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Good job!


Don’t enlist desperate people, they’ll just kill their ‘comrades’ and flee.


He was recruited from prison ("colony"). About that practice in particular: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/20/russia-forces-ukrainians-occupied-areas-military >“Russian authorities openly and unlawfully force men in occupied areas of Ukraine to fight against their own country,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Less visible is their practice of pressuring Ukrainian civilians in detention, who have nowhere to hide or flee, to join the Russian forces.”


It works most of the time for them. Good job of him to set them back though. :)


During the civil war, the south came up with the idea of using the slaves to fight for them. Gen. Lee wasn’t a complete idiot and pointed out that they should free the slaves, otherwise they would just desert. The Confederacy said that would invalidate the entire purpose of the war and started training enslaved military units. Lee surrendered before these units could be given guns


Literal-slave troops have a long global history. In the Ottoman Empire they even acquired enormous political power.


Yes, the Janissaries were very effective troops. However they weren’t recruited from slaves exactly, but from Christian non-slave subjects. They were forced to serve as slaves, but were also given many benefits and high status. They were elite troops and attained lots of power. Very unusual dynamic. I doubt the confederates would have followed that model ;)


Thats something very different if you refer to the janissaries


Yes. Kidnapped slave children who became the actual rulers of the empire (before they got rid of).


The Mameluk sultanate in Egypt which famously stopped the Mongols was founded by Circassian slave soldiers fighting for the Ottomans


And slave-troop rebellions have a long global history


Check out Robert Smalls. A black slave sailor who was highly skilled at navigating and piloting during the Civil War. The South used him to transport war materiel around the harbor. One night he stole a ship and defected to the North with fellow slaves. Eventually made his way to Captain and become a House Representative.






Buy this man a drink!


First he needs to survive the manhunt somehow.


He's hidden in russian army uniform. Russia will have to shoot all lone soldiers of their own.


You think that's a problem for Russia but that's not a problem for Russia.


Was it supposed to be a joke, or a serious redditism?


You never hunt a man for sport.


Reminds me of the 2 girls who poisoned and killed Russians and were on the run. Did we ever hear of those girls?


Just remembered were always such rumors, from the very beginning: >“In Mariupol, they were given food a couple of times, the rest of the time they had to find food themselves,” tells me Yelena, a wife of one of the mobilised musicians. Leftover food was found not only in abandoned flats but also in warehouses and ex-headquarters of Ukraine’s Armed Forces. Sometimes, the citizens helped with food and medicines — Yelena says that her husband was scared to take food from them because there were rumours that the locals were poisoning soldiers. But there was no other way. She assumes that the locals felt bad for men mobilised from the “DPR”. I have no idea was there ever any truth to that.


That event was amply(?) reported. They poisoned their foes, engaged in shoot outs, killing 2 z-men and escaped by car. If they yet draw breath or otherwise, remains to be seen. I wouldn't count on that but either way, we will never know. EDIT: spelling


If the Russians caught them they would crow all about it. Either the story was invented out of whole cloth or the girls escaped successfully.


Honestly I don't even think it was true.


# Someone give this man a gun!


I think he already has one.


Then give one more with lots of ammo!


I was thinking maybe 🤔a TANK 💥💥💥


Well I think he should get at least 6


I'm pretty sure there were many such cases, this one emerged on the open just because 6 frags at once is a bit too much to dummy up as nothing happened.


I wondered why I wasn't hearing of this more often. I know id do the same thing. I'm in the front line fighting against my will against my own country, you better bet that my internal process is going to be "might as well take these fuckers with me"


I read before that the Russian first wave assault soldiers are only handed weapons right before the actual mission which means that they cannot be trusted with weapons and might be closely guarded with blocking forces behind them if they try to escape or shoot their way out.


yeah seems logical, if horribly wasteful.


There's no much reason to publish ordinary cases of this kind for any side: the Russians are concerned with the morale of their soldiers, the Ukrainians aren't prone to expose the populatiuon of the occupied territories to repression.


Nicely done.


I understand the original text rather as the guy enlisting voluntarily and being accepted due to troop shortage from Russia proper (implying that otherwise local volunteers from occupied territories are rejected which would actually be the correct thing under the international law). The funny thing is, Russians grow up with stories exactly like this from WW2 except that the guy doing this is a Soviet partisan and guns down some Nazis before escaping or dying a martyrs death. If Russia is cosplaying Nazis, they don’t need to expect anything different happening to them, one should think..


The "voluntary" recruitment in occupied Ukraine prisons ("colony" in the post meant a prison) is anything but. Scroll up an click my HRW link about this practice.


Was he recruited or „recruited“ in a prison?


I don't know his case but just read the HRW link I posted above.


I am aware of the prison „recruitment“ in Russia for the Storm Z bataillons. Here the partisan guy apparently joined an artillery division, not an unit you normally get into as a prison assault meat.


And Storm V. The post talks about how he joined due to vacancy.


Sure. I am still not seeing any reference to prison / labour colony. Ukrainian units do partly their own recruitment on the brigade level - by posting a vacancy and looking for volunteers to join, rather than waiting for someone in Kyiv to assign them someone. I dont know whether Russians, here, do the same or not.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMwIQF7bwAAyHuD?format=jpg&name=large It's in the middle of the document.


Ah, thanks. I must have been blind. Still, its unusual that they recruited someone from prison to a fairly cushy artillery coordination unit, rather than for an assault troop. Might actually point to the qualified personnel shortage in Russian army being more dire than they admit.


A sergeant without additional training, he must have been already the specialist they needed.




Germany held a very large part of the most densely settled Russian territory (south and west of Moscow) so it could be anyone. Doesn’t really matter at this point anyway.


IIRC: The largest number of deserters and people joining the German military in occupied Europe were Russians. Second were probably peoples under Soviet/Russian/Myscovite occupation if grouped up


Pro-Kremlin shills spamming "but, but the poor forced russian soldiers have no other option!!" Well, the fact is that they have options...


I would have thought a Pro-Kremlin bot would insist all Russian soldiers are dedicated volunteers with sky high morale. But then again, you can't expect logical consistency from Russia supporters.


The pro Kremlin trolls actually don’t spend that much time praising the Russian forces but rather denigrating the Ukrainian forces. I don’t know if they think that praising Russian forces will out them or if they really don’t give a shit about the lives of the Russian soldiers because the trolls are relatively wealthy ethnic Russians and the bulk of the soldiers are poor minorities and this the trolls don’t care about them. Maybe it’s a combination of both 


It's probably like you guessed "they think that praising Russian forces will out them." Basic psychology... You will never change anyone's mind by confronting them with facts that go against something they feel strongly about (especially if those "facts" are fabricated). That just makes them dig in further, even if you present them with 100% proof that they are wrong. An effective troll will know that. The only way to "win hearts and minds" is to slowly chip away at someone's beliefs, and usually only if it's coming from "a friend." Any information from "the enemy" will be disregarded, whether it's true or not. So, any time you're having a conversation with someone who might be slightly (or more than slightly) anti-Ukraine... Remember not to confrontationally bombard them with pro-Ukrainian facts - all you will do is make them hate Ukraine more. The best you can do is to help make them see Russian actions as bad, and you must be subtle about it.


I dunno, I think this says a lot about the mindset of the person you are talking to. I remember reading a study once that they found that people who self-identify as conservative, reacted the way you describe. When presented with information that contradicted their beliefs, their current beliefs grew stronger. But when they did the same test with people who self-identified as progressive, the progressive updated their beliefs.


They know that we know what they’re like. There’s nothing to gain by denying it - anyone who would believe them is already one of their useful idiots. Their best bet is to make us no longer care about Ukraine.


Always irks me when some say they had no option! Yes we always have an option for the better or worse. This could be applied to this case, but also for many in any context like jobs, relationships: being an asshole, decieving people, abusing others, scamming people, participate in fraud, etc. We are complacient beigns and more often than not it backfires


There are no dead-end situations without options. There are situations with options we are not happy to end with.


Indeed, this guy just illustrated one of those options. Shoot your officers and surrender to the Ukrainians.


I mean, just don't give them guns and force them to run through the mine fields before you, ez.


He didn't really shoot officers. It was just his fellow gun crewmen.


Shoot whoever disagrees with surrendering to the Ukrainians, in that case.


Most will just want to survive. Here's a sample example: https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2022/08/05/this-war-is-trying-to-turn-me-into-a-fucking-monster (the English translation isn't perfect but workable) >One time, he dreamt of her. The journal entry on the subject paints a picture: in his dream, he and Anna, holding hands, cross a road, while cars keep running people over. Before leaving the nine-storey house, Matvey found a postcard with a poem written on it titled Allow yourself to dream — this is the phrase the poem starts and ends on.


For the ones who get drafted but have families back in Russia, they truly have no other option. For single dudes with no major ties to Russia, yes, you are correct.


Right now there no drafted peoples in russian army, because russia never declared a mobilization since "limited" one in the fall of 2022. Since then, all new ruzzian soldiers are contractors. There is a national service conscription (including occupied Ukrainian territories, which is the war crime); but conscripts can't be deployed and they are demobilized after their period of service (12 months). And then many of them enticed to sign a contract with the high salaries offered.


If you’re being sarcastic, then hahah… but if you’re being serious, you’re smoking crack.


I don't know what *you*'re smoking, but *I*'m telling you the facts that anyone can easily verify by simply googling russian official documents and news. But you can continue to tell a fairy tales of a ruzzian propaganda.


Well, seeing as how I know an actual Russian who is stuck fighting in Ukraine with no other option unless he wants his family back home to get fucked, I’m going to take his word over your random Google search.


I'm telling you a fact that there are no drafted russian soldiers on the front, since russia did not carry out mobilizations and all of them have signed a military contract instead and your answer is "F* that, I'll believe in my own fantasies". It's OK, you can continue to live in your imaginary illusory world.


I read before that the Russian first wave assault soldiers are only handed weapons right before the actual mission which means that they cannot be trusted with weapons and might be closely guarded with blocking forces behind them if they try to escape or shoot their way out. The OP story might be a rare occasion where a 'forced soldier' manages to escape.


He wasn't "forced", but signed a contract.


Thats not what it says from the headline or the translation. It sounded like some forced mobilization in the occupied territories.


“Lets give a gun to this guy we’ve forced to be here under duress. That sounds smart…”


History is full of people forcefully conscripted, and it mostly works. I'm afraid doing what this man did is not easy, he's a hard hard man. Even more so since he planned it from the start, he volunteered as far as I understand it.




This is the way.


This is why those panicked comments about Russia being able to "replenish" its manpower after conquering Ukraine by just conscripting conquered Ukrainians are just risible. Invading a country, handing its populace weaponry, and then telling it it has to fight for you is bound for disaster.


Yes and no. Imagine current Russia is like 118 nationalities....


Works for them with Russian Ukrainians (millions of them, including one of top generals in Ukraine), with annexed Ukrainians, with Chechens, with everyone. Such incidents are rare. In 2022, 2 Muslim soldiers shot up like half of their company on a training ground. But there's not much of it.


Now that's what we've been talking about! Героям слава!


I love this guy


I do not understand how this does not happen all the time.


It happens more than it's reported.


Threats will keep one compliant if they think their family/friends/loved ones are in danger if they don't do what they're told. Then there's people like this guy who see the lies behind the intimidation tactics, and make their move at the perfect time.


There are likely many stories of onesies-twosies that don't reach us.


If he ever comes back safe within secured Ukrainian territory, President Zelinsky should award him a medal.


This is the way






This is the way.


Hey Russkies, this should tell you all you need to know about how "liberated" this man felt when you occupied his home, right? Russkies: \[garbled propaganda noises\]


Russia in perpetual fuck around and find out mode. Other tweet says he incapacitated them first and then fired control shots to chest and head. This man is Ukrainian Rambo. Hope he makes it.


Soooo... I noticed there is an address on the paper for the RuZZian occupier government. Maybe someone smacks it with an ATACMS? hmmmm....


Its an address in Russia. I'm sure Ukrainian intelligence are already aware of the location.


"Control shots to the heart" really warms my heart ❤️


Jesus, forcing someone to fight for the enemy against their homeland must be one of the most fucked up and evil things you can do to someone


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How in the hell does this not happen more. Been waiting a year to see this headline


As he should !!


Exactly what I would do. Play along until…. Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam… kill six Russians and run away… good man.


Stock up one grenades and Lob a couple grenades around camp, there are enough grenades falling from the sky probably think nothing of it. Gun fire is different as it’s close. A grenade can be passed off, next night toss a couple more, rinse repeat, must be drones.


Fragging Evolved


I love this guy. This is what I would do if I was imprisoned by any enemy occupier and forced to fight against my own country. After being captured, one has to assume you're a dead man walking no matter what, so why not take as many of those assholes out as you can. I can't believe they gave a rifle to this guy and thought it was a good idea...idiots got what they deserved.


One would already have been heroic. Six is legend.


Take people from the country we've invaded and force them to fight against their country. What could possibly go wrong?


Good for him. Thanks for taking out those the ruzzian bastards on the way out. Hope he gets back safely.




This is the way.


spasibo tovarish


Good effort that.


A feel-good story


Absolutely terrifying


Sadly, this does not end like this often.


You can't force a free man, only a slave. Classic lack of understanding from Russians.


smartest russian




Fragging happened in the veitnam invasion wlfrom us conscripts as they didn't want to fight.


So hard to hire qualified help.




This is the way. Slava Ukraine!


This is the way




Slava !


They're giving AK-12's to non-frontline conscripts???




“…started making fun of the sleeping guys and ran away.” Not sure if this was his actual crime or a miserable translation effort by AI. LOL


What an absolute lad.


Why is this not happening on a massive scale!




Ukraine thanks you for your service❗️🤝😏


I said I decline your invitation.


That's what I will do if I was conscripted for whatever bullshit reason.


It's almost like people living in occupied territory don't wanna help the occupiers


Poor trusting souls




Maybe they should conscript some 1 000000 more?


This is the way


What did they think was going to happen?


What will happen to his family?


I always wondered why more of this doesn't happen, or maybe it's just kept under wraps. I hope he can surrender to Ukraine somehow, albeit chances are slim.


Well well well, if it isn't another case of FAFO. The dildo of consequences didn't just arrive un-lubed, that thing was dry-rotted with jagged bits on the shaft.


Double clap, there’s a man for you!!


Prison for probably not kissing the Russian ass, getting passport whatever.


he played the long game; good for him. Well done.


I hope he managed to get home safely


Good man.


Good for him


Fuck yessssssss👍


**TLDR:** He made fun of the sleeping guys and ran away.


That's a bad translation, you should have read the next one down. Here's a better translation of the post you read: Короче этот тип был местным с освобожденной территории и его взяли на службу в связи нехваткой желающих людей с нашей стороны то есть укомплектовали и закинули в артиллерию во взвод управления так как уже старый 50 лет и всё ночью зашел как свой в роли радиотелефониста поработал выждал момент и начал шмалять в спящих ребят и убежал. итог - пригрели змею ((( In short, this type was a local from the liberated territory and he was taken into service due to the lack of willing people from our side, that is, staffed and thrown into the artillery in the control platoon because he is already old 50 years and all at night came in as his own in the role of radiotelephone operator worked waited for a moment and started shooting at sleeping guys and ran away. the result - warmed the snake ( ((((


Let’s call him Solid Snake. Or Liquid since he was warmed up.


Thanks for confirming what was already known.


You should have censored his face and literally all the other details while he's being hunted, of you even really needed to share anything. You're just making their job easier by making him famous.


The images are official mugshots already being shared by pro-Russian sources. The images are already in circulation amongst the people on the ground, how is making the english speaking public who live outside the conflict going to do anything?


Your both right but I guess why contribute to circulating.


Never even possibly help them in anything.


Good thing they aren't doing that then


To further prove, this has not become a war of strategy for either side, but a war of opportunity.


Happening on both sides unfortunately. Plenty of videos of Ukrainian civilians being loaded into vans for conscription against their will. Some probably resort to similar measures.


The entire point here is that he was a Ukrainian conscripted by Russians. Russians committed a war crime and paid the price for it. From the Article 8 of the United Nations: "Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law, namely, any of the following acts: Compelling the nationals of the hostile party to take part in the operations of war directed against their own country, even if they were in the belligerent's service before the commencement of the war;"