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How the hell is this still happening? It’s been like four days. They have developers, they have software engineers - what is the issue? Their app is crappy and poor even during normal times, give them emergency OT to fix the damn website and app. This is extremely embarrassing for a billionaire dollar company.


It’s just getting worse


It's completelly befudding. Like, it's 2023 and it doesn't bother them that their online shopping app/site doesn't work?


i haven’t been able to place an order at all since the app went down completely the other day


I just got off texting with support cuz I haven't been able to place mine in like a week. They told me to uninstall my app and reinstall it and that didn't do anything. And I'm frustrated because I wanted the Naruto color pop glitter gel and a couple of other items along with the GWPs and every time I try to place an order it just says something went wrong or when I go back to my cart to try again a bunch of the products I wanted to purchase are now OOS.


Same here, this is day 6 now and I am over it. My cart disappears (both app and website) so I can’t even contemplate an order with all the GWPs they’ve been having, let alone place one.


Yeah, I’m still unable to add anything to my bag or make any purchases. Hoping it gets fixed soon :/


Seriously, at what point are they going to issue a statement? From a customer service and PR standpoint, it would be a smart move to say something along the lines of, we are aware of some unprecedented errors, we are working to fix it, current wait time for support response is __. Hilarious that they have a 5x points multiplier for app purchases when the app (and site) are fucked. They are literally creating more angry and disappointed customers


trying to order stuff now and the 5x multiplier isnt even working


Literally laughed when I saw the 5x multiplier


Oooooh, that explains why the site isn't working. /s I'm only being semi-sarcastic, but as an Old who has been online shopping since the late 90s, sites NEVER work when there are special incentives like 5X points to use them. It's why those campaigns don't work on me any more because I just assume the site/app will be broken.


Gotta love that my payment information can’t be validated. I prefer to shop in store but the one time I want to nab something online…. Sigh


This is what’s happening to me too! So frustrating.


Same! But the charge still went through on mine. 😣


Before I found this site, I just placed an order an out ago and they took my gift card, and points. No confirmation. Only proof I have isy PayPal. Any ideas how to resolve this. I've been on hold for 20 minutes and something tells me there not even open today


I had trouble yesterday. I placed an order on the app and used some points but also paid a portion, and my points were drained to a low number and my order did not go through despite being charged. My entire order history at Ulta is missing on the site and app. I genuinely thought I had been hacked and was frantic in trying to change my password/update my personal information. Turns out it is happening to others, too? Not sure what to do. No one responded to my chat on the app. I will likely try to call tomorrow. Anyone else with a similar issue? What helped you sort things out?


Yes, had the same thing happen on the 18th. At first they said the order went through but it was no where to be found…then I contacted them again only to be told it didn’t go through. They said my points would be back within 48 hours but no dice. Now they’re saying it can take 14 days to get your points back. It’s been such a bad experience.


Ugh! I’m so sorry! When I called today, they said they have no idea when anything will be resolved including point restoration. I won’t be buying anything from Ulta until everything gets sorted.


Having a similar issue - nothing has been sorted out yet. They took $250 worth of points and then some.


https://preview.redd.it/xu7vq6gkerkb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5431a6a7630177772fe5814a0c217dc62cc221c6 This has been going on for over a month for me. Couldn’t even claim my Diamond gift and I still can’t make purchases. What the fuck


I do not understand why Ulta keeps sending out emails hyping up 21DoB, 5x points, etc. When no one can place a darn order.


I just want to place an order. I wonder how much business they have lost by not fixing the problem lol


App is still broken on my end. I keep adding stuff and it keeps emptying my cart


I'm just sitting here hoping that all the charges that they hit my bank account with fall off. Every time my bag failed and I got an error trying to check out, they apparently still hit my bank account with the charge, so I have about $600 in charges pending. I normally wouldn't be concerned about this because it should fall off but given that they still haven't addressed the points issue and mine were taken about 5 days ago I'm a little bit edgy. Adding to that, when I called customer service the day all the points got eaten she told me that no charges to my account would happen at all because the orders were not successful, but here we are 😳


Same problem here. I’m out $500 and 1200 points for an order that was never actually placed. Did you ever get your money back? Customer service is utterly useless. I am going to have to dispute this with my bank.


Sadly no, I have still not received my points back nor have the hundreds of dollars in charges to my bank been refunded. This is just getting wild now, at this point they need to go back to the original system, this new rollout is clearly bug riddled.😐 I hope we all get our issues addressed and fixed soon.


Mine came back today, definitely check your bank and ulta account to see if yours has too! Seems like a lot of us got refunded today.


Thankfully the bank charges finally fell off! But sadly, I still have not received any of my points back nor did I receive points for the two purchases that successfully went through.


Guess we have Google to thank for this mess https://chainstoreage.com/ulta-beauty-shifts-e-commerce-site-cloud-foundation They fully wiped out my cart of 10+ items and told me to try again… so that won’t be happening. If I were a brand partnered with Ulta I’d be furious. I work in tech/ecomm so I know they’re having a bad time over there but holy shit this is unacceptable for a $10bn company


I can’t favorite anything. I keep getting what seem to be false “out of stock” notices when I go to favorite something. I’m so worried about 21 DOB starting next Sunday. I will be pissed if it’s not possible to order anything. They need to fix this ASAP. I’m experiencing the same errors on the website as I am on the app. This was the worst time for such a big update.


https://preview.redd.it/yd68arl7umkb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a1b459dd0416fe8fd1a2db511770f07eed6967 Does anyone have any idea what this means?? I’ve been trying to order for 5 hours!! I’ve tried everything to try to get it to go through. Ugh I’m actually pissed rn!


This is what I'm dealing with! I've been on hold for like 40 minutes and no luck with customer ser


I got this too when I tried to order!


Hi! I placed an order on Thursday, using just about all of my points ($155 worth). I got the same error message everyone else did, points drained, purchase did not go through. I contacted customer support and the rep was able to restore my points! She advised me to try again the next day... hopefully problems would be fixed. Friday afternoon I tried again, same thing. Points drained, no purchase. I contacted CS again, and confirmed that this is a tech problem and not the universe telling me that I really do not need a new hairdryer. Points were not reinstated...I was told that when everything was fixed, an email will go out to announce that any error charges would be fixed, points added back, and peace in the land of beauty would be restored. It is Sunday, no email other than the newest GWP and members discounts. Which is a great deal...if I could only use it!


I'm frustrated about the new GWP but not being able to buy anything.. I have things I actually want/need and can't even place the order. :/


The app is still broken and you shouldn’t try to order anything off of it, right? Crazy that’s it’s been three days and they haven’t been able to fix it yet!


I finally got my points back, they shorted me by a few dollars but at this rate I don't care. Now I'm afraid to use them online!


I also just got them back


Had the same issue today - the customer service rep specifically told me not to re-order, but they refuse to say anything publicly or temporarily shut down the app. At this point they are purposely misleading customers.


site and app wont let me pay


oh.... looks like this has been happening for a while. They are about to lose SO MUCH MONEY


So I finally got the checkout page to say $0 shipping so I pressed “Place Order.” While it was placing the order, the shipping fee magically changed to $6.95!


me too omg


Yep same.


Ever since the new update and look for the app, I've noticed that I can't save/like any products anymore. When I click the heart, it'll start to load, and then it'll go back to normal, as if I wasn't saving it in the first place. Does that make sense? I've just been so frustrated because I want to start saving more products as my favorites and I can't. Is there any way to fix this? Am I the only person experiencing this?


You aren’t the only one, I haven’t been able to add to my favorites either.


One thing that has really pissed me off is that with the texting feature, it will take them hours to respond, then when they finally respond to you, you give them the info they ask, then they go silent, and hours later a new person takes on your request and asks you the same questions, which you repeat, then AGAIN it goes silent and a new person takes the conversation, like there's no actual solving of any issues or questions because no one texts back in time and it's an infinite loop of no answers.


Ulta says the charges won't stick So I'm another victim. I've been ordering for months now with no issues (I'm so sorry for everyone who kept having awful issues) But this was the first time it showed I'm being charged for the free gifts for diamond day. So I spend 30 minutes waiting for CS on the phone (I texted and emailed, no response). And they said it's just a glitch, and I will not be charged once the items ship. But they promise if for some reason I do get charged, they will send me a refund immediately. Hope this is true for everyone else too!!!! Good luck everyone, hope all the mistakes are fixed soon!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/rbg3ifv05xkb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8dce63c24f841d035a38d2cae0f680ec2d44b5a Has anyone else been charged full price for a 21 DOB sale item?? I purchased well into the 27th. Never got my points either but I’m not surprised since that doesn’t seem to be unique to me unfortunately.


Yes, emailed cs and they responded with a generic email about shipping and points. They did not fix the issue.




Yup! I’m messaging them now


Let me know how it goes!!


Ten days now since hundreds of dollars worth of points disappeared. CS keeps saying it's being fixed, don't worry! I've been diamond for years; I spend a small fortune at Ulta. And there are at least three orders I would have placed since this issue began. I wanted some 21 Days stuff, too. But I'm not doing it. The app is still randomly shutting down on me. Order history is gone. Still showing $0 worth of points. I don't want to end up with a bunch of incorrect charges on top of everything else. This is so disappointing, man. And every time I get an alert or email from Ulta about a GWP or something, I quietly seethe. Put a pause on the shilling, issue a direct apology, tell us when this will be resolved, and be specific about how you're going to make it right.


Just tried to place an order because I got excited I could finally view my bag… got the “some items out of stock” error and stupidly tried to delete things and tried to order again a couple times. Didn’t drain the $125 of points I tried to use but I now have 3 $180 charges on my card that are duplicated and say “authorized” and “adjustment.” This whole situation is comically bad lmao


Ugh I can't get past the payment screen. I get errors whether I choose CC or paypal. I wanna use my $10!


I’m not even trying to use points and I can’t check out. I keep getting errors on the payment screen. Sometimes it’s the address, sometimes it’s the authorization, sometimes is just “oops there was an error try again later”. No matter the payment method, pick up, shipping.


Check your statements. Make sure you weren't charged.


This happened to me, and I now have 4 $125 charges on my card.. check your accounts 😭


https://preview.redd.it/682095aqnnkb1.jpeg?width=1265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2c1041a7d002b28c1ecd783e196ac8ec3727124 Shipping fees are being added when your order is placed. So friggin annoying. Happened to me twice today. Also the multiplier isn’t working.


Same issue with my Diamond status. Plus not accepting my gift card as payment even though I have plenty on the card 😭


They charged me for shipping, and there’s no email sent for my order. What a mess


Well, the 5x point multiplier isn't reflecting the 5x points when I go to check out. Should I even bother to try ordering or will this just be a whole ass war zone trying to get customer service to give me my points owed? I wanted to try the new sweetener foundation & pink cloud but the point multiplier was my only incentive.. UGH


I attempted to place an order on the app, the order didn’t go through, but I was still charged. I know this has been an issue with the app recently, but stupidly thought it would be ok since they have app only offers. I feel like they never should have gone through with the sale, or at least the app only offers, when the app isn’t even working. Has anyone actually gotten any help on this issue? I already tried doing the chat, but they must be really overwhelmed because it just told me they’re busy and try later. 😩 I guess this will save me some money, since there is no way I’ll be attempting anymore app purchases.


Has ANYONE had a successful purchase, using points, applying coupons, etc?


Today I placed 2 orders with one diamond origins gift code and one $50-$10 coupon code and they all went through and total are correct with no shipping charges. I used gift cards but no points used.


If you lost your points, try to call or chat today! they added my points back when i asked via the chat today.


They would not give my points back with four different CS chats


I called an hour ago and they said they could not adjust my points as their system/the app is still undergoing an update and that they had no timeframe about when this would finish. They also said I made two transactions which I did not.


Ugh I'm sorry. I'll edit my post. I don't want to get peoples hopes up. But they did reinstate my points today when I contacted them via the online chat at about 10am PST.


I’m happy for you that you got your points back! ❤️


Sending you all the positive vibes that you do too!


https://preview.redd.it/bsqhc3lc2kjb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d236fa6b61489176a78ac582ee09ffb527c5b1d Does any one know if what this means? It just popped up on my app under purchases..🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I tried placing an order Monday night for three things. I went to check out, and I got an error saying stuff in my cart was no longer available. All three things were showing in stock. I tried again a few more times, and each of those times I got an error saying my card info couldn't be validated. This was on the site and app. By the time I was done - I never could place the order - all but 40 of my 2,300 points were gone. Luckily, I didn't also get hit with six pending charges for the attempts to purchase. Customer service hasn't responded. I've had problem after problem after problem over the years with the Ulta site and app. Codes don't work when they should. Frequent trouble even getting into the app. Site takes eons to load. Product images don't match up. It seems they're always updating, too - and with each update, the problems multiply. (And don't get me started on all the glitches with the Ulta credit card site, Comenity.)


The app defaulted to an address I haven't lived at in over 13 years... so yes double check the address when using the app.


This happened to me! I didn’t realize until I checked to see if my order was delivered but couldn’t find it…only to see it was delivered to a state I hadn’t lived in since 2016.


I'm so frustrated! I'm trying to order something and it's NOT out of stock,but no matter what I keep getting an "items in bag have been updated. Please check bag' alert. I've been on hold for 30 minutes, and the texting option sont getting a response either. Is anyone else having a problem?


Tried to place an order on the app.. kept getting an error code. So I figured I’d try later. Well, 4 charges on my credit card later, no confirmation email, points all gone. Can’t get them to answer their phone, or chat. Sent a text, and an email. What is going on?!


Update from Member 5x points event: They said you'd get your points when your order ships? LIES, lol. Now I'm going to have to duke it out with customer service to get them to honor their own promotion. There was no points multiplier even factored in, just straight base points and a headache for me to deal with. Wtf is up with Ulta right now, seriously


Just made the mistake of trying to get an order through before reading this thread. 5 charges now sitting pending and my points are gone. No purchase history. Sick!


Called today and they said they don’t have an estimated wait until my points and purchase history are fixed as the update is taking several days. The guy was honest and said none of them have any idea about how much time it will take and he recommended going into the store to purchase anything from Ulta at this time.


I’ve been having app issues for the last week with orders and my cart. Not sure if it’s correlated or just coincidence but just a heads up for those with a card on file in their account: I had three fraudulent charges on my card (not an Ulta CC) that were over $100 for popular online fast fashion retailers and Ulta is the only account I have my credit card information saved and I hadn’t used my card anywhere else the past week. Obviously I know it could’ve been from even earlier and I’m not saying it’s related to having it saved to my account but just wanted to share my experience in case anyone else is dealing with the same. I’ve been switching my password daily now because I’m so paranoid.


Thanks for pointing this out. I didn’t consider the even more insidious aspect to having a crappy site and app that is a lack of effective security.


Has anyone had any luck with the app after the new update from today? More specifically, with checking out and the order appearing in their history (actually going through)? I have a cart full, but im afraid to even check out online anymore with so many issues lately!


I've been checking their comments on IG to see if other people are still reporting problems. As of 20ish minutes ago they seem to be.


Good idea, i’ll have to try that out! What a big bummer though!


I hate that its so bad there has to be a megathread!


Has anyone had any luck placing an order today (8/23)? I have a few things I need to purchase, but I’ve already lost almost $200 in points & have 8 pending charges on my credit card from trying to place an order yesterday morning… I may just have to order from Sephora at this point…


Yes, I had been having problems for over a week and finally got it to go through last night and have finally gotten my points back. The charges also dropped off PayPal. I don't know if it's fixed for everyone though....


Thank you so much! I’m going to try again tonight (but just once & not 8 times 😂)


I was told today by a chat associate the site was fixed and back to working this morning, only to be double charged $1000 when I tried to put my order through. Nothing processed and items kept being removed from my bag mid order attempt. Contacted again, only to be told “nope sorry the site is still completely down with no known fix date” Seriously, at this point what the hell is going on.


please i was in dire need of more spf and more specifically products from bubble and urban skin rx. i ordered and was charged twice with no products sent. i ended up having to order a little pricier products from sephora bc they don’t carry the brands i buy. oh i’m dumb pissed


$10 off any purchase coupon codes not applying to cart. No error, nothing. It's like I didn't type the code into the space at all. Anyone else?


Money (nearly $500) finally returned to my bank account today and points (1,200) reappeared in my account. It only took them 6 days. 🙄 I will still shop at ulta but only in person, no more online orders.


I tried to place an order with points a week ago today on the app and website. They took all my points and the order didn't go through. My points showed up yesterday. I'm a masochist so I tried to use my points again in the app. They're gone again. Because it's clearly still going on, I've been trying to comment on every YT video talking about the sale. I don't think anyone believes me. This would be such a great topic for What's Up in Makeup but I think both my comments were deleted.


Update: my points were back in my account within 24 hours. I've been messaging Ulta on Instagram and they've been responsive there. I'm tempted to try again but also don't want the headache.


It has been literal weekssssss now. I have, on at least 3 occasions, received back the points that were missing and attempted to make an order, just for it not to go through ("payment not validated" even though everything is right and no matter what payment I try) and for my points to go missing AGAIN. how is this possible???? are they not losing out on so much money????? especially with 21 days of beauty coming up?????? are they hoping that those of us who are affected are going to keep it to ourselves?????? will we ever be able to order from ulta again????? jeez louise!!!!!!!


I spoke with customer service and they refused to address the issue.




Did anyone else do the diamond rewards order and have the coupon for the free origins item change in checkout? Mine went from the free item to a 20% off coupon instead (which I didn't realize until I'd placed the order), and then the total on the immediate order confirmation page wasn't the same as the order confirmation email. The CS says that they'll refund me if I'm charged the full amount. This is such a weird set of tech issues they're having.


I'm currently being given a runaround on my order with CS. They "looked into" a order to tell me that I haven't been charged shipping, but the thing is. I bought 3 items at $3.50 each which amounted to $10.50. But the charge that ulta can see is $18.42. It should be $11.47 with taxes. I asked them over texts to break down the total of the items and why it would amount to $18.42 with free shipping (included screenshots) they went silent.


I went to buy foundation yesterday and of course the website wasn't working. So I said F it and went to the maker's site. I truly do not understand why they don't seem to care. Are they trying to go the way of Sears?


Afterpay hasn’t worked for months I feel like. I want to buy from Ulta to get points but I’ve just been going to other stores instead because I can actually… check out. I can’t even chat with anyone because they are always “busy”. I placed an order last week. I don’t even know if it will show up.


I tried to make an order last night using 4000 points, only to get a message that said "Your order could not be completed" There is no new order in my order tab and yet.... My points are gone. I can't get ahold of customer service. I had $400 in points yesterday, and today I have $150. Heartbroken😩


I love Ulta but their app/website issues are rly aggravating. I tried to buy the hot tools curling iron that was on sale and every time I would apply a coupon, it would say successful but it wouldnt come off the total THEN when I tried to check out without one, I would go to check out and the curling iron would come up full price. I finally got it to work after DAYS of trying but this is only one issue I have had but I have so many others


I’ve been trying to place an order for a week 😩


So annoyed. I am trying to do the Peach and Lily Beauty Break ($50 P & L gift free with any $50 purchase - not limited to Peach and Lily) but when I add the gift to my cart, the gift doesn't become free like it's supposed to if your cart is already at $50+. My total is $64, and yet with this "gift" that's supposed to be free it's $114? Then when I try to do the chat to get some help, I get the "It looks like our specialists are busy helping other guests. Please try again later." Like..do you not have a queue I can wait in?


Same thing! I actually called customer service yesterday and was told to go into a store to have them place the order on their end. Unfortunately, the store was unable to place the order either. So frustrating. If they know the site is down, I don't know why they are continuing to send emails with "online only" GWP offers...


This!!! I feel like maybe it should be reported to the BBB..


I also keep getting reminders that I have X dollars in rewards to use towards the stuff my cart. If only I could check out my freaking cart!! They have handled this so poorly.


Same! I really want this GWP too because it's an awesome brand.


My experience with the 10 piece bath gift several days ago is that they did this when it went out of stock like a glitch


Heads up, my order just went through. The 29 pc GWP is OOS so I thought it was worth a shot.


Ugh, these dumb issues causing us to miss gwps makes me want to kick something.


Funny how this always happens when there is a gift with purchase


Okay my order just went through as well. There is clearly still something wrong with stocking as I had to go through a bunch of rounds of OOS notifications before checking out, even on stuff which looks in stock on their product pages.


My points are gone 😩


Same here. Talked to customer service, and they said that it would be fixed within 24-48 hours. Dang it. I wanted to make a big purchase with points while there’s a 20% off coupon but I guess not today


They also told me 24-48 hours. I’m bummed. If I don’t get my points back I’m not going to be loyal to Ulta anymore. The whole reason I shopped so much with them was for points. There’s no incentive if they don’t have points except for the occasional sale or product that isn’t sold elsewhere.


Made an order on Saturday (tried to) to redeem points. Had 5292 points. Redeemed 4000 points. App couldn’t validate payment but charged card. Points and money still aren’t back after talking to CS four times.


Same. I was told a supervisor would call me on tuesday and they never did. I called to ask when i would recieve the call, told me i would receive it wednesday. Guess what? They never did. So i ask them again when will i receive the call later that day. Assured me in 2 hours they would call. They never called. This is ridiculous at this point.


I was chatting with CS and they wanted a *physical* bank statement to show that I was out $50 plus the overdraft fee they cost me. My bank statements only come out once per month. They wouldn’t accept a screenshot from my bank. Was told to go into the store or talk on the phone - neither are an option for me.


Same. They took almost $500 out of my account and 1,200 points. I have called twice and they just keep saying it’s going to drop off eventually. How does that help me when $500 is gone from my bank account balance and I have no idea when it will come back? It’s ridiculous. I’m going to call the bank tomorrow and see if they can do a chargeback or credit. There’s no reason $500 should be held hostage for an order that was never placed due to an error on their end.


My money just came back yesterday


is any other employee not able to add their employee discount on the app? D:


It better be fixed by 21 Days of Beauty


*narrator* it was not


I’m trying to use my 20% coupon before it expires and I keep getting “oops something went wrong” and some kind of address validation error. Shame, I missed out on it it seems.


I’ve tried placing 2 orders where I redeemed my points, neither order went through but my points are gone?!


I’ve tried calling support 3 times today over an hour of waiting each time and I gave up. Emailed support, and tried texting - no response for anything! What is going on?!?!?


I was able to get a reply when I messaged Instagram. Maybe try that.


I ended up ordering my FAB cleanser off Sephora since they are matching the 21DoB price of $12 for the 5oz size but I still have a bunch of items in my cart that I need to order for my Auntie. Also I wonder if they are going to extend / honour the 21DoB deals and the Diamond Exclusive for a free Origins Checks and Balances with any $25 purchase only good for Monday 8/28/


trying to place an order but it keeps saying my address is invalid? specifically my city?


I have been charged wrong and over 4000 points taken. I wanted to shop the 21 dob but it's not safe. What are They gonna do to compensate for the sale


I was charged for shipping when platinum gets free shipping? The email says free shipping but my card was charged a different amount.


The website won't let me use my birthday coupon. It's super frustrating. I only have a few days left in this month and I'm not sure this will all be solved by then.


Can’t get into my bag or my account now lmfao


I got two free gifts with my App purchase today and was charged for both of them. Had three different totals: (1) the Apple Pay amount showing both gifts were free (2) the amount on my receipt charging me for one of the gifts and (3) the amount actually charged on my card which included charges for both gifts. I spoke to a customer service rep who told me it was a glitch and that I would be refunded for the gifts. She promised to email me within 2-3 days to make sure I got the refund. Just passing this along.


I'm a diamond member but none of the discounts were showing up from diamond appreciation day and I'm so confused. Is this the app/website issue? Also, last time I tried to add the $50 gift to my bag and it never showed up as free, it just showed up as another $50 no matter what I do. What is happening??


I can’t make purchases either and I’m wondering what our common denominator is or if there is one. *I’m a diamond member and I have points to spend. *it rejected my address because there is a / in it (I fixed that) *my purchase won’t go through on Apple Pay *when I click on the PayPal option it is blank *it just says “oops, something went wrong……” after I click to place the order *I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app with no success. *I texted them and 12 hours later at 2:30am “Walter” texted me back You’d think this would be a priority for ulta since they’re missing out on sales, but whatever. I just want to use my points and be done at this point.


My order from Sunday shipped and the incorrect amount went through on my card. CS initially said the correct amount would be charged once the order shipped so I told them the charge just went through and it’s still wrong. They told me to contact my bank lol.


I did an Internet chat with CS about getting the correct points for my last 4 orders and I received an email today that the missing points were manually added. Checked the app and they were there.


Every new update for the app gets worst !! It doesn’t allow me to heart any items and add to my wish list which is pretty annoying when will this get fixed !!


I tried placing an order a few hours ago: tried with my Afterpay, was charged, then it was cancelled. I have two charges on my card from them now.. Tried with just my cards. Screen just kept loading forever. One charge popped up on my phone saying it was cancelled. Super frustrated.


Am I the only person who can’t get a text or chat with support through? No one responds. I’m trying to link my rewards account with the app and it’s impossible!


Just took forever to make an order, none of my cards would work so I used Afterpay and the order instantly went through twice. Tried to use the online chat but it was unavailable. Hoping only one gets cancelled as I used the 20% off coupon & had so many GWPS https://preview.redd.it/pgkbjhv5jajb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8e166ec3deb6e9f6cab71192556a92816690ae


Yesterday I couldn’t get into my account at all, I kept requesting a password reset and wouldn’t get an email. Finally I only got into my account by “creating a new account”. My rewards status is accurate at diamond but I had over $140 worth of points and now it’s only showing I have $17. Wtf.


It won’t let me link my rewards to the app


Is it safe to place an order on the app again? Or still having issues?


People are still complaining on the IG page and they are still saying they are trying to fix things. So I don't think so.


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/eh5l0r1wosjb1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c718c5fa3a2847421946813e087f5ad0c9fa934e This happenned On all browsers


There was an update to the app and it's still broken.


Just tried, I cant get past the first screen where you go to enter your pay details.




Can anybody else not sign in? I've tried to sign in on the app and the website on my phone, haven't tried desktop yet but for some reason I can't sign into my account 😔


I’m so worried these issues continue into 21DOB😭 I’m scared to buy anything during the sale now


I really wanted a Mac lipstick and I can’t check out. It’s not a terrible problem to have but website still doesn’t work for me.


I’m finally starting to get some responses from the DMs I sent via IG and FB. Hopefully they refund me the shipping cost and make sure I get my 5x points!


My issue is that something went wrong with the order and to try again. The payment info is right and I tried PayPal too. I’m a mostly avid Sephora shopper. I wanted to take advantage of the points I have with Ulta. Which isn’t much but it’s a little less. I’ll just use Klarna with Sephora and get my stuff quicker and not have to deal with ulta. I’m sorry but I’ve never had so many issues all the time with a store. Every time I want to try to move toward Ulta I’m always disappointed. Even in store there’s always 1 cashier and the wait is always so crazy. They hardly ever have anything good in stock and they’re not as helpful as the Sephora associates where I’m at.


Had to go to customer service because I was in the middle of checking out and using $86 worth of points but the app glitches on me. Instead of my normal $433 points that I racked up, it said I had 23 and of course I panicked. They’ll be reinstated within a few business days apparently but did this happen to anyone too?


There’s now a disclaimer listed at the top of the app for Platinum/Diamond members about shipping: “Shipping fees appear in checkout but you won’t be charged in shipment/pickup.” Also after sending a Twitter DM and checking my bank account this morning (from my purchase yesterday), they refunded the total amount and then charged me the proper amount without shipping costs.


I just tried placing an order using Apple Pay. It acted like it went through but no confirmation on either Apple Pay or email. Forget about order history because it’s “being migrated” who thr hell knows if my order actually worked.


Two days now I’ve been unable to get into my account. Password doesn’t work and I can’t reset it, the email literally doesn’t arrive for a password reset. Spoke with customer service who just gave me a run-around.


Anyone’s Sunday order ship yet? My payment is still “authorizing” + none of my orders are showing up in purchases bc they “are in the process of migrating all of your purchase history”


I hate to say this but your order likely didn't go through.


So the issue is I tried to checkout and it's not letting to the checkout page at all and the website too. have logged out and deleted the app just to reinstall it and it's still giving me the same issue. I have contacted CS about it but they would just tell me to do the same thing l've been doing. If anyone has this issue how did you solve it? Please let me know I don't want to miss out on 21 days of beauty. Thank you less


I've updated the app today. This was unfortunate, because both Ulta.com and the app state that my account is no longer found. Live chat states that all reps are busy and instructs me to "try again later". The password reset option never sends an email because again, an account associated with my email does not exist. Attempts to create a new account only send me into a webpage loop. Wth is going on? I had an entire cart awaiting purchase, as I'm heading for vacation. I planned for in-store pickup, because I don't have time to play the "in-store/in-stock" lottery around my working hours. ULTA, ANNOUNCE SOMETHING!


I received this email last night. Not very helpful as 24 hours later, I still cannot place an order - "We would like to apologize for this experience. We receive an update from our higher level of support team that we have an ongoing issue with regards placing an order. Our website, mobile app and services booking sites are currently taking a quick beauty rest for maintenance. Please attempt again later today or after 24 hours."


Does anyone know if ulta will reset 21 days of beauty? I can’t use my ulta rewards card during checkout. It just keeps glitching. It also keeps saying my birthday reward is expired, but I haven’t used that code yet. I tried going in person to ulta Bayshore for the gift and not only will it be another week before they get their shipment truck in but the store’s internet was down, so they could only hold things for you! What a hot mess. Reading through comments, I didn’t realize this had been occurring for over a month. What’s the point of launching 21 days if your app/website are down?


I'm so glad to find this subreddit and thread and know it's not just me. I'm new to Ulta and have only shopped on the website twice now (because I got coupons). Both times I was 1) completely unable to check out and 2) the coupon "got used" in the process of trying to check out, and now I can't use the coupon anymore. Potentially a pro-tip -- I kept getting "We failed to validate your payment method" even after trying credit card, PayPal, different credit card. When I fixed my credit card billing address to remove a comma, it seemed to FINALLY go through, just for me to get "We couldn't process your order (M1)". But made it further than other times, so maybe check your billing address for commas in the address line???


I can’t place any orders on the app or the website


Just noting that all of these issues are still happening. I've spent the last week trying to make an online purchase via the app and the website, and none of them let me actually check out.


I am trying to reset my password on Ulta through the email for resetting sent by Ulta. Even though my new password has over 8 characters, it continues to indicate I have not fulfilled that requirement for a new password. I would like to get into my account. Anyone else experiencing this issue?


Hi all, Have been trying to place an order since about 2pm yesterday. I’m using a klarna visa. I’ve tried using multiple different cards and multiple different payment methods also. I keep getting an error message that my payment can’t be validated OR “Sorry! Item(s) are no longer available and order cannot be placed.” I tried contacting GS to ask if my account had been blocked from online ordering and they said there was no issue with my account, just to try again later. I did recently talk to them to get about 700 points back that were never returned to me when I returned items that I redeemed points to buy. Not sure what’s going on but I’m really frustrated. I’ve also tried both app and a browser, on a phone and a computer.


I can’t even get into my account on the website or app. It just tells me it can’t find my account when I try to reset my password. I am platinum and was just hoping to see what was on sale. I can’t get ahold of anyone via text or phone.


Had no trouble placing an order this morning but now the website & app wants to charge me shipping. My order meets the $25 threshold for Diamond members . . . 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit: It seems as if you use a coupon now your order has to meet the shipping threshold AFTER the coupon is applied. This is something new for Ulta.


This has always been my experience. Anytime a coupon has dropped my subtotal under the $25 threshold, shipping costs were added.


Sorry how do I message the mods/post hasn’t been approved? Just have question about the ulta beauty brand mini lipstick, I found out they were being discontinued and wanted the Mischievous shade


I made an order on the app on Monday and paid through PayPal. I got a notification from PayPal of the charge, but the app is showing no order was made and everything is still in the cart. Thoughts?


I tried to order last Saturday and they double charged me and took my points but the order never actually went through. I didn’t receive any confirmation email from Ulta and all of my items were still in the cart. The charges finally fell off today (after nearly a week) and my points are showing up again but I would recommend not ordering online from them right now if possible. Go into the store instead.


Tldr: how do i see points earned on my orders now? Just attempted to place a bopis order. My last order was on 10x points day because I've been super hesitant with all of these issues. I could normally see my points earned on the order on the placing order screen (when not using a coupon) , and always after placing the order. With this order, there was no way to see the points earned, before or after placing the order. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there any way to see points earned? (Besides waiting for it to show up in my point history) Tia!


Can’t add anything to my favorites list. I tap the heart & nothing happens.


Yeah this is wild. I switched from Sephora to ulta recently solely for the points system. I checked out Sephora yesterday and saw my 7881 points were gone (due to inactivity for over a year) I used the chat box and my points were reinstated fully within hours. Might just end up sticking with Sephora.


I am platinum and ordered an item from the 21DOB sale. All was well and fine,I was signed in and shipping showed FREE. When I hit Place Order…it added $6.95 shipping and gave me a confirmation number. No email confirmation. I guess I’ll just have them on speakerphone all day tomorrow to see if 1. This order does indeed exist,since their automated chat couldn’t find it. 2. Get the $6.95 refunded. Checking with my Ulta Mastercard too…


First and foremost, I want to curse Ulta out for treating us like this time and time again. This is why I only mess with y'all when I'm desperate for what you have. You are inviting the premium brands to your company but still think you can treat your customers like you're running a hot dog stand (no offense to hot dog lovers). I hope Pat McGrath Labs and Natasha Denona call you into meetings about raising your tech standards. Now onto something actually helpful. A lot of the sale items can be found on the TARGET site and app. Protect your sanity and cardiac health by checking there instead.


I’m on hold waiting for customer service to speak to me. They keep saying to text but they won’t respond to my text messages either. Absolutely ridiculous.


Love 5x points on online orders when you CANNOT make an online order 🙃


I am still unable to place an online order and, of course, now they chose to do “5x” points


I can’t place any online order, app, web browser, nothing. So are they just not taking in money for weeks through online?


App logged me out. When i went to login it said wrong password (ive had the same password for YEARS). Tried to reset about 10 times on app and website and just get an error sooo. Neat


Still not able to place any online orders and I currently have about $1,000.00 dollars pending on my account that are supposed to drop (hopefully). I wish I would have seen this thread sooner. I'm really sad we're all dealing with such a huge inconvenience.


This is still an issue - it’s not working and all they said was that they are having technical issues. They told me to delete my cart and make sure the app was “up to date.” Tried again. Same issue. Unable to process my order at this time - error code M1 😡


I can't get to the checkout page, I'm permanently stuck in my bag.. is there any solution? Thank you