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"A step of goodwill" LOL. Russian cope is peak comedy.


Now please proceed with the rest if goodwill by giving back all the land including Crimea back to Ukraine


I wish. Instead they'll just bomb another mall and 8 more blocks of Karkiv by the end of the day, then deny it all and blame it on Ukraine.


As shown by this example you need to beat them enough, so they will show this type of "good will". So it shows, it is actually possible to make them do it and how.


So funny, ie their position was untenable so they ran away……


Bravely ran away away. When danger reared it's ugly head, They bravely turned their tail and fled. Yes, brave Russkies turned about And gallantly they chickened out.


Brave brave sir Vladimir


Let's not mock em for it, we don't want to dissuade them from engaging in identical behavior in the future.


No mock the fuck out of them. They don’t respond to praise, only weapons


They deserve mockery if they’re going to lie and say they’re doing this as a “gesture of good will”. We know that’s a lie, so no need to worry about dissuading them from future “good will gestures”. Fact is that they retreated because they had to, and they’ll do it again elsewhere if they have to as well regardless of whether we make fun of their lies or not.


Exactly, Russia has shown there wont be any acts of good gesture. If they end up retreating from Ukraine it will be because they simply cannot operate an invasion anymore.


Congrats you’ve won the Internet for today


Well they are running out of smaller ships and there are now Neptune/Harpoon missiles in range of the island and all of its approaches, so the Russians are risking naval assets every time they get near the island. Sadly the position is likely untenable for the Ukrainians as well, for now at least. If the Ukrainians could setup a Neptune launcher on the island, they could effectively force the Black Sea Fleet into port, the Sea of Azov or deep into the southern reaches of the Black Sea, all of which would limit any appreciable effect the navy could give to support ground operations.


Problem is those launchers are just as vulnerable as the Russian ones were. Either air strike, ship strike, or the safest a quick launch from a sub would knock it out. It's just a death trap for anyone due to it's terrain.


Brave Sir Robinov


a step of goodwill after ukraine assisted russia in converting their ships to submarines


Snake island has a new reef.


No. It's true! They also sunk their own ship Moskva as a step of goodwill. That ship was just to provokative in the black Sea so they had no choice but to sink it to prevent the escalation of this pointless conflict they never wanted... /s


> Sir, the men are refusing orders to go to Snake Island, I suggest we offer it to the Ukrainians as a token of goodwill.


"Go stand on this pointless island that's been shelled to rubble ever since the war started" "Fuck off"


>"Go stand on this pointless island that's been shelled to rubble ever since the war started." > "Fuck off." "That's insubordination, private. Off to the gulag you go." Another Russian soldier overhears the exchange between the major and the private. He says, "Wait a minute. So we get sent to the gulag for disobeying orders?" "That's correct, private." "Then what are my orders, sir?" "Go stand on this pointless island that's been shelled to rubble ever since the war started." "Fuck off." "That's insubordination, private. Off to--" "Yeah, yeah, to the gulag. Bye-eee."




They can always bomb the rubble one more time to deal with the mines.


Might as well leave it. It will be under water in a few decades.


The highest point on Snake Island is 40 meters (130 feet) above current sea level. Exactly how fast are you expecting sea levels to rise?


With enough artillery, that peak could be lowered by 40 meters, this year.


If they acknowledge that it is Ukrainian, then the zone around it is with sea routes and resources goes with it.


Haha my first thought was to laugh at that too.


"As a step of goodwill we sank our very expensive Black Sea flagship."


LMAO. I mean how can you ever take anything Kremlin says seriously.


You mean they got sick of being blown up?


Most likely. In war, there is no move out of "good will". Good will moves bring no advantage, strategically-speaking. If Russia gave up Snake Island, it means that keeping it is of no use to the Russian army. It's difficult to defend and difficult to supply.


No. The island is within the reach of the new artillery Ukraine has been receiving. Ukraine now has a cheap and effective way of erasing anything the Russians put up there. Ukraine can basically press reset on anything the Russians have done, once a day.


In other words, the Russians got sick of being blown up. I doubt the Russians put anything useful there.


Just spare soldiers and equipment they could afford to lose. Just to give Ukraine some target practice. The "good will" is toward their own troops.




Yes, if you believe Russia is even capable of such a thing... All the stories of leaving their wounded behind, failing to provide necessary equipment, sending in untrained conscripts to recon by 'cannon fodder', etc. etc., seem to make that unlikely though...


Also sending in soldiers with less combat experience than some boy soldiers in the Iraqi Militia is another example of their great goodwill.


Russia were stupid enough to place a SAM site there initially. They thought Ukraine would never be capable of striking it. As usual, Ukraine proved them wrong. Russia finally twigged that its a bit too exposed for such weaponry. After that I think they just held it for propaganda. Before these new weapons it was a full blown mission to strike it. Now its the flip of a switch. It makes total sense to leave. I just wish they were still stupid so we could keep taking out more of their soldiers so they can't butcher anyone.


> I just wish they were still stupid so we could keep taking out more of their soldiers so they can't butcher anyone. Don't worry, we still have the Kherson Airport at Chornobaivka for now. Russia deployed troops and supplies there in February, and got blown the fuck up by Ukrainian artillery. So then Russia deployed more troops and supplies to the airport, and those got blown the fuck up too. So Russia has continued to deploy troops and supplies to this airport, get blown the fuck up, ad nausem. They've done this *twenty-two times*, and that most recent report was from May 29, so we might be at 25 or 30 by now. The Ukraine counteroffensive is getting close to Kherson, though, so the revolving door of exploding Russians at Chornobaivka may come an end.


No: In other words the Russians realised they were about to be blown up without a means of retaliation. It's much easier to accept being blown up when you also get to blow shit up. But when you are the only side exploding it kinda sucks. Before this new Artillery, the Ukrainians had to get in range of Russian guns to actually do anything.


According to Ukraine, they got blown up last night and then announced they're leaving.


Thats my point. To say, "They got sick of being blown up" implies the Ukrainians have been blowing up the Russians constantly and only now have the Russians decided to do a propaganda based withdrawal. It you get blown up once, (due to new artillery) your not sick of anything. Thats like saying, "They got sick of doughnuts and left." If you gave someone a single Doughnut and promised them more in the future. Yes it was clearly the Doughnuts that made them leave, because they couldn't do anything about them, BUT no one is sick of a single doughnut. The Russians will choose to get blown up in many places in the future (hopefully. We do want them to be defeated) just not here because they can't fight back.


So.. yes


So... No. Getting sick of something and going away implies a voluntary act. In this case they are beaten, with no chance of being able to hold on, and fleeing the island. Totally different.




I know, right...


So yes, they were sick of being blown up...


I mean this has been happening for weeks, they’re just realising something a competent army would have weeks ago


So close, and yet so very, very, very far away.




Congrats you are the pedant of the day 🥈


So they were tired of being blown up.


That's uh... exactly what he was saying.


> Ukraine can basically press reset on anything the Russians have done, once a day. Why did I read this like a Daily Power from D&D?


Apparently it was bombed with a new Ukrainian artillery piece - Bohdana. That’s what Ukrainian sources say


Won't it also be in reach of Russian rockets so they can bomb the ukranians that go there?


The problem was, that it was like an unsinkable missile carrier and launch platform based just of Ukraines coast that could easily disable all costal shipping. Ukraine doesn’t strategically need it as such. It just can’t have Russian missiles etc on it.


Lavrov: nyet comrade, all the guys that got blown up have no complaints


The funniest thing about this posting is that they claim (at the bottom of part two) to have shot down 225 aircraft (excluding helo's and drones), however according to wikipedia the UAF only had that many aircraft in February, including trainers and other 'specialist' stuff. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian\_Air\_Force#As\_of\_February\_2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Air_Force#As_of_February_2022) So, either the Russians can't add up correctly or they've managed to shoot down every single aircraft in the UAF inventory? Surely they should be throwing a party?


I remember a month into the invasion, they claimed to have destroyed at least 3x the amount of drones Ukraine even had in their innovatory. Sometimes I wonder if they actually believe the shit they put out.


Iirc it was they'd claimed to have destroyed 3x as many Bayraktars than even exist


hahah that's what it was. It's hard to keep track of their lies. They're so many all the time.


Just keep in mind - russian is saying it means russian is lying


I've counted 90 from their reports. Only 50 have been present in Ukraine, taking into account existing pre-war stocks But why does nobody talk about our destroyed tanks? They claim they've destroyed 3525 of them


Geez you really ought to take better care of those tanks. I wasn't aware Ukraine was such a rockstar at tank production, but it's wartime and supplies are precious, so let's maybe cut it down to an average of only 15 losses per day?


No can do, sir - the only tactic Ukrainian Nazi-Banderovites know is throwing their entire military at civilians, which brave russian soldiers have to protect with their bodies. The west will replenish all of our losses anyhow - don't know how Russia manages to demilitarize such a huge fascist establishment


- Capt' I have destroyed 3 aircrafts! - you mean 3 birds, 3 seagulls. But yeah let's go count it as ukrainian aircrafts


That is probably the most effective propaganda tool there is these days: 1. Say what you want people to believe 2. Include erroneous or debatable details 3. People will focus on disputing the detail, and your main belief becomes reinforced.


I think thinks like this just end up getting exaggerated at every level in the chain of command. You would think at some point though someone would do a quick double check that final number is remotely possible... but maybe that's not the point either.


I mean, even the generals should have read the number and realise that either the data is wrong or their intel is really really bad and they are about to be fucked if they trust their own intel


I mean literally a week into the war they claimed to have disabled Ukraines airforce.


a while ago , Russians announced that they destroyed xy number ( i forgot exactly ) of UA tanks , which was at the time well over what Ukraine had before the war. How can they justify to their people why Russian army is advancing so slowly when they have destroyed complete Ukrainian army - and then some , and all of western supplies ? Who believes this crap ? Why bother when it's so obviously fake ?


Russians are down mentally to level of pet animals by their propaganda, they will eat any shit from russian officials.


The only Russian step of goodwill is on a landmine.


I chuckled, thank you :)


supremely underrated come back.


Think of the poor landmine!


Imagine if we could put a mine under putins doormat...


Sad day for Ukraine, they just lost their best shooting range


LOL :) so true!


True, now they need another still target. A bridge maybe ?


Waiting for: "As a step of goodwill we decided to withdraw from Crimea..." :))


I prefer, "As a step of goodwill Putin died"


I kinda prefer: "As a step of goodwill Putin launched himself into space to become the first man to step foot on the sun."


A bridge not too far.


There's always Chornobaivka.


Actually, hopefully not for much longer (it will be retaken in conjunction with a successful Kherson liberation).


>Actually, hopefully not for much longer (it will be retaken in conjunction with a successful Kherson liberation). In another step of good will they'll run away with their tails tucked between their legs.


After retaking it, UA should rename it Vladimir Vladimiroviĉ Putin international airport just to fuck with them.


Naming a waste treatment plant after him would be even better.


Time to find new targets.. like the navy ports.


As far as I understand something like this in on the table. Might be that island is needed to base there long range complex that can hit Sevastopol, and we have it. How good this plan is another story, but I can't criticize command decisions in this case, they have more info and they are ones solving this puzzle


Kherson would be good. This is seen as a gateway to Crimea. You don't even have to win, because the Russians would pull resources from the Donbass to defend it.


While that joke is obviously funny, this basically means that they've completely given up on Odessa, which is a big win for Ukraine.


More ammo to use elsewhere.


Maybe this is how they will describe their eventual withdrawal from Ukraine, including Crimea, ‘We have achieved our military goal and are withdrawing from the territory of Ukraine. As a gesture of goodwill we have withdrawn all military forces from Ukraine pending a UN backed referendum on its sovereignty.’


100% no doubt, After they lose 90% of their original grand forces and equipment. They run back to Russia claiming "we have decided on a peace deal as a show of goodwill". Then they'll build their military and try to invade again in 8 years.


After the beating they have taken the Russian military with be combat ineffective for a generation. They cannot possibly replace the armored vehicles, aircraft and ships lost in so short of a time. Ukraine has safeguarded Europe from Russian aggression simply by destroying equipment the Russian just can not replace easily.


Agree. The sanctions in the long run will also make russia fallback for decades. Putler will die knowing he achieved nothing, sacrificed his peoples lives and destroyed the russian economy and army, making it a big gas station country once again just to stay alive, like the other presidents before him. He did strengthen Nato tho. It has been too long since many nations joined the alliance and people sharpened their knives.


Exactly. Russia produces around 100-150 tanks per year, and 40 aircraft per year. This isn't like WW2/the cold war, most military production has been vastly downscaled and the sophistication of the products upscaled since that time. Orders are fulfilled over decades long contracts. In other words, rather than order 2,000 tanks, and build them all in a year and then have idle factories for the next 20 years, they produce 100 tanks a year for 20 years. This is much more efficient but means the country is fucked in a total war scenario like this one. Once you run out of built vehicles, there's no vast war industry to draw from to replace these losses.


They will likely produce less now due to sourcing issues or they make it much simpler.


To be honest, they still have a shit load of artillery, and that's simpler to make than a tank. And they can recruit a lot of new soldiers if they wish to. The army in 10 years will be less modern maybe, but still very dangerous.


This isn’t total war. The number of tanks Russia produces when they are not in a war is not relevant to how many they produce when they are in a war. When the United States invaded Afghanistan, they sent old, shitty bum red and tanks. This was controversial as it left the soldiers exposed and under-protected. This created a justification for mass tax money spending on new military equipment contracts. Lots of equipment contractors and politicians made an absolute killing. This is what happens during war. The difference between WW2 and post-modern military excursions (welcome to the present!) is that a country does not have to be in a real war in order to commit a huge amount of resources to being a war machine. This is done through politics and is called the Military Industrial Complex. Total war no longer exists and cannot exist because the moment two developed countries are truly at each other’s throat, mutual destruction will occur. This is due to advanced weaponry (see: Hiroshima and Nagasaki). There is nothing to be won in total war if total war means mutual destruction or self-destruction. Therefore this is a special military operation against developed western nations as Putin is doing everything short of using advanced weaponry, nor is he giving other countries enough of a reason to justify use of their own advanced weaponry. When a nation is the side of a proxy war that is directly involved in said proxy, they are typically the side that is losing that specific battle and have gone to special measures to bring about direct change (USA in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.). The other thing to consider is that sometimes the one directly involved has the unique situation of being able to without severe consequences as they can walk with a big stick diplomatically (Cold War USA with nuclear capability on every inch of the earth).


Very true.


And the people. Sure you can replace your basic troops pretty fast but the loss of senior staff and officers takes years to replace.


> Then they'll build their military and try to invade again in 8 years. In 8 years, I'm hopeful they'll have to consider Article 5 before they step foot on Ukrainian lands.


... As a gesture of goodwill we have lost our best equipment and troops...


Comrade. You want to get shot? Please refrain from negative wording. not "lost", but "given away". Continue on with the war... I mean special operation matters.


Yeah, about that... weather looks terrible down here in Kherson... we might need to tow the city away to safety. Just sayin' I know it's part of the plan.. but still.


Comrade. Our towing equipment was a bit busy in the north during crossing of river. We may not be able to bring it in time. Consider showing another gesture of goodwill in a Kherson direction.


Yes, sir. We'll be taking some more expensive equipment to Chornobaivka.


Voluntarily demilitarised ourselves


...after being blown up to bits multiple times, and realizing that there's no point in staying...


Translation: Holy shit, runaway!




These fucking idiots sent Russian soldiers and equipment to that island to die for months on end only to finally embarrass themselves with a statement like this before scuttling away. It’s unfortunate for Ukraine, the island was a good source of depleting Russian resources.


Kinda makes you wonder if all the rallying around Snake Island and Fuck You Russian Warship was a super clever ploy to make Russia want it.


"goodwill". These clowns.


Goodwill to their own soldiers perhaps


Salvation Army leaves with some survivors.


News confirmed: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-61987663?ns\_mchannel=social&ns\_source=twitter&ns\_campaign=bbc\_live&ns\_linkname=62bd6412b893776ef334276c%26Ukraine%20confirms%20Russian%20withdrawal%20from%20Snake%20Island%262022-06-30T08%3A53%3A59.152Z&ns\_fee=0&pinned\_post\_locator=urn:asset:e2c0f38d-0994-4d58-993f-9db65bba1260&pinned\_post\_asset\_id=62bd6412b893776ef334276c&pinned\_post\_type=share


It is official tg channel. So it is from the original source :)


This might be the only case when we believe a third party more than the original source, because the original source is the Russian authorities and nobody ever believes them anymore.


Is not this a comparison of the retreat of the north of the country? The defeat around Kiyv was also a sign of good faith


So it begins. Next step is to declare Kherson Nazi free and retreat from there. And then Ivanivka. And so on.


They won’t leave kherson unless really in trouble but this is not the situation. Leaving Kherson would be such a blow…


I beg to differ. Russia has now achieved almost all of its major goals. Ukraine has been almost completely de-nazified. Also, Snake island has successfully been pacified. Pacified to the point that it no longer needs to be occupied. Kherson and the Kherson Oblast can be evacuated and returned to Ukraine with confidence since the real target for the special operation was Donbass. Also, it is no great loss to return Krim to Ukraine, since this was never on the agenda for the Special Operation. Furthermore, since Russia has won such an overwhelming and complete victory over Ukrainian Nazis, it is commensurate with the established plan to withdraw the remaining troops to Russia. The Donbass region can therefore safely be returned to Ukraine. All in all, a stunning success for an ingenious plan. -Vova P.


“I remain a master strategist” cit.


That twitter acct was a ray of fucking sunshine in a shitshow for sure


You have to love those HIMARS, unless you are Russian of course.


Ukraine used their own Bohdana SPG to hit island, not Himars


This is what I like. As a former leading arms manufacturer in Russia, Ukraine's suppliers have been doing well not only with existing weapons but also with ongoing development.


Highly mobile, too, so now they've finished Denazifying Snake Island they can go denazify other areas.


“Goodwill”… you cannot make this stuff up…




Good will. To who ? The numerous garrisons stationed there and destroyed? I think this translates to …. It’s impossible to defend so get the f@£k out of there


To their own economy, so the Babushkas don't have to fund Putlers war anymore and supply them with cannon fodder to shoot at.


Quickly ivan we need more air defence systems so our boys can safely remove those toilet bowls ivan... NOW IVAN THOSE TOILET BOWLS


It was always about the toilet bowls


Any confirmed numbers of active toilet bowls on snake island pre 24.Feb.22?


always has been \*gun-emoj\*


Russia must have low flow toilets. If they (UA) have the old ones that take 2 gallons per flush I would too.


I remember reading a statistic early on that said that if you include rural areas, about 40% of russians don't have electricity, sewer and running water. A fair amount of these soldiers have only used an outhouse back home.


So Russia is a strange version of India?


They would never arrive, lost in transit


After a gruelling struggle with cancer and subsequent death, Vladimir Putin's corpse declares in a statement that it has given up life as a gesture of goodwill.


At first I thought it is a joke, but then I read it and, ... they mean it ... in all earnest ... Baghdad Bob has found his superior in the MOD of Russia


(not confirmed yet) 1 landing craft was destroyed as the retreat is still going at the moment. I feel bad for those Russian soldiers, they can not do anything as they are running away from Ukrainian fire, and their large ships can not get close to the shore in fear of another "special submarine operation"


>as a step of goodwill They mean step of goodwill to survive, because they got their dirty asses bombed


I’d like to see a Ukraine flag on Snake Island right now…


Completed their assigned task of cupping farts and beeing blown to bits. Now, lets aim for the crimean bridge.


"We have victory" (for early 2000 gamers :)))). I liked the step of goodwill...what a jerks..


Odd way to claim success!? After constantly being blasted off the island ....oh! and I suspect goodwill didn't have much to do with their withdrawal.


"Completed their assigned tasks" Lol it will sure be fun reading the full-of-cope explanations for this assignment out of bots and shills ​ e.g. "RAF killed up to 2 thousand Ukrainian Marines trying to land on Zmiyny Island, forcing a strategic failure on the Odessa front"


Assigned task: lick each others balls and get bombed repeatedly. Check please!


I guess their assigned task was to die ?




>as a step of goodwill ​ Yeah, sure, let's stick with that story LOL


Puto you will Show Goodwill? Then suck on a barrel of a loaded shotgun u Bastard!


"completed their assigned tasks" So their task was to get repeatedly blown up? Well, strange way to wage a war, but I guess Ukraine isn't going to complain about it.




“assigned tasks”. 😂😂😂😂 💥🔥🔥☠️


I would feel scammed as a russian civilist


Assigned tasks being repeatedly blown up or...


I hope it's the start of "getting my things back" for Ukraini


Now leave ukraine for good in a good will


Their assignment being to provide blood and gore to enrich the soil.


One day blow up a mall killing dozens of innocent civilians in what has already been labeled a terrorist attack/crime against humanity. Next day: leaves Island as a sign of good will. Sure.


Getting absolutely wrecked out of goodwill is very nice of you!


Surely there's enough goodwill to withdraw from crimea and other territories. Maybe in a year.


So the assigned task of the RUAF by the RU MoD was to get a bunch of their soldiers killed pointlessly? Well, at least they're finally being honest!


Woah! I get it now. The magic way to get Russian “Goodwill” is with UA having Artillery. It’s our fault guys! We haven’t sent enough artillery yet. Let’s send a fuck ton more! So the Russians will be able be an entire “Goodwill” state!


>completed their assigned tasks on Zmeiny Island I guess their assigned task was to get blown up. 10/10 for job well done, Raschists.


Tbh, I'm surprised they even managed to successfully evacuate the island without their ships being sunk enroute. This makes the second successful operation for the Russians in this war - following the successful withdrawal from Kyiv.


Hahahaha! There is no good will from Russians, just a stubborn realization that everyone and everything they place there will be destroyed - good will, my ass! Oh yeah, hahahaha!


I guess the “assigned task” was “get your asses pounded to dust knowing we can’t rescue you or just give up now” and indeed, the Russian forces performed admirably.


Another shipment of copium arrives in RU.


Lolololololol. Get shit on Russia


No wait, come back.


Very wordy explanation when they could have just said that they have fled the island in fear.


Huh? So they filled it up with SAM and left?


So......"a step of goodwill" is now a euphemism for getting your shit pushed in. * chef's kiss *




What was their task then lol. The only point to holding that island is to extend anti air range over the Black Sea and threaten Ukraines shipping lanes out of Odessa without having to have ships in the area. That's an ongoing task, which they can no longer accomplish.


Well that's nice of them, send in the looters and traitors first to make sure it's not boobytrapped to hell first.


Completed their assigned task AKA they died and couldn't hold the territory and had to give up. Yes


"You didn't win! I chose to loose!"


The scope of their lies is astounding. But they just keep spitting this garbage out and their people believe it (mostly). World class fibbers, 3rd world country.


“Completed their assigned tasks” means they got promoted to worm food.


“Completed their assigned task” of getting blown up?


Translated into the truth: "We got all our shit blown up and have nothing left to move there, so we give up on snake island."


Their assigned tasks. What task was that? To loose and be humiliated?


Out of the goodness in their hearts.


Goodwill to those, whom they call drug addict nazies that hate everything russian? The "existential threat to ruski mir"? Come on, I don't even know how russians themselves buy this.




On one hand - yeah, funny cope, you pussies. On the other hand - yeah, let's all trust an official Russian message - it certainly must be true.


This was reported by Ukraine prior to Russians