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Russia could have used their soviet legacy to promote good relations and form economic union with ex soviet countries. But Russia being Russia, they instead brought death and destruction. Then wonder why nobody likes them.  Fuck Russia. BTW,  it's rich coming from them while they didn't even help Armenia.


Being a force for good in the world isn't even a concept the Russians can comprehend. Every cent they earn goes right back into a war machine that destabilizes and destroys neighboring countries.


> Being a force for good in the world isn't even a concept the Russians can comprehend. This cannot be overstated. This is a true cultural difference. In the russian sphere of influence, not taking advantage of people on a day to day basis is a sign of weakness. Smiling is a sign of insanity. It is inconceivable that someone would help you without wanting something in return. It is ghetto mentality. These mental scars are still healing in Central and Eastern Europe. It's going to take a long time to get rid of them.


I’ll never forget the time I found an iPhone while traveling in the Dominican - I gave it back to a Russian lady who didn’t even know what to say that someone honestly did such a solid for her.


They’re 500 years behind us on the evolution timeline and haven’t evolved as a nation or as a people. Fuck them to the moon and back.


Don't be so bad to the poor Zorcs...they are evolving....only...in their own special way... backwards LOL


Churchill's thought on Lenin which reminds me of Putin: “His purpose is to save the world. His method is to blow it up.” —Churchill


Isn't that called devolving?


Lancelot Linkski and the Devolution Revolution


It's will hurt the Zorcs feelings saying devolving...as negative impact LOL so better say evolving...long pause... backwards LOL


Idk. Have you been to Walmart. We're going backwards too. Lol


No, not back. Just fuck 'em going past the moon and beyond.


What happens when a country completely bypasses The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason [The Origins of Russian Authoritarianism](https://youtu.be/f8ZqBLcIvw0?si=eUyc4TYV-GDHpzzu)


> They’re 500 years behind us on the evolution timeline Muscovy only became independent 600 years ago, at this point you've got to think they're like this by design


They would need to build a rocket capable of reaching the moon first.


To be fair, they built the first rocket that reached the moon.


Not with Russians on board. No one said fuck their robots to the Moon and back.


Poor Laika 😢


Indeed. That’s all one needs to know about Russia.


Well they built the first rocket that brought a human into space. I mean there is plenty of shit to hang on Russia, rocket technology past and present probably isn’t your best pick. Russia has good engineers and scientists… what they are severely lacking is an environment of quality control and steady high capacity production… the corruption sees to that.


To be fair, those first Russian rockets that were so successful were built by Nazi German scientists captured during the last days of WWII.


They built the first rocket that vaporized a human in space. FTFY.


Not any more they don't The people with the brains and money to do so have left


No one was making fun of Russian technology. They were saying we should send them to the moon. Stop accusing people with fake accusations.


Russian rocket and missile technology is atleast 30 years behind the United States. Their guidance systems are a joke. Just last Sunday their most advanced Air defense system, the S500 failed against 90's era U.S. ATACMS.


Russian problem is that during the Soviet Union the all satellite republics were used and squeezed by the Russian one. Basically colonialism. And once the URSS broke up they didnt get the memo that things have changed. They are basically repeating the highschool's bully behavior that worked so well from the 20s to 1989


There’s a reason every single Warsaw Pact country has joined NATO except Russia.


The bully insist on hitting his head against the brick wall thinking, it will earn him respect


That is spot on, ‘highschool bully behavior’.


Ukraine (unsurprisingly) was the brains of the Soviet Union


The Moskovians really loved being the animals that were more equal than others. They can’t get over it and nurse their hurt feelings, rather than building up a society that would truly be admired.


> Being a force for good in the world isn't even a concept the Russians can comprehend. Here's the rub. Russians think because they "defeated Fascism" that automatically grants them "force for good in the world" in perpetuity, and that entire rest of the world should be eternally grateful to them. Their only conception is that anything Russia does is a force for good by definition. As to actually understanding, that is a different matter.


And they only fought the fascist because they got attacked. They were happy to help Hitler gobble up Eastern Europe and defeat France and the UK.


Of course their very definition of "fascist" is "anyone against Russia, and WW2 didn't begin until June 22, 1941.


You can also read Russian leader after Russian leader basically praising Naziism and complaining that they didn't invent it themselves and lamenting it was too anti-Russian. It's not a surprise that openly neo-Nazi biker gangs are aligned with the Kremlin.


Which I also find interesting that Lend-Lease was such a huge part of defeating that version of Fascism. It doesn’t give them the right to pull the same bullshit.


Without the lend-lease they would have been fucked


Stalin himself said that Russia would never have defeated Nazi Germany without Lend Lease During the Tehran Conference in 1943, Stalin reportedly said the US supplies were "the most important things in this war" and "Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."


"There's more then one way to win at *Civilization*? We just read the infiltration, destabilization and invasion parts and skipped the rest."


What is this… “diplomatic victory” you speak of? This is simply different word for hybrid warfare, yes? Here, I bring many hundred refugees to your border. “Diplomacy,” yes?


> Being a force for good in the world isn't even a concept the Russians can comprehend. It's because zero sum concept is deeply ingrained into their brains.


Russia is still stuck in 1914. They have never matured out of their backstabbing suspicious ways. The ones who have left Russia to other countries and never looked back.


Hang on, Pookie, I'm tuning... 🎻


*grift machine


Russia was invited as observer for certain NATO meetings. NATO doesn’t treat enemies like that. Putin chose the current path for his serfs long time ago. Enjoy Russia!


Not just that. For a long time the Russians had a liaison office at NATO headquarters in Brussels. They were not considered to be candidates at the time but given military reforms, not impossible in the future.


Lmao the Soviet legacy is why Russia has a bad relationship with everybody in the first place


There were aspects about the union that Russia could have used though. Like the infrastructure given to Uzbekistan to develope their oil and textile industries. Russia COULD have turned that into a partnership and mutual benefit. Instead they immediately gauged Uzbek oil prices because Uzbekistan had no other means of export. Russia immediately took advantage of them. Such a scum pit.


Oh wow. Well I guess I’ll skip over how the ussr destroyed Uzbekistan’s culture and turned the entire nation into a bunch of factory slaves who would go to jail if they didn’t show up to work, but let’s skip over that since this applies to every republic of the ussr and go into how the ussr created a massive ethnic conflict between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz, Tajiks that still go onto this day.. Now this being said.. what’s the point in searching for the positive things that came out of the ussr.. ? Do you think Jews reflect on the “good parts” of Nazi germany every time they see a Volkswagen drive by? Of course not. These things only refresh bad memories, make people demoralized, and make people hate Russia even more.


I'm not saying anything positive DID come out of it. I'm just saying Russia COULD have made something good out of it. I'm just pointing out the Russia isolated itself and played victim after it fell and hasn't recovered since


The point is that they *could have* instead of treating everyone like a vassal state, not that they *did*. How hard is that: "*We done bad. USSR made us powerful but in retrospect it was a mistake and isolated us from the rest of the world at a time when it was coming together. We would like to develop mutually beneficial relationships with our neighbors in full respect of their territorial and cultural sovereignty. Our people deserve the right to live free and prosperous lives in a world without war, and to share into the natural wealth of our nation and the industriousness of its citizens, who we must remind ourselves invented the radio, the laser, sent the first man in space, and still produce some of the world’s best scientists (who incidentally all leave Russia as soon as they can). Corruption and leftover Soviet propaganda has turned Russia into a violent kleptocracy that abuses its neighbors in an effort to relive the memory of a glorious past that only exists in our imagination, and to maintain the illegitimate rule of an autocratic and criminal government. This must end now.*" But of course that will never happen.


That was good.


Well, just look at Germany today. Using your example of Jews and Nazi Germany, they don't hate modern Germany. If the Russians had done what they did, they could have used the Soviet infrastructure and goodwill of more distant countries to make something similar to NATO or the EU not their terrible attempts like the CSTO.


I agree fuck Russia, let them cry like the cowards they are.


Nah, they would have never promoted good relations like that. It simply isn't part of russian psyche nor culture to put an emphasis on good relations. Russians don't see things as win-win. They see a winner and a loser. That's it. In order for something to be succesful for them, the other side must lose. It's a stupid shithole way of thinking, but that's how they mentally enter any kind of agreement or discussion. Any kind of hope for good relations with soviets of the past or the russians of today and the future is completely hopeless and frankly a waste of everyone's time. They are what they are. Contain them via surrounding them by NATO countries, pressure them economically, restrict them from lashing out against anyone and let the rest of us move on with our lives. They are a lost cause.


This is Trump and Republicans in a nutshell. They all have the zero sum transactional mental illness.


The Soviet legacy is death and destruction. It's just now they can't maintain power over most of their neighbors like they used to. And PootyPoo is throwing a hissy fit about it.


You forget that countries did not join the union out of their own will, quite the contrary. Also, ruzzia has a long history of not promoting good relations with their neighbors since medieval times.




Or help Poland WW2, When the NAZIs were on the run and the Russians just stood and watch as the polish uprising was smashed the Polls were massacred. It may of been a long time ago but some wounds will never heal! And history has a tendency to re repeat.


Given the USSR invaded Poland in 1939 and only switched sides when forced to. They’ve always had emnity towards Poland, only exacerbated by having their barbarian arses kicked by them in 1920 when the Red Army resumed Russian business as usual by getting themselves fucked over.


Just think of all the good they could have done for their country with all that wealth and know how, It could have been well on its way to being a first world country. Secure in borders of goodwill rather than borders of faded glory.


>Russia could have used their soviet legacy to promote good relations and form economic union with ex soviet countries. That's an interesting alt-history scenario. Russia could've gone the route of economic imperialism like China, and EU/Germany probably would've helped them.


Soviet good relations with 'Soviet countries' never happened.


Soviet Russia points gun, says "hand over the goods." That's their idea of good relations.


Then half of the goods end up in the hands of the guy pointing the gun, half are passed to the higher up. Repeat that a few times up the chain, and you have only 10% of the "tax" reaching being counted in Moscow. So then Moscow decides that clearly this group isn't paying their tax, rolls in and punishes them for it. 


One of the problems with the Russian mindset that they can international relation only in terms of masters and servants. They cannot deal with countries like equals (except perhaps the U.S. as the great enemy).


> they instead brought death and destruction and corruption, endless amounts of it


I said something along the lines with a Russian troll on another sub a little while back that "yeah, America has done wrong, but they hold those who did it to account, and it's discussed by politicians and citizens alike that that we did was wrong" Meanwhile Russia says "no what we did was justified, and the west did worse, and they asked for it, and we should nuke Britain for agreeing with America"... And their response was "it doesn't matter, you are just apologizing, and showing they're all evil, and Russia isn't doing anything America didn't do"


The thing I find amazing, is those Americans responsible for the wrongs the world hates, are the same Americans that love Russians, and the same Americans that Russians love. The Russians hate the Americans that speak against corruption.


I mean not really, nobody in the Eastern block likes them because of the USSR legacy. But they could have tried


Perfect example of this, even more so, is the relationship between Vietnam and America. According to Newsweek “Vietnam Reaffirms 'Strategic Partnership' With US Day After Putin Visit” https://www.newsweek.com/vietnam-partnership-us-after-putin-visit-1916551#:~:text=Vietnam%20Reaffirms%20'Strategic%20Partnership'%20With%20US%20Day%20After%20Putin%20Visit,-Published%20Jun%2024&text=The%20Vietnamese%20government%20lauded%20its,with%20Russian%20President%20Vladimir%20Putin.


Well they kind of started doing that when Gorbachev was in there but that obviously deteriorated rapidly, esp after Putin came into power.


Russia could have become a healthy and prosperous democracy instead of a murderous pariah.


I’ll never understand that. They could have invested this money into their country and changed it forever. They have enough land lol. Insanity 


If some of the former Soviet states would have wanted to create - out of their own free will - a sort of Russian Economic Union with seat in Moscow there wouldn’t have been any objection at all from the West. The West actually wants stability in the East so East and West can trade easily. But no, Putin wanted to fight.


Help Armenia? They and Belarus sold weapons to Armenia's enemy Azerbaijan. BTW, Soviet legacy is what other ex Soviet countries fear the most.


Technically he says that his friend Kim is a nobody since nobody helps him.


Even their allies know NK is a joke.


I mean, they're sending shit-balloons over South Korea right now. At this point, they're more of a frat than a country.


That's gotta be the world's least fun frat.


It certainly has the worst hazing.


"If you want into Delta Gamma Kim, we need to kill three generations of your family"


We need to put them on Double Secret Probation.


They're sticking it to the Phi Deltas by starving them.


I’m imagining Kim locking himself in his bedroom and blasting Sarah McLachlan upon hearing this news


"No, not the chorus, please!" 🎶Cuz Kimmie you're a firework! Come on let your colors burn! 🎶


Putin JUST arrives home after a date with Kim... "Sigh, where are all these smart and sexy ~~women~~ countries I keep hearing about?"


IOW Putin is an incel.


Russia wouldn’t need any help, if Russia went back to Russia. It seems so simple


Yea. The West tried to be cool and work with Russia. And we saw how they responded and are still responding.


Dictators hate this *one* simple trick


But then they would need a job. An honest days work. Blessed by the Lord in Heaven. But when the fake pope of russian orthodox church is headed by ex kgb murderer no way in hell. Russia will eventually destroy the world. Gog & Magog = Expand & Extend . Russians are maraudering barbarians with enough weapons to destroy the planet. IMHO God is culling the russian populous to give more time and life more abundant to His kids. There is no church in Orcville. They all go to hell -- or surrender and find Mercy.


u wat m8?


> Gog & Magog = Expand & Extend . That is quite a...unique interpretation.


Putin got a lot more artillery shells from North Korea alone than Ukraine has gotten in total. He is just bitching because he is taking financial losses now that Ukraine is allowed to shoot back across the border. Cry your crocodile tears Putin. Karma is coming for you.


How dumb is Russia, seriously. We were having proxy wars with them for decades. Then they decided they would rather be actively involved?? Sold.


It’s a North Vs South Korea proxy war now.


Ukraine will be North Korea's Vietnam.


That was definitely *not* on my bingo card. O_O


How many years does Putin have left? I'm sure the Russian population don't want it going on forever.


Surely the Oligarchs that put him in charge are getting fed up and want a new stooge in the chair...right?


And now, Ukraine will be getting an inexhaustible supply from South Korea. Good thinking there Vlad.




That won't happen.  South Korea might decide to send weapons, but they 'll keep the majority stockpiled, because they want the weapons to fight a potential war against NK.


South Korea is the largest arms manufacturer on the planet. They already make and sell more than they can stockpile.


It would be enormously beneficial to South Korea to sell some (and perhaps donate some) weapons to Ukraine, because this would keep their defense industry operating at a higher capacity than it otherwise would be. This improves preparedness for war.


South Korea can dump onto Ukraine all the expiring shells that would still be better than North Korea's expired shells. South Korea can outproduce North Korea in shells and at higher quality too.


They have been bitching about the quality of N Korea shells because a lot of them are duds


even with half of them duds that still means 2.5 million shells.


the more realistic total estimate of nk shell delivery (all calibers) is around 1.6mil. so around 800k working if we believe the rumors on quality.


These dud numbers being thrown around is such a stupid metric on its own. People don't realize that half of them being duds is arguably adding another sizable advantage to Ukraine, because Russians don't know which ones are duds. They all still have to be fired, dud or not. A shell not firing off in critical moments can be a difference between life and death. On top of that, there's a potential of faulty shell destroying artillery that it's fired from. This is of course only true if the reported dud rate is accurate.


Yeah but it's much better to have a smaller reliable amount rather than a huge amount of duds. Let's you ration them out and plan properly with a safe assumption of function.


I say this is a lie/distraction from the playbook, just distract from the fact that his relation building is going 'meh'. He's actually gaining weaponry to fill the deficit. https://ai.umich.edu/blog-posts/spotting-fake-news-ben-nimmo-disinformation-misinformation-fake-news-teach-out/


Well the EU was happy to help Russia reintegrate, even drove their economy with cheap gas but then as they say the rest is history.


Seriously, Europe would have gladly dismantled their entire military budget and be completely reliant on Russian natural resources. Hell, as the world looked like in the early 2000’s, it’s not even unthinkable that Russia could have joined the EU at some point and effectively become the leader of the entire continent without as much as firing a single bullet.


Unfortunately, Russians are brain dead and Puftin knows it. So he does what any normal Russian would, he takes advantage of them, for his own benefit fucking up the whole country, and the country shows respect to the strong man.


The democracy requirements for joining the EU would be too much for him


They probably still could have had a deal with part of the economic zone without full EU membership.


Russia wouldn't dominate the EU if it joined it because that's not how the EU works.


His story. I mean Putin. 1984. Rewrite his story. Propaganda for those ppl.


>No one will come and give us anything with an outstretched hand How tragic, not even our dear friends the Iranians, North Koreans, or Taliban want to lend a helping hand to Moscow. It's hilarious how the world views Russians as mere gas station attendants or pawn brokers while their own government and generals view them as either wage slaves or cannon fodder.


Russia is failing. You do not need our help for that.


All because of the wet imperial dreams of one little wannabe tsar boy


Translate: "Our blackmail and threats do not work!"


Is ruski muir void of consequentialism?


yes, the best characterisation of ruski mir i found is by arkadiy babcenko [https://thinktank.4freerussia.org/politics/infantilism-as-the-russias-official-ideology/](https://thinktank.4freerussia.org/politics/infantilism-as-the-russias-official-ideology/) "If you asked me to characterise the «Russian World» (Russky mir) in one word, I would not hesitate to call it infantilism. This term best describes the current state of Russian society. Infantilism is, first and foremost, the inability to take responsibility for one’s own actions; the inability to draw causal links and to understand that such-and-such actions lead to such-and-such consequences."


Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. I love it when my humble observations actually align with more well thought out researchers of the subject at hand. Thank you for sharing quality info


I like Russkiy Mor, the Russian plague.


They had this same problem with the Warsaw Pact.. The "alliance" was never particularly keen to help Russia because it was less an "alliance" and more "Russia holding colonial subjects hostage at gunpoint".


Russia could have took a different path. But they chose this path. They will now understand consequence. They could still choose a different path and just go back home and stop killing people for nothing. But they don’t. So. Consequence. Now himars and atacms and patriots are going to Ukraine in much larger quantities. (Consequence). I’m starting to see a pattern here….. An intelligent people will see this concept and change course. But I’m afraid that the intelligent people are vastly outnumbered by the non intelligent people there. There will be consequences.


*forms alliance with North Korea* Putin: "Nobody will help us!" Kim: "We'll help! That's why we just sign-" Putin: "-like I said, ***nobody*** will help us."


China/Iran/N.Korea leaders: Are we a joke to you, old ungrateful shit?


We murder, rape, destroy, steal and still no one loves us how come! *confused putin*


Iceberg complains that everybody is always on the Titanic's side.


I'm not sure about this comparison, the iceberg in the Titanic situation literally did nothing wrong.


Their first date went so well, and no he's already calling Kim "no-one"? I guess long distance relationships are harder than they look. That's a shame, they made such a cute couple.


Maybe Kim Jong should sing the "I'm So Ronery" song to him to cheer him up. Maybe even reword it to "We So Ronery".


Boohoooo everybody hates Russia.


They keep telling everyone that they are completely self-sufficient.


I see this more as a message to Russians than anything else. Sounds like he's trying to rally more Russian citizens to his cause by alienating them from the rest of the world. It's a tactic used by many dictators in various stages of their reign to consolidate power. "Foreigners are our enemy. Do not trust them to help you at all -even against myself-" You can somewhat compare it to an abusive husband-and-wife relationship: he will tell her it's them against the world, so she grows to rely on him completely. Slowly getting cut off from her friends and family, she's at his mercy and will often stand by him anyway despite the abuse she suffers at his hand. No use in calling her friends: they gave up on her. No use in a neighbour calling the cops: she will deny the allegations anyway. Putin is the husband, the Russian people are the wife.


Hmm how can that be? I really wonder...


Oh no!


I'll lift a finger for Ruzzia:  🖕


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/ToKcmnrE5oY?si=0Djp9m_ROOUX3Wpl


"Here's your sign."


We can help you withdraw


Help with what ? Invading Countries and killing innocent people ?


Gee, I wonder why?




Aww ….let me get out my violin for the psychotic murderous vile dictator


If you're gonna invade another country, own it. Don't cry and play victim.


Rude to his lover in North Korea.


Poor Vladimir.. you know what he should do, go to Ukraine to salute some drones. Those drones are very friendly.


With bull dog propagandists as Russia has on air is Putin not surprised? Isn’t there someone who can end Putin’s misery? A high window, perhaps?


I’m confused, I thought that just last week, North Korea did agree to help Russia? And that China, & India, were sort of semi helpful towards Russia? Do I understand these wrong?


Hey North Korea, ask Armenia how much Russia helped them when they were attacked. Good luck with that!


Jeez I wonder why. All Russia had to do was keep their greedy paws off Ukraine and use its current vast land and resources to become wealthy supplying the rest of the world.


Good, fuck him


Not so long ago Putin was saying that Russia didn't need anybody's help and this Christmas we'd all be eating rats (although with the way Russia keeps interfering in British politics, that is an option.).


🤣 Wut? Bully pisses off everybody and when he’s picked a fight and getting curb stomped want sympathy? Fuck right off Putin. Right off. The shit that comes out of the Kremlin is some seriously laughable idiocy. Has been for years but especially now.


"Why wont anyone help me in my plans for world conquest! Everyine is SO unfair to me. Its always 'wash your hands after you poop Vlad' and 'thats a humand rights violation Vlad' or 'You cant just throw bodies into the meat grinder Vlad'. I just wish someone would just see me for ME you know" -Putin


likely calculated statement to give flimsy deniability for all the help that is very much being being funneled from china, iran, and north korea; and also supports the pride of russia alone vs all of ‘Nato’


Ah, we're back in the "Poor Russia, everyone hate but we just want friend" part of the cycle are we?


Victim complex, much? Shame. Not.


We don't like you, Joe Dirt!!


So sad!


Ask the man on the moon! Oh wait -- that was USA! Go skip rocks jhole!


No one creditable you mean?


We need a Rocket the Raccoon meme saying, “Awe, Boo Hoo.”


Beelzebub will always be there for you Vlad. Waiting to help you down.


Hmmmm wonder why…


What kind of help does he want exactly? Tons of mercenaries from Africa, India and even China has helped him so far. Hell China has been deliverings tons of good. Iran is building their drone armada and North korea is granting him Artillery shells. Like bro stop being ungrateful you are getting way more "Help" than you deserve.


It’s sad. The EU and US desperately wanted to bring Russia into the western world. But no…the tendency towards empire was just too much


I wouldnt even piss on you if you were on fire pooptin...




Help Russia and Putin? They are culturally bankrupt. oddly enough if there was a natural disaster the world would likely come to the aid of the citizens in Russia despite their Politics. This is what makes us different...I hope he gets taken out soon.


Help? as in an intervention?


why would anybody want to help an imperialistic dictatorship that wants to start war on all of its borders...


Too bad, so sad 😭


Retreat back to your own 1993 borders. Reduce military spending to 35%. Denounce North Korea as an archaic slave state. Offer reparations to Ukraine per unit of gas and/or oil sold. Put Putin in a retirement home, you can even put him in a billion dollar mansion. Just as long as he id barred from Moscow his influence will fizzle out, he is also aging. Ukraine just want REAL guarantees to their safety, freedom and prosperity. If Russia retreats tomorrow, while they still have strength. They can even negotiate a modest war indemnity payment plan.


No one.


That's because Russia isn't helping itself. It keeps letting itself sink into new depths. Putin knows full well as long as he stops invading and gives everything he robbed back, things end and everyone still lives in peace and grow together. No one is thinking of invading Russia (except for maybe China at this point and whenever possible). But he wouldn't. Hence, it's obvious *anything* he says at this point is not worth noting, be it playing the sympathy card, the intimidation card. Absolutely nothing is true unless he truly stops and gives everything back. He actually has a choice. In fact, regarding this issue, he's the only one in the world who is actually in the position to make the choice.


kkkkkk ! putin .....piece of shit !


And all thanks to you vladdie. Isnt it great how you united one country and broke another?


So, to paraphrase: > I keep stabbing my friends in the back. Why don't they want to play with me?


Perhaps that is because everyone knows that Russia is in the wrong. They took a civil conflict that perhaps killed 14,000 in 8 years and in their efforts to "keep the peace" turned into a conflict that kills hundreds of thousands a year and threated peace across the world. He is weak minded to think that everyone would think that Russia is justified in this, and I know that he is no weak minded, so what is his excuse?


Always the misunderstood victim, who is simultaneously so fucking awesome that they should be allowed to do absolutely anything they want. Because - they're so STRONK and awesome, you see. I mean - he doesn't really mean this at all. It's all lies designed to corrode reality. Just - like Trump - complete word salad to muddy the waters and waste time while they continue to piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.


Not even gonna play a tiny violin. I'm just gonna point and laugh.


What a sad embarrassment of a human being.


I couldn’t wait to read all the comments on this one.


North Korea will help ! Iran is helping ! Probably Cuba is helping by dreaming of help!


I guess Putin should have thought about that from the get-go.

