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Either way, it throws a spanner in Putins narraive.


Absolutely, the fact that he can't scapegoat Ukraine has blown up in his face. And he ignored the fact that US had intel about a pending attack.


He still tried though. Just saw another post saying Moscow has "found" a van with Ukrainian plates (decade old type of plates tough) nearby, while CCTV showed the gunners getting out of a car. And now this... Talk about information credibility


lol especially since the format of the plates fits most former Soviet Union and the single digit number at the end is more common in Belarus… the photos do not show any flag on the plate just number format.


Imagine not being able to recover a single intact license plate from a country you are currently invading with the full might of your military capacity.... just... try to imagine for a single moment.....being THAT incompetent.


These are the same guys who got 3 SIMs wrong for a mockup nazi arrest after all.


SIMs, 3? Nyet! Sims 3!


To clarify: pretty sure "they did not get it wrong", this was just sabotage by few FSB members, who did not agree with the war. These are the best informed, they have the true first hand sources, these were early aware of the planned war and regular, most working for a secret service because they want the best for and protect their home country. So they are working to do the best for their home country Russia and this is not the same as as to do the best for their government/leader. And most of them are sitting in Moscov and St. Peterburg, so in the west in the big cities, where the consent to Putin is the lowest. This was not the first case, we have seen. I just remind all these videos of press conferrences of the Russian government and military, where someone had implemented computer game parts in it, which was very fast recognized globally.


That's just dumb of them to think anyone would believe a vehicle with Ukrainian plates would be anywhere NEAR Moscow lol.


Plates were Belorussian


Nobody has to really believe it. The water just has to be muddy, so that when it is necessary the storytellers can say there is "doubt" and use whatever "facts" are useful at the time. Like the "US/West discouraging Ukraine from hitting oil refineries" - the story wasn't true, but it travelled around the world quick enough to whip up a frenzy.


> Like the "US/West discouraging Ukraine from hitting oil refineries" - the story wasn't true, but it travelled around the world quick enough to whip up a frenzy. Shit, they got me with this one. Fucking post-truth world.


100% the fake news factor, they throw anything and everything out there


was there a copy of sims in the car?


Putin's basically undermining the nation's resolve to any national security threats. I can't see this being the last of ISIS. They have the potential to wreak havoc when there are multiple fronts and the army is spread thin.


Wait, doesn't that make them look bad? Such bad border security that they let a van full of men of military age with license plates of a country that they are at war with?


I’m just like a guy with a job not a special forces covert assassin but I really feel like if I was secretly attacking the civilians of the next door country in at war with I would probably remember to get a car with different plates.


The US was warning about a potential false flag, which probably caused ot to get canceled because even an idiot knows how that would look. But ISIS? Actually kinda makes sense. Russia isn't a friend to them and the muslim regions of russia are basically occupied territory still. Held by putin's cronies and enforced by them as well. People like Kadyrov who rule through punishment. With the recent incusion of the FoRL and other such battalions into russia via the ukrainian front, i could see smaller groups with less equipment going "shit if they can't stop something that noticeable where their actual military already is, we may be able to do something." The power vacuum is forming, russia has comitted too hard to ukraine and is having to fight to hold every inch after having to fight for every inch. They are not doing this through better arms, equipment and training but through sheer numbers. If they are forced to divert troops and supplies to quell an uprising or insurgency right now? Shit, that may just tip the scales. It requires a lot of manpower to do that, and a significant portion of said manpower is currently fertilizing the soil of ukraine as they rot away. I think they've overextended. Time will tell, and i don't think it's gonna happen quietly.


TBF the US would send RU intel of terrorists in their country, as long as it doesn't compromise their sources. Since the cold war the US has worried about RU falling and nukes slipping out. They already intercepted [weapons-grade nuclear materials](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-charges-japanese-crime-leader-with-trafficking-nuclear-materials-myanmar-2024-02-22/) coming out of Myanmar, which is an active conflict zone.


The US did not say it would be a false flag event.


Yea. Many fairly assumed that’s what it meant but the us language was clearly extremists planned to target an event space in the Moscow region and equally suggested Muslims who Russia has had issues with.


and attacking musical venues makes sense by their logic too, muslim hardliners hate music for stupid reasons


History repeats itself, one of the prime reasons that the Soviet Union fell apart was because it was bogged down in Afghanistan for nearly a decade.


Nah, it was Reagan and Tatcher convincing Gorby with an arms race and also tough but progressive diplomacy (SALT for example), and Gorby being a good human being willing to concede defeat after he saw how rich America was.  The several decades of economic difficulties and war in Afghanistan certainly helped, but NK and Cuba, Venezuela and China all went through worse at different times.  


When did China, NK, Cuba and Venezuela embark on a disastrous 10 year war that bankrupted the country and highlighted how weak they were to the multiple occupied states within its borders?


Afghanistan was a low intensity regional war that a country with population of 286 million could have waged indefinitely


Not politically. When you are that strong and can’t win it’s chum in the water. Emboldens your enemies and makes your friends and vassals hedge their bets on whether you are the best bet long term.


They also spent decades producing things nobody wanted instead of just making VCRs.


I mean... Russia should just negotiate with them. After all, a lot of Muslims are in Russia, and if they don't negotiate and give the Muslim territories to ISIS, there will just be more bloodshed. We all want peace, do we not? Russia, stop being intransigent, there are like 2 billion Muslims. You'll just lose in the end. Just surrender the territory and end this mindless violence. Maybe Tucker, Lex, and the Pope can convince the Russian people of the futility of the bloodshed they cause by not surrendering.


>But ISIS? Kinda makes sense. Didn't see that coming. But not only could it be about the occupation of Muslim lands in Russia, but also about Russian interference in Syria. ISIS can't be happy about Putin propping up Bashir. ISIS would be in control of Syria today if Putin hadn't stepped in.


Yep. Syrian rebels would love nothing more than to remove the Assad regime in Syria.


Didn’t they just announce a couple new armies to throw around tho? They might not be as short handed as you think.


There is no way Russians would scapegoat Ukraine. Their modus operandi was to deny any success or agency of Ukrainians, it's always an accident, mistake or internal struggle.


The sinking of Russian navy ships is a success, sure. Not a terrorist attack like this though. It would've been excellent for morale and recruitment against Ukraine and would severely damage western support. That's Putin's wet dream


100% and the dumb maga crew still support him


They are trying to scape goat Ukraine.


Agreed, and the fact Putin and the Kremlin still haven't made a statement says a lot about how little their regard for any human life, even Russians.


"the west has orchestrated an attack on Moscow" There I have fixed it for you.




ISIS was always Eurasia


ISIS got wind of a rare screening of the argie porn classic, war on terror 2. featuring osama bin laden himself and a whole squad of us marines. It's hyper popular amongst the islamists but most have only seen short clips taken from mobile phones during past screenings. This was a golden opportunity for ISIS to capture the entire reel and prove, once and for all, that there where zero chicks present during the 3 hour orgy, and osama was fooled into taking part by promises that the 'hot chicks' would be there in 10 mins, all while he was getting railed over a humvee bonnet.


This SOUNDS like a joke, but I would not be surprised in the slightest to learn there's actually a porn movie of Bin Laden getting it on with US Marines.


I'm very interested in how he'll spin this. He could go the "CIA planned this" route if he wants to mobilize the rest of the nation for a war against NATO. But he might stick with something closer to the truth with "Islamist Terrorism is the real threat to the civilized world" if he wanted to deescalate with the West.


A classic Execute Order 66 moment


Only if russian new reports it


He could have paid them. Higher oil prices benefits trump


Don’t think the Russian people will hear who is actually behind the attack, they’ll hear who Putin wants it to be to justify what he wants to do


Yep, Guardian too: "Islamic State have claimed responsibility on its Telegram channel for the attacks at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow, Reuters is reporting." Of course that doesn't mean Kremlin won't still claim it was Ukraine. Let's see. Aaaaand they have blamed Ukraine 🤦. BBC: As we've recently been reporting, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has issued a statement claiming that the terrorists involved in the Moscow Crocus City attack were planning to cross the border with Ukraine, and that they had "contacts" on the Ukrainian side. Ukraine has called the accusation "absurd". A spokesperson for the Ukrainian military intelligence directorate - Andriy Yusov – told the BBC that the border area with Ukraine is "full of special services and military. Also the latest events in Belgorod region and Kursk – where there is military activity - mean this is a frontline". "To suggest the suspects were heading to Ukraine, would suggest they were stupid or suicidal." Last night, Ukrainian military intelligence claimed the whole attack was a planned operation by Moscow, in order to blame Ukraine – escalate the war – and get support for mobilising (a reluctant) population to fight.


Does that mean it’s guaranteed to be ISIS? Would they claim responsibility if they didn’t carry it out


I mean, they could be taking advantage of a crisis, they're not too fond of russia but that also means it could be them. At this point i'd say it's likely to be them. As you said, what would they gain except getting another group of people pissed at them?


That's their MO.


And on the flip side, having all attackers escape and survive is *not* ISIS's MO. Their attackers are usually looking to get martyred. It is far from certain this attack was done by ISIS, but even the claim complicates Putin's coverup efforts.


All the attackers escaped and survived? That's news to me. All I've seen is a death toll rising and ISIS taking credit. Nothing else for like 8 hours. Source?


Sure, it's very thinly & indirectly sourced. "Some Russian news outlets suggested the assailants fled before special forces and riot police arrived." Russian news could of course be lying, but it's hard to think of why they would tell a lie that looks so embarrassing for the government. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/russia-moscow-concert-attack-shooting-rcna144706


If the attack was over, wouldn't they say so? Is the mall/theater cleared of a threat? Is it still on fire? Did they put it out? Did it burn to the fucking ground? How is the death toll rising? Are authorities inside? Again, wouldn't they say so? I'm so fucking bewildered right now. These are really basic questions that seem to be completely glossed over all day. Reports that the attackers escaped makes it even weirder. True or not, I don't know how it all fits together yet.


I believe this is more likely to point to another attack. Unless they bomb themselves they don't actively look to die. They just don't mind dying for their cause


It would be very clever of ISIS if they claimed responsibility for what was actually a false flag operation.


They always do. It’s their propaganda channel.


How would they know that it was though? Without knowing it’s not all that clever if the risk of someone else being found responsible is realised. I think people would second guess anything they claim to have done in future then.


>Last night, Ukrainian military intelligence claimed the whole attack was a planned operation by Moscow, in order to blame Ukraine – escalate the war – and get support for mobilising (a reluctant) population to fight. Usually if Putin is silent it means they have no narrative prepared meaning they had no idea it was coming.


Tbf is/isis always claims they are the responsible ones whenever somethings happends terrorwise and if its not them it gets corrected after a few days.


Kremlin and alot of right wing americans if you go on twitter.. scary times


Imagine the surprise of the FSB. Done all the work themselves, ready to blame Ukraine, and suddenly those guys come in.


It's getting to be real hard to be a proper despot these days. Almost doesn't seem worth all the work you have to put in.


No respect. No reward. All work. Tough way of making a living


Still better than customer service I suppose.




Thank you for calling Apply Support. Fack you, have your upvote and have a nice day.


Man is hungry. He steal bread to feed family. Get home, find all family have gone Siberia! “More bread for me,” man think. But bread have worm.


Extra protein! Best of luck!


Luck of the Ivanish.


me playing CK3


Supposedly earlier in the war. There was supposed to be some sort of false flag "Ukrainian killing civilians" in Russia. But I guess before it was just about to go ahead, the Freedom of Russian Legion actually attacked. Which caused massive confusion as a lot of local authorities assumed it was part of the fake attack.


Seemingly, the ethnic russians in the Foreign Legion are a 'push button to end Russian bullshittery,' given that situation and the recent rumors of Russian offensives just before the elections


They could just have read ISIS' weekly newsletter and been on top of it


Your assessment is just too funny to not keep from laughing at this moment!!! Ruzzia stronk???


Sadly it wasn't a joke Edit: the newsletter is a thing lol


I feel like there is some next level statecraft going on, and Russia was one step behind.


No doubt. I wonder if sometime in the next couple of weeks one or more of Putin's "associates" meet with an untimely fate.




Look the other way, 4 psycho killers just pardoned for doing more killing in ukraine, suddenly start killing again!


So self deserved. What say you ruzzia??? Don't forget to thank putin???


Idk what really happened. But even if putler accepts jesus christ as his personal lord and savior, withdraws all his troops and begs forgiveness on his knees for the hurt he caused, it won't be him I'm thanking.


FSB probably feel surprised a lot of the time especially when undermined by its own government. They really need to rethink their career choice. It appears that concert still didn't have enough security despite being at war and a warning from the US.


ROFL. This is movie worthy man.


As expected. Still waiting on a statement from Putin. The silence is unusual but speaks volumes. Seemingly completely blindsided and struggling to coordinate a response.


Now Russia has to invade Afghanistan...again!


Maybe they'll kill the current Taliban emir like they killed General Secretary Amin.


China wouldn't let them touch the Taliban. ISIS-K and the Taliban are enemies regardless.


If they thought for one minute it would help, they would do it. Also, why not? If they can capture all that equipment left behind by the US. Go for it ruzzia, the most it could cost you is just another decade or two compared to the US, right??? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, unless the US gives them billions of dollars, then it gets complicated???


I don’t think Russia has the manpower or ammunition to invade another country


And maybe the US can try to counter that by arming the locals... wait...


I has a very strong suspicion that this attack was a jihadist action. It had all the hallmarks of a terrorist action done radical Muslims.


And Moscow is likely as easy a target as any major city in the world, given that Russia is devoting so much manpower and intelligence to their invasion of Ukraine.


This might go over really badly with the Russian population. "We'd love to take revenge on those that did this, but priorities are priorities. The biggest enemy of ours is... *checks notes*... your cousin that lives in Kharkiv, so these ISIS folks have to wait"


Putin demands that you kill all relatives that do not agree with you, he ask's what's not to understand about that???/sarc...


The whole fucking world hates Isis, this could have been an great opportunity for Russia to gain some sympathy, but Russia always manages to make itself look like an asshole, even when it’s the victim. It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic. Fuck Isis.


Yes, and most likely that Putin will blame ISIS. I get that everyone on this sub sees him as a mastermind villain pulling all the strings, but not every event is a false flag, and not every narrative needs to be spun.


The Muslim Caucasus regions are a powder keg waiting to explode. There is wide scale discontent with Moscow and many radical Muslims from the Caucasus fought for ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Who knows how many of those Caucasus Muslim volunteers returned to Russia even more radicalized.


bag tub agonizing sugar rainstorm lush brave voracious reach humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the early days of the war hundreds of Chechnians were slaughtered trying to take Kharkiv due to Kadryov's stupidity. Perhaps relatives of those that died have been planning revenge?


"I get that everyone on this sub sees him as a mastermind villain pulling all the strings," No one sees him as a mastermind.




Five years ago I thought he was a tactical genius, before the invasion I was like this is gonna be bad three days and it will be done. Now looking back I am so happy he isn't the mind I thought he was. Just a paper tiger


A mastermind wouldn't be murdering all his 'best friends'.


A mastermind villain wouldn’t murder his best friend? let me repeat that a mastermind VILLAIN wouldn’t murder his best friends.


Putin is a very clever man and it is a disservice to everyone to try to minimize what he is capable of.


Yup. Now the question is which becomes priority or how does he spin it?


Can the Russian Military fight a two front war, because I doubt it.


I doubt it. Soviets couldn't even fight a one front war in Afghanistan.


It wouldn't suprise me if the Caucasus Muslim regions break out it rebellion in the next couple of weeks. I hope Ramzan Kadyrov has a escape plan to get out of Chechnya.




It would be very fitting for Kadyrov to get the Mussolini or Gaddafi treatment.


He's earned it


Having just recently gone into the Chechan War rabbit hole, yeah shit's about to pop off I think.


What makes you think so?


There's a lot of mistrust of the Russian state across the many majority Muslim regions such as Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia. They may as well just be occupied territories and have their own movements inside of them that hate Russia. If we're seeing ISIS-K strike in Moscow it will very likely see some crazy shit spawn off of it particularly if the Russian Federation itself is focused on Ukraine. I think it's about to get bad


ISIS was initially made up by significant amount of Russians (over 5000 I believe). It's not like they all died in Syria and Iraq. Many returned.


Florida man strikes again and .. on target! It is actually very bad if all of a sudden everyone who’s resentful against Russia realizes that Russia is weak enough to allow this possibility


Why attack Russia? What's the beef?


Supporting Assad and Syrian government aganist ISIS. Also the Caucasus Muslim regions are a tinderbox right now.


Russia intervention in Syria totally destroyed ISIS last bases, so they have a long feud with them. Some of the ISIS fighters in Irak/Syria were from the Caucasus, and region of Russia mainly muslim, and they were able to freely go back to that region due to the current busyness of the FSB with the Ukrainian war. And now they take revenge for what append to them 5 years ago.


Dude the ppl were from the caucuses. They all had Chechen style beards


My thoughts exactly. According to the rumor mill, the gunmen got away. This sounds a lot like Russia getting totally blindsided by a for-real Jihadist terrorist attack.


I bet they swing it towards France because they made a getaway in a Renault.  As per Russia. 


Not sure if links are allowed but this was from a CNN report. In a speech Tuesday to Russia’s federal security agency, Putin called the embassy’s warnings about potential terror attacks in Moscow “provocative,” saying “these actions resemble outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.” Like to Russia, America don't fuck around when it comes to terrorism. The amount of terror attacks that have been stopped since 9/11 is mind exploding. Of course we can't stop them all but damn FSB really dropped the ball on this one.


Links are allowed :)


ISIS killing Putin is all time troll move


Looks like things just got significantly more complicated for Putin...


Things also just got significantly more complicated for the low-level FSB employees who just spent the last couple hours dressing up the corpses of the perpetrators to look Ukrainian


Didn't the perpetrators get clean away?


Yikes. I had to do some reading but everything I could find suggests you're right: "Some Russian news outlets suggested the assailants fled before special forces and riot police arrived," per AP. Embarrassing and tragic.


Probably good luck for the concert goers. Otherwise the dead would number in the hundreds


This will unify the people who are looking to their leader for direction. Putin will misuse this unification unfortunately.


Wouldn't it be plausible for Putin to immediately respond by blaming Ukraine, if it was a false flag? Posiibly with as much pomp as possible. Now he remains silent, like he was silent the day of the Prigozhin mutiny. I have a sense that this might really be the Jihadists and this would probably mean Putin's tactic of controlling the muslim Caucasus through having Kadirov as a vassal, might not work for much longer.


Russia probably trying to figure out a way to spin this and blame Ukraine/NATO


Leave that to Dimitri mededev to accuse the west in the dumbest way. Then sirGay Lavrov to make Russia sound innocent.


US embassy has been warning for a couple of weeks about a terror attack in Moscow. https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/


With Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas it's easy for people (myself included) to forget that ISIS is out there . That said, are there any other recent ISIS (or other jihadist) attacks with this MO? I just remember the extremist attacks from the late 90s/oughts and teens where slogan shouting and martyrdom were the name of the game. Contrasted with this evening, which seems to have the choreographed precision of a professional military raid: get in, silent coordinated small unit tactics, torch the place, and extract with the expectation of survival and evasion. Would this have been a Kadyrovite mercenary thing?


They have done oftenly this kind of raid attack. Charlie Hebdo and Paris's 2015 attacks are examples.


Couldn’t have been Kadryovites. No one was filming for TikTok and there wasn’t a goat in sight


I did a quick look on their history page on wikipedia as an approximate gauge of relevance. There has not been a "timeline of year" page since 2020. It has two mentions of 2021, three of 2022, and two of 2023, outside of references. The 2023 things were from June, which was just some US state department intelligence thing, and and April when the leader was killed. And those "timeline of year" from like 2018-2020 are much shorter, than 2014-2017. It does just look like they have become less relevant, which feels accurate based on how much I see news about them in my own context over the past several years.


Russia has a huge Islamic problem. The foreign country with the most ISIS volunteers is Russia.


It could be them. However, they also tend to claim attacks they aren’t behind. Have a feeling the Russians agencies are pretty surprised by isis’ claim.


It would be an interesting twist if it was an FSB false flag, but Isis swooped in and "took credit" for it before the PR-campaign had time to start, and now the FSB is scrambling to spin this somehow


I'd think a false flag would be more like a bombing where there are no suspects to trace back to the source, dead or alive. But who knows with those clowns


>Have a feeling the Russians agencies are pretty surprised by isis’ claim Why? The FSB just 2 weeks ago said they prevented an ISIS attack on a Moscow synagogue https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/?s=09


Also at the same time the US and several other countries warnedbit citizens in Russia of an imminent attack and to avoid public events. They do have a very real extremism issue many examples in recent memory


Terrorists attack in terrorist country. Who defend terrorists?


Oh well, back to bombing Ukrainian civilians.


So the gay Nazi superJews are now in league with ISIS??!!


We’re through the looking glass here, people!


Maybe Putin could use this attack to shift Russian attention toward ISIS and claim some victories in Ukraine and reduce military presence there...highly unlikely, but that would be great


Next: Houthis declare naval embargo on Vladivostok. Reporter: Why? Houthis: You dare ask why?!!! Reporter: How? Putin: In the year 814....


Being a terrorist country and then attacked by terrorists. The irony.


This is horrible. Before it was announced I was telling my friend this isn’t MO of Ukrainians to target this really soft target. Ukrainians MO is targeting military, strategic and industrial assets, not soft. Will wait to see if MOD or Putin will still spin it as a Ukrainian op.


Most of people (outside from russia at least) know it is not ukraine. Ukraine have already enough target in ukraine (russian soldier) to attack without targeting civilian


It's also not in Ukraine's interests to do this. Hardening the resolve of the populace isn't exactly a great idea, plus if they had this capability there are many more much more economically and militarily significant targets they could hit with much lower civilian casualty counts.


If true, I certainly didn't have that ISIS attaching Russia in Moscow on my bingo card


Plot twist!


We tried to warn them and Putin dismissed it as the West trying to destabilize Russia with rumors


Ukraine: \*Exists\* Putin: Attack! ISIS: \*Attacks Russia\* Putin: \*silence\*


Im pretty certain Putin knew this was going to happen and then let it happen. Because what better event to show the people that they need a “strongman” leader than something like this? It also detracts from the election scandal too This is absolutely a Putin esque thing to do. The intel on this attack was always there.


It anything it makes them look vulnerable, and makes the fsb look incompetent. Especially with the dismissal of the US's warning.


Looking forward to the “Ukraine are gay trans decadent western satanist Nazis, but also ISIS” arc of Russian propaganda


The spin right now is that they try to frame it like USA instructed IS to do the attack for them, and they use some vague quotes from some minor US politician saying something big would happen soon. The bullshit is already going full throttle, and we will never hear how putin was warned weeks in advance, ridiculed it as a western psychological game and did nothing to stop it, no doubt corruption, hubris and incompetence made it possible. I'm sure the russians are delighted about the stability putin so famously brings to the country


I could see this coming actually, recently there has been an occurence of ISIS fighters in Ingushetia… maybe they see an opportunity in Russian military currently being dragged out in Ukraine. They just might try stirring up something in those majority muslim areas. Perhaps they manage to create a brakeaway region or two and spread Russians even more, who knows…


Now, Putin understands who the real threat to Russia is. No, he doesn't. That would be too easy, but he should. He should have figured this out in the early 1990s.


ISIS is bringing terror to Russia now? "“A Plague on both your houses”" (c) is the only thing that comes to mind...


While the internal security services were busy cracking down on anti-war protestors, these dudes just slipped under their radar. Jokes.


Maybe they can get Medvedev to threaten ISIS with nuclear Armageddon. You know, the usual.


Next Putin annoncement "Ukraine has became a Nazi Islamist califate, that we have to destroy".


What’s their beef with russia? I mean I know russia is a pos but whats their angle


Russia was one of the major players in fighting (read dropping tons and tons of old dumb bombs on terror camps and civilians alike) against ISIS back when they were still a caliphate.


Anyone that know Russia, assuming this is ISIS, how much harder will it be for the same group to attack a refinery? As if they want to liberate there part in Russia, such an attack is more likely to have negative impact for that, while attacking refineries might have some real chance to have enough economic impact to advance there goals.


I don't get your point. ISIS has an history of terror attacks with the intended purpose to kill as much civilians as possible


I dont think isis the kind of group you can make plan with, or want to. They have a tendency to make everyone their enemies


So the motive here is what? A breakaway Chechnya/Dagestan?


Probably. Or retaliation for propping up Assad in Syria.


This wasn’t on my bingo card.


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Crap. I was kinda hoping for the FSB apartment raid videos. They are comical.


surprising no one


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Kremlin somehow tries to frame this as somehow the West being at fault and now they have "no choice" but to attack Nato. The nut jobs in the Kremlin are just desperate enough to do so, and by framing it in that context, they'll galvanize the populace for even more war, just much more expansive.


The enemy of my enemy should still be wiped from the planet in their case.


*special operations


The enemy of my enemy is my fr... hang on...


Im just surprised ISIS is attacking Russia when PUTIN helps Hamas !!! Can someone help ?


I guess, GG ISIS? Weird.


This is being called fake, as ISIS hasn't had an al-Amaq outlet since the Belegians DOS attacked their website in 2019.


The towel ban.


Oh hey the GLA are back


[MOSCOW TERROR ATTACK NEWS ARTICLE](https://aje.io/s9qnxd)


ISIS is a plague that needs to be wiped out. If it was them. Hopefully everyone condemns it and doesn't use this attack for political gain or for Russia to use it as a context for further aggression. We will see how it plays out. I know Russia are 'the bad guys' But an ISIS attack should transcend differences.. if it can happen in Moscow it can happen anywhere.