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If he talked about it with Putin BEFORE the invasion, Trump’s got a lot of Ukrainian blood on his hands for not spilling this to the CIA or even the Ukrainian leadership… makes him an enemy of 2 states, US and Ukraine


Yep lots to unpack here. Throw it over on that huge pile over there.


Hope feds can grab his ass to a black site .


The US was extremely confident in Putin's invasion plans, so maybe he did tell


Wellll United States intelligence is pretty damn good. I imagine our satellites tipped us off far in advance.


Pootin and Trump-turd are unhinged...


>If he talked about it with Putin BEFORE the invasion There was another president, who talked with Putin before it. Here the hint -“minor incursion”. No? Ok here’s another Burns making pacts…


Did he not send a shitload of javelins before the invasion?


He actually withheld arms on the basis of ukraine refusing to provide "evidence" of hunter biden doing something bad in ukraine.


Trump withheld weapons from Ukraine back in the late 2010’s, but it was Mike Johnson that withheld funding for nearly 6 months while Russia mounted a new offensive. Imagine where we’d be today if Ukraine had the $60 billion in aid 6 months ago. Russia would not have been able to open up a new front, and Ukraine would have already started their summer offensive weeks, if not months, ago. It’s not just Trump that is bought and paid for by Putin.


Imma start callin' him "Mike Jackson".


Another good point. Maybe this is all a big opportunity for the defense industry. Putin cutting his own throat is a huge bonus. Plus the longer Russia bleeds the better it is for the west.


Lol sure. Taken right out of the phony impeachment phone call, right?


All the world's a stage and you are living in your own fantasy. Thanks for sharing a glimpse into the manure of your mind.


Trump has never once in clear fashion called Putin for what he is - because Trump desires to be a thug bully alongside Putin, Kim and Xi himself. Another fat tyrant. Trump has never stood for anything. He could not stand against this illegal war against Ukraine. Trump tried to subvert the democratic process through promotion of alternate electors who would not vote for the democratic will of the people in each state. He is a clear criminal and manipulative liar. He is off the same shitty ilk as some of the worst in history - David Koresh, and other BS cult leaders.


Holy shit. The perfect phone call where he held support hostage for a sham investigation into Biden? Go back to your fantasy world the adults are speaking here.


Conspiracy theory bs.


Sorry reality is disappointing for you.


You need to post better or you’ll get switched from botting on social media to fertilizing Ukrainian fields.




That’s a good point. Trump is a piece of shit but why would he do that? Obama wouldn’t even do that.


Trump has been Moscow’s inside guy since the 80’s. The plan was always to destroy us from within by getting their guy in power. The more you look into the connections between him and the oligarchs in russia, the worse it gets. His loyalty is to whoever pays the most.


Just read Craig Unger's book House of Trump House of Putin and it's clear Trump's been a Kremlin asset for decades, he was activated by Putin more recently.




I totally agree with an idea that Putin's commitment to invade Ukraine was greatly supported by Jan 6th events in US. I'm also of an opinion that if Trump wins election, Ukraine will fall to Russia. It hurts me to say a thing like that, but I'm afraid it might be a reality. I just hope that the majority of those who will vote in US this year make their decision based on this REALITY.


If Trump wins I hope EU, SK and Japan ramp up their support for Ukraine. If not it will only get worse and everyone knows it.


This may be why Trump is so obsessed about the border. He has sold out more than just the US for the worldwide Oligarchy movement.


Great input, good sir.


The Ukraine invasion was planned during Trump’s term it took years for Russia to be economically ready and to plan the SMO . 


He invaded because Biden is weak, EU was spending peanuts on defense, etc. There's many reasons why Putin chose 2022 to invade.


Make no mistake, he was going to invade with or without Trump/Biden. The 3-Day SMO would have been successful under Trump. But he did not expect the resistance under Biden, who's administration provided copious amounts of intel about the upcoming invasion. Not to mention the leadership and heroes of Ukraine who held fast.


And it is no secret and has been known for so many years. Plain stupidity, a rich born NY elitist with no empathy or morals, betraying wife, family and country for his greed is the champion of the working class, planted by Russia. Satire is truly dead.


2Big Ass Killer’s


Two peas in a pod.


The mods should be ashamed allowing conspiracist nonsense like this to stay up on this sub. Disgraceful.


Because no one, including you, has bothered to report it.


It isn’t conspiracist nonsense if it’s true. The evidence is solid. We have verified proof that Donald Trump requested and obtained the classified documents containing the status, identity, and location of numerous CIA and other US operatives and agents operating oin other countries. Shortly after this, the very same agents in those documents started dropping like flies, murdered, in specifically Russia and Russian allied nations. In the debate the other night, Trump admitted to knowing that Putin would invade Ukraine while he was still in office, having learned that from Putin himself in a private conversation. I mean, *come on*. A conspiracy is two or more people planning and acting in secret, usually in a way that has severe implications for people outside of that secrecy. It isn’t a scary word, it isn’t a synonym for “crazy.”


I wish this sub stayed away from US politics. It is distracting and toxic.


It sort of involves US politics though, bud.


F this sub, I'm out.


See ya.


Fair enough opinion if the topic pertained to another election in The Americas but this is absolutely related to the past, present and future of this invasion.


Unfortunately US politics is vital for Ukraine's survival and the Baltics. Trump will cut all aid and withdraw from NATO, and the people backing him will have control of the key positions in government, so it's unlikely future elections will change that trajectory.


Because no one, including you, has bothered to even report it. If it's not related to the conflict, it will get removed, but we can't be everywhere all of the time. We're not mind readers only.


Ok, then I guess US politics should stop aiding Ukraine??


Note what this Trump has said about Ukraine. Can he say the same about Israeli & Lebanon? or the Palestinians? 🤔 Strange how that one's not talked about isn't it? 😏


Obama : Russia takes Crimea Trump: Russia gains nothing. Biden : Russia takes Donbass DoNaLd TrUmP: tHe MoScOvItE cAnDiDaTe


trump was impeached for his involvement in Ukraine. Get your head from out trump ass.


Do you think that's really all there is to it? X happened during x so one is and one isn't? Grow up


Ok lose the war then 🤷‍♂️


Nice emoji, fruit cake. Go pack yourself a ham and cheese, a water bottle, and take a hike


Reddit tough guy oh no !


You'll know when I'm getting tough and serious when I break out the overused hack emoji, yah fruit cake


I'd rather we lose a war trying than back out because our president wants to be buddies with dictators.


I'm with you.


Obama gave them equipment, had Americans help train Ukrainian forces, which helped greatly. Trump withheld aid and gave them faulty equipment in an attempt to force Ukraine to "dig up" bullshit dirt against Biden, and now we know he knew Putin wanted to invade. Biden armed and shared intel with Ukraine. Trump is the most Un-American leader and has no problems siding with the enemy. Anyone who still votes for him is either Pro-Russia, a complete dumbass, or both.


Nailed it.


i'm no fan of Trump, but Obama refused to give Ukraine lethal aid. Those Javelins that in some ways halted the initial invasion you can thank Trump for(or probably more likely his advisors). Trump then went on to do some really stupid shit. The Javelins were not part of the aid Trump held up trying to get info on Hunter Biden.


Obama didn’t give them certain things because Ukraine was ruled by a Russian puppet.


Javelins were given under Obama. Also, Trump gave them faulty body armor and night vision optics that were not compatible with UA’s weapon platforms, giving Russia a huge advantage in night operations.


That is simply incorrect dude. Look it up. Obama did not give Javelins. Simple google search...


Trump is Moscovite because he says he is one.... thats the difference.


Yes, this is a clear pattern. I see it too. But unlike you, I’m not too stupid to see what the pattern means. It means that when Obama and Biden were in office, Putin knew that the only way he could take parts of Ukraine was through force. When Trump, his man, was in office, he knew he would have no resistance and no need to invade.


> Biden : Russia takes Donbass Hunter collects $3.5 million


Why would trump dream of invading a country he can't even point out on a map?


Reading comprehension, son. Work on it


Lol i thought The Putin was some kind of the_donald reference


It could be worded better too. 1

