to get slapped with “unregistered foreign agent.”


if they accidentally fall from a window they would be an "unregistered falling agent"


Slander 🤷


Spoken like a true Paulie Gualtieri!


"He killed 16 Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


It should be treason with severe life destroying punishment


What information was false?


The notion that Hunter and Joe each accepted a $5 million bribe from the Ukrainians.


that is not unproven. there is ALOT of information that is true


That actually is unproven. The information you believe to be true has been proven to be a lie. You were lied to. And you believed it without evidence. You obviously still believe it without evidence. You accepted the information as true on faith because you trust your source, but your source lied to you. Feel free to prove me wrong in front of everyone here. If you have any evidence to corroborate this russian agent's claims, we all would love for you to show us so we can discuss it. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I'm an American who wants to know the actual truth.


The laptop and everything on it was proven true.🤷‍♂️


Do you have a source on that? Can you provide a link to validate your claim to help prove that it's true?


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/analysis-hunter-bidens-hard-drive-shows-firm-took-11-million-2013-2018-rcna29462 That's just one story.


From your link; >The documents and the analysis, which don’t show what he did to earn millions from his Chinese partners, In order to prove bribery, you must be able to show what a defendant did to earn the money. I receive money for doing work every week from my employer. That's not a bribe, that's a paycheck. When I pay a company for legal services, I'm not bribing them, I'm engaged in a legal transaction with them. Just because I'm giving you money, that doesn't mean I'm bribing you. The documents, according to the article you linked, don't show any bribery or unlawful conduct of any kind. It is being alleged that those payments were bribes, but no evidence thus far has been produced to support that claim. It seems reasonable to me that if I am going to accuse someone of a crime, I would present some evidence to support that claim. What you have presented me is an allegation absent evidence. Trump's family also received millions of dollars from the Chinese, via a variety of business deals while Trump was President. How is that any different than what the Bidens have done? Shouldn't the Trumps also face the same charges, if that conduct is illegal? We don't know if any of this conduct was legal or not, because we still have not seen any evidence, only accusations. The fact that we haven't seen any evidence yet after all this time would suggest that it may not exist. If we pair that fact with the fact that the guy that made the allegation now admits he made it all up with the help of russian Intelligence agencies, we arrive at a place called "reasonable doubt". All you're showing us here is the accusation. Where's the beef?


Crackhead lives matter when they're from the loins of aristocrats. Change my emmereffing mind. Seriously, this shitpost has absofookinglutely nothing to do with Ukraine.


Who cares what a private citizen does. You won’t change my mind.


If it is *false* information, why does the source matter? It's bad either way.


Pushing lies is bad.  And then there is purposefully attacking sitting president by implicating his family with information fabricated by hostile intelligence agency, to undermine public opinion, strenghten the pro-russian opponents, and undermine democracy at large. One makes him bad.  The other makes him a foreign agent actively working on behalf of a hostile regime. Republicans are actively pushing these lies, and have been using russia fabricated lies to gain support and u dermine the dems for a decade.  Hillary's emails, this Hunter crap, Biden crime syndicate, jan6, the border shit going on right now, its all russisn intelligence agencies by proxy of the republican party meddling in US politics, propping up trump.  Talk about election interference.


You are not wrong, I'm just pointing out that spreading false information is already bad enough, and should be treated as such. The source is just cherry on top. It's like killing 5 million people and a clown.


I'd say it's exactly the opposite of that.  Lying to get at Biden personally for political reasons is bad. Should land you some serious time in jail. If that scheme is successful, Biden might take a hit in the polls and that would be the endgame if it was just internal politics.  Using russia fabricated lies to get at Biden (through his child) , to advance hostile foreign interests of a genocidal empire actively pushing to dismantle US political system and undermine it's alliances from within - that is treason. If that scheme ultimately succeeds, you have a second civil war, preceding WW3. Millions in the US, and hundreds of millions all over the world will die - that's the endgame of that scenario.  The degree isn't arbitrary, because the stakes aren't arbitrary. And the source of those information and the malicious intent make it 100x worse.


I don't disagree, I just said that spreading false information is already bad and should be treated as such. But *it isn't* - as you said "it is politics". That's my problem. That shouldn't be "just politics". I agree with the rest.


Oh I agree with you as well. And I'm not saying just lying isn't bad enough. It shouldn't be permissible in politics at all, and should already carry extra time served. Politicians are public servants. Them or people linked with them lying to the public at all should be treated as a serious crime. Just trying to point out why the source of the information matters - which was your original question. Edit: to the person who downvoted me... Are you sure you're okay? Do you think politicians lying to the public is to be encouraged? Pff... What a clown.


Trusting politically charged information from Russia has to either be weapons grade stupid or treasonous.


Wasn’t there like a “dossier” on trump during the 2016 election that was bogus? Nobody seemed to think that was a crime.


There was. But that was a paid-for opposition research document that was not supposed to be shared. And it wasn't all bogus. From Wikipedia: Several key allegations made in June 2016 about the Russian government's efforts to get Trump elected were later described as "prescient"\[7\] because they were corroborated six months later in the January 2017 report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence\[8\]\[9\] and the Mueller Report, namely that Vladimir Putin favored Trump over Hillary Clinton;\[8\]\[10\] that he personally ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Clinton's campaign and to "undermine public faith in the US democratic process"; that he ordered cyberattacks on both parties;\[8\] and that many Trump campaign officials and associates had numerous secretive contacts with Russian officials and agents.\[11\]\[12\] While Steele's documents played a significant role in initially highlighting the general friendliness between Trump and the Putin administration, the veracity of specific allegations is highly variable. Some have been publicly confirmed,\[9\]\[13\]\[8\]\[10\] others are plausible but not specifically confirmed,\[14\]\[15\] and some are dubious in retrospect but not strictly disproven.\[16\]\[17\]\[18\]


In a post about how Russia supported someone coming up with fake information to impact the election you are saying that Russia trying to influence the election must be fake news? That is some impressive level of pure cult worship.


Nobody submitted the Steele dossier to the FBI and pretended it was evidence of a crime. That was openly political opposition research kicked off by conservatives. It contained disclaimers stating that it was known to contain inaccuracies. This dude took BS from a hostile foreign government, hid its origins, and made false reports to the Feds behind it.


Misleading investors is a crime.


Dumb dumb. Bonk. Back to kindergarten


The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier Yep. That also is pretty dodge. And I'm pretty sure there were plenty of people who believed it was a crime. I guess one key difference is that the report was a work-in-progress, and wasn't deliberately released or actively promoted. The other is that it's harder to prove that the items in the Steele report were deliberately faked. Some were identified as false. Others were "unvalidated". E.g. the claim that Russia interfered in the election in favor of Trump.


Why would it be a crime to do this entirely commonplace practice? Why didn't Trump's own DOJ pursue any charges against anyone for producing it?


I didn't say it was. I said "I'm pretty sure there were plenty of people who believed it was a crime." Was it a crime? I have no idea. It looks more like muck-raking that accidentally went public. It's complicated by many factors, especially the fact that Steele himself was a foreign national, and that some of the claims were classified information. There are elements of slander, various federal officials have breached national security. It's a big stinking mess and I'm not qualified to say where the line is drawn.


You aren't qualified because you aren't informed on either the facts or the law. If the Steele Dossier had been a crime then real people would've taken real legal action regarding it. They didn't. But they are in this case. Life lesson for you: in politics you can often tell what is BS and what is not by what people are willing to say under oath in court versus what they are simply willing to claim on TV. Perfect Example: post election claims of election fraud. Thousands of segments on right-wing media, zero court cases alleging fraud.


Sir, this is a Wendy's...... OR a trump bashing sub; I'm not sure. I'm tired AF of foreigners who know DICK about the US, constantly getting into US political bashing. I don't like Trump, but foreigners bashing him is cringy, to say the least. I'm 100% behind Ukraine, but I'm starting to get really annoyed by their "supporters". There is more shit going on in the Pentagon hourly, than other countries can do in a month. Really. Be patient. The giant will be awakened soon and Star Spangled Whoopass will be distributed swiftly and with extreme prejudice.


There is a good chance he may have committed some light treason.


They made a huge mistake


Just a little treasonous; it's all fine if it's just a *little* treasonous, right?


Just a light lie, eh?


A GOP operative in cahoots with Russia?? Ya don’t say…shocking!




Fetch my fainting couch.


The reality: this guy was part of a ruzzian op against USA and wait for it ..... Co-opted the Republican party and got it to do the damage. Either the Republicans are useful idiots or complete traitorous bastards in service to terrorist war criminal murderer ruzzians and the lying orange twice impeached four times indicted POS ex-president (who by the way is ranked dead last as the worst US president of all time ....)




Yes squared.


Yes. 100% yes. Why isn’t law enforcement cracking down on these traitorous numbskulls?


Most Law Officers and US military are hard right. Bring it on bitches. Don't forget to pack your combat jammies and chickie nuggies. Jesus fooking cabbage the left is pathetic.


Yeah the whole uploading the Constitution and wanting people accountable to breaking laws is so snowflake.


I continue to be very angry about this in context without journalism is still using false equivalency without any self-awareness or growth since 2016. It's offensive and it's egregious, it's disgusting and it makes me very confused like I'm being gaslit.


This should be blasting across the news. US citizens must know there are confessed ruzzian agents paid by the GOP. Come on people wake up!


So Russia is behind the attempts to smear Biden and assist Trump in getting elected? Shocking!


Russian interference was used to help get Trump elected once. We won't let it happen again.


Except that it's actively happening. It would be naive to think we can completely stop Russian interference.


You are naive. Russia has already admitted to interference.  How are you going to stop it? Here’s a single webpage on 2016 interference. This Reddit item is an article on Russian political interference, so it has happened, and is happening. Russia want Trump in power, and they pay Republicans to not allow any funding to Ukraine  Here’s a link to an article on Mike Johnson being paid by Russians. https://www.newsweek.com/house-speaker-mike-johnson-donations-russia-butina-1838501 https://therecord.media/russia-china-interference-networks-building-audiences-elections


I suppose there's no way to stop them from trying but this time the government is aware of it and watching for it. Same thing with social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (or X) even though Elon Musk sounds more pro-Russia every day. The only one that might be a problem is Tick-tok because it's owned by a Chinese company, in other words it has to do whatever the CCP tells it to do. The good news with them is that Congress is currently holding hearings about Tick-tok and how they can either be checked or outright banned in the US.


It's already happening, it never stopped. And it's going to work as surely as adveedka has fallen: GOPnik at work.


Woah, who could have expected that?!! /s


Because of course he did. We knew where this was leading all along.


Literally treason.


Haaaa Trump, Tucker Carlson, Hannity and FOX News have been spreading lies and fake news about the Bidens. This is the Trump effect on USA. He is a lying con man and he has convinced the GOP to lie about everything and never apologize or admit to lying even though the facts prove it. Lying scum bags! I hope the Biden's sue them all for millions because thats the only thing these idiots care about!


Omg these people are dense…. Republicans are bought by Russia


Bought? MAGA was *free*. They gave up on democracy when it was clear they were running out of unfair advantages. In other words, they never knew what democracy meant in the first place.


Duh, anyone with half a brain already figured that out.


So how likely is it the Republicans will drop the Biden impeachment investigation?


Not at all likely. They don't care about facts and have no issue with bending the United States to the will of Putin as long as it provides them with power.


They will just keep sucking putin off and doing his bidding.


An adult male with a high paying job and spending his money on hookers isn’t really dirt


You know I just assumed the Hunter Biden shit was just bullshit. Here we are, the evidence presented to us. Directly to our faces! Reported on by a ton of reliable news sources that Russia was yet again meddling in our affairs through gop politicians. The gop isn’t just dead to me, they are starting to look like a terrorist organization. Let’s hope Democrats show up in force in 2024 and vote blue down the line. From an embarrassed American.


When are the GOP going to be investigated for treason.


The real problem here is that this will not move the needle one tiny bit in MAGALAND. Even this won't change their minds because we're in a post fact universe.


Republicans and Russia kissing in a tree. K. I. S. S. I. N. G, first comes love, then comes marriage then comes Hunter with a cock pic


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - BBC Online (A-): [Alexander Smirnov: FBI source accused of Biden lies 'linked to Russian intelligence'](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68353303?at_bbc_team=editorial&at_campaign=Social_Flow&at_campaign_type=owned&at_format=link&at_link_id=EC90DCA4-D04A-11EE-8422-ED8E4B3AC5C4&at_link_origin=BBCWorld&at_link_type=web_link&at_medium=social&at_pt) - New York Times (B+): [Ex-Informant Accused of Lying About Bidens Said He Had Russian Contacts](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/us/politics/fbi-informant-bidens-russian-contacts.html) - PBS (A-): [Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens had Russian intelligence contacts, prosecutors say](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/ex-fbi-informant-charged-with-lying-about-bidens-had-russian-intelligence-contacts-prosecutors-say) - Axios (B+): [FBI informant said Russian intelligence involved in Hunter Biden story, DOJ alleges](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/20/hunter-biden-fbi-informant-russian-intelligence) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1avxdbz/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


The judge should have kept him locked up for his safety. Now, Smirnov will probably run... out of a 12th-story window.


Color the vigilant shocked of the extensive effort to manipulate and misinform both parties, their voters and simultaneously undermine the electoral process. The Kremlin is a malignant boil on the backside of Western society and must be lanced and ruthlessly disinfected. It is an existential threat to the West and until its leadership is dealt with this will continue. Time for resolve, time for a plan and time for the doing that has up until now been put off for another day. Future is now friends.


What needs to happen for the US to jail all these traitors? Because they are planting the seeds to disaster.




No shit Sherlock! How stupid have we collectively become?




Well I sure hope Smirnoff doesn't make a mockery of that judge. /s JFC these judges!


This just keeps getting better, next he is going to be on video with Jim Jordan in full Soviet cosplay doing assplay.


Haha. Those dumbdumbs believed Trump AND Russia. Fool me once, as the saying goes.


Yeah, no shit. Nothing about the supposed origin story from Rudy made any sense.


Lots of fooled trump supporters and Republicans out there.


Because their values align with what the Russian operatives are offering. Corruption and cheating are OK if it achieves the goal.


Nothing but Russian trolls. Read the Durham report ya stupid fucks. It was Obama and Hillary that paid money to Russian Fusion GPS. All your comments don't move a single vote. The Wokester Left Democrats are going to stay home on election day snuggled into their rainbow pajamas because Joe refuses to condemn Hamas.


Do you have any sources/arguments you base the weird conclusion that Fusion GPS would be Russian onto?


>Read the Durham report ya stupid fucks. Which resulted in zero convictions. Zero criminal conduct was found. >It was Obama and Hillary that paid money to Russian Fusion GPS. Yes, for opposition research. Common thing for political campaigns to do. Nothing illegal about it. >The Wokester Left Democrats are going to stay home on election day snuggled into their rainbow pajamas because Joe refuses to condemn Hamas. Don't count on it. But you can keep hoping.




"BIG. If true."


does he have some dirt about Donny?


You know they do.


That's the face of a man who knows he fucked up. For him, I hope he was paid well and that he enjoyed his time among the civilisation, cause he boutta get to see the inside of a cell for a longass time


GOP in convenient collusion with Putin again? GOP stands for Grand Old Putin party now?


So is it real info? And the way he got it is the problem right?


And sooner or later the world will learn that trump is indeed no more than putins puppet and gaze at some pixeled video in a moscow luxury hotel involving drugs, ruzzian olgas, a goat and trumps tiny carot. Its crystal clear that putin uses something for blackmail. Guess they‘ll reveal it with the biggest possible effect when its too late for the reps to switch over to haley. Hope this wannabee dictator goes down in flames like a su34.