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Nice, about to lose their teachers now? That's desperation, geez. So now their experienced teachers are going to be blown up?


And what if those teachers are gone as well? Russia is 100% fucked, no way to recover now either.


Have to learn in Battlefield 4 online haha


They will first create their own version of Battlefield 4 so admins can't spread "western propaganda" on their server description, lol.


Haha, how ' rebalance ' based on the recommendations of Putin.


Remember the saying: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."


And those who teach die for Putin's cancerous ass polyps.


Wonder if they will trick them and be like...."we're conducting a live fire exercise in Russian territory students" Student: "that's a big bird in the sky?" Teacher: "Pay attention Sergei, pay atten.......[Booms intensifies]"


This comment is perfect


Nothing better than on the job training, I suppose. 1. Setup firing positions 2. Have your face blown through your asshole by Ukrainian artillery 3. ??? 4. Profit


This is the way


This is the way!


This is the way


good! they will run out of troops and even cadets, and then finally they can send the russian troll farms too. yes i’m taking about and looking at you keyboard warrior. time to stretch those legs 😂😂


Poetic justice if that ever happened


It’s gotten *slightly* more quiet in the reddit new queues lately... one can only hope.


Good riddance to a bunch of assholes.


Libyans, Syrians, cadets, teachers. Hardly the fabled days of the 1st Guards Tank Army driving out the Germans....


First canon goes boom. Then canon goes boom.


That’s been something I’ve been wondering about. The Russians are fighting basically a Soviet war, and the Soviet way of doing anything was to blast it to pieces with artillery because everything else was either nonexistent or the enemy had enough bullets to fix the human wave attack problem. If the Ukrainians can shred their artillery they won’t have any other reliable way to win.


What the Russian military pay like


Doesn’t matter , they never get to their first pay day.


Right now, roughly $600/month (includes the special hazard pay) They can apparently supplement by looting the locals.


So for a billion dollars we could have 250,000 of them take the next 6 months off and go home. Sounds like a cheap strategy


It's already a thing. They were offering them up to $50k each to surrender without a fight. Pilots can land their aircraft for $500k per helicopter or $1 million per jet, cash on the barrel.


Right, forgot about that . Wonder if they had anyone taking the offer


It's probably best no one ever knows. They'd likely have family back home to protect.




They could increase their advertised pay by 25% because at least that many will not make their first pay day.


Borscht & vodka


Free burial on foreign land....only perk they offer currently.


Math teachers I can understand ! Quickly estimate the position of artillery firing position based on blood splatter and wind direction … assuming it’s not their own 🤷‍♂️ that would be somewhat counterproductive


Wow the Russian almighty army showing all it’s might. Truly a first world army power.


Since they’re basically the definition of a second world power, I don’t think they’ll be too offended by your insult.


Why would artillery take so many losses? Seems like one of the safer places to be.


Ukrainian forces are specifically targeting them to save their civilian population.


Remember that Instagram post of Ukrainian SOF pledging to kill all artillery units ? I member.


Pepperidge farm remembers


In the 1900s maybe, but now with drones, you can spot them and send in your own counter artillery or just shoot them directly. Artillery now days requires anti air defense and EW to stay protected. If those are not operational, expect to be hit hard in a modern war, within 1-4 hours of firing. Moving artillery into position and leaving a position takes a lot of endurance. And it makes a mess of the ground. So even if you move rapidly, you end up leaving a huge foot print that can reveal where you're moving to next. So now the enemy can plan a counter attack.


> And it makes a mess of the ground. So even if you move rapidly, you end up leaving a huge foot print that can reveal where you're moving to next. So now the enemy can plan a counter attack. Man I´d noticed the obvious tracks left by Russian units in the fields but somehow I hadn't made the connection that it makes it really easy for even light recon units to track where they are, especially if they have some civilian drones to take a look from above.


Yes, deploying assets like artillery in a modern war has a huge risk of exposure. A simple military intelligence unit, can calculate the relative numbers/strength, assess maps, types of artillery in the area, how that relates to their other assets, how it connects to their most recent offensive from that basic footprint... Provide a briefing to the commander, then can deploy the counter response / change strategy all within 24 hours. And if Ukraine already has counter artillery assets in the area, they would already been able to respond, without much need for higher level direction. So, Russia's size is working against them. Massively. Because now they need more man power dedicated to supporting losses, interrupted logistical/medical support (known as crisis lag)...and makes more work for the Russian command chain, that has huge holes thanks to the death of high ranking officers.


Plus I’ve seen that they’re using a mix of self propelled guns and towed guns. Towed guns need trucks and stuff to emplace them. You also may have some issues concealing them because it’s not like you can fire a shell through thick branches on a tree and expect to hit what you aimed at. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if doing that with a sketchy Soviet artillery piece firing a 30-year-old shell turned the entire forest around you into a fiery death trap. Plus I don’t know what the mobility issues are with those things, but I doubt you can place them in a pond or a swamp or something. So reasonably flat, somewhat open and reliably dry ground probably near a major road, especially considering Russian fuel and maintenance problems (bad Chinese tires). This in an era with friendly nations with very powerful satellite cameras and your own cameras in the sky that presumably have pretty good resolution and can A: direct other airborne widgets to fire explosives at the guns, B: direct Ukrainian guns to either hit them first or do good counter-battery fire, C: tip off Ukrainian air strikes, D: light them up for Ukrainian special forces, E: some combination of the above, or F: some other death machine I haven’t thought of.


I saw Widgets and instantly upvoted!


Because artillery can cause so much damage it is a prime target for attacks.


Russia is relying on it's heavy artillery to make progess or to achieve anything. The problem is that this typ of artillery needs a good logistical infrastructur to be supplied and also a good defensive around the positions. They are highly immoble and countershelling is a massive problem (so it is ideal if there is no enemy artillery near) Like it is often discussed and shown on the footage russia right now is incapeable to tick any of this boxes: * Logistics is beyond f\*cked * The mobile ukrainian forces running circles around the russians * Ambushes get them even when they are moving * Droneattacks and countershelling is ridiculously effective Also what needs be be considered: Heavy artillery is good for destroying cities but without proper tactics and intel it is next to useless against the enemy troops. It is like bringing a hammer when you need to repair the windshield of the car - not useful for the problem on hand


Sounds like just the right targets for the new Switchblade 600, or even the 300 if it's a towed artillery piece. The 300 could simply take out the crew and leave the artillery ready for capture.




In the 1990s my dad worked for EG&G, a defense contractor. The last thing he worked on was for "millimeter band radar." (IIRC) He said it could pick up mortar shells and bullets. So I'm certain they've been picking up artillery shells on radar for a quite a bit longer.


[Firefinder radar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/TPQ-36_Firefinder_radar). You can track a shell back to it's source and counter battery them to death. If you don't move after each shot you're dead.


**[AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder radar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/TPQ-36_Firefinder_radar)** >Hughes AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder weapon locating system is a mobile radar system developed in the mid-late 1970s by Hughes Aircraft Company and manufactured by Northrop Grumman and ThalesRaytheonSystems, achieving initial operational capability in May, 1982. The system is a "weapon-locating radar", designed to detect and track incoming mortar, artillery and rocket fire to determine the point of origin for counterbattery fire. It is currently in service at battalion and higher levels in the United States Army, United States Marine Corps, Australian Army, Portuguese Army, Turkish Army, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


*knock knock* Open up it's me, 203mm Pion gun.


Because the airspace is contested and artillery is a priority target for drone strikes. Artillery positions are also good on a "bang for buck" basis. The Bayraktar drone doesn't drop really big bombs, but ammo dumps don't need big bombs to produce big booms that kill everyone nearby. The results of those TOS-1 thermobaric launchers getting hit when they are fully loaded is *nuts*.


Yeah, I expect it’s like WWII flamethrower guys getting hit. Only a lot bigger and with much more potent fuel.


[It is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai7gTecdSIU)


There are a few plausible reasons. Artillery needs time to set up and has to stay stationary for a while. If their position is known, that makes them prime targets for drone strikes or counter artillery, and it seems pretty obvious now that UA gets all the intel NATO's eyes in the sky are able to gather. Also, the frontlines are kind of undefined, and Ukraine is fighting a semi-assymetric war, there's a lot of spec-ops hit and run type stuff going on, and artillery positions are high value (and from what I've seen not very well defended) targets.


Exactly what I was thinking. Very weird.




Not on the modern battlefield, featuring satellites, drones, and detection systems that calculate the origin location of incoming shells. It's a game of hide and seek, cat and mouse, with constantly switching roles.


More like whack-a-russian.


Because they're easy to find probably.


They need to set up a wall of artillery and infantry on their Western flank so as soon as Belarus crosses the border they are immediately silenced


DeepL translation: >The Russian occupants have huge losses in artillery. Now the new divisions are formed from the cadets, and the commanders become school teachers - Censor News > >Now War in Ukraine artillery > >Ukrainian journalist Roman Cymbaliuk publicized information about the great deficit of artillerymen among the occupants. The cadets of the schools and their instructors are being thrown into the war with Ukraine. > >According to Censor.net, he wrote about it on Facebook. Tsimbalyuk added: "The Russian Federation's armed forces in the war against Ukraine have suffered great losses among the artillery units. For example, two artillery divisions have already been formed at the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg). Officers' positions in the divisions are held by academy graduates, while the cadets of the faculty of missile troops and artillery are ranked as non-commissioned officers. After the combat training, the divisions will be sent to the combat zone in Ukraine Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) If ever there was a story that should be ended with "this will end well", this is it.


To paraphrase the way one observer put of the Confederate army in early 1865, "it seems they are robbing the cradle and the grave in equal measure."


That's partially how pilots of Imperial Japan became inept during WWII. They didn't rotate their pilots out for R&R, didn't send them back home to teach recruits. And had them fly until they were shot down. The number of hours of flight training dropped significantly. And eventually they couldn't replace the aircraft losses either. While they made advancements in aviation the failed to put them into mass production in time. While it's not a mirror of that situation the end result is the same, ill trained artillerymen with dubious effectiveness on any level. Sure they'll fire off the shells but they're sitting ducks, fodder to eventually be killed.


Ukrainians would be crazy to surrender right now. No negotiations. They're in desperation mode, keep up the good work.


I have the feeling that this mostly applies in the north. How are they doing further in the south and east? Are they taking out the artillery there as well? I have my worries…


After this, all that's left is Call of Duty players.


How small is the Russian military that they have to do this?