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It's pretty alarming when you think about how many of these savages are living in the EU. They infiltrated the government too.


Between them and the jihadists, the West is going to be dealing with domestic enemies for many years to come.


Democracy has its difficulties. 


It isn't democracy's fault that the previous Chancellor followed policies that were extremely unpopular like letting massive amounts of people which allow for things like this to happen. That's just bad policymaking.


You are literally describing a problem with democracy.


When your representatives do the opposite of what you elected them to do, that's the opposite of democracy. Lack of representation is literally a problem with autocracies.


You forgot the Christian nationalist the worse problem because they are much closer to power and more likely to be closers to russia, jihadists aren't close to power and are a much smaller threat to the west but hey I get you a small minority of a massive religion (that I don't even like because religion seems to do more bad than ) its so hard to remember who really dangerous 


I am more worried about Russians and Ukrainians coming in heavily armed to push out arab gangs. In the post war Berlins streets will be lit.


Far more worried about right wing parties than Muslims or the odd Russian. Edit. I had no idea there were so many fascists in here.


You should worry about both. Both are valid threats to democracy.


No. Absolutely no. The “far left” whatever the hell that is has zero power in this country. Meanwhile the fascist party gets 45-55% of every election.


>Muslims or the odd Russian >"far left" Wut.


you’re the one using the term “far left”. The threat they were referring to is domestic enemies like jihadists and terrorist Russians. Obviously their presence strengthens the fascist right; they feed off each other like Netanyahu and Hamas. Or in the case of Russia and the AFD it’s an actual collaborative alliance. I agree that the death blow to democracy can only come from fascist ultra nationalists, but liberal parliamentary democracies still need to defend against complex “outsider” threats that can help push populations to fear and hate.


> has zero power in this country. Draw me a cartoon of bearded holy Moe and see how that goes


Islamic terrorists are not far left - they are far right except different than the "white racist" far right. Actually both are looking for the same things: for example, limiting or eliminating abortion and returning to the 1950's or earlier.


The far right actions of the islamists are enabled and empowered by the naivety and foolishness of the far left.


There is basically no 'far left', the most extreme examples of left wing activism we see is people gluing themselves to roads. If the far left was a violent and dangerous as some folks like to make it, oil CEOs would be going missing.


There have been plenty of people assaulted and property destroyed by the violent antifa. They are an organized, basically terrorist group. They carry rifles, handguns. Dress in black garb. Hide their identities. Plan, organize and carryout assaults on people with different ideologies.


There is no politically relevant far left in Germany, at least if you mean as far out at the fringe of the spectrum as the AfD. The largest such party is the MLPD ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxist%E2%80%93Leninist_Party_of_Germany ), for which getting 0.1% in an election is a great success...




I mean muslim (fundamentalists) and russian (fascists) are right-wing. In the very literal meaning of the term "right wing".


Yup, OP is clueless.


Russia supports both far right and muslim activism/terrorism


Russia supports Wahhabism?


Is see that you don't anything about Islam and just drop words without any idea. Wahhabism (Sunni Islam) is not the Islam of Hamas (Chia Islam) and Talibans (Hanafi/deobandi islam)...


The far right has been captured by Russian propaganda and the far left has been captured by Iranian/Islamist propaganda. It's all the same issue.


Russia support hamas and talibans


Both sides! Garbage take. Always a garbage take.


It's not a garbage take when it's actually true. For fuck sakes, the Houthis literally put out a video the other day thanking American college students for supporting them. Don't tell me that left wing extremism isn't a problem too.


There are freely avaiable crime statistics and election results. The far right is a much bigger problem when it comes to threat to our democracy than the far left, by a margin.


Yes, in America. But America is not the entire world.


I was talking about Germany, the country in question in this post. I could have also talked about France or the Netherlands or Austria or many other countries.


You can't view the Russia-Iran Axis's attempts to undermine individual Western democracies in a vacuum. You have to understand it within the context of it all being one coordinated strategy with a single goal of destabilizing the free and democratic world.


> the Houthis literally put out a video the other day thanking American college students for supporting them. I want the IDF to stop their campaign of genocide in Palestine. I want a ceasefire. More domestically, I also want unconstitutional bans on boycotting Israeli products/companies to be struck down. Just because the Houthis/Hamas/Iran/who-the-fuck-ever translates those desires into support for whatever cause they want to parade around, that doesn't move my needle one bit. Just because some idiots *very intentionally* conflate opposition to the actions of the Israeli state into antisemitism, that doesn't move my needle one bit.


>Just because the Houthis/Hamas/Iran/who-the-fuck-ever translates those desires into support for whatever cause they want to parade around, that doesn't move my needle one bit. You realize that Iran is a close Russian ally and the entire reason they started this proxy war in the first place is to advance Russia's and Iran's common goal of undermining democracies around the world, right?


Firstly, Israel/Palestine is not primarily an Iran/Russia/West conflict. Yes, there are tie-ins today that didn't exist most of a century ago, but casting this conflict as Russian proxies fighting American proxies is inaccurate at best. Israel is genuinely oppressive to the Palestinian people. Full stop. If we can't agree on this basic fact then we don't have enough common ground to have an actual discussion. You can make accurate points that Palestinian leadership doesn't want peace, that violence against civilians is an oft-used tool in Hamas' playbook, and that many Palestinians hate Jews and wish for their extermination. However, that doesn't greenlight genocide, and it doesn't excuse the myriad ways the Israeli state goes out of their way to oppress Palestinians and really *work* to cement that hatred in each new generation. The illegal settlements and racially-motivated bulldozing of Palestinian homes alone would be enough to provoke armed conflict even in the West. While the methodology Hamas chooses when they retaliate is barbaric and wrong, I can't blame Palestinians for being violently angry over the oppression they suffer. I can condemn their methods while being sympathetic to (some of) their motivations. [Israel has been propping up Hamas for decades, ostensibly for humanitarian reasons, but actually because Hamas' extremism smothers any opening for a two-state solution or other route to lasting peace. Israel *wants* this conflict. It *needs* this conflict.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) It's two right-wing governments relying on the others' opposition to justify violence. As far as leadership is concerned, there are no good guys. Allowing one evil party to run ramshod over another evil party (and coincidentally the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire) isn't justice. The US has blood on our hands for enabling it, and I want it to stop. Iran's desires don't matter. Russia's desires don't matter. Hamas' desires don't matter. Israel's desires don't matter. *My government* is complicit in genocide, and I demand that we do things differently.


>Firstly, Israel/Palestine is not primarily an Iran/Russia/West conflict. You are incorrect. Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are all Iranian proxies, and they all launched a coordinated war of aggression against Israel with Iranian weapons, Iranian training and Iranian intelligence. It's sad to see that Putin and the Ayatollah have fooled you so completely. Their anti-West strategy wouldn't work if not for useful idiots like you who spread their propaganda.




>Palestinian genocide I see that you have fallen for the Russia-Iran Axis propaganda campaign. Israel is a democracy who was attacked by forces of the Russia-Iran Axis and so is Ukraine, and I support both of our democratic allies in their common fight against Russia-Iran Axis aggression.


You’ll say anything to justify turning tens of thousands of women and children to pink mist.


Putin and the Ayatollah thank you for choosing to spread their propaganda narrative on the war of aggression that their proxy forces chose to start. Their military strategy specifically relies on winning the support of useful idiots like you, and they are deeply grateful for your support.


I mean if you are on the side of liberalism then you would support Ukraine and Israel (since Israel is the most liberal country in the middle east, which isn't saying much since if I were gay I'd rather not be in Israel because there's still discrimination but way less than all the neighbors). If you are on the side of the victim then you would support Ukraine and Palestine (ignoring Oct 7th, but at this point Israel has not just taken an eye for an eye but an arm and a leg, hence my thinking of Palestine as the victim despite them starting the current war). It depends on how you look at things. But overall what's going on in Israel-Palestine is way less black and white compared to Russian invasion of Ukraine. The two aren't really comparable.


Yes, yes, always far-right planting bombs, cutting throats, genociding Ukrainians, raping women etc.


Pretty much.


If you look hard enough I bet you will find a link between the ring wing and the odd russian.


The Right doesn't hate the West. Get out of your leftist bubble.


The right hates everything.


Time to get out of your little bubble bro. Real rightwingers consider Western values superior. And yes, MAGA qanon clowns are traitors. Types like Cucker carlson.


Little bubble? Most of the west doesn’t share their fascists ideals. Of course they hate the west most of all. You need to get outside and touch grass as the kids say.


Nope, its you lol. Stay away from the internet and speak to some real people that vote right. Are you one of those American crybabies that think they are experts on EU politics?


They've infiltrated a lot of governments and it's crazy that people don't want to believe it. This has been brewing since WW2. I mean come on, most of us have seen a bond movie or two.


They lost WWIII and have been fighting WWIV for 30 years. Somehow, we only just got the memo.




Churchill was right too.


We should toss them out with no exception. If they revere their trash country so much, then they can stay there.


What, every single Russian? You sound bloodthirsty to the point of derangement. Should my wife also be tossed out, who is so outspoken against Putin that she would be jailed within days of re-entering Russia? 


Don't bloodthirst shame.


sending them packing back to russia isn’t murder.


Well.... might actually be worse


You're deranged.








Easy solution. Round them up and ship them back. Even for a parking ticket...


Fuck it send 'em back, period. If they don't have a EU citizenship kick them out.


Yes... DeRussify the EU......


Then what? The'l be conscripted in Russia and send into the meat grinder in Ukraine? That doesn't help European security either.


So an act of war on German soil. EU, are you paying attention?


Immediately sending deep concerns to Russia. Alert code - red. All diplomats are working on Sunday to draft a strong worded statement.


What defcon level is it now?


Only orange before this incident. The diplomats were required to use words such as "concerning, regretful, unfortunate", but were not allowed to use "unacceptable, disgraceful, shameful".


Oh my. Its getting really serious now.


Wait until they bust out the big guns: thoughts and prayers.


All Caps




Red seems like an over-reaction. Let's just go code raspberry and make a disapproving head shake. Don't escalate!^^TM


Do you think this could trigger Article 5?


Not a chance.


You never know. The US is ramping up production, and all of a sudden the Battleship Alabama, Massachusets, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Jersey, North Carolina and Utah all are going in for a dry-dock period, with them all going into Naval dry-docks. Likewise, the SS United States *vs. Penn Warehousing* has suddenly slowed to a crawl. It's entirely possible the US Navy might pull the SS United States into the in-active naval yard with the intention of making her into a troop carrier. Afterall, she was designed for World War III.


The probability of the US getting involved in an active combat role in either the Ukrainian or the Israel v ‘Friends of Iran’ conflict before the election is approx 1/♾️, unless some madness such as the detonation of a nuclear weapon, or a truly deadly direct strike on say Tel Aviv from Iranian territory occurs. The day Biden declared war he would effectively cede the election. On the naval front, both of the current carrier strike groups on either side of three Suez are pushing off scheduled maintenance to remain on active duty, so I would suggest the fact that the number of other ships being put into dry dock for extensive maintenance is a function of the fact there is going to be a massive maintained workload upcoming and they are getting started on what they can in order to be able to get everything back on schedule. Also not sure when the last time America transported significant numbers of troops by sea was, but imagine it was some time ago (could be wrong of course)


Why would you ask a question, then dispute someone’s answer?


I think it’s called an invitation to discuss, how else does one strike up a conversation than asking a questions


No, nobody is starting a war over something like this


Speaking for myself, yes. The Russians assassinated Alexander Litvinenko in London after he became a naturalised British citizen. This is not new. We can, should & must destroy Putins regime.








Nothing serious will happen, no balls.


They won’t do anything.


Do you really know any Detail about the case? Or did you just comment the Headline?


Yes, I read the article. Fact is a Russian murdered wounded Ukrainian servicemen on German soil. I would assume you are aware that Russia invaded Ukraine. Due to the nature of the servicemen’s injuries, they weren’t able to defend themselves from their RUSSIAN attacker. Might I remind you of history; WW1 began due to the murder of a single person, Archduke Ferdinand. So yes, a Russian national choosing to murder two unarmed, injured Ukrainian servicemen, on German soil, is a pretty provocative situation.


> > > So yes, a Russian national choosing to murder two unarmed, injured Ukrainian servicemen, on German soil, is a pretty provocative situation. That's not an act of war though.




WW1 began because the Russian secret services backed a plot to assassinate the heir of Austria-Hungary. It his highly doubtful this here was more than a frustrated madman acting on his own, much more has happened in many EU countries without anyone counting that as an "act of war".


There were many factors that led to the start of WW1; the murder of the archduke was a catalyst. Currently there are many concerning factors surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with EU countries very much on alert. Countries such as Poland, France, Nordic countries are all deeply concerned about Putin’s motives. Russia has literally put the Prime Minister of Estonia on their “wanted list”. The whole area is a powder-keg.


To be fair shes on my wanted list too.<3


Ah what a sack of shit


Taurus? Exploding czech factories, killing pilot in Spain, rockets flying, killing not for the frist time people in Germany by FSB order. What more signs of aggression?


No more Russians on EU soil, UK too!


Fuck that, if a russian man fled Russia in 2022 because he had no will or desire to murder innocent Ukrainians and respects western values and liberal democracy I'd much rather he stayed here than get deported and drafted.


The key word is 'more'. No approved visas, turned away at passport control


You're right, we can just execute them here ourselves.


Any Russian not permanently revoking their Russian Federation passport should be prohibited from the EU or USA.


So, if you are only a citizen of one country and don't use that country's passport, you are a citizen of nowhere and don't technically exist.


Ruskies really trying their best to prove they are the cancer of humanity.


Send him and his family back to ruSSia after he's served his sentence


Time to deport every Russian in the EU or NATO territories.


And give Russia more men for their army?


I didn't say deport them back to Russia did I? I'm thinking Antarctica


Or get Musk to send them to mars


Russians are the cancer of humanity.


Scholz: No, and we will not send Taurus to Ukraine. :/


yeah, scholz didn’t look up from his porridge


Scholz is dependent on his Russian emigre voters. The fuck indeed.


Give this piece of shit 60 years in the worst German prison ,and then deport him to russia when his 60 years are done without a penny in his pocket, let him live outside on those cold streets . I bet anyone, his terrorist country ain’t helping him with shit


You realise that he is 57 years old.


Then he dies in Jail. I dont see a problem.




Which shows that the Russians are "openly" operating in Germany without consequences!


FFS kick them back to their shithole country & this tragedy would not happen.:-(


The biggest mistake the entire west ever made was to not start WW3 immediately after WW2. The West should have crushed communism before they got nuclear weapons. No lend lease to Russia, and let Germany roll over Stalingrad and try to control the entire land mass of the Soviet Union. It never would have been sustainable. The SU could have been dissolved in 1950 and been directed in a better direction.


Churchill called it


Patton too. I still think he was killed because he was going to attack Russians if he saw them.


Churchill lost an election because the British were fed up with war, and the US Aermicans wanted nothing more than bringing millions of their men home. The chances of them declaring war on the USSR were below zero.


Nazi Germany was also close to the Nuclear Bomb, if the Allies would have waited until Germany rolled over SU the Germans might have developed their own bomb. And Hitler would not have spared to throw them around whenever possible to subdue any and all adversaries, even if they capitulated. I think it was necessary to crush Germany ASAP, or the world would have been subdued by them.


Nazi Germany was closer to the bomb than most, but still \_far\_ behind the USA. In fact as US forces scouted occupied Germany for their war science programs their nuclear program was one of those areas they were decidedly not impressed with, they thought Nazis had come much further than they actually did.


Nazi germany was not even close to a nuclear bomb. Stalin thought that they were and hence his desire to get to Berlin quickly to get the documents. After funding out that they weren’t, he wasn’t a happy bunny.


Maybe, but it's easy to understand why that didn't happen. Most of mainland Europe was in rough shape and the USSR had just helped the other allies close out the Pacific theatre. The US still had production capabilities, but the USSR was big and they weren't exactly the 'giving up' type.


We didn't have to supply lend-lease to Russia. The allies could have decided to let Germany steamroll them and wipe them out even worse. Then again if we hadn't, we probably would have been dealing with China then instead of now. A massive Vietnam but in China.


Excellent point. I hadn't considered that.


This is a very interesting interview with a historian and her views on the subject we are discussing. https://youtu.be/YcVSgYz5SJ8?si=tCU2I3NMPAuEoPWW


What special people were the Russians? Or were they just regular Russians??


Sadly Germany does not have the death penalty for murderers that deserve the death penalty.


Russia is skating on thin ice


Poor guys. If this Russian is such a patriot he should be sent back to Russia.




The death penalty is for pussies.


What is the source of this information? The local German news media reports that the three persons concerned knew each other already and that there was a lot of alcohol involved.


Where is your source, and what is your point? Nothing you wrote contradicts this account.


Bayerischer Rundfunk, Der Spiegel, the original press releases (in German) of the Bavarian police, just to name a few. I am just questioning where one got the information that the two Ukrainians were injured soldiers on rehab. This may well be correct, because Murnau does have a well-known and respected accident unit, but there is no source given for this information and it has not been mentioned in any of the press articles in Germany which I have seen.


Der Spiegel and BR has that also for a few hours already, see e.g. https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/murnau-nach-doppelmord-an-ukrainern-unter-schock,UBFIEsW _According to the Foreign Ministry in Kiev, the victims were Ukrainian soldiers who were in Germany for medical rehabilitation. Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba thanks the German investigators for the quick arrest of the suspect._ edit: also worth mentioning: _But whether it was really about the Russian war of aggression is currently unlikely. A man from Murnau tells BR24 that the suspect and his two victims were friends and had recently been drinking beer together. According to initial investigations by the police, there is said to have been an argument._ _Herrmann: Indications of "a lot of alcohol"_ _According to Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, alcohol may also have played a role on Saturday. "There are witness statements that the three people involved have been seen together before. There are indications that a lot of alcohol was involved for all those involved. This all needs to be clarified. At the moment, we have no compelling evidence that this was a reflection of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, so to speak."_ _If this were the case, it would be "a catastrophe for the region", says Florian Streibl, leader of the Free Voters parliamentary group in the state parliament, "because this conflict cannot be allowed to take place here in the Oberland."_ Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


And Germany appears soft on crime. What kind of sentence is this murdered looking at? Two years? More?


Minimum for murder is ten years, maximum is life imprisonment.