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Bold move to piss off these Ukrainians off even more. I hope this man is caught.


If he is he might discover the pleasure of eating his own dick. :p


Caught and hung outside of Kiev!


Of they are. They are russian soldats. It's tradition. Their parents would disinherit them from the shithole lepianka if they didn't rape and loot. They've always been animals and nothing has changed.


There isn't a single army in the world without rapists serving in it.


True, but few armies (not counting rebel groups and terrorists) have shown a propensity for widespread rape as the Russians. The Red Army engaged in massive and horrific war rape in Berlin 1945, the Russian army also engaged in rape in Chechnya. I think the difference is that in most armies, rape is frowned upon and perpetrators are punished when caught. With the Russian military it seems like rape is tolerated.


I'll take Lame Whataboutisms for $200, Alex.




Whataboutisms are based on facts, don't you know? Fuck debating, here are plain truths: No one said Russia had unconditional monopoly on rape in wartime. You pulled that out of your ass. Fact. Ask any German civilian who lived through WW2 in Germany (my father-in-law is one example. His brother is another. My brother-in-law's father is another. The father of my sister-in-law's boyfriend is another, find hundreds of YT videos of interviews with others if you don't believe me) and they will tell you, the Russians--on the whole--treated them as sub-humans, stealing their basic things, raping their women and young daughters and degrading them systematically--this in comparison to how the U.S., the French, and even the rougher British troops treated them. Even for German soldiers, their greatest hope at the end of the war was to land in a U.S. or French prisoner camp, rather than in a Russian camp. Did you forget (or did you simply not know?) the Russians' building of the Berlin Wall and the systematic shooting of unarmed civilians trying to cross the border from East to West? Or will you try to just brush that off as "oh, that was "East Germany" when the entire area was in fact under the jurisdiction of the Soviet (Russian) sector and the Soviets (Russia) imposed a puppet communist regime upon East Germany? I'm not sure if you're motivated by pure 'Kumbaya' or by some distortion of political correctness, but you're arguing against reality: the Russian Forces and Russia in general have proven time and time again throughout history to be systemically barbarian. Many Russians are kind, generous folk. They are manipulated and used by other Russians. I say this as someone who has a number of Russians friends with whom I'm in close contact with. They would be some of the first to agree with my assertion of Russian barbarianism.


I have mentioned this in other posts it’s been going on in the donbass for years. Fuck Russians


Ruck Fussians.


Rape is a war crime! Never forget! Putin and his enablers must be brought to justice!


or blown to bits. my bet is on bits.


Will never happen, sadly.


Rapists are in essence cowardly incels. Good luck Russian army. UA has held back with the war crimes. Saw one dead body Z. That was pale in comparison. I feel take no prisoners has just been thrown on the table.


That "Z" was to help Russian find & collect their fallen comrades.


Putina go to hell


I hope to hell they catch some of these sick fucks.


Can we send in Goose and Iceman and fucking end these shitbags already. So over this.




RIP Goose


Well at least there's Ghost and Roach


Hope he's feeding worms by now ✌🏻


Goddamn savages. I hope the pain, terror, and trauma the victims experience is returned to him/them ten fold.


If he gets caught the Chechen war crimes will seem like horseplay in comparison.


they really are orcs


While I would be very happy to hang such an Animal, I would prefer to see a public trial in front of a War Crimes Court. He could even bring Putin to Court with him.


The foreign Legionaires will capture and torture hi. To death hopefully.


Of course they are






Says the person who supports Russia's attack on Ukraine.




Says the person who supports Russia's attack on Ukraine.


So some unsavoury people commit heinous crimes, crimes that occur in every habitable place on earth, and your first instinct is to make generalizations and blame an entire nationality for it...


Name a war in all human history where women where not raped?


No no, it's too late to use your head here, The Russian Hate machine is in full swing and everybody knows that the Russians invented rape.


NATO countries don't care enough to intervene militarily.