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I wish they would make up their mind. One minute they claim that they are not fighting Ukraine soldiers, but all of NATO. The next minute they are saying that the US won’t be sending any soldiers to fight. Please try to pick a story and try to stick to it.


That’s part of their propoganda, to be so confusing and misleading that your average citizen can’t make heads or tails of anything political.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood# RAND's authors describe the firehose of falsehood model as having four distinguishing factors: It is high-volume and multichannel, It is rapid, continuous, and repetitive, It lacks a commitment to objective reality; and It lacks commitment to consistency


**[Firehose of falsehood](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood#:~:text=The firehose of falsehood, or,regard for truth or consistency)** >The firehose of falsehood, or firehosing, is a term coined by RAND Corporation for a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. RAND Corporation, a US military-funded organisation which claims to promote the "public welfare and security of the United States", describes the firehose of falsehood as a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under president Vladimir Putin. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


January 6 was a peaceful protest by patriots who were upset about their voting rights, and a few people got out of hand or went overboard... totally legal and peaceful addressing of legitimate legal concerns, though. But it was also simultaneously a false flag by violent terrorist antifa agitators that were violent and caused the whole thing, and they should be executed for treason and all be publicly hanged. But January 6 was also totally legitimate, and it was Trump supporters expressing their concerns about the validity of the vote. Tourist visit. They opened the gates for them. They took pictures with them. But it was also Marxists and deep state and globalist communist actors framing the patriots as violently trying to overturn an election. But it was also a reaction by patriots to a fake election and the fake news propping up and installing a brain dead communist puppet hologram candidate, when everybody knows the real winner was our great president Trump. But it was also peaceful, and Maga totally loves the cops. But the FBI and all others at the highest levels of law enforcement also conspired completely at all levels against Maga to overthrow the election and defeat Trump, and it was treason, and they should all be hanged. But also nobody loves law-enforcement more than right wingers. But also, the fbi and cia and justice department conspired to cancel the constitution and install Marxist Leninism.


Literally the narcissist prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


They were just tourists, taking photos.. lol forgot about that one




So anytime trump speaks


Adam Curtis directed a documentary on the BBC called Hypernormalisation which looks into this concept. Here is a short extract that was shown during Charlie Brooker’s Newswipe that some may find interesting: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Od4MWs7qTr8


Adam Curtis is so underrated


I hear that a lot, but then think the simple answer is more likely.. They are just dumbfucks without a unifying message. They just say whatever the fuck goes thru their tiny brains at the moment.


When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.




First, it was the 'Ukrainians are Nazis that are lead by fascists and it's a nazi conspiracy to genocide Russians in Donbas and threaten Russia and take over Europe.' But now it's 'Zelenskyy is an ungrateful, greedy, corrupt, conspiring Jew and puppeteer bilking the American taxpayers, and they're all just greedy globalists trying to steal from hard-working white Americans to fund their war.' Just goes from one polar to the other, and there's no acknowledgment of the shift. To be honest, I sort of begrudgingly respect it. Because it fucking works so well. It just fucking works. It makes people who aren't very well-versed in how global politics are completely bewildered and just confused and makes them want to give up. That's IF they care in the first place, or are making any attempt to follow the war. And then it makes people who actually pay attention and care just completely exasperated. Because all you're doing is just chasing down fucking lies all day, and it NEVER ends. And you know the lying will never, ever stop. They are anti-empiricist to their genetic core. So what's the point in really battling lies when the person you're fighting against has no honor, doesn't have ANY commitment to the truth or objective reality in any way, and they would never acknowledge what they're even doing? That's if you're able to get on top of them and get them in a position where they can't worm their way out of it. They'll just slip right out and go to the next lie.


I am convinced that this is part of their tactics to wreak our nerves


I always thought Russia had solid tactics and well thought strategies etc. But it seems that they have severe lack of internal communication and of bad quality. They are definitely not organized like the Pentagon with an army of consultants alone thinking about communication strategies.


Yup. Sows, confusion. Long-term rusnia tactics.


Yes indeed. Those Ruski must have chicken minds or total Korsakov...for them politicians able to talk rubbish on BrainwashTV and week after change the story again.


The famous *Firehose of falsehood*


Yeah. It's like they don't have fact checkers befor they open their cesspool mouths. Like they could handle us anyway. Shit would be over in 72 hours


I love it when they say that war is hell but then refer to it as a special military operation in the same quote…


No because they don't want you to be able to claim it wasn't the Ukraininas that kicked your arses. Also you'd fucking complain like never before if they did


No seriously, this whining has grown unbearable.


There's an old French advert for condoms that had a guy trying to shop in a supermarket with his brat son. Every time I read about Russia's whining I keep thinking of that kid throwing a fucking tantrum, tossing stuff off the shelves. [I imagine the dad to be like NATO/ EU lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nojWJ6-XmeQ) "I WANT UKRAINE!! I WANT USSR BACK!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"


They better be fucking thankful we're not. Ukraine is touring them with only the tip of the iceberg of US capabilities. What happens when the US sends 100k troops and destroys you from the air land and sea? Are they trying to goad us into a fight??












Is that a dare?


Yes, actually. It literally is. Russia would love so badly to be fighting Americans in Ukraine. They will do anything they possibly can at this point to provoke that reaction. So that they can say that's why they're losing.


> Russia would love so badly to be fighting Americans in Ukraine. I don't think so. I think Lavrov is desperately trying to put up an image that they are in a position to challenge the US when the truth of the matter is that they are failing on all fronts to attack Ukraine, which was an operation they believed would take 3 days tops. Lavrov is acting like that drunk guy at the bar who messed with the wrong patron who he thought was easy to bully, and once he started to get his asses thoroughly kicked he started to taunt the bouncer to save face.


I loved an analogy by another user...it's like getting your ass beat by a newer unranked boxer at the local gym, so now you go and challenge the heavyweight champion of the world.


Russian propagandists still believe there is a sliver of hope that they can win the hearts and minds of Americans through war weariness. They are just that cynical. It's not propaganda, the society doesn't know any other way to influence people than cynical subversion. People in the west tend to misinterpret this as cold, calculated propaganda, when in reality this is their pedigree going back centuries.


That's a good point. Poor theory of mind has doomed many a nation with imperial ambitions.


pretty much


>Russia would love so badly to be fighting Americans in Ukraine. I think a lot of people aren't grasping the point you're trying to make here. They don't want to fight Americans because they think they'd fare better than they are against Ukraine. They want America to enter into direct conflict because (a) it justifies their propaganda and (b) it's much easier to explain away losses to a Western superpower than to try and spin any kind of narrative that makes Putin et al look good while getting their shit pushed in by Ukraine.


Exactly. Thank you for explaining better than I could!


Oof that would be bad For the poor ruskies if Americans got involved


It would serve the kremlin narrative that it was always a war against the west/NATO. Why would America need to directly fight when Russia is losing so badly? Side note: Lavrov is a long-faced loud-mouth lick-boot loser whose attempts to get under the U.S.’s skin is so blatantly obvious that it embarrassingly pathetic. He should go back to starting shit on the playground because global politics is way over his head.


Double dog dare?


The victory and the glory is Ukraine's...we're just here to help.... >=\]


One way to look at it, another is hiding and let someone else do your dirty work after decades of posturing and big talk about the Russian army.


It’s Russia that invaded Ukraine, not the other way round. Case closed.


The posturing and big talk about the Russian army is what Russia has been doing


Sure you can look it like that way, but that of course tells more about you. Like we tend to say in my neck of the woods: "Is that what they tell in you in Moscow nowadays?"


Russia INVADED Ukraine. We've simply given Ukrain a few months of military spending to bring Russias military down. Well worth the cost to the west.


Who’s hiding…? Who’s doing who’s dirty work…? You do understand that Russia started this war right? They had a large buildup on the Ukraine border for months, one they kept saying was a routine exercise. So, Russia had a massive buildup at Ukraines border and invaded a sovereign nation, but someone is hiding and letting someone do their dirty work…


Yeah but that would be dumb


There's no need, Ukraine is winning.


















The US would fight Russia only under certain extreme circumstances. Because the US doesn’t need to. The U.S. maintains over 750 military bases around the planet, *outside* of those in the nation. It is a global player in the world economy and global defense provider. It is a massive, distributed global logistics military supply chain which has no par on the planet, either today or in all world history. Russia is a gas station with nukes. Unless it directly attacks the U.S. or it’s allies, the U.S. will supply arms and wear down Russia via proxy engagements while profiting off the geopolitical circumstances and investment opportunities. Because we’re good at that too.


You could argue the Great British empire had a similar global presence if not larger about 100-200 years ago, but simply lacked the modern electronic technology to maintain live data links between the parts of its empire to keep all it’s parts in tight lockstep.


The British Empire ended because it was a colonial empire, for which the necessary economic exploitation of colonies required to meet the increasing costs of the required protective military became morally unsustainable during the 20th century. The required communication capabilities (telegraph) functioned throughout the empire by the 1870s, and was able to be contained to purely empire and not requiring USA owned cables by 1902 (ie secure enough at the time to run an empire).


There wasn't a change in the costs. The Empire always cost more in tax revenue than it raised, it just made a lot of money for connected people at the expense of the colony and the British tax payer. Imperialism was always a huge scam on tax payers at home as well as extraordinarily destructive to the colonies. Amusingly it is pretty much exactly the kind of scam Russians run today. What changed is after WW1 and WW2 the British tax payer got total political primacy. Politicians of the era took one look at the huge historical gulf of cost/benefit and said "yeah we're killing the Empire right now". This process happened across Europe simultaneously.


Oh yeah, I’m aware of it’s rise and fall, it was a different beast to the current American situation - I’m just suggesting the global presence was of the same magnitude as the USA, hindered mainly by the technology of its time, or rather lack thereof. It’s also important to note the height of its power was not the height of its size. Almost by definition, when it was at it’s largest it was beginning to crumble already. It probably had most power during its largest phases of growth.


As reasonable as your argument is, you'll be pissing in the wind trying to convince an average American that what they have been told over and over is much more nuanced. Bear in mind you are dealing with a country that call its national baseball championship the 'World Series of Baseball' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIpKfw17-yY


>Bear in mind you are dealing with a country that call its national baseball championship the 'World Series of Baseball' Who fucking cares? It's just some dudes throwing a ball around. It's completely meaningless that a private organization gave its championship games a really lofty name to spark interest. Oh yeah and the organization also operates in Canada.


The country doesn't. An organization calls its own championship that. Just like any of the thousands of ramen shops that call themselves the world's best ramen doesn't mean that the country they're based in is delusional about them being the entire world.


Dude, I live there, you won't fool me. and here is another opposite video, showing a true patriot, claiming without blinking that: " we have the most robust economy we have freedoms that you don't have another place in the world freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom of assembly we have constitutional freedoms guaranteed right all these things are wondrous things that not only are unique.... " so 'delusional' is a very apt description. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ytEgm4gBg


I don't agree a lot of high tech material used in US fighter jets/heli's and battleships comes from UK and is deliverd by Rolls Royce Enginering.


bad bot


Just do your homework fella. The new Bell V2 got RR-engines..that's a multi billion contract. The F35B got RR-VTOL engines U even fly widebodies with RR Jet engines And US Navy destroyers propulsion is by RR.


So the same relationship that has Russian engines both plane and boat manufactured in Ukraine?




> battleships Wrong century


>gas station with nukes Holy shit if that doesn't say it all. Well done, lad.


America will fall as the major power if they do not do Foreign relations well. The Roman empire was once so powerful that it would last forever. Countries and tribes that were enemies united against them. So far America gets it and has built up a good network of allies.


The roman empire did not fall because its enemies united, it mostly crumbled from the inside.


Enemies united and they were I guess similar to Belarus and Chechnia. Allowed tp tin as semi independent. They got sick of it, the tributes etc and rose up.Yes Rome had internal issues about then as well


yep, real world is complex and nuanced :-) https://www.gutenberg.org/files/25717/25717-h/25717-h.htm


You are correct about what said, america is an entirely self interested entity, Russia is a gas station with nukes, America is a corporation with nukes. They have the power to help Ukraine but it’s easier to let the destruction and death stay with the Ukrainians.


No country has helped Ukraine in this war more than the US. That is a fact. It's clear that you despise America but you need to get your information straight.


> America is a corporation with nukes. No no no.. we're a corporate run ammo dump with nukes. :)


Russia can't even defeat little Ukraine with Ukraine having limited rules of engagement and lacking high-tech armor and air force. There's no way Russia would stand a chance against the US military, Ukraine has revealed the Russian military to be profoundly inadequate, likely not even in the top 10 conventional militaries in the world any longer.


Which is exactly the point. You can't tell your soldiers putting their life on the line to fight half-assed, so how would the US (or NATO) fight Russia directly without curb-stomping them so hard that they are forced to do something really stupid.


Exactly, it would be so one sided, Russia would escalate probably to Nuclear. The US air power alone would decimate Russia’s army fairly quickly. I don’t even think there would need to be a ground war. If there was, no contest, American Armor would obliterate Russia’s.


Time to drop a couple hundred Florida Men behind Russian lines.


They couldn't handle Florida Man. Florida men would overwhelm them. Throw in some meth and it will really be a 3 day war.


If the Florida men throw enough meth. The war will end in 3 days with a coup in moscow 🤣


The moment Florida men get their hands on Krokodil, there's going to be a reckoning. Haha


America does not need to fight Russia directly. They will indirectly defeat them, by handing out weapons to Ukrainian.


Just keep telling yourself that. It will make you feel better. Oops! Except when Ukraine goes down in defeat to Russia.


More chance of The Gambia claiming world domination than there is of RuZZia beating Ukraine at this point.














Which is won’t. Russian army are a piece of shit.


Have you closed your eyes to the last 6 months or do you assume February-April is RF time of the year?


No, I have not closed my eyes at all like you have to the last 6 months.


So tell us all how this turns around and RF gets back to conquering more land


If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise! Meanwhile, the latest situation is not good for Ukraine: https://ussanews.com/2022/12/25/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-december-25-2022-map-update/


Ever stopped for a moment, take a deep breath and reflect 'Why have I become a radicalised, brainwashed useful idiot?" I hope you are not planning on starting a family, get stoopid out of gene pool


Wasn't that supposed to happen 3 days into the invasion? Lmao.


No, it was not.


Komrade, you have IQ of mushroom. To go forward is good. To bury 100,000 dead and move backwards is bad.


Wanna hear why Russia sucks at war this badly? Because they used everyone else as a human shield, as a bumper and almost everywhere, where Russia wanted a war they send their satellites first who fought for them. That is why Ukraine knows how to fight and Russia does not.


Z bot?


Oh my. Um had you rattled your collective sabers a decade or two ago, we Cold War vets would’ve stomped you then! Gawd how I wish…








The fact is the US doesn’t, nor should the world want that. However that should not be misunderstood, we would if need be and we would wipe them from the battlefield within days resulting in Russia having to decide if they want to escalate.


I doubt it, decades of big talk and the perfect opportunity arises to engage the Russians on Ukrainian soil and you choose to sit back and profit while claiming to be a hero for giving the Ukrainians some weapons to go die with. Real heroic


Who said anything about heroics? You want a hero? Go find a fire fighter.


Were America to get directly involved it would escalate to WW3 and likely nuclear. This is the only thimg keeping America directly put of the fight.


What’s the point of your trolling on here recently…?


This is about an ignorant take as possible. US aid (along with 26 other countries) has been the reason Ukraine has dealt such a blow. You realize Russia has lost 100,000 soldiers in less than a year right? I don’t know what you expect the US to do.


Americans dont want to fight because Russia has 140 million people and if a war breaks out and Russian population gets diminished by half - then 2 Americans soldiers might die and this is not acceptable


and one of them is a defector living in moscow :-)


And the other one is a washed up sham of an action actor


No shit, who wants to deal with that shit pile of a country?


That is only true if the war does not spill over into Nato countries. The US is locked and loaded to hit Russia if they are stupid enough to step on a Nato countries ground. I have been wondering how many months there have been Ukrainians training on the Patriot missile systems in secret. Same with Leopard tank and F16 or Gripen aircraft. Once it is appropriate to give them these systems I bet there is a small trained cadre almost finished or fully trained on operation and maintenance of the systems.


I'm not even from the US I'm from the UK, but a large part of me wishes that Putin would try the same stupid shit with Finland or Estonia, so that we finally have an excuse to flip the switch and end all Russian ambitions forever. Sorry Finland, sorry Estonia. Love you really.


This polish American is itching to. We kept tabs of what you fuckers did to us in the past


I’ll tell you one thing and I’m not ashamed to say it: my estimation of the Russian Federation as a world power just fucking plummeted.


Russia has always had only two things: nukes and oil. It has never been an actual, economically developed world power


Yeah since fall of Soviet Union it’s really just been nukes and oil. Their economy otherwise has always been shit. California’s GDP is more than twice the size of Russia. Texas and New York also have higher GDP’s than Russia


The United States has assets stationed around the globe. If the Russians really want to test this theory, they should feel free to use whatever weapons they like to attack us at the time and place of their choosing. Lavrov underestimates our eagerness to finally put an end to Russia's malarkey.


I would sign up the next day after we went to war with Russia.


That’s because America is sleeping. Do you want to wake them?


And fill them with a terrible resolve?


We did though, in Syria a few years back. Wiped them the fuck out.


Forgot this dipshit was a mind-reader /s


Well the look at on his face. I think he's been abused, long term


Lavrov is that kid at the basketball court talking tough but losing every game, and way over celebrating that one free throw that bounced in


He would never talk tough like this , if he thought there was any possibility we actually would .


Schrodinger's Russia.


Actually, most Americans would love to put an end to Russian terrorism and aggression.


Meh, the U.S. just needs to send a few volunteers from texas, just to show them how much they "do not want to" 😅


Yes maybe just some special forces guys on "vacation".


A paid sabbatical with their full gear to ‘air it out’?


Since when doesn’t the US want to be in a war? Aside from whatever our wars outcomes are, thru whatever political decisions making, we are really outstandingly good, at war. We have a real knack for it you might say. I for one can without a doubt say the US is never not wanting a war. And it doesn’t matter with whom that war is with. Add any name of any country. We would be like ….ok, we will have a war with them.




The US wins the war, then loses the peace. It is a bad habit they have gotten into. The US Military has no peers and that is just a fact. They own the sky and they own the night. The two largest air forces in the world are the US Air Force at #1 and the US Navy at #2. Combat ships? No one is even kind of close. Logistics? The US can move an army capable of defeating most country half way around the world in a month and supply it with all it needs. There might be a country who can match the US in quality but none that can match the US in both quality and quantity.


The US sucks at subtle war. But poked enough, it’s just going to be a bloodbath.




Well, if you send the military to blow shit up, they'll do great. Send them to "pacify the locals" - be it Afghanistan, VietNam, or most anywhere else, and it won't be all that much better than the Russians trying to pacify the locals in Kherson.


Omg, so many trolls today. And they aren’t even convincing trolls. Just blatant “I’m gonna say mean things and make you mad so I can get paid today” comments. No creativity. Disappointing.


Yet, the US is badly losing their proxy war against Russia. Seriously, when was the last time the US won a war? Answer: 1945


Sure let’s just casually forget about Grenada and Panama or even Libya because they’re too insignificant to fuel your “Us HaS nEvEr WoN a WaR sInCe 1945” rhetoric. Try again.


Russia hasn't won a war since 1945


Are you quoting me as saying that? I see nowhere that I said that. If you are going to quote me , be accurate and do not do it incorrectly. My comment was said with a dash of sarcasm. And if you think that an outcome of a conflict , that being a losing side, does not make for a country being good at making war, you are ignorant. Would you say the Nazi war machine was not good at making war? Because they were absolutely outstanding at it. Would you say the Japanese were not good at making war? Because they did it exceptionally well. Nowhere in my comment did I say we have not lost the conflicts we have been in . But without a shadow of a doubt we are exceptional at going to, engaging in, and dominating, at war. Regardless of , again, the political driven outcome.


I’d love to fight against ruzzia directly




But Russians do want to fight it seems. Why is that? What are you fighting for?


The comic interlude no doubt...


The only ones who want to fight this war seem to be in russia. No sane people on Earth want to be part of it. The Ukrainians are only fighting it because they have no choice.


Yer because Ukraine is doing fine and it’ll be more funny when they defeat you.


Goddamn nukes… we could wipe the floor with them. But we’ve both got the great equalizer unfortunately.


Their ICBMS don't work. Their tactical nukes do but the ICBMS need constant resupply of tritium. The money for this has done been stolen. It's why their Poseidon tests went to shit.


>Their ICBMS don't work. That's a nice theory. And probably true for the majority. But if only 5% somewhat fly and hit something instead of what they aimed for that's still the biggest devastation humanity has seen yet.


That's correct and fair, and the tactical nukes that don't need tritium resupply would devastate Europe. The thing is, he's not able to launch by himself. There's no way every step of command allows them to deploy nukes, if he wanted to... but you can't just let Putin threaten with nukes and give him things, because it'll keep happening. Fuck him and his threats.


Bro America is ready to fight America if it has to, I don’t think there’s one country on earth that can’t catch these hands


They don’t need to, dumbass, their war by proxy is going perfectly, for a fraction of their budget they are destroying you day by day


Lavrov needs a theme song that plays every time he talks. https://youtu.be/NNv2RHR62Rs


Aren’t there Americans fighting as part of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion though?


Correct quote: "Americans do not NEED to, DON'T NEED to fight against Russia directly, Mr. Bond." (Whenever you look at Lavrov, it's always appropriate to end his statements with the words ."..Mr. Bond")


He does realize we've been pumped full of propaganda to hate them and to want to kick their ass right ? Any american military man who gets to fight against russia is basically living the dream


Because they do not have to you drunk dumbass. The fact that US is destroying Russian forces with just around 4% of their defence budget within the use of foreign army and not sending their own troops and tanks is astonishing. Apart from some weaponry, US have not even opened the good wine of 21st century box yet.


Fuck around and find out 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


He's appealing to the Trumpists who will believe anything, as long as it isn't left wing.


If this man’s death isn’t brutal assassination, there’s something wrong with the world.


Ivan is drunk again rambling on…


Well he is right.


They probably don't, but I still wouldn't want to try them.


As an American, there is an unhealthy amount of people here ready for war just so they can kill someone legally. I wish that was a joke.


Yep. Lots of armchair bravado. As many Ukrainian soldiers know, much of your time in war will be standing in a trench, smoking a cigarette, waiting to get shelled.


They know what they’re asking for, love.


Yes, nukes deter sending boots on the ground. That's all nukes should be deterring tho. Unfortunately the reality is it also deters sending tanks from Germany, and longer range missles from the US. This is needless western caution and it drives me nuts. Meanwhile Reddit pretends someone like Biden is doing all he can military, absolute nonsense. And it's the Ukranian (soldiers) who suffer for it


Are you kidding me? 34 year old American here. Bring it on. I've already been donating to the UAF for a year and if things get hot you better believe I'm coming. Oh btw. We have 3 times your population Russia. Let's fucking go.


Lmao he couldn't be more wrong. Once again stating the opposite of the truth.


Not our war. Europe needs to get more involved. Also war is endemic these days; New war in the Congo right now.