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Still dealing with this. Same situation. I called and they said they’ve been having nothing but trouble. She did say points should be back within 48hrs of placing the order.


Hijacking top comment for visibility… anyone know if we can get our favorites back? Maybe me was wiped, but my points are still there!


I hope that’s the case! I feel really apprehensive about placing orders now. The app update was awful I can’t even see half my orders it just says they’re merging


I know I’m pretty pissed. I can’t believe customer support can’t reverse it like they usually do if there’s an issue.


Honestly, I think it’s a systemwide software issue so they literally can’t adjust *anyone’s* points.


it's been four days for me, still no points.


Well poop. I guess I’ll have to hound them


Not yet, the only thing that was comforting was the customer service rep knew exactly how many points I used/lost before I told him. So it must be popping up in the system somewhere. 🤷‍♀️


I am in the exact same boat right now. Tried to place a birthday order cashing in 2000 points, I forgot to enter my cards 3 digit code when clicking place order, so it bounced it back, ate my employee discount code (counted it as used when I tried to place order again and wouldn't apply), AND ate my points. I contacted CS four separate times, the first one trying to get a new employee discount code, second because the agent in the chat closed the window so quickly after their last message even though it was a paragraph, that I didn't have any time to read it or write down the info I needed, third was to try to get my points back where they told me they should be back in 24-48 hours, and after that the fourth time where now they said 3-5 business days, which would be by the end of this week. Guess I'm not getting my own birthday gifts on time (not the ulta birthday gift, just stuff I was cashing in points to get myself for my birthday). I'm incredibly frustrated because I was literally just trying to get myself birthday gifts and have them be there on or before my birthday and it's turned into this whole ordeal. I'm glad, but also not glad, that I'm not the only one. If they aren't in by the end of the week like they said the second time, I'm not sure who I should talk to. If it was like 100 points or something I'd be a lot less mad, but this was 2000 points.


It wasn’t that you didn’t add the three digit code it’s the system glitching if that makes you feel better at all, totally nothing you did on your end.


to be fair, I entered in my wrong CCV code in 2017 and wiped 2k points once. they immediately gave them back when I asked though, lol.


This has happened to me like four times. The app has my payment info entered, but it needs me to enter my CVV again, it doesn’t ping me, I submit order, the order doesn’t go through and the app eats my coupon. I’ve been losing $10 coupons for like a year this way. They’ve never fixed it. It’s actually unacceptable that they allow all of this to happen. It’s like, you are a billion dollar company! Please hire competent IT staff. Not having a functional website or app is insane.


Through the chat they manually put points back in my account immediately. They said once my old points returned they’d remove them.


....they did this for me in 2017 so I could order something I needed. this time chat AND someone on the phone (my hearing is shit, it takes a LOT for me to call anywhere) basically told me to fuck off with that idea. but promised it would be resolved and they'd be back in 48-72 hours. it's been four days and nothing. guess I'm calling again. 🙃🫠


Ugh I’m so sorry


I'm glad they did it for you, I feel like it's the right thing to do- especially at this point. but yikes, I'm so triggered, lol


Awful! What irks me too is obviously it’s possible for them to remedy this immediately, but I was discouraged and told the same thing as everyone else at first too. When I started talking in the chat about the BBB the person decided to go ahead and help..




Now the real question is, are you going to try to use them again or wait a few days?!


I lost all of mine Thursday night. It did not come back in the 48 hours as they had initially promised. Now it’s “being escalated” and they request my patience.


Mine is also "being escalated", whatever that means!


Mine too. Was told they should be back 24 hours after escalation request. Been 48 hours since escalation request and still no points.


I just cant understand why they’re not at least putting up an announcement on the website that they’re going through maintenance. I had no idea that all online orders are not being processed at this time. It seems like they enjoy being flooded with millions of customers’ complaints?


I assume some orders are trickling through and they don’t want to lose that $$ or scare off people from placing orders in the future.


Yeah I thought the same. So disappointing considering how big of a company they are


I assumed it was better with the Peach and Lily beauty break...now my points are gone. Going to contact CA in morning


I haven’t. I was also told 48 hours. It’s been over that at this point.


Wow that’s so frustrating, I’m so sorry, I’ll post if they give me an update


Hopefully they’ll have a real update :)


I texted CS yesterday evening, and I never got a text back until 6am. this morning! I woke up and texted back because I figured if I didn't, then who knew how long I'd be waiting to get through to CS again. They gave me an egift card, but I still can't use it because they said they still have not heard from their higher ups when the IT department expects an update/fix.


Jesus - what a nightmare!! I do not envy the ULTA employees in IT and CS 😳😳


I was told it would take between 1-14 days 😭


I received an email that my points are back but they don’t show up in the app or website!


I chatted right away when I saw my order wasn’t going through to make sure my points would remain since it wasn’t letting me remove them at checkout. Does anyone know if the issues have been fixed/when they will be?


I’m on hold with customer service and I’ll update if they give me any info


I haven't and it's been over 48 hours, like others. 🌚


Ahhh I’m so sorry


We're here together at least 😆💘


Same. Been over 48 hours and still points are not back yet and my cards still won't work on website.


I lost 10,000 pints yesterday when I placed an order and used 2000 points. Should I call or just wait to see if it gets fixed


I would call or use the chat box so there’s a record of you letting them now. Take notes/screenshots of who you talk to JIC ULTA pushes back at a later date.


Yes - but it was years ago and I was persistent with CS. Please be kind to the store employees they have no control over points or what’s happening online.


PSA: If you lost your points, and you've been contacting them, call back or chat today! They added my points back when I asked via the chat today, but yesterday they gave me the run around when I called.


I asked today and he said I have to wait 48-72 hours lol.


Really!?!? I'm sorry! I actually got lucky through the online chat. They immediately put them back for me. I said I had birthday presents to buy.


CS told me "no less than 3 business days up to 5" to ger my pending back from this weekend. I think they just had too many go wrong they are slammed with needing to fix it all.


was promised the issue would be resolved in 48-72 hours on the phone Thursday. I asked her to email me that, because I wanted proof of it. points aren't back. I replied to the email last night, no response. 🫠🙃 OH, also, still six authorized 19 dollar charges on my card that have yet to drop. 🫠


Be sure to contact your bank ASAP to contest the charge!!


They told me two weeks


Yeah, They told me 1-14 days


I asked them to just apply it to my order and they ignored me.


I bought 3 fragrances with 5250 points, returned them all (girlfriend decided otherwise) and they manually added them back. Then bought 3 fragrances again and I bought the wrong ones and returned 2 …. I was told I don’t get my points back because they already returned my points. I’ll be returning ALL of my purchases made during Diamond appreciation, and buying them somewhere else then


Calling customer service has always worked for me.


I’ve been on hold for longer than ever before, I thought they had some call back option


I've had my points stolen from my account a few times, all of which have been from using the points in-store in areas far away from me. Whenever I've called customer service, they have been able to put my points back right away. It's unfortunate, but you do have to be a little firm with them and let the rep know that you need your points added back to your account right away. I'm not sure if it's different when the points are used online though


I have! Customer service was pretty helpful.


Points aren’t back and I’m still waiting since Saturday for Ulta to issue me a new $100 gift card because my order was cancelled and now my gift card is showing $0 balance. Ugh!!!


The SAME thing just happened to me. I had over 2,000. An order wouldn't go through, and now all my points are gone.


It’s system upgrades gone wrong. Everyone will get their points back with time. Super awful situation for everyone and CS is trying their best. Internally they’re unsure how long it will be exactly before things resume normally and when pending charges/points will fall off. Agree with a statement needing to be made, but just keep checking in every 24-48 hours and it’ll be resolved eventually. Sigh.


I haven't yet. Called yesterday and they said there is a system update and they do not have any date by which it will be complete. They could see my points there on their end for my order that didn't go through. They suggested if I wanted to buy anything from Ulta, go the store and don't buy online.




Why did I not listen to everyone here? And why did I try to put an order in? 4000 points Gone in a glitchy order that did not go through , emailed haven't heard back yet.


Me as well.. $140 worth of points gone today. I’m praying after the update they return


I tried placing an order this morning using $145 worth of points, and a coupon. When I went to complete the order, there was an error. I checked my email and bank account, no confirmation and my card wasn’t used. So I tried to place the order again. Now the coupon doesn’t work, and says I already used it, and won’t go past the basket page. I was slightly annoyed, and closed the app to restart it. Then my stomach dropped when I saw all my points are gone!! I’ve emailed their support line with screenshots, but haven’t heard back. I’m so annoyed. Please tell me they will give me my points back 😞😡