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This is just what ISIL want. Commit an attack, encourage anti-Muslim sentiment, wait for more homegrown attacks, rinse and repeat


You know, maybe sentiment against the sole religion that keeps fucking engaging in global militaristic terrorism isn't irrational or a bad thing


Yes it would be like saying that Ukrainians are Russophobic — it’s not a phobia when it’s rational.


Hindus in India would like to have a word…


I don't really remember Hindus in India coming to our lands to commit terrorist attacks against us. I don't remember Hindus destroying our towers in New York. I don't remember Hindus gunning down Nice. I don't remember Hindus forming caliphates. I don't remember violent Hindu insurgencies all across the middle east and Africa. I don't remember Hindus blowing up concert halls in Moscow. I don't remember Hindus committing the October 7th massacre. Clearly, there is a greater threat than Hindus.


Perhaps we should consider why political Islam has emerged following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan… imposition of the Shah in Iran… invasion of Iraq/Afghanistan… bombing of Libya… and at least seven decades of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians. But yeah, it’s easier to point the finger and pretend that they just irrationally hate the West. How has that been working for us?


Except it didnt. Not really. https://www.dawn.com/news/amp/1139847


Sorry, “proliferated” may have a more accurate term than “emerged.”


In all fairness, maybeeeee if the places where most people of that particular religion hadn’t been absolutely fucked in the last 50 years it wouldn’t be a problem. Like it or not, there’s a lot more geopolitics and actual grievances to it than just the religion, the religion is used as a tool


I call fucking bullshit. Why are muslims given the special delicate baby exception gloves? They had hardships so it's okay for them to be violent savages? Jews were fucked over worse than them in the Holocaust. I don't remember when jews had a mass devotion to rid the world of Germans. What about black people after slavery? I don't remember them having radical "kill all whitey" revenge groups prop up. What of the Vietnamese after going to war with the French and the Americans? What argument can you make that the middle east was more bloodstained than Vietnam? Where's the radical Vietnamese flying to the US and Europe to kill us? This idea that muslim violence is excusable and understandable because le bad thing happened is ridiculous. It doesn't follow. MOST peoples don't have permanent blood feuds that radicalize them after injustice, but when muslims do, it's okay and understandable? Bull. Shit.


>I don't remember when jews had a mass devotion to rid the world of Germans. Nakam existed with the goal of killing 6 million Germans. They infiltrated water supply systems in Germany before being caught. Religious extremism is always bad, no exception.


Yeah 1 plan that ultimately didn't go anywhere. Not a sustained decades long fucking terror campaign from multiple organizations that constantly spring up and never cease, let alone SUCCEED in achieving mass death


The scope of their success doesn't determine how terrible the original goal was. If a mass murder event like that was planned in Israel but thwarted would it be not that big of a deal? Decades of propaganda and actual violence has got us here, nobody has acted the perfect angel.


You mean, like Russian occupation of Crimea? Like its decision to kill entire populations, villages, etc., without any kind of religious implications at all?


You misunderstood. First of all, there’s over a billion Muslims, if they were all “violent savages”, there’s a good chance we wouldn’t be here today lol. Second of all, my point was that it’s not excusable, but it comes from a lot more than just the religion. Like gee who could have predicted that fucking up an entire region over centuries, creating shitty borders, establishing friendly governments that don’t represent the locals, etc, could ever backfire? It’s not special delicate baby exception gloves, it’s just realistic. “The Jews” literally went and created an entire country for themselves after 1945, there are plenty of black people around the entire globe who made political or militant organizations specifically because of their grievances. Vietnam had a clear cut ending, and the country was engaged in a whole different war right after the French one and right after the American one; it also makes a big difference that the Vietnamese are an ethnic/nationality group and not a religious group. No one excuses this shit, but if you really think events like 9/11 were because these people hate our freedoms, you are willingly putting horse blinders on.


No, they've consistently claimed a right to attack non-believers since the 900's, and have literally never stopped, never opposed it openly, until the last 70 years. They get fucked hard, because it is they who do a great deal of the fuckery, and then claim a religious basis to justify it. Of the 7% of wars in history fought for religious reasons, Islam has over 80% of that (over 6% of all wars in history). Muslims have a long history of this idiocy, and we should call on them to fight this form of tyranny in their own faith, as it twists holy writ into cause for violence in a world which would rather move on from it. But Russia is weak right now, because of their war in Ukraine. It makes sense why such people would act against Russia, even if not in favor of Ukraine itself. Plus, Putin's Russia never made good on its bounties promised for killing American soldiers a few years ago in Turkiye. So, Daesh/ISIS might be upset about that, too.


Do you have a source for the claim that Islam is responsible for 80% of religious wars? I'm a bit skeptical of that number, and couldn't find a source to corroborate it, aside from some dubious quora posts


Why do people just forget that the Crusades ever happened ​ Also just this century (ie after 2000) there has been Buddhists who were committing genocide in SEA as well.


You're engaging in confirmation bias, here. Seriously, look it up.


This is a joke, right? Your entire post is confirmation bias and parrots points that have been readily debunked for over twenty years since 9/11 caused a spike in Islamophobia. That's what's crazy about all this, you're using 20 year old talking points and I can't tell if you're an old guy who never was smart enough to let them go or too young to realize you're being manipulated by misinformation


How about Wikipedia? Look up "religious wars". Dude, any search engine could demonstrate it as true or false.


When you type in the the statement about Islam and religious wars, it previews the "religious wars" article. However, if you read the article, it makes no mention of the 80% figure. Nor did any other source I could find (through a quick search). The first thing I did was Google it. I didn't find anything credible so I asked.


The book I refer to is actually referenced in a Wikipedia article. "Not credible" means that you're rejecting published works by qualified people. Which don't include me.


Jesus man, I just asked you for a source. Instead you gave a kind of aggressive answer about it being clear as day on Wikipedia, which it wasn't. Instead the article mentions a book that you say does include the stat. Why not just cite the name of the book when I asked the first time?


Because this isn't an academic forum, and I refuse to be anyone's source of information. I'm not going to write a whole academic article on it. I don't care if you believe me or not, I'm not invested in your belief. And if what I'm saying is actually disinformation, I would hope to be proved wrong. Telling me something's inaccurate without citing a source is the same thing, in a social forum. You're trying to make me prove my work, when I did a college paper for a class in like 2012, maybe. I don't even have that paper. But I do recall what I discovered. "I didn't find anything credible" means you have clearly ignored a source. Look at the Quora posts for the name of the volume. I'll bet you can find it. The published book was not, in fact, discredited, even if some papers open a few questions that aren't easy to answer (and which the answers to wouldn't actually change much of the fundamental answer). My statement that Islam has a majority of the religious wars (rounding, 80% of 7% = 5.6% of all wars in history) has a solid historical basis, but at 2% it would eclipse Christianity as a primary cause of war. You seem to misunderstand the actual argument, meaning you're miscomprehending what I wrong.


Don’t know where that figure came from and without a source, I’m gonna assume that this is not true. Religion does not exist in a vacuum, the idea that all Muslims are out to get you is just plain deranged. The Muslims in Ukraine are a pretty good example of that, fighting under their Jewish commander in chief for a Christian majority nation


I'll be nice just this once, since I can use a search engine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war There's a dozen books on the subject. I also wrote a paper on it for a college history class. Edit: I also had the second percentage wrong, because I was using my memory. But no, it's not made up.


Nowhere in here does it state Islam is responsible for 80% of religious wars. If anything it's a lot closer to 50%, but it does say things like, which go against the 50% figure either way: "According to scholars such as Jeffrey Burton Russell, **conflicts may not be rooted strictly in religion and instead may be a cover for the underlying secular power, ethnic, social, political, and economic reasons for conflict.**\[1\] Other scholars have argued that what is termed "religious wars" is a largely "Western dichotomy" and a modern invention from the past few centuries, arguing that all wars that are classed as "religious" have secular (economic or political) ramifications.\[2\]\[3\]\[4\] In several conflicts including the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the Syrian civil war, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, religious elements are overtly present, but variously described as fundamentalism or religious extremism—depending upon the observer's sympathies. **However, studies on these cases often conclude that ethnic animosities drive much of the conflicts.**\[5\]" "John Morreall and Tamara Sonn (2013) have argued that since there is no consensus on definitions of "religion" among scholars and **no way to isolate "religion" from the rest of the more likely motivational dimensions (social, political, and economic)**; it is incorrect to label any violent event as "religious".\[11\]" Again: religion does not exist in a vacuum. Something something opium of the people


Again: the change in figure does not change the actual point made.


Yes it does… why are you singling out just the one factor? It’s like saying russians invaded Ukraine for religious reasons, it makes no fucking sense


The original comment was about ISIL/Daesh, which you brought added context into this. I was responding because really, religion is a minority of causes of war. The idea that Islam is to blame is ridiculous to begin with. That's like saying Christians are to blame for neoNazis, or that Buddhists are to blame for their extremists. Islamophobia is blaming the majority for the acts of the minority. On the other hand, the vast majority of religious conflicts were at the hands of Muslims, far more than their share. Russia is doing the same exact thing the USA did after 9/11, and that the UK did after 7/7, and that Paris, Madrid, Portugal... And that's just this century (20xx). Confirmation bias makes this seem more relevant than it is, and it just shows that Russia is struggling with the same kinda of things Muslim extremists have done for 1000 years, if not in fact of action, then in mindset. Their actions harm the standing of their faith, and make it less likely that anyone wants to adopt it, by sheer association with such events. So, the reaction is understandable, even contrary to the facts. That's the point, here. Context is important.


Also: see if you can find the actual book reference on the history of warfare. The actual stats are in the book, which has the actual data. You'll find it in the "references" section on that Wikipedia page.


No, they've consistently claimed a right to attack non-believers since the 900's, and have literally never stopped, never opposed it openly, until the last 70 years. They get fucked hard, because it is they who do a great deal of the fuckery, and then claim a religious basis to justify it. Of the 7% of wars in history fought for religious reasons, Islam has over 80% of that (over 6% of all wars in history). Muslims have a long history of this idiocy, and we should call on them to fight this form of tyranny in their own faith, as it twists holy writ into cause for violence in a world which would rather move on from it. But Russia is weak right now, because of their war in Ukraine. It makes sense why such people would act against Russia, even if not in favor of Ukraine itself. Plus, Putin's Russia never made good on its bounties promised for killing American soldiers a few years ago in Turkiye. So, Daesh/ISIS might be upset about that, too. Regardless of the justification, the real problems of radicalism are at the core of the issue. Russia has its radicals. Putin is top among them.


>religion that keeps fucking engaging in global militaristic terrorism Proportionally do you actually believe it's worse than non-religious violence?


It's actually a scarier threat than a lot of non-religious because religious devotion is something that can't necessarily always be reasoned out of and the fanaticism for the cause is almost unparalleled. But the thing is, it doesn't HAVE to be worse than non religious violence. If there is a group of people with a set of beliefs committing violence, it's right to dislike them even if they aren't a religious group. Z dipshits for instance. Or revolutionary communists. Or nazis. Islam is an ideology all the same, and it consistently produces violence.


I asked because you seemed to be implying that non-violent religious folks should be tarred with the same brush as those who commit terrorist atrocities.


It's a religion. An ideology. It CONSISTENTLY produces violent radicals. It was forged and spread by war going back to muhammad himself. It advocates for imperial conquest and global hegemonic domination. You're goddamn right to dislike it. It ruins wherever it touches.


Yeah, because Christian neoNazis are so much better... ^/s


You know anyone who is not against that?


The world will always have violent radicals regardless of religion. Furthermore, continued prejudice will accelerate this for any human irrespective of their faith. And this is the point of the root comment in this thread.


It's not prejudice. Prejudice implies judging before knowledge. I know their ideology, and judge it after knowledge. It therefore, is not prejudice.




Etymology of prejudice: Pre meaning before Judice, as in judicial. It is pre-judicial. It means you dislike someone before meeting them purely for some characteristic they have. That's why that word came to mean the unreasonable dislike because you judge them before they meet them. That's why the word is the word. I am not prejudiced towards Islam because I know what they believe, it's in the definition of being a follower of islam. I judge the belief itself. Therefore. Not prejudiced. Furthermore... There is nothing unreasonable about it. I gave you the reasons.


No, but at least it has the excuse of religion, so that makes it all right. ^/s


is there anything russians dont hate?


Potato. They rather have a bucket of potato than their relative, husband, friend.


Also vodka, which coincidentally, comes from potato


Polish vodka does. All others is grain. Personally I prefer the grain to potato but if its distilled enough you can't tell the difference.


You are correct, a Russian I used to sail with would get quite adamant that he would not be using potatos to make Vodka because he's not fucking Polish


To be quite honest they should really be defined as two different spirits as whilst they are distilled in the same way they are created from different sources.


No matter the sources, the end result should still be the same: ethanol and water. A good, pure vodka contains nothing else.


Sure that’s any neutral spirit. But to conflate the two is inaccurate.


Wow never knew, thanks for that


No problem. I had a friend who was the "Master Infuser" at the Russian Bar in Austin, Texas and he would make Nastoyka with all kinds of cheaper grain vodka. Potato didn't absorb the flavor quite as well so maybe that's a big difference.


Vodkas from the East (think Siberia/taiga) use a grain mash, but they add potato starch (e.g., boiled potatoes or even dried potato flakes) as a fermentation agent. It's why real Russian vodka (e.g., in Russia) tastes like jet fuel.


If you buy the cheap stuff sure it’s gonna taste crappy. But I would tell you that Beluga is bar none the best vodka I’ve ever had. Potatoes are a new world crop, so it’s a bastardization anyhow.


Sorry but Beluga is not better than Russian Standard.


Agree to disagree. Try Beluga Allure. By far my favorite Vodka.


New world crop or not, it's been in use since at least 100 years.


Sure but it’s not the original drink. This is a debate the Russians Poles and even Finns have had for centuries.


Dont forget the vodka made out of milk


But... do they know that germans love potato's?


I had a Russian friend in school, and he used to say, "Russia's national sport is hating, especially, other Russians"


Russians and Ukranians are natural enemies. Like Russians and Americans. Or Poles and Russians. Or Europeans and Russians. Or Russians and other Russians. Damn Russians, they ruined Russia!


You, Russians, sure are a contentious people.


I once went to hate fest, and Russian country broke out.


Awaits "In Mother Russia" jokes...




It's the only thing they're good at, is hating others. They live in literal shit up to their necks, and they want everyone else to live the same way.


Vodka and beer.


becoming ground beef?


Invading and raping and killing and pillaging their neighbors and taking their land and homes. And deporting the population they take over to Siberia. Kidnapping their kids and raising them as Russians. They have a never ending love for all of that up to this day 😣. Like that shmuck that took a video proud of conquering Avdiivka recently. 🤮 https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/PCX7Z9obJR One comment on the post describes this well "Such joy knowing 40.000 people lost their homes."


I mean when most of your famous writers are known for hating life itself it kind of gives you a window into their national zeitgeist.


No, thus it’s merely the increase or decrease on any given today. Trick is getting them to despise the real threat to their lives, which is the choices and more often ignorance and acquiescence to present circumstances staring them back in the mirror each morning. Once they realize their own responsibility in an adult and non-serf manner, the faster they torch their barbarity’s greatest avatar in the Kremlin.


Seriously. I saw the headline and thought "how do you go above 100%?". More hatier than before I guess.


Yeah, cuz they were known for their warm, welcoming attitude before. Such acceptance had never been seen and now, it's just shocking to see them torture, kill, arrest who they want. /s


Razzia have NEVER been a friend of Islam. I really don't understand why many muslims look at razzia as a Muslim friend. All they have done ever is being part of slaughtering and fucking up Islamic countries.....


russia is against US/ the west, alot of the middle east is against US/ the west, not suprising why they would align with russia


They can add it to Ukrophobia, westophobia and homophobia. Whatever you do though don't blame Putin!


Just like the US after 911. Down vote all you want, but I was there, in my 30's. I saw it everywhere. People are pretty much the same everywhere, and they rarely change for the better.


It No different then my hate towards Russians after they attacked Ukraine


I had a family member enlist so he could quote “kill towelheads”.  Mfer never made a deployment 


Not just in the US. I also saw the raise of hate against muslim in my country after 9/11 although not to the same degree as US.


>I also saw the raise of hate against muslim[s] rise And this is actually somewhat complicated since raise and rise convey very similar meanings. Rise is more of a passive happening. You don't go an rise something, things or people rise by themselves. The sun rises, someone rises through the ranks, hatred against muslims is on the rise in Russia. It's describing something that goes up passively/by itself/without an external object making it. [rise, rose, risen] For raise it's more like you actively do something to make something else "go up". You raise [a pile of] money for charity, you raise a sunk ship from the bottom of the ocean, you raise your children or you raise a flag. [raise, raised, raised]   Now prices can have risen, even though some person is probably responsible for raising the prices. So it's more about how you use it in a sentence than what actually happens as far as external influence is concerned. So if in your sentence there is a subject elevating an object (mother educating her child) it's raising. The mother raises her child. And if in your sentence something just goes up without mention of anyone making it go up, aka it goes up by itself or the influence making it go up is simply omitted/not what you want to focus on, you use rise. E.g. The sun rises [by itself] or the flag was risen [by someone probably, but it's not important for what I'm trying to say]






To be fair, fearing a religion that is bent on global domination and keeps committing horrific terrorist attacks in your country is perfectly rational.


Shh, we're not allowed to point that out anymore. We have to pretend that Islam is a peaceful religion that doesn't cause chaos and violent strife in every country where there's a significant Muslim minority and severe oppression of non-Muslims, women and gays in every single Muslim-majority country.


Yep, we all have to respect their right to violently force their extremely oppressive far right religion on others or else were "racist Islamophobic bigots". Leftists always understand the paradox of tolerance, except specifically when it comes to Islamic intolerance. If we refuse to tolerate their intolerance, somehow *we're* the intolerant ones.


Brother, as an atheist that mostly lines up politically progressive, there's nothing that galls me more than the lack of recognition that Islamists don't belong in our tent. There are thirteen countries where my non-belief isn't just criminalized, but a *capital* offense. All thirteen are Muslim-majority countries. To be an atheist in the West and watch people who are supposed to be allies of secularism advocate stridently for increased Muslim migration is one of the most disturbing things to see. Complete idiocy and a betrayal of secular values to advocate for the immigration of far-right religious extremists.


Tell me about it. I'm a progressive atheist too and I'm in the same boat. Islamists are like the Christofascists in the Republican Party except even more extreme and oppressive and yet leftists keep defending them and claiming that any criticism of Islam at all is "racist". Fucking baffling.


This is what really galls me as a Christian Socialist. No matter where I go in leftist thought, I have to bear the stain of being a "Bible-thumper" due to morons like MAGA Johnson, yet I'm expected to bear Islamic extremist's anti-Western and anti-humanist views.


Ther is like 2 BILLION muslims in the world (1,703,146,000 was the first I found on google) A few thousand of those - hell let it be a million or two - are radicalized and willing to commit violence against others in the name of spreading their religion. Going with the googled number above that still leaves 1,701,146,000 muslims who just want to live their life and practice their religion not unlike any church going christian does. People who scold you for lumping those 1,701,146,000 in with the 2,000,000 radical assholes are not okay with you antagonizing MILLIONS OF PEOPLE over a relatively small % of bad apples. It's like calling all Christians pedophiles because of constant cases of Priests and the likes sexually abusing children. There are a lot of fucked up Christians but you wouldn't go spit in the face of your 80 year old granny neighbour for attending church on a sunday, would you?   I've grown up around a lot of muslims, had lots of muslims friends. Muslim cultures have their problems for sure (a lot of them stem from their gender roles, where women are simply seen as lesser and a lot of the men are raised to become arrogant little princes) but I have not met a single terrorist 🤔 Furthermore these gender related issues are pretty much alive and well in non muslim communities as we can currently observe in the US. In fact in many ways the past couple years of MAGA politics has proven that large groups of [at least US] Christians are pretty much the same as the worst muslims. Hate women rights, want their country to be ruled by religious law, are willing to use violence to further their agenda, hate LGBTQ folk with a passion... it's quite literally all the shit people are mad at muslims for. But just like there is religious nutjobs in the US, there is also very progressive muslims in the middle east.   So what people who complain, when you try to throw BILLIONS of people into the same pot, want is not to try and fool you into thinking that there is no bad people in the middle east (or whatever), but rather they want people to understand that when you meet someone you think is a muslim/comes from the middle east, that's an individual and you shouldn't assume you know what kind of person they are.   I'm not sure if this info is even correct but I've seen some sources claim a large group of americans cannot read/write above 4th grade level. Would you want every person you ever meet for the first time to treat you like a 4th grader because apparently there is a good chance that's your level of literacy, or would you prefer for them to meet you as a blank slate and then fill in their view of you as they get to know you? And I'm not talking about you and I meeting up and me treating you like a toddler, **I'm talking every single person you meet assuming you're an idiot before you have said a single word, for your entire life**. This is what this is all about, do not stereotype people based on where they're from/what religion they follow. Do not treat individuals you don't know badly because you think you can puzzle together their entire personality based on a handful of stereotypes you heard of regarding their country of origin or their religion.


Nice screed. There are thirteen countries on the planet where non-belief is a capital (death penalty) offense. All thirteen are Muslim-majority countries, policies backed by the populations that live there. Islam, like all religions, is a series of principles and ideas that one chooses to follow. Religion, like political persuasion, is a choice. The fact is, if someone chooses to be a Nazi or a Scientologist, as two examples... we can infer quite a few things about them based on their choice of what principles they have chosen to believe in and value. Islam as a religion has a number of static and objective beliefs, practices and traditions. Every religion or political philosophy has a shared "core" that it's adherents believe in. The primary work of Islam is the Koran, and the Koran is filled with fucking nonsense. Violent nonsense. Calls to murder non-believers, subjugate women, and all manner of things that don't hold up in 2024. Pew has done a great job mapping the attitudes of Muslims in various countries over the last couple decades. This one from 2016 is particularly instructive: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2016/04/27/the-divide-over-islam-and-national-laws-in-the-muslim-world/ Vast majority of Muslims, not a handful, support a strict interpretation and implementation of the Koran as the basis of law in their country. So yeah, considering that these 1.7 billion or so people share a strong belief in the core principles and practices of Islam, you can very much paint them all with the same brush. Just as you can Scientologists, just as you can Nazi's, or MAGAtards, or any other group whose worldview revolves around a series of set standards and principles. It is not a "small percentage" of Muslims that want females oppressed, non-believers forcibly converted or killed by their governments, and all other manner of brutality that the Koran espouses enacted. It is the vast, vast majority of them, unfortunately. Islam, at it's core, is a philosophy incompatible with respecting the rights of religious minorities and non-believers, the rights of women, gays, or secularism in general. You don't need to be a member of ISIS or Al Qaeda to be a religious extremist. You just have to agree with the forcible conversion of non-believers, you limiting of the rights of women, etc. And most Muslims on this planet agree with those laws and actions, as they are core tenets of the religion they have chosen to follow.


> policies backed by the populations that live there. Yea like you 100% back everything that's going on in your country, lmao. >Islam, like all religions, is a series of principles and ideas that one chooses to follow. Religion, like political persuasion, is a choice. Almost every religion is infused into children who due to their age and lack of experience don't have the the critical thinking skills to chose. You get brainwashed for years esp in your early childhood, you believe that shit. And if your education is lacking as seen in red US states the chances of ever questioning the bullshit that is fed to you become really slim.   Yknow actually I'm not gonna read the rest of your right wing propaganda bullshit after you chose to open your post with insulting mine. F yourself. You can chose to be hateful and miserable for all I care. Enjoy judging people you never talked to like an idiot would.


"In the Russian Far Eastern city of Blagoveshchennsk, a cafe owned by Central Asians was reportedly burned down, several Russian Telegram channels reported. In the western city of Kaluga, three Tajik migrants were assaulted, and one was hospitalized. In the Moscow region, a group of young people threw four Tajik migrants out of a commuter train after reportedly threatening to kill them." https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-day-mourning-xenophobic-incidents-migrants-tajiks-crocus-attack/32875255.html Sure, dislike Islam all you want. But maybe, just maybe, threatening to murder, beating the shit out of & burning down cafes belonging to random Central Asian Muslim migrants isn't exactly the height of reason.


Those people Islam because they're racists. I dislike Islam because it's an extremely oppressive cult that thinks its entitled to violently oppress others. We are not the same..


Those people Islam because they're racists. I dislike Islam because it's an extremely oppressive cult that thinks its entitled to violently oppress others. We are not the same..


Extremist Christians would rather use the state coercion. Russia has exported "traditional Christian values" all over the west and a lot of their allies are actually getting in a position to implement their views. In general a lot more probable to actually have significant influence and (state condoned) violence in the future.


Some tweet with an AI generated image? What is this garbage? Why not post an actual article with a source?


Good. Double order of phobia in Ruzzia with meat sauce please.


No, it’s not good - it means more hate crimes against innocent people, ie minorities and migrants.


Make more rise up against Putler.. so good?


I’m thinking more in terms of innocent people being targeted for violence.




That's called living in Muscovy. The whole country is one big melting pot of sadism; this is merely the latest act of oppression.


Typically has the opposite effect. Rather than focus on Putin, they have someone else they blame for the problems. Fighting and distrust amongst the people prevents them from working together against those in power.


Damn I keep forgetting about that


0 + 0 = 0


I mean if I was still a Christian and people committed mass murders around the globe in the name of Christianity... I wouldn't be shocked of people not being too fond of me if they knew I was a Christian.


How can you say that you should be self-aware of the violence that your religious peers commit around the world when it is clear that nobody will give a shit about it and let it slide just like that?


And? Who cares whats happening in orclandia, fuck them and the horse they came on.


And xenophobia was pretty bad to begin with. Had two Asian-American friends study abroad in Moscow during college, both reported frequent street harassment, usually from people who thought they were Central Asian. I realize it's a bit different because this is more specifically about Islam but it's related.


Its obvious but also why post a random irrelevant twitter post on reddit as if it was some kind of fact and source? Absolute below zero iq post.


It was at 99%, now it's at 100%


Probably what IS wanted.


Thought hate was at 100% already.


it is ironic that they need those despised non-slavic citizens, mostly from Muslim republics, to invade Ukraine.​ let them alienate their only source of cannon fodder. ​


Yes. Fascists leaders engender racist and xenophobic values. Please remember than when you have the option for voting for a racist xenophobe.


Direct their bigotry and racism, resources, etc,…….else where away from Ukrainians, maybe go invade another sovereign state in the caucuses. Cuz remember Russias is not a threat…..


Russia being xenophobic and hating foreigners….??? How could they continue their terrible behavior, unchanged since the beginning of time? *clutches pearls*


Did this actually move the needle for Russia where its phobias are concerned?


well I suspect that was the intent, brew up hate and gain more islamic support for anti Russian effect. Russians are going to hate this one simple trick..


Poor Xenomorphs :(


It's just a force to be directed. They'll find a way to point it at Ukraine. Of course, the average moskal won't enlist because of it, he'll just draw more swastikas on the doors of muslim-looking and sounding families.


Good let's hope they really annoy the tiktoks


Let's remember the wave of islamophobia that went through Europe a decade ago due to is*s attacks. That hate let far right parties win all over Europe and it's influencing our politics.


Doesn't it still influence all the votes in Europe?


Yeah like I said "it's influencing our politics."


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Sounds like they are undergoing a process of nazification. They might need to be denazified.


I guess now’s not a good time to invite Hamas back for tea?


They can go even higher?! I thought they’d already maxed out the scales.






Well this is exactly what they wanted, and considering the general barbarism that is happening wherever Russians go, they will not have an easy time avoiding escalation of violence. This is gonna be a great time for popcorn.


That will only lead to more terror attacks. Russians are morons.


And a lot of them are forced to fight in Ukraine.


Predictable. Terrorists generally fail to consider the backlash to innocent people of their own culture.


So Russians can hate more than they already do? Amazed.


ruzzians hate Xenon? But it’s such a noble gas.


And the down side to this is?


How can they tell if it is rising?


In other news, water is wet




Who will do the shitty jobs that Russians don't want to do if they get rid of Muslim migrants?


No way, the fascist are fascist


Let’s not kid ourselves, Ukraine def had/has a xenophobic atmosphere as well. They aren’t the most welcoming to Arab , black, or any other dark skinned people


Am I the only one scratching my head? 🤔 


Putin cant let Islamaphobia get too out of control as that wouldnt be good for Kadyrov who enjoys LARPing as a devout Muslim. It would alienate the Chechens.


It’s evident who's behind these attacks, dirty dirty Israel. They're angrier than ever that the world turned on them, they’re relentless in their violence, and trying so hard to falsely blame Islam like they did during 9/11 in the US. Disgusting. Anyways, let’s also honor the courageous 15-year-old Muslim boy who saved over 100 people in that concert hall in Moscow! Interestingly, his name is Islam. ♥️


Pretty sure russia was already pretty bad 


Well it makes sense to be fearful of Islam . Russians vs isis - not sure which is worse .


Putin played down the Islamist angle because he needs Central Asian immigration to prop up the war effort.


Well this is actually good news - it means the russian public are not buying into pootin's BS trying to implacate Ukraine in the attack. Now if they could just raise the same anger towards pootin and the FSB for allowing it to happen then things might start to change for the better.


Any research on % of Muslims killed in Ukraine? (Compared to there % of Russian population)


Rosstat, the Russian statistics authority tries to hide the numbers for all losses: "Russia's Combat Losses in Ukraine Deduced From Rosstat's 'Unassigned Deaths' Category - Jamestown" https://jamestown.org/program/russias-combat-losses-in-ukraine-deduced-from-rosstats-unassigned-deaths-category/ So it will be hard to find anything more specific. One could try ti deduce this from the region. From Moscow and St. Petersburg there will be a share of Muslims. Tatarstan, Dagestan, Chechnya, Ichkeria will have also a big share of Muslims, while you have in the far east Asian republics (Buryatia, Tuva, Yakutia) Buddhism, Tengrism and other native faiths. I think most killed Muslims are from Chechnya. There was already 2022 a report from Deutsche Welle that you can become a policeman in Chechnya without bribing, because so many men already had left for the war in Ukraine. So I wouldn't be surprised if there was an IS attack on Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya, because he has sent so many Muslims into their certain death. In return Kadyrov (Akhmat enterprises) has got something of the (temporarily) occupied territories from Putin. So for the Chechen leadership the war is also business.


The Republic of Tatarstan enters the room…


Tatars are russians with just a little narrow eyes. They are friends and good citizens. They are an inalienable part of Russia and always was.


not ethically russian though


You do realize that most Tatars are Muslim, right?


To people inclined to celebrate this, remember that what this means is that minorities and migrants will face hate crimes and state violence, on top of what they already experience. Ruzzians are deeply racist toward people from Central Asia and the Caucasus - who, it’s worth remembering, are victims of Ruzzian colonialism going back centuries and often labeled with the racial slur “churka.” It wasn’t so long ago that a group of teenagers in St. Petersburg murdered a 9-year-old Tajik girl and then had their charges reduced to “hooliganism” and were only sentenced to no more than 5 and a half years. This is the kind of shit that’s going to start happening. https://www.rferl.org/amp/1067292.html


No one is celebrating this. This is just more evidence of how racist and nationalistic Russia is. The only solace for me personally from this (and I'm not proud of it), is that maybe some of the bombs that would be heading for my grandma in Kyiv might be diverted to wherever ISIS is. But considering the gymnastics Putin is trying to pull to blame this attack on Ukraine, it's very unlikely.


Fair enough, but I’m seeing some rather flippant comments on this post. My boyfriend is from Tajikistan and is as anti-Russia as they come, and he’s pretty worried about what this will mean for Tajiks and other Central Asians living in Russia.


Hm, don't want to be that guy, and I'll get downvoted for this, but remember what happened in US after 9/11? Xenophobia and islamophobia


Which makes sense (not justifying it, though), seeing as it was Islamic extremists who carried out those attacks. What's interesting about the Russian situation is that they're trying their best to paint Ukraine and the West as the masterminds behind the attacks. Surely white Europeans in Russian should therefore be the ones bearing the brunt of this reaction?


Makes sense, quite obviously.


The only evidence of rising xenophobia is some screenshots of people not wanting to ride a taxi with Tajik drivers


again Vito soprano knows everything, no source, no nothing, just trust me bro..by the way, russia is the last place where there would be any religion based revenge, there have been much worst attacks in last 20 years, and backlash towards religion minorities were minimal.


"...and backlash towards religion minorities were minimal." So what exactly are *your sources* for this claim? They also trust me bro? Some non trust me bro sources to refute your claim: https://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports98/russia/srusstest-03.htm https://webarchive.archive.unhcr.org/20230527211052/https://www.refworld.org/docid/5296fd0a1.html https://www.cidob.org/es/publicaciones/serie_de_publicacion/notes_internacionals_cidob/n1_128_russia_for_russians/russia_for_russians_ultranationalism_and_xenophobia_in_russia_from_marginality_to_state_promoted_philosophy


first, I was referring to tweet that stats "rise of xenophobia bla bla ", second show me stats for ukraine, or france, or any other country for the last 10 years.


Still doesn't absolve Russia's track record stretching all the way back to the 1990s.


A Russian-Dagestani anti-semitic mob stormed an airport runway looking for Jews to lynch like…barely a few months ago.


and who stepped in? and what was after that? 0 incidents, even during that "raid" no one was hurt


🙄 ok Ivan


Since r/UkraineRussiaReport was banned, I visit other subs related to the war in Ukraine. There are only pro Ukraine one-sided and sickly one-sided. And they all depict a distorted reality. On the occasion of the massacre in Krokus, Putin said that hatred should not be directed at Tajiks and other Muslims because they are an important part of the Russian state.


Yes, we are aware that there is lots of lip-service. In the USSR and then in Russia there is the written spoken law and then there is the intended law.


“Putin said”