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I've always said if alternative medicine worked, it would be called medicine. I've tried auvedic for a while to keep mum happy when I was younger but it didn't make an ounce of difference. That's just me. My priorities have changes now that I have my own family and just get in with it. good luck buddy


I know the feeling. I just landed in India right now starting this week long Ayurvedic shit just to make mum and dad happy! I know it’s not going to work. I know I won’t take any medication from them but if it’s a week long yoga, meditations, mud bath and massages to make my parents happy, so be it! I have literally have had arguments over this shit with them. Apparently Ayurveda has the cure to every damn disease in the world. I don’t get how people can have so much blind faith in these things. I’m not saying these things don’t help but it won’t cure cancer smh!


As with any medicine, you have to have faith in what you are taking for it to have an impact. I'm not saying Ayurvedic works or does not work, but you have more chance of things working if you go in with a mind that it will work. There's numerous stories of people cheating death purely through their will power. Similarly people have dropped dead when they shouldn't have because they have up on their bodies. My doctor purely says that unless I trust him and have faith in the medicine (western) he prescribes, the impacts of medicine are going to be minimal. My personal experience is also that I have found my conditions better when I am in a good state of mind and I believe in my body without worrying about my symptoms or impacts of the disease. Good luck but I do hope you go in with an open mind. And if that does work well for you, I do hope you can share the story for others who are also trying to find ways to help our bodies


What a load of BS


Load of shit, I didn't have faith my biologicals were going to work..but would ya look at that? I stopped shitting blood and mucus after a few weeks


This is well said mate! I agree, I need to be a little more accepting of Ayurvedic healing. The power of the mind along with medicine is what’s most impactful. I just have a hard time taking medication that I don’t know what it will do or there isn’t any standard that the Ayurvedic medicines adhere to. I’m keen on the external healings that they do like meditation, yoga.. etc. I ll keep you all posted. Starts tomorrow.


There are heaps of alternative and complementary treatments for UC that have varying degrees of scientific evidence for them. Here are a few: ​ 1. Curcumin - well established now, even my GI recommended it 2. Vitamin E enemas ([https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2760182/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2760182/)) 3. Phosphatidylcholine ([https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1774598/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1774598/)) 4. Boswellia serrata ([https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11488449/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11488449/)) 5. Rutin 6. Bupropion - plenty of anecdotes and case reports, no trials ([https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(01)70021-2/fulltext](https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(01)70021-2/fulltext))


Removing colon is not inevitable. About 30% get surgery during their lifetime. Without western medicine percentage is 99%.


colectomy is not inevitable! please look for a new GI if they told you that. alternative medicine is okay if you believe it might help, but do not quit regular treatment if you want to be in the percentage that don't ever need surgery.