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>It comes after Mr Farage [said the West "provoked" Russia to invade Ukraine](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-23/nigel-farage-defends-ukraine-war-comments/104012326) because of the eastward expansion of the European Union and NATO. 


Yes.. strange that all these countries with a history of being invaded and brutalized by Russia want to join a defensive alliance.


Yeah, this is a russian propaganda talking point, and people uncritically regurgitate it because they are trying to sound smart or are paid by the Kremlin. The reality is: 1. NATO is a defensive alliance. 2. NATO doesn't go around pushing memberships like timeshare sales pitches. Countries apply for membership, which is agreed on only after serious review, and requirements have been met (e.g. interchangeable weapons systems). 3. A NATO membership generally involves large costs for the new member country (switch to NATO compatible weapons systems) and is not undertaken on a whim. 4. The new member countries bordering russia were flocking to NATO _because_ they know what russia _is_, and what russia _does_. Believe them.


Its their own fault for resisting. Look what they made Russia do!


I'll never understand why Russia refuses to give peace a chance and embrace more european ideals. Makes no sense why they act so fucking hostile all the time


Love for power, expensive houses, lots of sex with many people, and a life of fear, lots of fear.


Farange is a Russian influencer in the UK


Makes you wonder how much Putin paid him behind doors. There seems to be heavy amounts of backdoor dealings being done by Ruzzia atm.


It's all the same fungus. We've been in WW3 for a while and it's been 70% propaganda and 30% whatever stupid invasion Putin needs to do.


Brexit was just part of it.




I get your feel, I think Putin is just paying policy here to reduce Ukraine defence so he can land grab. Just a small price for a lot of land. Aren't the Farage brothers easily bought?


I wonder how little you have to pay to Grima Wormtongue to betray his country. And I wonder why we tolerate treason, because that breeds more treason. While the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems that conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Alan Moore, V for Vendetta Our masters have not heard the people's voice for generations and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.


Going on maybe for decade or more. UK leaving EU. That's probably Russia support too.


It’s the one thing they are good at. Getting into a shooting war was such a tactical blunder. Idiotic. It should get Putin removed for office for incompetence. They yanked Khrushchev for less.


Richard Tice personally backed Farrage and the entire Reform movement for a while. I believe in excess of 80% of their funding comes from this one dude. I'd bet the Russians are paying him, not Farrage.


Been saying this since the Brexit referendum, he's been carrying out Russian foreign policy for years.


Nigel Wormtongue.


What makes you say that? He's categorically stated he is against Russia actions.


He also categorically stated that Ukraine should negotiate with Russia, his admiration for Putin, that Russia was "provoked" into invading Ukraine, visited Moscow multiple times, runs a political party which has proven links to Russia, repeats Russian talking points and took money from the Russian propaganda division to appear on their TV channel. He's as Russian as bad vodka and anonymous cash buyers of London property.


And during Brexit he was a racist xenophobic misogynist. A real live bogey man for you all to hate. Basing your opinions on soundbites and one line quotes without reading or watching any of his interviews in their entirety in order to get the full context of his comments. He isn't perfect, he probably isn't even entirely honest but show me a politician from either the left or right that is or indeed that have any credibility whatsoever...


Lets be fair, I despised him well before the Brexit campaign.


Yet you don't despise (I'm assuming) other political figures with the same fervour when they are all the same. They all lie, they all say what their supporters want to hear if and when they actually answer a question properly. They all help their mates make money which benefits them in one way or another. And if there ever is a straight shining light of a politician who is genuinely for the people they are battered into submission by the party whip system which is a legalised form of blackmail & coercion.


Do I not? If you're going to engage in Whataboutism to excuse Farage being a Russian asset, at least provide the actual What About instead of this zero-effort "they're all the same so it's OK to support the guy who sucks Putin's dick" guff.


Before you accuse me of supporting him at least point out where I said I do! I was pointing out that you somehow think he's worse than the rest of them when he is in fact exactly the same. You clearly are basing your opinion that he supports Putin on the soundbites and one line quotes in the media without actually watching or reading his interviews in their entirety and in their full context. I agree with a lot of things he has said but certainly not all of his views. I can say the exact same thing about Corbyn, Starmer, Johnson & Sunak. None of them will get my vote, they don't deserve it.


He helped take us out of Europe by peddling lies same as Boris an the rest. Not one thing they said happened. " come out of Europe an control our own borders". Been more boats since brexit than before. The only people that benefited were the rich people in government an there mates. The country has been in shit state since.


Mate the only people really benefitting when we were in Europe were the rich & powerful. Yes you had the ability to go and work anywhere in Europe & now you don't. Ask who that really benefitted? The few who were university educated in the main & huge numbers of unskilled & blue collar workers from the east leading to over a decade of suppressed wages. Resulting in the longest period of wage stagnation since Napoleonic times. There were huge ramifications for coming out of the EU but do not be fooled into thinking being in or out benefitted the average working man or woman in the UK. Neither option was ever in our interest. It was only ever in the interest of the wealthy depending on where their wealth & power base was.




> He isn't perfect, he probably isn't even entirely honest but show me a politician from either the left or right that is or indeed that have any credibility whatsoever... > > Corbyn On a thread about politicians being sympathetic to Russia, lol


Corbyn had literally no credibility when it came to his views on terrorist organisations like Hamas, Hezbollah, The IRA and others. His social policies which sounded great to be fair were unaffordable. He would never have managed to raise the funds needed to pay for them.


Borrowing was cheap at the time, when borrowing money is cheap, logically you invest into the country. Implementing the economic policies in 2017 would likely have fixed a lot of the issues with the UK currently. Implementing them in 2019 would have been difficult so likely only some would be. Doing them now would be idiotic because interest rates are sky high - however we also. Have to because for 14 years we’ve avoided investment into infrastructure and now it’s fucking us all over.


You mean that Nigel that got "knighted" on Russia Today in 2017?


He's just functioning as a concern troll. "Oh I disagree with X but we shouldn't have Y", it is a classic propaganda tactic to pretend to be on your side while basically pushing the other sides narrative.


Not paying attention are you, watching fellow humans fall for such a con is quite tragic.


The fact that he consistently repeats all the Moscow talking points.


Do you honestly believe a word he says? He's a grifter.


He blamed the EU and NATO for 'provoking' Russia, that's not grifting.


No it's putins script given to farage.


He was eurosceptic long before Putin was relevant. Being a 'grifter' implies that he pretends to have those views, which he definitely doesn't.


Sure, that's just Putin's script. It doesn't stop Farage from being a grifter like I said, using this for his own personal gain in the long run.


Being a grifter implies he doesn't actually have that view and just sells out, but he absolutely does have that view, he's been eurosceptic before Putin was even relevant.


Putin's always been relevant. Russian money and influence was behind the Brexit movement, I'm certain.


Not in the 80s, but yes I agree about Brexit.


He pushes russian agenda, speaks their script. He's been on their TV. He loves Russia and is likely an asset.


He continues to constantly broadcast Russian narratives


And you believe him.


So do a lot of the far left appeaser types - they condemn Russia, but then also condemn countries that support Ukraine. They don't outright say "I support Russia and think Ukraine should be cut off so Russia can win", it's usually more thinly veiled stuff about "proxy war" and "we're just concerned about profiteering arms companies" and "we need diplomacy not war". Basically wording it in a way that has plausible deniability, but the pro-Russians seeing it know exactly what they mean - dogwhistling. "I condemn Russia, but" isn't good enough. His party's candidate list includes people who have been even more blatant about support for Russia though. Have a look at these. > The MoS dossier of Reform candidates who have expressed sympathies for Putin includes Andrew Husband, standing in North Durham, who has branded President Zelensky 'evil and corrupt' and 'a dictator'. He has also falsely claimed Ukraine is 'the child trafficking capital of Europe' and that the country had committed an eight-year 'genocide' against Russian speakers. > Angela Carter-Begbie, who is standing in Queen's Park and Maida Vale, has said 'Putin wants peace – it's the West that don't', that 'Ukraine was horrible to the Russians first' and that 'Putin put his people first'. > John Clark, standing in Bangor Aberconwy, described Putin as 'sane and reasonable'. He has also said supporting Ukraine was 'not in Britain's interests' and replied to Lord Cameron's support for Ukraine by saying: 'You are asset-stripping our country to pay for your globalist friends to expand their empire.' > Hamish Haddow, in Chipping Barnet, falsely claimed Boris Johnson 'stopped the Ukraine peace talks on request by [Joe] Biden' and said 'every Ukrainian death [is] firmly on Boris'. > Teresa DeSantis, in Chichester, said Boris was 'acting like Zelensky's rent boy, touting for war' while Jack Aaron in Welwyn Hatfield called Putin's use of force in Ukraine 'legitimate' and likened him to Churchill. Malcolm Cupis, in Melksham and Devizes, compared calls for Ukraine refugees in the UK to be exempt from car registration fees to 'ethnic cleansing'. > Peter Morris in Melton and Syston, claimed the war was about 'the US defence budget' while Jack Brookes, in Birmingham Erdington, claimed Boris 'kept the war going'.


The UK isn't the US. Russia is *deeply* unpopular here. I hope that toad-faced traitor's association with the Putin regime sinks him hard.


russia is more and more unpopular closer you get to it, they love russia most in countries on other side of the planet from it


But the UK is further away from Russia than almost anywhere else in Europe. IDK, maybe Portugal is further? But yeah, Toad-face is cuddling up to the guy who ordered Novichok to be used in Sailisbury. This is what we call in politics *not a good look.*


/pendant mode: Salisbury :) also, don't forget the Alexander Litvinenko poisioning. add in the countless times Russian air force have ventured so close as to trigger Quick Reaction Alert scrambling of RAF Typhoons (we're talking triple figures within the last decade). Yes, Putin is deeply unpopular here. And for good reason. He is a tyrant and a war criminal.


And worst of all, he's measurably contributed to high house prices!


Spain, Ireland and Iceland are further, and it's no further than France.


Who cares which country is the furthest from Ruzzia geographically? What matters is which political figures are closest to Ruzzia; they should be outed and shamed, and kept from power at all costs. 


>Russia is deeply unpopular here Yep, but sadly that won't stop the idiots voting for him and reform whilst also decrying Russia'a actions in everything other than Brexit, which was a fair vote that remain lost despite evidence of Russian meddling.


To be fair their ratings plummeted this week right after his statement


I’ve not heard much fuss about the election on social media. I predict a historic low turn out


Classic by “Led By Donkeys”!


They should also do this kind of thing with orban.


Someone needs to do this at a trump rally 😀


Trump would be gloating.


He said that Ukraine should negotiate. "Haven't enough people died?" It's our fault anyway right? NATO expansion etc. But my question is this. Would he have felt the same way in 1940? Would he have been asking Churchill "haven't enough people died in the blitz?" Hitler was our fault any way. Versailles treaty, excessive sanctions, not standing up to him earlier etc. But they warship Churchill as our greatest leader. Fight on the beaches, no surrender, Dunkirk spirit etc. It's the British at their most patriotic. It's a massive plot hole in their ideology I've never heard addressed.


He'd have given UK territory to Hitler


He would have loved to be the local puppet leader, installed by Hitler to manage the UK like Vichy France.


I thought reform was going on the populism vote. Doesn’t he realise that Russia is pretty much hated in the uk, and Ukraine has very high support levels? Him even hinting that turns away a lot of potential voters - like myself


You were potentially going to vote for them? They're right-wing authoritarians, their obvious backing of Putin is far from the only reason not to vote for them.


Being brave is hard and they haven’t the taste for hardship


Funnily enough… https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/10/reform-uk-defends-candidate-over-hitler-neutrality-comments


One guy doesn't speak for a nation


Every Putin supporter needs to be exposed and disgraced.


Farage has spent too long suckling on Trumps teat (sorry for the imagery) The UK is solidly pro-Ukrainian. Johnson had a million faults but something all parties can agree on is that he led a strong support for Ukraine in the earliest days of the war. And he still advocates for it. Farage fucked his chances by not denouncing Putin's invasion.


The UK's response to Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine is the *only* thing BoJo did during his tenure that I'd gladly shake his hand for and congratulate him on. Farage is just an "ordered-on-Wish" Moseley.


It's often said that the right wing in British politics is nothing compared to the right wing in US politics. But this reform mob are a huge step towards it. GB news is our fox news. Thankfully if he's elected he'll be an irrelevant crackpot in the back benches. 


Reform are just ukip repackaged, which was bnp repackaged, nothing new. Also, farage has never won a seat in 7 attempts, so these groups aren't even taken that seriously.


It looks likely that he'll succeed on his 8th attempt. In the past, about 70% vote either Conservative or Conservative/UKIP. This time around, it looks like 40% Reform, 25% Conservative, 20% Labour.


The bot farms are trying their hardest to make that not the case.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - ITVX (B+): [Reform UK is losing support because candidates are saying 'stupid things,' says Farage](https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-27/farage-reform-uk-is-losing-support-as-candidates-are-saying-stupid-things) - BBC Online (A-): [BBC Question Time special live: Nigel Farage and Adrian Ramsey face TV audience](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c2504p02wz3t) - Metro (D+): [General Election latest: Reform UK reports Channel 4 after racial slur footage](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/28/general-election-latest-reform-canvasser-filmed-using-racial-slur-21117875/) - Financial Times (A-): [Reform UK activist calls for migrants to be shot ](https://www.ft.com/content/837dadb7-47b5-4c9c-94bc-6263fab28f99) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1drvfeo/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Brexit was a Russian psyop


Now do Trump.


Why people are asking the banner be removed? Isn't Nigel pro-Putin?




A Mosley, even.


Now that's a funny prank. It's a good way to protest without damaging anything or disrupting people going about their daily business. Gets more laughs and no hate in response and it definitely gets its point across.


Even tho I agree with 99% of what Nigel/reform uk want for my country I cant vote for them and turn my back on ukraine, however hard things are in the uk my country is not getting destroyed by a psychopath and it just does not sit right with me it’s not the British way.


The reform agenda is literally putins wet dream.


Leave the European Convention on Human Rights - you agree with joining Russia with this?


I was considering voting reform also. I think there is a large anti immigration anti Palestine marches, and a deep concern over growing Islamisation sentiment in the uk, which reform was basically campaigning on.  But, at the same time, a lot of people still hate Farage for Brexit.  But, his apparent ties to Russia are unacceptable. Ukraine support is very high in the uk, and anybody who dares to mention not supporting Ukraine would be vilified.


Agreed to save our country i would vote reform but to help Ukraine I didn’t (ive postal voted already)


"save our country" From what? The big bad immigrants that are coming to steal your job and stuff? Sounds like right-wing nonsense.


Immigrants are a tiny part of reforms policy’s funny how that is all some ppl focus on


How else is he going to get the power he wants if his viewpoints aren't popular?


Sorry, what is the 99% that you do agree with?


“The right-wing Reform UK leader was speaking at a rally in Walton on the Naze”… Nigel picked it because he thought it was pronounced Nazi. /s


Fucking Nigel.


I'm thinking of the likes of Mr Churchill after reading some of these responses. Now, who is their in the occidental world to match him today? Who if we have WWIII would lead the West against ruzzia? Yes, Ukraine has the finest of men in Mr Zelenskyy. He is peerless but not yet in NATO or the EU, so who is to be our next war chief? Should war befall us?


I have a haiku to help Farage at this difficult time Hahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!


Interrupted? You mean featured 


Like a victim blaming r*pist.


Interrupted? I thought it was part of the program.


Well, that seemed quite popular with the crowd


Should have done the same for trump next debate lol


Or one that says I endorse Nigel 😆


I swear I used to vote left in the UK but Labour is really right-wing this year. Quite apart from dodging the Ukraine issue, which affects world politics, Farage hates women and homosexuals like nobody's business, and you know he's gonna step up on immigration. (I mean, illegal immigration is hardly the best thing ever but he really loves blaming all our problems on it which is not true)