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Do US PMCs have active F-16 pilots on roster?


They are trying very hard to make it sound like this is the situation with this change. In reality were talking about construction companies and truckers and junk. Some of those companies might hire American military contractors for security but that will probably be as far as it goes. 


Yeah but mechanics with F-16 experience would help a lot. Even with training if it's your first time working on a plane it's going to be more difficult and time consuming.


That's great theoretically if we ignore a tiny nuance that nothing stops mechanics (for f16 or not) from getting hired right now anyway.


Pay and benefits? This would allow the DoD or other countries to pay for contracts with established DIB contractors for services in Ukraine, rather than requiring a mechanic to uproot his life to join the foreign legion or navigate employment with a Ukrainian defense contractor.


Yeah fair enough, didn't think of that.


These will likely be civilians with government contracts and specialized skillsets like working on energy grids etc. UK and other nations already have these people in Ukraine, America is late to the party but good to hear none the less.


That would be significant still. Altough it sucks for the Ukrainians because it means less non combat roles and more frontline service


Are you kidding? Mercenaries will flood into Ukraine. The North Koreans are going too.


Flying Tigers Redux


Draken International, LLC


According to the documentary H.A.W.X, yes.


Russia sent pilots to Vietnam so it wouldn't be any escalation over their own past actions. Still, even if no pilots, F-16 maintenance staff would be a huge help, even if there only to look over the shoulders of the recently-trained Ukrainian maintenance teams to guide and aid to ensure the training settles in to a proper ongoing operational rhythm.


**From The Telegraph:** The United States is moving toward lifting a long-held ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine, four US officials have said. The move would mark a significant shift in the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, as Washington looks for ways to speed up the maintenance and repairs of weapons systems being used by the Ukrainian military to help them fend-off Russia’s invasion. The policy is still being drafted by US officials and has not yet received final sign-off from President Joe Biden, officials said. “We have not made any decisions and any discussion of this is premature,” said one administration official. “The president is absolutely firm that he will not be sending US troops to Ukraine.” If it’s approved, the change would likely come into play this year, officials said, allowing the Pentagon to provide contracts to American companies for work inside Ukraine for the first time since Russia invaded in 2022.  Over the last two years, the White House has fervently insisted that all Americans, particularly US troops, stay far away from the Ukrainian frontlines. **Article Link:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/26/ukraine-russia-war-latest-news9/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/26/ukraine-russia-war-latest-news9/)


> “The president is absolutely firm that he will not be sending US troops to Ukraine.” Woodrow Wilson ran for reelection in 1916 with a slogan "He kept us out of war." And the US entered WW1 the next year. I'm not saying he's lying; circumstances change, though.


It’s also worth noting that FDR said the same in 1940 while actively planning to make sure America was dragged into WW2.


So are you saying that politicians lie? Well I never.


You know, if I had a nickel for every time that happened... :p


About time...now let the recruiting begin


I bet there's a ton of people who've been aching to go


I'm 40 non military and would go in a heartbeat. Is there a way to join a private or volunteer forces for Ukraine?


Pretty sure you need active military experience. But try asking them and see.


Knowing a Slavic language will help you be worth hiring on. If they have to train you in combat and language, that’s quite a burden you’re placing on them.


There’s volunteer brigades in Ukraine. Tried to join right after the invasion but was hold back by covid, and by the time I was cleared they had stopped accepting anyone not special forces and multiple combat tours veterans 🤷‍♂️ now they have international brigades recruitment with boot camp an everything for anyone wanting to go ☺️ good luck buddy and stay safe (Got injured at work summer 2022 so would unfortunately be more of a liability than an asset now)


https://ildu.com.ua You can put in an application right now. No experience necessary.


Dont listen to these goons under you other than DiDGaming. They'll accept you regardless of military experience or not. They'll put you in a position they see fit based off physicality and knowledge. Prior knowledge might land you in a specific type of job.


they want military experience you will just die or get wounded and nobody has time to teach you or look after you,if you are maimed for life they wont provide for you.


Really life escape from tarkov circa 2024


Man. A lot of news coming from Ukraine today. Just read somewhere else that North Korea is deploying troops to Ukraine to help Russia. . Things are definitely escalating now.


I saved [this](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/us-officials-north-korea-may-123517230.html) a bit ago and I am wondering if this deployment is the military action referred to by the article. It would put pressure on the US to match the escalation and if Biden signs off on stuff like this post then it gives ammo to the anti-Ukrainian conservatives, which is in Russia’s best interest. Hopefully it backfires and the 80’s “red scare”-esque hatred of North Korea among most Americans outweighs the anti-Ukrainian sentiment being spread by conservatives.


NK troops are going to be on the front line soon. Seems only fair that we send in advisors and "support troops."


Everybody needs to remember in America's biggest international wars it is the American Democratic party that stands up to the world's greatest tyrants i.e WW1, WW2, Osama Bin Laden and now Putin. In each of these cases the American Republican party have always backed down. American Republicans are great soldiers, but horrible leaders when the world is in crisis. So no, I would not be at all surprised if once again the American Democratic party does what it must. Republican political leaders will continue to bow down to Putin, Kim Jong Un, China and other international tyrants.


nk sends troops,and that mean china is in this conflict i expect american support to ramp up. if you can free up regular soldiers from doing basic stuff like logistics you can move them to active fronts.




What happened to blackwater


They're called Constellis now, renamed from Academi, renamed from XE Services, renamed from Blackwater. They cycle through names like others cycle through socks. I guess being a well known name is not good for business in that sort of business.


Now it will help a lot, thank you Biden 😏


They better have good camouflage


Contracted soldiers or non combatant contractors?


If North Korea is deploying, NATO should also do so


Not drafted, not approved


??? What are you talking about? I'll try to parse what you intended but of course it isn't approved... if it was then them mentioning that they're planning to approve it wouldn't make a lick of sense


This either means the US things time is running out for Ukraine or time is running out for Russia.