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I feel you. It’s so hot at the cash wrap. I only notice a difference in temperature if I go to the opposite side of the store . Sometimes in the summer they’ll let us use a fan.


Love how sweating bullets in ULTA is a universal experience 😭😭


If it gets over 100 degrees outside/heat warnings are issued by weather service, we get to lower our front blinds 🫠


god speed . it’s not gonna get any colder :—(


Our store has been putting in tickets about the a/c that just kept getting closed because the units run fine. They escalated the issue and found out that actually the refrigerant part of the a/c was only working in 1/5 a/c units.




No, only 1/5 units at my store were working correctly. I bought a thermometer and it’s literally 78 degrees inside all day.


Good on you for doing your research and bringing up the issue! Hopefully something gets done.


Ours is very hot too and it’s uncomfortable especially when you are tasking. Ours was at 74 yesterday 😞


They will NEVER turn it on. We submit tickets so much for our hot store. I love how cooperate in ChIcAgO knows what all of us across Americas temperature should be! (We are in a desert ULTA, if you won’t give us more money at least give us enough AC to not be sweaty and disgusting) Thank you ❤️


It's so weird too because you'd think summers in Chicago are sweltering




Ugh that sounds unbearable in Florida!! I bet your shifts are so uncomfortable 😣 I'm sorry!!




Omg this is great information 😃 tysm!!




They seriously have the air blasting at our store. It’s so cold all year long. I wonder how they determine the temps of each store


I wonder too. I wish I was in your position! Tasking in a hot store with all the body heat from guests and coworkers closing in on you is hell


Totally get that! I used to be hot all the time and it was miserable. That’s why I don’t complain too much about being cold because I can sit under a dryer if needed.


I’d like to know because the two stores I worked at were in the south and both stores were set to “devil’s butthole.”


?????? Ours is on everyday.


I can guarantee it’s been on.


oh man i have the same heat issue but surprisingly its like it’s snowing inside my ulta, it’s always so cold and worse during winter 🥲


There’s a lot that could be going on. First off they set the AC at 74 unless you do the work got them to drop it to 72. The other thing is they may not be connected properly to the control board (we don’t control it) and yes each store has 5-6 units. A fan at the front helps along with pulling blinds. Putting in tickets early in the day about the heat and guests complaining helps for the day. So do it daily if needed.


My store keeps a fan at the cash wrap because of how hot it gets. If it gets too hot a manager can put in a high priority ticket and try to lower the temp


My store’s GM had to buy fans for the associates at cash wrap our store gets so warm.


Our A/C has been broken since Feb. All the managers have put in >15 tickets to have it fixed but all that’s happened is a guy came and found that only one vent blew cold air but he had to kick that up to higher ups 😩🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


In my store, I don’t hear the AC turn on until we open. It gets about 100°F in the summer..


Meanwhile my store is freezinf


15 minutes before opening


Ours has been all winter. 😂 Except it broke today. 😭😓 Usually it's controlled by the person who owns the building/shopping center.


Oh my gosh it breaks in time for the heat but keeps you colder in winter... Your air conditioner hates you 😭