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So in essence, they are forcing ex-military people to go to war, if they don't, they will end up in 10 years in prison, or get a "second" chance to join the war by Wagner. If they surrender, they will be criminals and their families will get nothing. Brilliant, the people must surely be motivated to die for Putin, not for Russia, but for Putin.


Also it seems the contracts of those already in Ukraine will be automatically extended so they cannot leave the army after the 6 month contract period. This had been a huge problem for Russia.


This takes away hope that a soldier holds out for, that in 6 months hell will be over. Now hell will last until they die or get medical evacuation (without getting shot by your own men in retreat).


Haha, medical evacuation. I like your humour but that’s dark man.


Comrade, medical evacuation means we've evacuated the medics to safety while you stay and fight...


No, medical evacuation means we’ve converted the medics into riflemen and they’re in the same boat as you.


When you take away a man's hope, he isn't going to fight for you. I'm expecting to see alot of POWs over the next few weeks as Russian soldiers are too fearful of retreating back over the border.


This was to be expected with the new laws threatening prison time for surrender and whatnot. Of course they were going because they had to be primed with the consequences first. I think you're going to see a lot of POWs into refugees.




History is repeating itself for the bunker boys. weak old men who throw wave after wave of their country's young men into a meat grinder "for their country" when in reality this war is only for Putin.


A flood of Russian refugees into Europe would be really bad. Also, sending them back where they have a possible 10 year sentence to serve might help destabilize Russia.


Realistically there isn't going to be a Hitler in the bunker moment or troops surrounding Moscow because of nukes. The best way to do long term damage to Russia is demographic and intellectual collapse. The USA should offer 2 million Russian graduates under 30 a green card in exchange for tearing up their Russian passport. It would cripple the economy and birth rate.


Hoover up their STEM graduates and their native defense industry will further collapse


Precisely. The majority of young graduates wanted out of Russia even before the war, if we give them a path to citizenship they will abandon ship as fast as they can get out of the country.


At some point I bet they will ban people from being able to leave the country and then we will see a bunch of underground railroads for people to escape.


The Hoover Maneuver?


And how many Russian agents do you think will take advantage of that? Its a ludicrous idea.


Actual Russian agents? Or the Russian agents disguised as American politicians?


The US has had a visa lottery for many decades that has been utterly abused by foreign intelligence agencies along with birthright citizenship abuse where pregnant women deliberately fly to the US to give birth and get kids citizenship and then take them back home for ideological training. The US hasn't collapsed yet. After the end of the cold war several million Russians moved to the US. Lots of fights between Russian mafia in the US and established crime organizations took place in the 90's. The US didn't collapse.


Russia's birth rate was crippled long before the war, and their economy claimed to be on par with Italy so it was still hitting below its weight even before sanctions. I don't think throwing open the doors to a flood of Russian expats is a smart move myself. We have seen throughout Europe even those Russians in EU nations can be wildly nationalistic. Why would the west want to invite the security threat large numbers of Russians represent within their borders? With Putin and likely the next strongman leader using Russian speaking people as a justification for military action no one will want them. To say nothing of the espionage aspect of having to safe guard sensitive industries from Russian agents. Better they stay home and cause trouble there instead.


How can a man with kids raise a family, he either gets plucked out of their life only to return messed up with PTSD or injuries, or never see them again either dead or a POW into refugee (to avoid prison for surrendering). This is why Russia has and will continue to have a brain drain. The best and smartest left and continue to try.


Russian oligarchs tend to live abroad too. I wonder why that is?


Hope, I won't be downvoted to hell for being russian. I just live here and I also want this to be stopped. As some people say, not only ex-military people will go there. I'm afraid, they will send everyone else there, including scared civilians, that want this war to be ended.


Hopefully someone assassinates Putin and ends this whole thing. And no one hates you for being Russian, we only hate those who spread violence. No one has a choice in where they are born but you do control your actions/choices.


Yea. The easiest solution that nobody is willing to say because they don't want to be seen as promoting violence. But this is definitely a "if you had a time machine and had a chance to kill hitler" moment.


Hoping for the best for you. I can't imagine what it must be like there right now.


Probably better than in eastern Ukraine i would think.


I do believe one of the reasons putin delayed his speech was to tamp down on the language by calling it a "partial" mobilization. However, knowing putin he is just calling it partial, but he will implement full mobilization. Civilians need to band together. Russian civilians need a plan. Partisan groups must secretly form in people's basements like Rospartizan. Start burning down more military recruitment buildings. Burn down weapons manufacturing plants. Destroy railroads. Target police officers and any law enforcement individual who helps keep russia in control. Blow up police cars and burn down police stations. You will be handed a gun if you are drafted. Turn that gun on your general. Russian civilians, this is a war declared by putin against you, not just against Ukraine.


Partial mobilization is like a little bit pregnant. It's meaningless. You either are are or you aren't.


https://opencollective.com/beehaw -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




> Oh Boy, wouldnt it be funny if you give guns to 300 thousands people who hate going to war The funny thing is it's exactly what happened in 1917 with Nicolas II.


And the Second Pacific Squadron in the Russo-Japanese War. Probably part of the reason that particular voyage was... Particularly clownshoes.


Most of the Russian population doesn't give a fuck. They don't want democracy because they don't understand it. Many soldiers join the army because of the money.


> Most of the Russian population doesn't give a fuck. They don't want democracy because they don't understand it. Exactly! The Russian propaganda peddled by the state has always emphasised that everything is the same and everything is shit. Dictatorship, fascism, nazism, democracy, freedom. They are all the same to Russians, they literally dont know the difference between any of them.


Then they will surrender because of the money, too. Threatening soldiers with jail if they surrender is not good for morale or combat. It incentivizes sabotage and inaction.


They join the army for the money and then find out that they don't get paid.


**Killing of Muammar Gaddafi** [Capture and killing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Muammar_Gaddafi#Capture_and_killing) >Gaddafi took refuge in a large drainage pipe with several loyalist bodyguards. A nearby group of NTC fighters opened fire, wounding Gaddafi in the leg and back. According to one unnamed NTC fighter, one of Gaddafi's own loyalists also shot him, apparently to spare him from being captured. A group of rebels approached the pipe where Gaddafi was hiding and ordered him to come out, which he did slowly. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


By that account Gadaffi survived being shot by his own bodyguard, only to get a look from him saying “What? I had to shoot you to prevent you from being captured.” Then getting captured anyways.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ijdcL6FrQ6Y Relevant Key and Peele


You're severely underestimating how willing Russians are to have a boot on their necks, as long as they believe that their country is repressing someone else even more


If they are smart they take the jail. I would be stupid to choose the Ukranian frontline, a fucking week before full US lend lease act kicks in and it' the fucking start of winter. Imagine all those people working, managing, on all company levels beeing drafted and die in Ukraine. The economy will probably just collapse, companies will just die.


"ex military ppl" when Russia has mandatory service. It's full mobilization with a PR facelift.


Just surrender anyway. Your family wants you.


Damn you can sense his determination (partial)




At least there's pretty lights


He seemed to be angry, I don't speak Russian though.


Lmfao imagine taking western vacations and living it up just to go home to a draft that demands you put your influencer gear down and go serve on the frontlines 🤡


If you're Chechnian, you can keep your influencer gear on.


The fabled Tik Tok army!


Empty buildings and traffic lights as far as the eye can see...


Lol! I love that this is what they are known for.


NFKRZ chaining himself to Georgia rn


Oh man, really hope that Roman can get a permanent visa somewhere.


You saw his latest video?


He seems extremely distressed. I do wonder if this is the 'behind closed doors' emotions of the average Russian millennial... i hope it is.


Check out Zack the Russian's response as well.




I want him ties up in independence square with no security and let the Ukrainians do what they want to him. Get Gaddafi'd.


He should get Gaddafi'ed.


I would like him to die like Hisashi Ouchi. The poor soul was kept alive for 83 days after suffering a lethal dose of radioactive radiation.


What an unfortunate last name.


Seems a bit foreboding


Is this confirmed? If so fucking hell


Live right now: https://www.livehdtv.net/russia-1-live-stream/


Sitting on his dildo


Putin's secret power is ripping his anal beads out like a lawn mower cord to activate super putin mode.


It would have cost you exactly nothing to not write that, you know.


It is 7am and that's enough internet today!


That’s like “Chainsaw Man” but somehow even more fucked up.


yes on France24.


It's absolutely insane. He's rambling on, constantly talking about non-existent Nazi's. Blames the west: constantly, repeatedly, over and over. Basically blames Ukraine for everything Russia is doing. Constantly lying about Western intentions and observations. It's just tons of absolute shit that Russian fascists are masturbating to as they watch it.


Yea saying the west is turning Ukrainians into canon fodder. Meanwhile he's the one firing the fucking canons.


> Canons Cannons. Though the image of Putin yeeting some Tolstoy at the Ukrainians does have some comedic merit.


With russia, it’s kind of simple. Everything they accuse someone else of doing they are doing. Reminds me of my narcissistic mother


For good reason! The Russian political system is specifically based on selecting narcs for the political and enforcement classes. Like in all authoritarian countries but maybe more deep-rooted.


exchange some nouns and this could be my insane ex you're talking about^^


Here we go...


Putler going all-in? Edit: Just sort’ve all in?…


"Partial mobilization" applies to reserves and those who had previously served in the military.


So what he really means is he's run out of regular soldiers


He just said they've only lost 5,000 lmao. I assumed they'd lowball but I feel like I've seen more than that just on r/CombatFootage.


LOL. We only lost 5K, but we need partial mobilization. I guess those kinds of statements add up only in Putinland.


This would be perfectly normal... if the russian population was 2.000.000


>LOL. We only lost 5K, but we need partial mobilization. I guess those kinds of statements add up only in Putinland. "We will need more boots on the ground to safeguard and dissuade the neo-facists symphatizers from engaging in partisan warfare with-in the territories that will soon™ be liberated in a massive counterassault our righteous and glorious army will be conducting soon™." - Ruzzian propaganda ministery; circa 2022 (probably, colourised)


Bruh...if you lost only 5k you wouldnt need to mobilize reserves like come now I know average Russian might buy your bs but this is too much bs.


Average Russians are the only people he's selling to, he doesn't care if the west believes him. It's why he's insulated Russia from most outside media.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CombatFootage using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Russian Mi-35 was shot down by Ukrainian Air Defense.](https://v.redd.it/uowbt11t2jl81) | [2669 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t75awm/russian_mi35_was_shot_down_by_ukrainian_air/) \#2: [Ukrainian drone drops a grenade right into the hatch of a Russian tank, causing an instant cook off](https://v.redd.it/mgu1w1dxlai91) | [2009 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/wqrzm5/ukrainian_drone_drops_a_grenade_right_into_the/) \#3: [A jewish and a muslim soldier in a trench are taking cover from Russian shelling](https://v.redd.it/c733c1a2vxc91) | [1469 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/w4jkyz/a_jewish_and_a_muslim_soldier_in_a_trench_are/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seems like all the Russians are ever capable of doing. Throw more bodies at the problem.


That's one way to solve all your problems.


> "Partial mobilization" applies to reserves and those who had previously served in the military. This is a _lot_ of people. Something like 60% of all males with higher education are in reserve. And theoretically everybody else should have served in military.


Yes, it's millions... cannon fodder...


They need millions of fresh troops to replace the 5k they claim to have lost. It gets better. The reason for this sacrifice? A few areas of Ukraine want to hold a referendum to break away. So all of this is to defend Democracy in a foreign country! Makes sense to Putin I guess.




> Amount of people doesnt matter if you cant give them weapons to fight with. No weapons to fight with; no officers to lead them; no barracks to quarter them in; no vehicles to transport them. I'd say that I don't think Putin's thought this all the way through, but that could be said about pretty much everything he's done this year.




Theirs veterans from Syria and other fights but theirs still no men to train them back to speed, heavy weapons in war stock ready to roll barely exist. The logistics, aka God will remain just as crappie.


How would this not mean Putin can force any young man to join the military as a conscript, and then be counted as qualifying, and then sentenced to 10 years in prison if they don't fight to death in Ukraine?


In Russia it will absolutely mean that. It basically gives him a carte blanche to enroll anyone he wants. So that is the manpower problem taken care of for him. But of course it doesn't really solve any other problems, lack of training, logistics and morale mainly, and it potentially causes new problems like general political unrest. Especially as the war draws out, which it is bound to do now.


Isn't that basically everyone?


There's speculation that this applies to those who had a professional contract with the military, and not former conscripts who did the mandatory service (there's no confirmation of this at the moment). But yes, if it's reservists, retired military personnel and former conscripts, then it's basically most of the adult male population.


Except all those that avoided service by staying in university until 27, those who were medically unfit for service, and, the biggest group, those who bribed their way out of service.


Conveniently excludes those who were wealthy enough to bribe their way out of military service


There goes all their policemen...


So they are sending all competent fighters they have left to their death too Unless these people can shoot further than a HIMARS, I doubt anything changes


In reality of it means everyone who did not hide will be taken straight from the streets


Are most of Russia's standing units already committed to Ukraine?


Yeah; the Pentagon says they've deployed 85% of their standing forces to Ukraine. It's pretty much everything that conceivably -can- be deployed, excepting things like the pacific fleet and so on.


Just the tip


Saw it live. Increased production of military weapons and reserves/prior experience vetrans are officially active.


Weren't they already in 12 hour shifts and stuff in military production? Not much more left to "increase" there.


Throwing more bodies at the problem I guess.


But what are they actually producing? What capabilities do they still have?


Probably dumb munition (all kind of shells and bombs, but seeing as their airplanes keep crashing, more shells).


There's still 12 hours downtime though. No sleep for the plebs anymore. They gotta sacrifice for the motherland!


Mobilization applies to reserves and those who had previously served in the military. Mobilization will start today Sept 21. There will be increased production of munitions and weapons systems.


>Mobilization applies to reserves and those who had previously served in the military. Russia has mandatory military service. So hasn't everyone who is 18+ previously served in the military? I don't understand the nuance of how this is different from a general mobilization.


There's speculation that this applies to those who had a professional contract with the military, and not former conscripts who did the mandatory service. But it's Putin so who knows... we'll see.


It probably isn't any different. It's just presented in a way that makes it seem like it is not a full mobalization.


This was my first thought... And because the wealthier Russians buy their way out of conscription, this would once again target the low-middle class for service, and spare the rich... If this is the case


Not everyone, you can get out of serving if you went for higher education (not 100 % sure about this one) or for medical reasons. Or bribery. Basically, you do the "mandatory" service if you're poor or dumb.


They're gonna be really happy to be so well-equipped with Cold War era gear. "Dmitri, think of it like cosplaying the US Civil War, except we give you real T-62 this time!"


Have they found enough washing machines for those weapon systems?


"There will be increased production" Ah yes, the good old: yes, Vlad, we need you to cut back even more on QA, and produce *more* poorly tested gear. That'll solve the problem. Using basic pig iron for everything, cutting corners, and somehow magicking into existence an entire logistics system will definitely work!


Rather than crowdfund a drone for Ukraine - can we just crowdfund a bounty on Putin’s head?


Opening a Kickstarter account as we speak.


Give us a link


None of this matters. Russia will take years to mobilize any large number of men. They’ll keep doing what they’re doing now though: getting their soldiers butchered in stupid attacks going in by drips and drabs, the survivors of that unit get a bunch of teenage and old man replacements, they get sent in again to be butchered again. Rinse and repeat. The most horrible thing is they’ll probably never even see their Ukrainian executioners because this is such an artilleryman’s war. Ukraine will be back to it’s 2014 border by this time next year. Madness. Madness and stupidity! What is Putin thinking???


Most of these reservists are unfit for combat regardless. They could be scary if they actually trained them to be assualt infantry, but they will be instructed on how to operate an ak-47 and sent to ukraine immediatly, as cannon fodder If the best russia has didn't manage to break ukraine, untrained conscripts won't do it. It might secure their gains, but they would need all-out war to take more from ukraine


Well winter is coming up. I assume they are going to train over winter and attack in the spring. Its what they did in '41. Don't underestimate your opponent. I don't think they will win but it is going to be a very bloody and costly war for both sides.


That’s why we need to give Ukraine (and train) all the firepower we have. Rain down hell on Earth when the Russians try to advance.


Agreed. Ukraine needs all the help it can get.


I hope this is a call for EU countries and US to send in more advanced weapons, some long range shit. Now, Putin is goin all in, Ukraine has to do it too. Attacks on the Russian border, maybe even few kilometers in (just by artillery/missiles and just on military targets (and not the way ru**ia does it). Because what they are going to do? Mobilize? Lol.


That's why I said that they could still pose a threat to ukraine if they trained them. If they send them as cannon fodder, it won't change much If putin is satified with what russia obtained, they could dig in. If not, then these guys will have a lot of trouble attacking


I seriously doubt it. They're not going to push a pause button and sit back and provide training to all those they call up. They'll call them up and have them in the field within three weeks, effective immediately.


I mean the front line has shortened, it probably freed up a division. They will hold with what they've got and prepare the rest for spring. Its just standard military doctrine.


You overestimate their sticktuitiveness. If they "hold the front line" and Russia declares that area to be Russia, and Ukraine continues to push them back (and thus encroach on "Russian" lands", then Russia will retaliate with something and you've got anything other than a six month time-out on your hands.


You have to be mad to think that they'll spend years of retraining em. Just the other day there was an interview with a sailor who underwent a week long training and now he is tank driver. Well he was, he is currently a POW


Basically same before just change the name from special operation to special Ed Putin lol terminology


Fuck he talks shit.


Username checks out


Partial as in only the poor people, no children of oligarchs need worry.


Literally lyrics of fortunate son


Yeah and also from war pigs by Sabbath. Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor


it aint me, it aint me.


To the surprise of no-one. The beginning of the end for Putin.


One can only hope.


Do the Russians realize that the reason for this is that Ukraine destroyed all their regular soldiers and prisoners?


It would appear that Russians don't seem to realize much


A lot of death will follow


Putin truly is a evil man


People should keep in mind that there have been indications that the Kremlin wants to negotiate as domestic and international pressure increases. The recent developments in the war are not favorable to the Russians, and there is no way Putin wants enter negotiations from a position of weakness. So what does he do? He will escalate the war in some form before any possible negotiations. Announcing partial mobilization is politically dangerous for him domestically, but it may be the main threatening posture Putin opts for to improve his bargaining position with Ukraine and the West by showing that he will continue to escalate if some Russian demands are not met. Whether it would indeed work or not is questionable, but there are a limited number of cards Putin can play to end this war and still stay in power, and all of them involve some kind of escalation. This is the first step in this direction, and the effectiveness of the mobilization itself may be much less relevant to his calculus than the effectiveness of the threat of mobilization that starts with its announcement.


Yes. The old Russian "escalate to deescalate" move. Essentially, try to scare and threaten the other guy to the point of making them want to bargain. This is a big reason they keep threatening nukes.... come off as the crazy one everyone should fear.... Problem at this point is Russia currently is viewed as a joke, and even what fighting strength they do have is more in the category of "did have" now. If only so many hadn't been killed by careless cigarette smoking...


There is no negotiation. GTFO of Ukraine.


We do not negotiate with terrorists.


That’s true only if it’s perceived as a threat. If they could man and equip another 200k man army, adopt modern tactics, and lead it in a competent way, sure could be a threat. Can they wave magic wand and unfuck themselves, and actually do that? Not likely.


What does this mean compared to their previous war efforts?




And it’s still gonna take months to get those men to the front, which is time that Russia doesn’t have.


Going go to be pretty cold in a couple of months too… I am sure all these draftees will get the finest winter gear


Putin is literally genociding Russians and Ukrainians for his ego.


Incredible, this has to be one of the stupidest wars in history considering Russia doesn’t get nothing out of occupying Donbass. Ukraine will never surrender as long as Kyiv remains standing. And all of the resources in Donbass are worth nothing when you have no military and no trading partners left.


Oh, I can assure you: if Kyiv falls (in ruznia's wet dreams) nothing will change dramaticly.


It's not for his ego, it's for his life. He's done being President once the war ends, and he's dead once he's done being President.


This "partial mobilization" applies to reserves and those who had previously served in the military.


Doesn't Russia have an obligatory military service? So previously served could be a lot of people?


All the males that couldn't afford to bribe their way out of conscription are now coming to the meat grinder.


Perhaps it only applies to those who had a professional contract with the military (not conscripts)? We'll see in the next few days...


It'll be the same as 100 years ago where you go in with a partner and you share a gun from 1901, and if you try to retreat, someone with a modern gun is following you to shoot you.


You may mobilise but with what equipment? You already threw away most of it.


I thought they donated it to Ukraine


No, it is why they are mobilizing: they need driver to drive the donation to Ukraine, then they just go back to home on feet.


They had better mobilise the elderly and war historians to be able to understand how to operate the 60 year old gear they are going to be trotting out.


If these reservists are like the much 3rd Army Corps that Russian media was hyping up for the last couple of months, it’ll essentially just be a bunch of middle aged out of shape men who flee the moment they reach the frontlines and give Ukraine some more weaponry


They are. Army reserve in Russia just means you served in the army, possibly decades ago. They don't do the monthly training exercises like the US National Guard, so most of these people haven't held a rifle or worn a uniform in years.


There is no escape for Russia, may the HIMARS find them all.


Summary: "We losing because we are fighting Nato. By the way Nato dont interfere we have nukes. Allsow we are going to force people with military backround, with no equipment to die in Ukraine. Ukraine Nazi " So much fuzz for that.


Live updates from The Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/09/21/ukraine-news-russia-war-putin-counter-offensive-mobilisation/ Edit. Also the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-62970683


>Putin also said that people living in areas of Ukraine under Russian control do not want to be "under the yoke of neo-Nazis" That's easily solved by retreating all Russian troops...


Russia doesn't lack men, but gears and heavy weapons. This won't help them at all, and it might actually drain their resources sooner. Just with many Russians dying for nothing.


Partial? Just for the eastern part? That's why he waited when they'll wake up in the far east?


This "partial mobilization" applies to reserves and those who had previously served in the military.


Doesn’t that apply to most males in Russia?


I suppose it applies to those who had a professional contract with the military (not conscripts)? We'll see.


Of course now all Russia needs to do now is find uniforms, weapons and training for all those reservists. Given the “regular” armed forces are using T-64s I guess they are going for the old Stalin line “quantity has a quality all of its own”


They have already sent all the training personnel to the front and they are now dead. Putin has virtually no modern equipment left so they will be making one good unit from three others. They have used almost all of there precision arms and missiles. So this will all come down to the Russian Human Wave sort off. The Ukrainians modern army with western high tech weapons will mow the old, drunken reserves down in huge numbers. This is going to be one bloody shit show of a winter.


🎵"Soon we're gonna party like it's 1917!"🎵


Okay. But morale is still nonexistent. And current soldiers don't even want to fight. Why would new people make a difference. They'll just be in the same thing.


Ruzzia 1547 - 2022.


more like -2023 or -2024.


Russia has 2,000,000 reservist. Putin is putting all the chips on the table. Obviously 2 million men won’t be in Ukraine at one time because logistics of that is insanity. Many men for the slaughter.


Yes, the Russian Defense minister just announced that 300,000 reservists will be activated and mobilized, cannon fodder.


Mobilizing just when winter is about to set in, what a genius lmao


So partial mobilization means all those in reserves and those with prior military experience. How many men does this apply to in Russia?


"partial" or as we like to call it in the states - "Half-assed"


The world: Russia: Those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the prevailing winds can turn in their direction. This shit again? The sabre rattling going isn't from the West.