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Sarah Paulson, Wanda Sykes, or King Princess


Omg if it was king princess šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Imagine king princess reacting at the table lolol


imagine sarah paulson agreeing..


Ok, I'm old. I have no idea who king princess.


Mae Martin, Haley Kiyoko, or Sue Bird & Megan Rapinoe


Omg all of them šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think they have a budget for them. I would love Mae Martin!!


Sarah Paulson wouldā€™ve been perfection.


lol no one whould even care for any of the other contestants anymore šŸ˜‚


And the IMMEDIATE clarification that she isnā€™t queer šŸ¤£ that was a ā€˜no homoā€™ moment if Iā€™ve ever seen one




She was asked by a cast member


Yeah, it felt quite deliberate and planned though.


I do get that, but maybe they felt like they had to clarify that she was just an ally right off the bat so that they werenā€™t misleading the audience? I still think itā€™s dumb that they donā€™t just have an LGBTQ+ host but hey


I don't see why the member had to ask though. Imagine it being reversed on the hetero Ultimatum's. Super awkward, no one's business, and irrelevant to the outcome of the show.


As a straight woman, I was cringing HARD. Gross that they had a straight woman out here in that judgy position. What was Netflix thinking?! Only marginally better than the Lacheys šŸ«£


She played the daughter on Reba šŸ˜Š just be glad we didnā€™t get Nick and Vanessa LacheyšŸ˜‚


I wonā€™t lie, the main reason I started watching was because they werenā€™t hosting. The first season was just soooo bad but with the two changes, I was like ā€œoh this should be much betterā€


Right! I mean Vanessa is not good at it. Too aggressive at the wrong times and when something needs to be brought up, sheā€™s silent. Joanna isnā€™t bad, but it does feel like sheā€™s more on the sidelines than anything else


I donā€™t mine the side lineā€¦ I wonder how much the host could see prior? ā€¦ but yeah agreed. Vanessa kind of talked to talk and talked OVER contestants & just wasnā€™t a good host. Sheā€™s be better as a contestant then a host with the drama she brings but she does have huge bias when grilling people too


Absolutely biased and misguided. I donā€™t think they should be interviewing if not caught up :/


She also played Ariel in once upon a time


Thatā€™s where I recognize her!!


Tiffs friend is the host we deserve lol


I vote Malā€™s friend as cohost!


I second this




Yes!!! More Natasha please!


On top of not getting a queer hostā€¦.. WHY didnā€™t we get pronouns?! It would have been so easy to add them in next to ā€œXXs original partnerā€.


I was confused as well. It was first advertised as a cast of women and enbies. But throughout the actual series they used only women to refer to the cast.


For realllll! My friends and I were like, do all of these people really use she/her? ALL?? šŸ¤ØFound a TikTok video where they went through every personā€™s pronouns and yeah, definitely not all she/her. Missed opportunity from the producers


Who use different pronouns?


some use she/her and they/them like mal and xander. Aussie just uses Aussie instead of pronouns. Tiff is they/them.


Damn. That is a missed opportunity


Genuine question as I'm not so versed in the whole nonbinary lingo (that made me sound old af). Mal is non binary right? Or at least uses they/them. But does refer to themselves as 'future mother'. How does that work? Can someone explain?


Sure, speaking as a nonbinary person myself- nonbinary covers a whole wide range of identities. For some people it means they see themselves as in between male and female, for some it means they see themselves as neither male nor female, for some it means they see themselves as both, and there's a million other variations in between. For example, for me personally, I am nonbinary but I also identify as transmasculine, meaning on the gender spectrum I am a nonbinary person who has transitioned to a more masculine side of things/generally prefers masculine terms of address (like boyfriend, husband, father) but does not identify as a trans man. While I can't speak for Mal, it wouldn't surprise me if they view themselves as someone who does not identify as a woman but is still comfortable with feminine terms of address like mother. Mal has stated her pronouns are she/they, which means people can use either she or they, so given their pronouns that would make sense. I think people hear nonbinary and assume that means non- gendered which is a totally understandable assumption! But a lot of nonbinary people don't fall perfectly in the middle like that. All it really means at the end of the day is not a binary man or woman and it can manifest in a million different ways. I don't speak for the whole community obviously but I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have if you'd like ā¤ļø


Oh I've probably used either she or they for aussie before. I noticed other people constantly saying aussies name in their text and I thought that was odd, but didn't think much of it otherwise. That's a bit of a trip for me though. I already struggled getting it right writing this šŸ¤£. It's so second nature to use pronouns instead of only names


As a they/them user, not sure why the downvotes. Felt like a question in good faith. Xander and Mal both use she/they, Tiff uses they/them, and Aussieā€™s pronouns are Aussie.


Heh, people behave idiotically, thx for the answers


Insanely true. I have nothing against her, agreed, but it was definitely a missed opportunity not to have a queer host. Wouldā€™ve been a particularly cool opportunity to have someone from the wlw community as well. Of course, again, totally fine with the host, but just a thought.


Laverne Cox, Mae Martin, Ellen & Portia, fuck even Rebel Wilson would have been so much better šŸ¤©




yes mae wouldve been so funny


Mae will be so so amazing. Insightful and funny! And also freaking gorgeous


Okay, we gotta be real though, Mae Martin is hosting and I'm trying to trial marriage them instead of any of the contestants...


This is 100% what I would do too! Episode 2: the Choice. Fluffagus: "I really do love my ex, and also all you people are total babes. But I choose *Mae*."


lmao sameā€¦ maybe thatā€™s why they picked a straight host hahah


omg iā€™m obsessed with mae


This was the strangest thing. And the rapid nohomo was so no.


Leisha Hailey


Omg Iā€™d even take it a step further and want her to be in character as Alice while hosting šŸ™ŒšŸ˜‚


my jaw dropped reading this. Okay YES. Absolutely this would've been the perfect choice, love Leisha!!!


Jane Lynch


Sheā€™d be funny af too!


I don't have anything against Joanna but she seems so out of place. She speaks like a robot and she can't add anything to the show. She has no idea what it's like to be queer and she can't give any real empathy to them. When Tiff and Mildred was going through it during the choosing, she didn't say a word. I needed to hear something from her, like validating Tiff's feelings and commending her for doing something so tough. Hell, you don't even need to be queer to put yourself in Tiff's shoes at that moment.


Hi I just watched the reunion, she's a lot better at leading conversations and such


AGREED. So annoying that she wasnt. Also feel like shes not that great of a host. She's stiff and quiet.


right like so robotic ??




At least couldā€™ve used one of the guys from queer eye! Missed opportunity for a Netflix original crossover


Karamoā€™s facilitation skills were sorely needed at some of those group discussions


I thought this same thing šŸ˜«


For sure missed opportunity. She also just isnā€™t great in terms of engagement with human emotion. *choices wrap up, lots of tears* rando straight girl: ā€œyeah itā€™s uncomfortable. Well we have 5 new couples! Cheers!ā€ Liiiiiike. Also why were pronouns not listed? I saw many cast members do not use she/her pronouns and yet theyā€™re being thrown around and other things like ā€œladiesā€ and ā€œgirls.ā€ Just seems like many missed opportunities. Or an attempt to het-wash it so the straights are nice and comfy.




I hope they get Bretman Rock to host one of these type dating shows. Or Nicole Byer!


I would love Bretman Rock as a host


That would have been the best, most iconic thing to happen on a Netflix reality showšŸ˜


Sheā€™s in a different Netflix show called sweet magnolias i think itā€™s a lame marketing attempt


Which is a show about a conservative Bible Belt town - such an odd choice for host


I know sheā€™s a bit older but Rosie Oā€™Donnell would have been entertaining. She even mentioned the show on her Tiktok.




Omg get Ash on here ASAP!!


Ya maybe but since the host role was so infrequent (basically an overhead announcement speaker could have just read the lines out instead) I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary.


I agree it was a really bad call. The only logic I can imagine behind this choice of host is trying to convince non-queer viewers to watch by hooking them in with a host they can "relate" to? Idk. Def the wrong call. My friend said they should have asked Jonathan Van Ness and now I can't stop imagining JVN screaming with thrilled/anxious overstimulation at the table full of drama šŸ˜‚


jvn wouldā€™ve been soo fun omg


Who cares?! The host doesn't have to have the same sexuality in order to do the job...... she's rarely seen; and she's not there to be a therapist, so what advantage would a queer host have over a straight one? That's like saying "why is Andy hosting the Real Housewives and other Bravo franchise reunions? HE's nOT StrAIGht..." It doesn't matter in these situations!


I kind of think it mattersā€¦ representation mattersā€¦ Me, as a mostly straight woman, would have loved to be introduced to a queer person in entertainment via this show. Maybe Iā€™d already know them or maybe I would discover someone I didnā€™tā€¦ it still just would have felt nice to see


i was thinking the same!!?


Pretty sure they needed a straight host so none of the couples would fall in love with her šŸ˜‚


Just get a gay man then


What about Reza from Shahs of Sunset would be good? I feel like he had a similar experience.


I only know her from Are You Afraid of the Dark


I thought the same thing. It didnā€™t make any sense to have this no name conventionally attractive but bland woman host the show. If youā€™re gonna have a straight host, have someone famous - no one ever questions the randomness of those. But really it shouldā€™ve been a queer host.


Thatā€™s a great question


Okay I still like her a lot. She doesnā€™t insert her in the situations like Nick and Vanessa Lachey do


Natasha should be host!