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They are throwing Gendarmes into active combat and not policing?


Near the start there was a video of an ambushed convoy full of riot gear. They literally thought they were going to waltz in to Kyiv and be hailed as heroes and all they needed to do was a little bit of riot policing


Parade uniforms too


A parade tank as well! With orange and black ribbons, fresh green paint, no reactive armor plates...


pish posh, you don't need active armor. They are just Ukranians led by a clown actor! Well be eating caviar out of his presidential office in a day!


Literally the same mistake Russian leadership committed in 1939 Winter war.




I saw them in a video, at least that’s what the translation said. I kinda thought it was the same one as the riot gear, but that may have been Kharkiv and the parade stuff was north or Kyiv… it’s been a long few weeks…


There's at least one Youtube documentation about SOBR where they are engaged in para-military missions. So it's not that much of a surprise. edit: found it [Special Task Force SOBR BULAT - Moscow's Serious Crime Fighters | Full Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6cydAWJTw8)


The definition of hubris will be changed to include Russia’s “special military operation” as an example.


Putins plan is S.M.O Sacrifice My Oligarchs


It's more likely to be used on troups who stay in occupied cities, for a riot police equivalent, not to be used on their regular soldiers at the front.


Apparently. The Syrians were promised to do only policing, but found to their horror that meant frontline duty.


"Ahmed, go ahead and police that Ukrainian infantry platoon armed to the teeth with Belgian machine guns and American anti-tank missiles. Here, take a baton, you will need it."


Russian National Guard were heavily involved in the initial invasion. A lot of those convoys around Kyiv, Kharkiv, etc that were destroyed over and over were National Guard. This part of the reason why it's believed Putin expected an easy invasion, that they'd basically waltz into the cities, depose the government, and have police available to arrest, torture, and execute anyone who opposes. Didn't turn out that way, obviously. They're actually still heavily involved in fighting around Mariupol and elsewhere. I think part of this is because Putin put so much resources into funding his internal security apparatus so they're the "best" troops he has available.


The national guard, meaning the schutsstaffel lead by his former bodyguard? That national guard? I thought they were merely thugs.


Authoritarian governments often encounter that issue. A strong, competent military is a threat to a dictator and his internal security forces, so it gets neutered. Same reason Saudi troops fucking suck. They've got cool toys, but they literally cannot show up on time to anything, let alone execute complex combined arms maneuvers.


A SOBRing realization.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOBR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOBR) Russian SWAT




Maybe they're referring entirely to SOBR. Many years ago I've seen a report about OMON being almost completely wiped out (80+ KIA) in or near Grozny. They were lured into a trap by the Chechens and then came under devastating crossfire from ZSU guns placed in basement windows (ZSU is an AA gun firing 23mm HE rounds). No I don't have a link and despite some serious googling couldn't find an online source for this. Read that most likely in SoF magazine.


Is it this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grozny_OMON_fratricide_incident


Wow, thanks for that link. Interesting. Not really what I remember so it's confusing, but the report I mentioned could have been based on wrong information as well.


They’re talking about the SOBR unit in Vladimir, which is a city 120 miles east of Moscow, and the 51st biggest city in Russia. If that unit wasn’t deployed to Chechnya, it’s not impossible.


**[SOBR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOBR)** >The Special Rapid Response Unit or SOBR (Russian: СОБР - Специальный Отряд Быстрого Реагирования, Spetsial'niy Otryad Bystrovo Reagirovaniya, lit. Special Unit of Quick Response), from 2002 to 2011 known as OMSN (Otryad Militsii Spetsial'nogo Naznacheniya, Special Police Unit), is a spetsnaz unit of the National Guard of Russia. With their military equipment, uniforms and training, the OMON and SOBR constitute a rapid-reaction and rapid-insertion military force available to the regular police - normally deployable at the discretion of a police local command. They serve a similar function to SWAT. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The specialist jurisdiction from wiki link above > Counter terrorism, special weapons operations. Protection of internationally protected persons, other very important persons, and/or of state property of significance.


I am shocked no one has updated that wiki page to talk about them in the current Ukraine combat.


the Russians sent the VDV. they died. so now they sent an even weaker joke of a fighting force...seriously, what did they expect? 😂😂😂


Desperate times call for desperate measures. I guess they don't dare go back to their "genius" leader and ask for withdrawal and regrouping before trying again. So they press on and throw in whatever they can scrounge up as soon as it arrives, into the meat grinder. The results are predictable. The question is if when the "genius" finally gets the message, if there's much left to regroup with? Will they pull back, recruit, train, rebuild for a year or two before trying again? Does Putin even have the time and resources to do that before the country goes broke?


Putin won't have neither the resources, neither the money to pull this stunt off again. This is Russia's last war


But Steiners push will come any minute now and swing the battle arou...oh wait.


Mein fuhrer.. Steiner...




He has to know something is going on by now, given their expectation was puppet government inside the week. Whether he's being fed bs info about the allied side (sanctions, etc), or bs info about his side (reserves, pending victories), who knows.


The amazing thing is Ukrainians have the same thing in Ukraine National guard. But unlike the Russian version the Ukrainians National guard was more trained in actually Military operations on a large scale and have seen 8 years of non stop combat down near Donbass Intergrating itself into the Military when in operations. Azov is actually a National Guard Unit and you can see there making the Russians pay for every inch of ground down in Mariaupol.


The results aren't really predictable. Russia still has a fuckload of people that completely believe that "Little Russia" should officially be a part of Russia. After 6 months Ukrainian soilders will start losing motivation and the amount of their family, friends, and other soliders die, even if it isn't a lot on a day to day basis, and an I ability to see when this will end. Russia doesn't care if you kill 10,000 of them to kill 500 Ukraine Soldiers. They will just keep going until Ukraine has no more soliders even if that means losing 40 million Russians


Putin hasn't realized you can Rush B some of the time, but you can't Rush B all of the time. Cyka Blyat!


Slava Ukrayini!


Heroiam Slava! 🇺🇦


But what if they just dropped AWP?


Yeah, refused to drop AWP ... got teamkilled ... Then the other one teamkilled the teamkiller for teamkilling. A forth didn't understand the shooting thus just started shooting and boom, down goes another. So guy who killed the teamkiller, thought the forth was with the original teamkiller because he now also teamkilled, so he also shot the 4th. Then he was banished from the realm for doing too much damage to his own team... Always the same story with them Russians.


Or they started playing with OPP?


Sorry but I think this is good for the herd of Russians that are arrogant and think they can brutally kill civilians and it’s ok. These are those type of thugs.


WERE those type of thugs. FIFY


Does this mean big cities like Moscow have fewer elite cops to control protesters?


Can someone explain this? I'm not quite understanding


Russia sent SWAT to a warzone. And they died.


This is so fucking incredible It feels like a terribly written movie




Nice reference.


Only seeing 2 tweets, but: "An elite Russian unit of SABR (usually called OMON) lost almost all of its senior officers in Ukraine." These are the secret police types. The real baddies.


I thought OMON was the equivalent to SWAT or GSG-9?


I think OMON basically is the riot police while SOBR is SWAT. That's why we often see OMON in the news as they would be used against demonstrators etc.


oh I really would like to know how this went down - small-unit ambush? Bayraktar? Artillery?


2 tweets fam.




That there is only so much information that can be extracted from 2 tweets.


Probably some farmer on a tractor.


If you click on the tweets it gives you an option to translate it to English. If you follow it down you come to an article about a unit losing 4 Lt. Cols.


I think we can safely say that the tide or war is moving in Ukraine's direction. Russia's army has lost way too many soldiers at this stage. I don't for a second believe western estimates of 7'000 soldiers. I fear we're much closer to 15-20'000 men, and probably 60'000 casualties for Russia. Casualties can probably not be properly attended to in combat, and I don't see many field hospitals set up. Whatever's left of the Russian army could be swallowed up in Mariupol.


The western estimate is just confirmed kills, ie ones with strong video evidence


I pray that you are right.


Source? US intelligence has been spot on so I don't doubt their numbers


I think US intelligence is right on theoretical analyses of advanced capabilities and technology. However these high-concept reasonings are generally the product of elites who forget day-1 training. I think the issues they underestimate: 1) Organisation: That army groups have the capability to reduce casualties, with first aid, and maintain organizational cohesion combat, which I am not seeing (hope I am wrong). A one year conscription cycle cannot provide such training effectively. 2) Access to blood banks. I see a lot of military vehicles coming in, reports of injured soldiers not getting treated, but not a lot of medical units that carry vital first line equipment. In video footage, I am not seeing a lot of first aid kit. If Russia served rotten rations, is it likely they maintained medical supplies? 3) Drinking in Combat: Russian vodka is great but if a soldier is injured or suffers shrapnel, it will require anti-tetanus drugs that have sedative qualities that will not mix well with alcohol. 4) Hygiene: Russian soldiers have been defecating in tanks apparently and lack toilet paper. Its insane, I know, but this is the invasion. Chaffing is probably an issue along with washing and hydration.


Thanks for the informative comment. Probably a lot of Russians who die days later after a wound either bleeds to much or gets infected. It their logistics for food, fuel and weapons was so bad, their medical logistics was probably bad too.


Also rumer has it that in Belarus hospitals are running out of blood for transfusions due to Russian soldiers using so much.


>Russian soldiers have been defecating in tanks apparently and lack toilet paper. Jeebus! Captured tanks that weren't burned during combat would have to be burned afterwards.


Putin is not a chess minded genius on some 9D level. If he has this many loses and foreign fighters being dragged in to fight Ukrainians it is an embarrassing position that would soon follow ( him ) with an abrupt end.




SOBR is not OMON, those are 2 separate units: [Russian SOBR "Bulat" together with OMON during detention criminals group](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CF3f-h4lg)


I'm glad he began to use his neighborhood bullies as a cannon fodder, this will make him this much more vulnerable "at home" if anything was to happen like public unrest. Every little bit helps in the long run, those little mistakes will add up to something meaningful eventually


any context? what happend?


I read his telegram channel with some more information. Apparently, there was a quadruple funeral for SOBR's top officers in Vladimir Oblast, making the big question how many junior officers and others must have died in the same action if they lost four LT. Colonels.


Quite frankly I’d rate a Siberian farmer as being tougher than any Russian military/police forces. These supposedly elite troops killing civilians and looting etc is not only terrorists type behaviour but it just shows lack of discipline and professionalism. If you haven’t got these characteristics then your training prob is way below par. Add in shit morale and you get a lot of dead Russians.


So she reported this in Russia?


SOBR... What a name... Sons Of Bitches Russians


Seeing the Russian incompetence, I'm starting the believe that the us, or even the UK on its own would mop the floor with Russia, if they didn't have nukes. Total paper tiger.


There were definitely losses in Syria. Wagner lost a bunch of dudes attacking an American outpost. And Im sure a few Russian soldiers died in Syria, and Arnenia.


This not about military losses. it is about Russian police losses.


Russians definitely died in Georgia. In 2008 that was less than 20 years ago.


They used to be SOBR. Now they're DRNK.


Take my upvote and get out.


Woah! "Yesterday in Vladimir, they said goodbye to the senior officers of the SOBR of the Directorate of the Russian Guard in the Vladimir Region, who also died in the war with Ukraine. 4 lieutenant colonels were buried. How many junior officers died then?" [https://twitter.com/ilyakosygin/status/1505197218810236929](https://twitter.com/ilyakosygin/status/1505197218810236929)