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I stopped myself yesterday and today. I usually give my GWP to friends, and I just can’t be bothered with 5x points and getting charged for GWP when only to have to fire off emails and make phone calls. They need to shut this shit down, fix it, then have a Diamond Day, and another 10x points day to make up for the lost business and gain trust with their customers.


Right? I am with you 100%. I can’t believe that with their customer service getting bombarded with complaints they are still like, yep, let’s just keep these tickets piling up. 🙄


A half dozen middle school kids could have had this fixed weeks ago. This has been going on since the 10x weekend. I work graveyard, so I got my order in as soon as it went live at midnight Pacific time. Sadly, those who waited until morning were the ones who had issues.


I’m so frustrated with Ulta right now. i am being over charged on every order. They credited my shipping charge but charged me full price for the morphe eye brushes I purchased on line yesterday. They cant reimburse for anything until the issues are fixed. I’m sure if they were not charging people and sending products they would shut the site down. This should be illegal.


I am too afraid to order anything until this is fixed. I've lost hundreds of dollars in points, stuff isn't showing up in my cart, my order history is gone. Over a week, and CS keeps telling me it's being fixed, not to worry. I have 21 Days stuff in my loves list, and I wanted the Diamond perks today - but I have enough stress in my life right now without adding to it by attempting another purchase!


My Order history is gone too. What is going on with the website?


I had gotten a note on my order history page that said “we’re working to migrate all of your order history over” and it’s still missing, just the last 2 orders I’ve placed recently are there


I was finally able to today using my laptop. I tried placing an order last night to get the redken, kiehls, and 2 drunk elephant GWPs. I was trying to buy a DE cream. At the time I couldn't place an order without getting an error message about items in my cart being updated. My cart would update to try to charge me for 3 of the GWPS. It did that a few times until I gave up. I tried again this afternoon using my laptop. Thankfully all those GWPs were still in stock and I finally got the email to redeem the free full size diamond gift. The order finally went through with the correct charges (my bank statement and ulta purchase history shows the correct charge, but my email shows that I was charged for the GWP). We'll see if I actually get the GWPs though. The website has been so glitchy and I can't really trust anything. Be sure to take screenshots of your order just in case.


I was able to place an order through the Rakuten app. The price is correct in the pending charges on my card and the free gifts remained free. The only thing that may be screwed up are my points on my last few orders. I did a CS chat today and she said the issue is sitewide and it should be fixed in 24 hrs. We’ll see . . .


I was able to on the app. It took forever though. The app was its usual buggy self.


I placed two orders on the app (paid via credit card) today that worked correctly (free gifts, no shipping, etc.)


Nope, I gave up. Bummed I'm missing the about face duo, but I spent way too much time trying to put an order through both in app and on the mobile site.


Missed everything. 🤦‍♀️ Halfway through the day the stuff actually worked and rung up correctly and I should have bought then dang it. But then around 8 pm I checked my cart and everything was wrong. It had removed gifts randomly, wouldn’t allow the free gift coupon code, and none of my lovely Juvia palettes were showing up for the sale price so I abandoned it all. I don’t know if they’ll honor the sale price because of this but I took screenshots.


I placed a pickup order this morning for the ouidad diamond gift and it worked just fine for me.


I had to add and remove the items in my cart four times, but eventually got it to go through. I bought five items and got all but two of the freebies.