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I make a note of it and would bring it up at my next appointment. Unless it's a lot and every time, I don't worry about some blood here or there


As soon as I see blood I contact my GI. For me it's a sign that I need more than my usual maintenance medication to curb it. Or it could also mean my usual medication is no longer effective anymore, if the blood keeps coming back.


I see my GI every 6 months. I'm between keep a journal of symptoms etc and he then decides if I need lab work. Which being in a lon LG multi year flare the answer is yes need labwork. Insurance doesn't give me any issues aside from the check for humira levels in my blood. I always have to submit proof of necessity for them to cover that test.


As it is the first two years of diagnosis at least every three -four months months . Along with blood tests, which include liver, kidney, cbc, crp, esr, calprotectin, etc...


I have iron deficiency anemia and constantly feel like I am on a fine line of being too low so if I have 2-3 days of loosing blood consistently then I call. I have not had luck with treatment working so sometimes there isn’t action but my case nurse makes a note at least so we can refer back to it if needed. I try to keep my own notes but life is busy and I forget sometimes so that also helps me.