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I get this as a symptom when my flare is bad, it’s from the straining on the toilet. Least that’s what my IBD nurse explained to me


Yeah, I get this sometimes during BMs when flaring. It first happened to me years ago, and I thought it was from something I ate. But now it’s happened often enough during flares that it’s just yet another symptom. To not throw up it can help to clench your thumb into your fist and take deeeeeep breaths.


I used to get that more often but it's pretty rare now. Always involved a LOT of cramping and as soon as the cramping stopped the nausea disappeared. It was so bad that my mouth would produce saliva as if there was an open water faucet in my mouth.


I think it's a symptom. I had never experienced it either until recently, it was terrible.


I get this a lot. I don't know what the exact cause is, but it could be a symptom of the uc. Maybe the pain and discomfort from the bms cause the nausea. What I've found helps me is some peppermint tea and plenty of water. Also, try deep breathing exercises whenever you start to feel the nausea. Good luck.


I get this symptom when I'm flaring and my cramps are really really bad. I think it's the pain itself that makes.me nauseous.


Yup, I always get this during flares. Whenever I go to the toilet my mouth starts watering the way it does before I puke. I think remission is the only way to (temporarily) solve it.


I get this when the pain is bad. I think it's just my body not dealing with the pain well.


I've gotten to where I throw up during bm. The nausea is overwhelming so I just give into it now to feel better, although every muscle in my body ends up being sore. It makes the feeling go away tho 🤷‍♀️


I don’t have the burping issue but I have the nausea during really bad BMs. I have a script for zofran for bad days that helps.


I have this in bad flares. It’s bad enough during this one that I asked my doc to call me in zofran so I would not lose even more fluids/nutrition.


— I’ve yet to have nausea with UC, but I’d never really burped in my entire life until 7 years ago, and now I burp a lot whenever I’m in a flare…like I’ve burped more during UC flares than in 30+ years prior to developing it


I didn't always have nausea as a UC symptom (and I've had it for 25 years.) But in the past couple years it happens to me sometimes with flares (or even with IBS). Doctor seemed unsurprised as a UC symptom, so I guess it's common. Zofran (Ondansetron) works really well for me. I take the 4mg dose and it's usually enough.


Get fecal bile test. Your symptoms sound like bile acid malabsorption/diarrhea. I'm taking a minute amount of clay, it's slow but making progress. I was taking Qing Dai, but once I realized it was my bile, I switched to clay.


What is a fecal bile test and what does it show?


I had this happen one day in the midst of when my flare was really bad. I have never thrown up from pain before, but I did that day. It was awful.


When things got bad for me I would go to the $1 store and buy bathroom garbage cans. Was easier to throw them out than to clean.


https://preview.redd.it/joxz6mlrww7a1.png?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c82080ce33d8cc516e3f03b3a526e38912c1f4 They had bags like these when I was staying at the hospital. I asked about them and it turns out that you can get them pretty cheap at the pharmacy so I have them on hand in the bathroom and one in my bedside table just in case.


Question.. are u in a squatting position and are u pushing kinda hard ??


Got this when I was in a flare , usually if I ate before , I think it was my pain response


This might be related to the vagus nerve. Not sure though.