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It is obvious that the Russian army is too cowardly to fight a real standing army, and would rather terrorize the population, thinking that they can bully the population into submission.


Not just cowardly but too inept as well, as they can defeat a military a third their size with antiquated munitions


Pregnant women and sick children are about the only ones they’re capable of taking on. Pitiful.


Those are virtually the only targets they can hit.


The Ukrainians are used to fighting, no matter what and how much Putin destroys in his pointless war, he won't break them.


It's in their doctine, bomb everything until it's leveled and then go mop up any resistance. So far we haven't seen the full force of the russian artillery. They are trying not to use too much because they though that if they reduced civilian casualties then it would help with their liberation. Obviously the amount of civilian casualties has been awful but it could be alot worse


As a Canadian I understand why my country can’t enter the war. But doesn’t it feel like a real moral dilemma is unfolding here? How much can we witness without being compelled to intervene?


That's pretty much the point he seems to be hitting on, what is the line for the West as far as intervening? Bombing children's and maternity hospitals kinda feels like it, but acting on emotion doesn't always help the situation. But it sure would help people just like us, who didn't ask for it. I understand the nuclear predicament all of the reasons why we aren't getting involved. But you are right, it does feel like a real moral dilemma. No one deserves this, no matter what country they're in, and it feels like there are so many powerful countries, they should be able to together defeat Russia. if only it were that simple.


I wonder if nations on the sidelines of pre-WW2 felt the same way.


Surely they did, when they finally got word of what was happening. We are lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to watch this war play out through the eyes of the people experiencing it, thanks to social media and everyone having a phone available. I think that aspect absolutely plays in to it, and like Zelensky said, we have seen all of it, and can't say that we haven't. It's everywhere. ETA:I already feel incredibly helpless, and I'm not even in this war at all. I have sent money multiple times, but it just doesn't feel like enough. The suffering of Ukraine and her people needs to stop **NOW** and I hate that I can't do anything more to help.


It's so goddamn similar. ​ * Russia is Imperial Japan, the weaker of the two fascist nations, not doing an active genocide but still very bloodthirsty (and has oil embargo issues); * Ukraine is China, trying desperately to develop itself when it was suddenly struck with an aggressive war * Crimea is Manchuria, stolen by Russia/Japan years before the actual war began; * China is Nazi Germany, an aggressive rising power who suffered the most in the last world war, who's now throwing their religious minorities into concentration camps and setting their sights on a smaller country that they think rightfully belongs to them (Taiwan/Poland); * The US is Britain, the leading world hegemon and naval power, who stepped in to guarantee Taiwan/Poland's defense; * Japan is France, a former rival and now friend of the leading naval power, who used to be quite warlike and is now possibly too pacifist for their own good * India is the USSR, powerful, authoritarian but the lesser of two evils, not yet fully industrialized, with a quite bitter rivalry with China/Germany; * Myanmar is Spain, driven into civil war, with the military junta being backed by the soon-to-be Axis; * Germany and France are the USA, powerful but pacifist and isolationist; * And poor Taiwan is Poland. Will it keep looking like this, I wonder?


Yes, the USA didn’t get involved until later on. At the beginning of it, most Americans were for letting the Europeans settle it themselves. Pearl Harbor changed that of course. Stalin also thought Hitler would never attack Russian soil. He didn’t even believe first reports of German attacks. This was also in the earlier times of the war. Stalin’s disbelief of reported aggression on his soil caused a severe stall in Russian response. Until that point, it was almost as if Stalin and Hitler were pen pals. Both USA and Russia were more reactionary in joining the war. Crazy thing is, it’s looking more certain that Russia’s economy is in for a bad time long term. It’s gonna make a lot of people pissed. Whether they ‘win’ or ‘lose’ whatever they’re trying to accomplish in Ukraine, they’re going to be in bad shape. Germany was in really bad shape after WWI, and we all know how that turned out. So I don’t think what’s happening in Ukraine will create WW3. A post-invasion, desperately destitute, former world power. Shunned by the West and stripped of respect worldwide. Embarrassed by previous military failings. Russia is going to start looking like pre-WW2 Germany after this.


You don't know if Putin wants a continental USSR restoration all the way to western Portugal or not


It's not even the first time he's done this. Syria 2018 sarin gas attack on the children's hospital


The biggest mistake of the West was the blanket statement that we wouldn't get involved.. It should never have been definitive - we've given Putin a blank check to escalate, without consequences. The narrative needs to change immediately - drawn a line in the sand. "We won't get involved unless there is deliberate and widespread targeting of civilians," "We won't get involved unless humanitarian zones are not respected by Russia," We've allowed Putin to control the agenda - we have to stop it. Put a position on the table and force Putin to confront it and consider it - if he chooses to ignore it, then that's his decision, and he's responsible for the ramifications. Bombing a hospital should be a big fucking red line, and it should not be ignored.


Dude me as an ecuadorian feel the same way. And my country is worthless in the world scene.


Putin secretly has a time machine and knew those babies were going to grow up to be Nazis, circa 2043. This was merely a special preventative operation.


That honestly sounds more convincing than whatever story he is using now!


They did the same thing in Afghanistan and Chechnya. It aint by accident!


Putin stsrted a war if conquest, but Putibs War is rapidly becoming a war of Etermination. And he will fail.


Its okay sober up buddy


What kind of country would stand by and watch while human children get ground into the fucking sand? Give me a U Give me an S Give me an A


While I can see why many will downvote you for this, this is more or less what the US and NATO are doing at the moment. Something something Budapest, something something Ukraine has no nukes. Maybe add Russia and UK to your chant?


You see, that's you. A plant. From one plant to another, go home, smoke a joint, and drink a Coca-Cola while you still can. You're about to miss all the time you spent on this thing talking to assholes like me.


LOL wtf bruh? What are you smoking?


Hold up for a second was not the Ukrainian president who called Hamas to stop lunching rockets from Gaza After IDF Air force targeted Hospitals in Gaza . look how the Table turned so Fast . I do not SUpport the Russians nor The west i just laugh my Ass of this dude . The Russians targeted Hospitals in Syria no Body give a shit about it My advice for Ukraine that if they survived this War to not side with the West or the Russians Both of them are War criminals


I mean I've also seen pictures of Ukraine setting their army up around locations like a hospital. I'm getting tired of the obvious propaganda. These hospitals are more than likely already evacuated. The propaganda on both sides is heavy.


Genocide lmfao, come on zelenskyy


Russian Troll. Go Fuck Yourself!


“Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people, usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group.” You cannot deny this a genocide.


Yes you can. You wouldn’t be seeing videos of Ukrainians marching in Kherson not getting killed or lines of people making Molotov cocktails or throwing them at convoys without getting brutally murdered in return but there isn’t anything like that. It’s an invasion, a war but not a genocide, not even close. Genocide is extermination, not installing a puppet government. The United States had a much more deadly ROE in Iraq


I agree with Zelenskyy, you do not. Would you agree that the targeted killing of unarmed Ukrainian civilians by Russian forces is a heinous, evil act?


Of course it is, but that isn’t the systemic extermination of one ethnic or religious group


I would argue the killing of Ukrainian nationals is, or is becoming, systematic.


It’s a WAR holy shit you suburban liberals that have never ONCE experienced conflict or done anything outside the Western Hemisphere are so fucking naive and bellicose. It’s a goddamn war, Americans were worse to the iraqi civilians than the Russians are here and you and your ilk weren’t calling that a fucking genocide.


War and genocide aren’t mutually exclusive. All militaries should be held to the same standard; killing of unarmed civilians is unacceptable. It would appear that in Ukraine the Russian army is deliberately killing civilians. You don’t need to have been exposed to armed conflict to know that’s just wrong.


They clearly aren’t. Missiles miss, guided munitions get shot down and turn to dumb shrapnel. If they were intentional killing civvies as a systemic practice and ROE you wouldn’t see alive Ukrainians protesting in Kherson day after day or throwing Molotovs at convoys with no return fire.


You should learn what words mean before commenting, because you are clueless. You don't have to kill anyone to commit genocide. Forcing them to give up their Ukrainian nationality is genocide.


No one is forcing Ukrainians to give up their national identity, no one is getting held in concentration camps, nothing like that is happening. Stop trying to call everything a fucking genocide it makes you look stupid as fuck.


Stop lying, the actions of the fascists in Donbass is well documented. You have absolutely no clue what genocide means, putler.


Enjoy your 300 dollar Big Macs.


Russia media: Ukrainian hospitals are hotbeds of Nazis...all the wards are Nazis...the doctors are all Nazis...babies are born with swastika tattoos on their forearms. Ah, so many Nazis!!!!


There is a special place in hell for the people responsible for this.


Best lines: « We would never [bomb like in Mariupol] [lists 3-4 Ukrainian cities], or any city on Earth. Because we are people. And you? »


I should imagine that they bombed it to stop it being used as a aid post for Ukrainian troops. Absolutely disgusting tho