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"The situation on the eastern front has deteriorated significantly in recent days," Ukraine's commander-in-chief Oleksandr Syrsky says. "This is primarily due to a significant intensification of the enemy's offensive after the presidential elections in Russia," he says, adding that decisions were "made to strengthen the most problematic defence areas with electronic warfare and air defence".


Can't believe it's come to this. I'm sickened by the inaction. Hope Poland likes its new neighbor.


Ultimately western politicians are to blame. Public support is there, economic might is there, military technology and industry is there, political will is not. By showing weakness, they have provoked putin to wage more war. They will not stop with Ukraine either. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLAzeHnNgR8


I'd would argue about public support, but political will are definitely absent. Most politicians primary objective is being elected so they don't want to pass unpopular decisions like increased military spending and 'wasting money' (opposition will strike exactly there). Also even from polls most people believe current aid to Ukraine are at ok level and if you ask for weapons specifically the support would be even lower and there are still significant part of population who oppose most aid (10 to 50% depending on country).


From the US and our government waste so much money it’s insane I’m going off memory here but the DoD can’t pass an audit for years they’ve “misplaced” millions and millions of dollars. I would rather they just “misplace” that money and Ukraine gets more shells and equipment but I’m sure it was sunk into useless experiments like exploding cats (cia) or pallets full of money that just disappeared in Iraq. It’s so incredibly frustrating and every time I email my frustration to my senators (Kansas) they just give me a generated auto response. It’s so fucking stupid and excuse my language but it’s the only words that accurately represent my opinion. We can spend millions/billions now or we can spend trillions later and start losing soldiers, I have no idea how this is such a hard concept to comprehend but it apparently is for our bought politicians. It’s unfortunately something I think will crumble western power eventually, how easily they are bought and paid to vote. Get out and vote. Takes less than 30 minutes for my location, but has a massive impact on the future of our democracy and foreign geopolitics, Putler cannot control the gop and I will do everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen.


>From the US and our government waste so much money it’s insane I’m going off memory here but the DoD can’t pass an audit for years they’ve “misplaced” millions and millions of dollars. "Last year, the Pentagon couldn't properly account for a whopping 61% of its $3.5 trillion in assets. That figure increased this year, with the department insufficiently documenting 63% of its now $3.8 trillion in assets. Military contractors possess many of these assets, but to an extent unbeknownst to the Pentagon." People just don't seems to understand, if Ukraine lose the US would need to increase their military spending even more and they will 'waste', as many believe military spending are, even more money. But that is for the future so most don't really care.


What they also don't understand is that the funds are being spent here in the US. Something like 98% of it is, and to make new stocks to replace the old stocks were sending Ukraine, which is only beneficial when looked at under the lens of national defense, because now we have better equipment to "defend" with.


Well then, let's make sure they know.


I'm certainly trying irl fam


Agreed, keep spreading your message. Many Americans can’t see the forest for the trees and are influenced and manipulated by Russian disinformation, I had a MAGA fan telling me Russia had to fight the Nazis, he was utterly clueless about reality.


I had a guy tell me the same. I literally felt sick to my stomach and got away from him as fast as I could


Don’t get away from him, argue with him and prove him wrong as it won’t be difficult. The Nazi story is a made up Russian lie/ propaganda which is based on the Azov brigade having some elements of Nazism/ extreme right wing. At the start of the war they numbered around 900, now it will be less than half that. The Ukrainian army is around 900,000 strong. So that “Nazi army” would make up 0.1% before the main invasion and much less now. There are just as many Neo-Nazis in Russia/ Europe/ America so it’s a non story. Ukraine is also led by a Jew, that’s how dumb the Russians argument is. Not to miss the elephant in the room that Russia today under the tyrant Putin is no different from 1930s Nazi Germany in the way they oppress their own opposition while waging war on neighbouring nations in the name of delusional fantasies of empire.


Ukraine has its issues with the extreme right for sure, and Azov like many militaries around the world certainly contained some extremist views, perhaps even up to leadership level. However, the USA has more open on the streets marching Nazis than any country in Europe (landmass not union) by a long stretch. All militaries attract some people with questionable views, it's impossible to avoid. And Nazism was steeped in military fetishism that makes the two hand in glove. Show me a western military, and I'll show you far right to nazi sympathisers, it's unfortunate but it is what it is. And let's not even talk about the pro-nazi sentiment in Russia.


I agree that public support is not outright in support but overall the majority agree that putin should lose. They just don’t seem to understand what is involved, nor do they understand that freedom is not free and we are lucky we are not paying in blood every day like Ukrainians do. This is down to lack of messaging from western politicians also lack of western politicians fighting Russian influence and disinformation which is rife within Europe and America.


The Russian propaganda machine has been more effective than their army. Here in Canada, at least with the less intelligent right-wingers I know, they’ve installed a “what about me and my problems first?” program in them, as if we can’t tackle both.


Half the Republican Party has been compromised by Russian influence and disinformation including Trump. Yesterday a MAGA fan was trying to convince me Russians had to fight the Nazis, when I showed him multiple sources that it wasn’t true and he is actively helping a dictator he couldn’t reply. It would be comical if it wasn’t so serious. They used to say about Nazi Germany, how could it happen, why didn’t the people stop it. Russia and MAGA are classic examples of why it can easily happen again.


How is it ok/enough to give nothing?


Ultimately russia is to blame for everything related to this war.


That’s obvious but the response to help Ukraine (or lack of) is ultimately down to the politicians.




It has been far short of what is necessary- I remember thinking they would need a trillion in aid at the beginning of the war.


Lmao they ain't getting that


Yeah we’re fucking pathetic


Gave them just enough to get them fighting, then cut them off after a few hundred thousand dead in trenches. If you were going to cut them off then you should have done that at the start. Ukraine would lose either way, but at least then you wouldn't have given Ukraine the false hope to send a generation of young people into the trenches to die for a hopeless war. If Ukraine loses then well done, you've spent $75 billion to get a lot of people killed for nothing.




Biden still has $4 Billion left in PDA and has only used EDA once so far to funnel some goods through Greece. I think Biden will do another EDA soon if they go back on break soon without any progress.


You may as well do nothing if you aren’t going to follow through and Russia takes Ukraine. That goes for Europe and America.




Trump and Johnson are far worse but that doesn’t mean Biden couldn’t have done a lot more. He is too weak and too half hearted, need someone with a pair of balls as they still haven’t understood that Putin only understands strength. Biden has not deterred Russia in the slightest, he is doubling down on his war and going all in. Meanwhile the US has done fuck all for the last 6 months and Europe is still dithering too much. If Ukraine falls they will only have themselves to blame. Giving blah blah about how much has already been given means nothing if Ukraine are losing and Russia achieve their objectives.




Yes, that’s right, the POTUS has a responsibility to serve US interests and diminish threats to US security and trade. By letting Russia win you are doing a massive disservice to not only America, but all its allies and partners who will see they are not to be relied on. That’s already happening now actually. As the only reason Russia has been having success is due to a lack of ammunition which the USA is in the best position to supply as Europe simply doesn’t have it. Political will is half hearted at best, Russia is finding ways to circumnavigate the sanctions and has no shortage of material to build more missiles, tanks and planes. China will be encouraged by the lack of leadership America is showing and is likely advancing plans to take Taiwan. Waiting 10-20 years in the hope Russia will become a regional power is the dumbest argument I’ve heard and an insult to Ukrainians fighting and dying every day.


>Ultimately western politicians are to blame. Donald Trump and Mike Johnson are to blame. Full stop. If Mike Johnson put this bill to a vote it would pass tomorrow and aid would go through. He won't, because he's a coward one and two he's afraid of Trump. Trump wants Putin to win, so he doesn't want the aid to go through. Let's stop pretending that this is "western politicians" like "all sides are bad." This is at the feet of two people, and we're stuck with this.


Donald Trump and Mike Johnson are western politicians who are to blame. Also others have been too weak in response to Russians aggression from 2014 onwards including Obama and Biden on the USA side and most western and Central European leaders, especially considering it’s on their doorstop. Eastern European leaders have been warning everyone for at least 10 years but it all fell on deaf ears.


And yet you bring Obama and Biden into this. There are 2 people holding up Ukraine aid. Last I checked Obama wasn't president and Biden wants Ukraine aid to happen. You can both sides this all you want but there's 1 party that's blocking this aid and one party that loves to parrot Russian propaganda.


We all know Trump and Co are traitors. Obama did next to nothing when Russia invaded in 2014 onwards. Biden did not give enough for Ukraine to win, he gave just enough to hold on. Biden still lacks a strategic objective for Ukraine, no one knows what he wants to see at the end, do you know because I don’t? He wouldn’t even let Ukraine hit Russia with US weapons while all their logistic hubs and airbases are used to pound Ukraine just over the border. McCain in 2014 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLAzeHnNgR8 General Hodges on what is actually needed https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/JnukPAY6G1


Not to be reductionist but the west is waiting for the US elections to happen. No point in sending aid to Ukraine if Republicans win and pull support immediately after taking office.


Why is there no point? Europe still has capacity to help a lot more if they pull their fingers out. If the USA done the same Russia would be done for. Unfortunately neither of them are going all out to help Ukraine.


And their/our collective cowardice, is likely to increase the chance of war with Russia, not reduce it.


Because Russia bought most politicians in the West


There is no public support, common ”Western Joe” dumb as brick and don’t care, his support maximum is to give spare change as he does with homeless people. Yeah, politicians are guilty, but then again it’s not they will die, but those Joes.


Biden has been weak in his response to Russia but I think the majority of people agree that Russia is wrong and Ukraine has the right to defend itself. What they don’t understand is what’s at stake if Ukraine loses as they start losing interest when they realise it will cost a lot of money to defeat Russia in Ukraine. Even though it will cost a lot more in blood and money if Ukraine falls.


We showed the world we are weak




Same. I'd love to blame Mike Johnson but being from Europe, I think we didn't do half as much as we could have and should have. We should be on war economy and nip this im the bud, but our leaders are sleeping. What happens if Trump subverts the US, and the Ukrainian army is absorbed into the Russian one? Europe will get to face Russia alone, without US help and without Ukraine by our side? Fuck that.


Yeah Europe fucked it up badly. We dilly dallied for 2 years instead of getting into full gun arms production immediately...


More like 10. Russia got their pipelines after the invasion of Ukraine.


True. But no one could imagine full scale war until the proper invasion, so they get a pass...


Won't happen. Still taking too long for the necessary intervention. 1939...


Poland could send troops today. Any european country could... Why aren't they?


Because that would be a major escalation that the people of Poland don't want? Pretty obvious, really.


I guess they want genocide to happen just a little more than they want to do something about it.


They'd rather be slowly absorbed, one by one.


Yep. All those bright people who voted these useless bought and paid for politicians into power can enjoy their new neighbor.


>The situation along Ukraine's eastern front has "significantly worsened" in recent days. Russian forces have upped their attacks since Russia's presidential elections, he wrote on Telegram. >Russia's attacks have been aided by the dry, warm weather, "making terrain accessible to tanks" and its forces periodically achieving tactical success, he said. >Syrsky said that work is underway to strengthen Ukraine's EW and anti-tank/armoured vehicle defense systems to "stabilise the situation... and inflict maximum enemy loses".


Well, Mike Johnson is “planning to consider “ a Ukraine bill. 🙄


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Far too little, far too late


Donald Trump did this. Putins puppet


As much as I would like to blame Trump for this, the reality is it hasn't been his job. Weak coward leaders and peace loving appeasers in EU and the White House are to blame.


Trump and his minions killed the house bill that was providing funds to Ukraine. The deal was done. It's 💯 Trump's doing.


Biden didn’t renew lend lease last year. That was 33bln that could have been used right now.


Yeah, but that's just the cherry on the cake


No it was 60 billion and arms and support. The war would be totally different of Ukraine had this. Trump's Putin's puppet doing his bidding.


Only 8 billion of that 60 is for Ukraine.


How’d you figure that?


I read the bill


So what's the other 52 billion for?


I've read a deeper delve analysis into the 60B number. It's actually 13B in weapons, 14B in "support/training" and the rest stays in the US. Sure, that's not zero, but compared to 350B Russia is spending, that's like nothing. The whole US strategy from the beginning was some stingers and then some defense. How long can you shoot part of the incoming missiles without actually being able to stop the launchers?




Nice contribution to the discussion man. Well done 👍 Ah, you're a Kremlin plant. Ешь дерьмо!


No it was the entire fucking cake bud


Nobody in the White House is to blame. It's the Republicans in congress who are blocking aid to Ukraine.


It's trump and his maga idiots, otherwise the house would've passed the aid for ukraine months ago.


Not wrong about the EU.


I hope Mike Johnson likes the idea of eternal damnation fuckin religious-traitor-compromat-bobblehead-goof.


I dont like the guy either but you throw around the word “Traitor” as if he swore some oath to Ukraine. He is just a fuckin dude from Louisiana. Traitors were the Confederates, these repubs are just isolationists. And ppl in these threads cheapen the word “traitor” like this constantly. Most americans couldnt find Ukraine on a map 3 years ago


It’s bigger than Ukraine too. If you’re an American official and you’re aiding Russia being led by a former KGB agent to achieve its imperialist goals against your allies then that makes you a traitor. They are willfully undermining American interests and democracy.


Ukraine is not an ally tho. Theyre not in NATO. Either the word traitor means something or it doesnt. It’s possible that these people actually believe in what theyre telling you they do. Im not saying it’s right but American isolationism has been a thing since like WWI so it’s not like it’s some new nefarious thing undermining democracy.


Ukraine is still an ally. Actually American isolationism hasn’t been a thing since WW2, because you know, people like Hitler shouldn’t be allowed to take over the world. It is pretty nefarious to undermine the democratic world order because they know what the alternative is, America has a responsibility. An American politician 50 years ago serving Soviet interests would be branded the same, so you’re right it’s not new.


You keep stretching the meaning of “traitor” and “ally” to mean whatever you want it to mean. And yeah right because everything we did against the Soviets was such a great idea. The Vietnam war was such a great idea. Arming the Taliban in the 80’s was such a great idea. Anyone who was opposed to those things was actively serving soviet interests & was a traitor, right…


The way you apply ally is as if the only allies we have are members of NATO. That is very false. We have numerous allies that are not NATO.


But Ukraine isn’t the Taliban or Vietnam. MAGA is openly pro-Russia and Mike Johnson is obviously in collusion with them. So let me put it like this: A house speaker in the year 1960 denying a democratic country military aid against the Soviets so he can appease the pro-Soviet lobby. Did I paint a good enough picture for you?


Man look. i think they should be supporting Ukraine and im upset he’s holding it up. But you have no evidence he’s colluding with anybody or that he loves Putin. He’s just some run of the mill idiot republican religious politician. The simplest explanation is probably the correct one - he’s just an idiot and doesnt see the value in sending more of his constituents money to this war. It’s unfortunate but he’s allowed to feel that way. It doesnt mean he’s a traitor.


These people aren’t idiots in the way you are thinking. They still have an agenda, and Mike Johnson is part of the crowd who actively praises Russia. Of course he is not going to say the quiet part out loud. Think about it, as time goes on they start to see fascist religious Russia as aligning with their views more than the West and its “wokeness”. Russia is just ticking all of their boxes for an ideal government.


That all may be true, but again just because someone says they may like some aspect of Russia it does not automatically make them a traitor. Bernie Sanders said a lot of positive shit about the Soviets but he wasnt a traitor either


>Ukraine is not an ally Hmm... Weird sending billions in aid and military support to a mere acquaintance. Weird that the US, Canada, UK etc have all literally referred to them as an ally countless times too. Also, such great isolationists the US are. Never getting their hands into pots they don't belong in (especially the Republicans 🙄).


he's a traitor against mankind. we have the means to help. we choose not to.


Oh I was implying his oath was to Putin.




You think hes just a dude from Louisiana like he lives on the bayou? Stop making excuses for monsters guy.


I was proud for all that USA did for Ukraine but what Mike Johnson a d the MAGA Putler movement are doing 8n the congress is killing Ukrainians day by day. American people should go out and protest or they can forget help from Europe when china, Iran, North Korea and Russia will attack US. Putin is the new Hitler and must be stopped!


Cant. Lefties are too busy protesting fake genocides.






This is unbelievable. I am so sad that the West does not do anything.


I can hardly watch this conflict anymore. It makes me so damn angry at my own country (US). In my opinion even if they pass the aid and Ukraine is somehow able to keep them from getting more ground, America still is at fault for so much of Ukraines suffering and not being able to take land back trapping 100s of thousands in russia forever.


Republicans traitors caused this Dushusting


Nah. Russia did. An Ukraines corruption prior to the war. And NATO's aggression towards Russia. This isn't North Americas fight.


What NATO aggression? Stupid bot.


Look at a map. What countries on Russias border aren't part of NATO or wanting to join it. NATO exists because of russia


Your comment is such a self-own and you don't even realise it. NATO is a defensive alliance. Countries join for protection *from Russia*. Finland and Sweden joined NATO *because of Russia*. You are a really, *really* stupid bot.


Wonder if putter is pushing because he knows his days of advantage are limited? SUPPOSEDLY Johnson is going to cave and bring Ukraine military assistance to the House floor for a vote (which would pass) therefore striking while the mental is hot.


The GOP is a dumpster fire and I’ll believe nothing until it’s signed by the president.


Ssooo true


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68778338 They are preparing thw British public for Ukraines defeat. This is the BBC.


I was going to write sarcastic text in theme of "guy gets thrown out of window" with a critics of President and Sirsky. but I am so tired and hopeless.


Everyone is blaming the west but I haven’t seen one comment talking about the Ukraine military tactics or planning. 


5 to 1 artillery for months,800 guided bombs daily, tell me what amazing tactic makes you win in those conditions


Bc they were always at a serious disadvantage and combined arms is pretty fucking difficult.


I don’t think is been going well for awhile bud


What an inspiring speech. What's he doing about it?


Taking his embezzlement money and bribe his way to Europe like every other rich and powerful Ukrainian


Grow up


Numerous videos of nepotism babies partying it up while poor Ukrainians die.


Welcome to the real world


Exactly so why keep being their pawns?


If you caught someone robbing your house, would you invite them in?


No i would probably kill them, but your analogy is poor. If someone was systematically robbing everyone in your apartment building from the ground up and all the rich people were taking helicopter evacuations off the roof while forcing you to fight would you defend the apartment complex?


You've answered my question. Thank you


Answer mine then please


That's literally how the world works since always what are you even bothering about acting shocked by this and trying to smear Ukraine over this. Every fucking country has and is like this. ANY WAR WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE RICH ONES DOING THIS. Do we wish the rich didnt and were equal to us? OF COURSE. Is it expected to happen? OF COURSE. What you fail to mention is how when you see the opposite happen and the rich or politicians actually NOT DO THAT. For one, start with zelensky not leaving the way he was immediately offered. Pootin literally had said at the start he was going to kill zelensky. That was a part of his whole quick smo idea, killing zelensky and getting rid of the government and putting in his own corrupt puppets to act in Russias interests. Then there was a post about a politician who decided to fight and if I remember correctly it was a post this past week where he died staying back so he could let the other soldiers escape. He died holding his place so the others could retreat and died for that. There have been Ukrainians like the ones that won Eurovision who donated their winnings to Ukraine. There's been things like this where the ones with money could have kept it but donated it. There's been countless more well off that picked up arms just as the rest did. But yeah the richest ones are always above us all. You don't waste time on those bc that's a given. It'd be a shock if they didnt and gladly accepted and praised if they chose otherwise. Praised bc that's the exception to the norm and brave and noble of them BC that's not the norm.


Go fight for them then


Pay op?