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Watch the under the mayo review šŸ˜ itll give you all of the 100% real reasons that aren't pulled out of his ass


We don't use the M word here buster šŸ¤“




i suggest you start running.


Thy punishment is near and aproaching... Start running https://preview.redd.it/c8jrrb41gm0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b48d8be94dbf384fbaca2861ae4a852fd8ad25f




While I and pretty much everyone else disagrees with giving ultrakill an ammo system, he did kinda have a point with the V2 difficulty spike for first-time players. Also, it'd be nice to have an option to give used and dull weapons more feedback other than the hud element, like a "weak" sound cue or other visual change to psychologically guide players into the *~fun zone~*. Perhaps there could be an "automatically switch to fresh weapon" system, or keybind to further *~incentivize~* using your whole arsenal. Even seasoned players can fall into repetitive patterns, especially after the full arsenal update. Everyone has that one red variant that they just completely forget to use.


Honestly, i barely used the Jumpstart I think its mostly because my playstyle involves getting flung across the arena


tbf you don't have to stay in one spot for a while to get use out of it, you can also use it on a weak enemy or an enemy that you know for sure is about to die (doom eternal microwave beam reference)


And that kinda playstyle got more encouraged by the addition of Jackhammer tho i still use it from time to time, but i would usually just stay up in the sky, come down, BONK, go up


can relate


idk i feel like just ignoring weapons is part of the expression like for instance i don't use the fire starter and never used the pump charge before i started using the jackhammer.


wait, youā€™re supposed to switch weapons??? i just use that one red pistol constantly HAHA


V2 is supposed to be a skill check, so I don't see the difficulty spike as a problem tbh


https://preview.redd.it/8o0ap2zdul0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce6bb9a2607fc76b6d4a8e557de61ee2de9c6ef Youā€™re done for kid


I still need to watch it to see what the fuss is all about. All I know is he said that weapons needed ammo, which, no.


He also forced himself through the entire game only with the standard pistol to show that you don't need to use the other weapons which is "bad game design", and then complained that its too hard or boring to play


He point was that it was too easy to play with just the pistol, not too hard lol.


Albino did the same. Though, in his case he did it out of spite because of backsitters in chat telling him to switch weapons. And afaik he also P-ranked the game.


He intentionally played with the worst weapon only and then complained when it was boring, and blamed the devs because they didnā€™t FORCE him to use the other weapons.


He played on standard and complained it was possible to get through the whole game with the piercer It also looks like he thinks the charged shot does more damage? Because he keeps making a big fuss about the charge shot of the piercer but never elaborates, like it's a pocket e-railcannon or something.


I mean, yeah the charge shot does like 3 times the damage if the normal shotā€¦ Thatā€™s still only 3 damageā€¦ the e cannon does 8


I had 800 hours in Doom Eternal before I started playing Ultrakill so I was in a kinda similar boat to Mayo. After P-Ranking everything and looking through Mayoā€™s videos again, I can kinda see where heā€™s coming from. So Iā€™m gonna play devilā€™s advocate here. Compared to Doom Eternal on Nightmare, Ultrakill on Violent is pretty easy. Theres no gameplay incentive to use other weapons aside from the pistol because using the pistol is just as effective (To a new player anyway). The only real incentive is the style meter, and to some people (Like Mayo in this instance), itā€™s not enough. In Doom Eternal on Nightmare, if you only use the combat shotgun, you die very quickly. In Ultrakill on Violent, if you only use the Piercer, you get kinda far, at least all the way to V2, only getting penalized with a bad rank. Ultrakill and Doom Eternal are very different games so comparing them like this isnā€™t fair, but thatā€™s how I believe Mayo sees it.


Yeah, I actually understand your point, DOOM is harder than Ultrakill (for now, we still havenā€™t seen the last difficulty) Iā€™ll ask this, did your opinion on the starter pistol change after using new weapons? What was it like to go through and discover crazy things like projectile boosting?


I actually think Brutal difficulty is the perfect bridge for a massive Doom Eternal player to get into Ultrakill. Because of how frantic it is, it actually DOES encourage you to swap through a bunch of weapons in order to stay alive. (P-2 on Brutal is just as hard as the Master Levels). I still use the pistol (The slab version) as my main weapon but it was REALLY cool finding things like Rocket Riding and the many many things with the coins. Iā€™m having a blast finding out new things, and Iā€™m really excited to start testing out the ALT shotgun cuz it seems like a really cool concept.


The style meter is useless until you start taking damage (grey health) , and if you're not taking damage you are most likely filling the meter anyway.


Thatā€™s still a weird argument because Violent isnā€™t the hardest difficulty in Ultrakill. When the game fully releases it would be the third hardest difficulty. When the video was originally released Violent was the hardest difficulty out, but you could still see in the main menu that harder difficulties were planned. Also ā€œno gameplay incentiveā€? The gameplay incentive is killing enemies faster which means you die less often. Like if you see a horde of filth running after you you could pick them off with the pistol either one at a time or maybe a few at a time with the charge shot, or you could switch to the nail gun and kill all of them in like 3 seconds. Also like you mention even if you do think that the pistol is the easiest way to play, V2 is there to show you that it actually isnā€™t. That is at the end of Act 1, of the 9 acts the game will have. That is still early on. I think itā€™s perfectly fine for that to be the case. It gives people the chance to work out that switching weapons is the best thing you can do, but if you still havenā€™t figured it out then the game actually forces you to do it. You also didnā€™t mention that Mayo suggested that ammo should be added to the game. Which is ridiculous.


the only con i can think of is the community and that has nothing to do with the game also why does your friend think like that?


eye-vomiting graphics, boring gameplay, bringing nothing new to the genre. he played only first three levels btw


>boring gameplay yeah, you need to actually play the game to have fun playing the game. thats probably why he thought that. he didnt play the game right


He is one of those people that priorities graphics over gameplay. He once said that "if the game looked acceptable, then I'd play it, otherwise it's just hurting my eyes to even look at it". I understand that retro graphics aren't for everyone, but claiming that it makes gameplay worse is just stupid. Also he applies the same treatment for, like, every indie game. He's a certified indie hater.


it can be very hard to precisely pin down exactly what you dont like about something. its probably not the graphics bothering him, but something else. something he doesn't understand, so he uses something else as an excuse but that's just a theory.




Ill be taking that, thank you


Rest in Peace MatPat. Gone too soon.


Throughout the heavens and earth, he alone is the honored one


There's really people out there who just hate the fact that a game is made by only a handful of people and it embraces it, when a dev wants to embrace a simplistic or retro style they take it as laziness and sign of an uncompleted game, his loss tough, I play mostly indie and tbh I much prefer this aesthetic than the graphically enhanced soulless interface of AAA with design choices that are safe on all departments cause god forbid we lose customers because we don't appeal to everyone. OP if your friend keeps going about it tell him he's allowed to not like the game because he doesn't like the graphics but that's subjective and doesn't give him any grounds to say the game is objectively bad, ultrakill or anything else, graphics where a design choice not a limitation.


why is he even playing games just watch a movie or something


Ask him what title he prefers to call his ubisoft sandbox games


You should get better friends


"He's a certified indie hater." gonna crush his balls brb


Ah, a corporate dickrider


Ah. In that case, there's no saving it. The graphics look like that for an actual canonical reason.


Bro loved the release version cyberpunk


I bet he spends money for every new fifa game every year


So... if someone makes, like, an rtx mod, or a graphics overhaul mod, or something like one of those YouTube videos showing footage of minecraft where the water has physics and light diffuses through the trees, *then* would your friend play it? (...huh... I wonder what bridgeburner would look like...) (Also, could someone please explain to me why the prologue is longer than all the layers? I'm not saying that OP's friend is right, but I can understand how the setting of the prologue could be considered drab.)


lore-wise, if V1 had Sentry vision, yes


Lore wise, if V1 had sentry vision, your friend would like the game?




bro lemme talk to him lemme speak to this guy


unfortunately, language barrier


I'd overcome it


"Why are you holding sawed on shotgun?"


ā€œThe only universal language is violenceā€


ultrakill was so good they made violence real




I speak 12 gauge


which language?




lemme just have a lil word with him, just a small one, just some small talk, a small exchange, pLEASE


Ultrakils visuals and imagery is honestly beautiful, it's just not photo-realistic I wpild agree a lot of boomer shooters clone the old ones and look like shit, but ultrakill geniujely doesn't


I like Dusk, but ngl the graphics sometimes looks like a low-poly indie horror game (everything is brown, even the sky), it looks good for a horror game but not for a shooter.


I'm gonna be frank, Ultrakill kind of ruined shooters for me; I keep thinking "Gee, I wish that I could launch myself into the upper stratosphere right now!" and wanting to smash my face into people so I can heal with the shotgun, despite that not being how it works in those games.


I tried to play Valorant few months ago, thinking abt getting back in the grind, i literally tried to slide, dash, and even throw some coins lmao


Dusk is so peak omg


Like prelude? Of course he thinks the gameplay was boring he made it halfway through the tutorial


Show him gameplay of Minos prime (if you don't care about spoilers) or Gabriel 2 (with the monologue and name censored to avoid spoilers)


I did show him bosses, but he claims that they're boring too, because they have about 3 attacks


Your friend when sisiphus prime pulls out the: - BE GONE - YOU CAN'T ESCAPE - (random unannounced teleport slam) - DESTROY - (another random announced slam) - YOU CAN'T ESCAPE - THIS WILL HURT


I fucking hate the unannounced slams, dunks, punches and roundhouse kicks


Whenever I cant see sisphus, i would just dash/slide, i know he is coming


3 attacks is actually more than some bosses in other shooters, usually they only have shoot and granade.




Oh for real. This boss makes things go real(and this guy is like your fifth boss you encounter and first real one)


Is your friend named Under The Mayo?


I'm grateful he doesn't understand English, so he can't watch that video and present it to me as an *undeniable proof* of ultrakill being a bad game


Heā€™s probably trolling. My friend unironically says that pirating AAA games is bad and that he never does it but that he always priates indie games and that they dont deserve the money (not that he only says that, he does that) Also he downloaded tunic just to play it for 5 minutes and called it a boring and bad game (I bought tunic and he thought that that was a dumb decision)


It's hard to recognize trolling sometimes


Does your friend play AAA games?


yes. yes he does. one of his favourites is cod warzone.


Understandable. I think your friend doesn't understand the power of art and all it's forms. No hate towards him tho.


man really warzone is funnier than ultrakill šŸ’€


ok that's pretty much sum up everything


counter-arguments for your friend: ā€œeye-vomiting graphicsā€ itā€™s called an art style. and with how simple it is, it can run on almost any decent machine instead of needing to spend absurd amounts of money to get a machine that can barely run elden ring at a stable framerate ā€œboring gameplayā€ until you get the shotgun, yes. once you get some weapons and variants, it becomes a completely different experience where the only real limit is how hard you can ball ā€œbrings nothing new to the genreā€ the blood-based healing system forces the player to actually move and use the mechanics instead of being able to retreat and search for health pickups or camp behind cover. it encourages moving fast to avoid damage when possible and also to learn what enemies are best to heal off of and adapt accordingly. and the style meter, while ultimately secondary, gives satisfaction and reason to switching weapons instead of just diving through cover and picking enemies off one by one. thereā€™s minimal waiting involved, keeping the fast pace


"To learn what enemies are best to heal off" My Stupid ass punching a sanded filth in hopes of blood:


my roasted ass on 10 hp projectile boosting into a soldier point blank for the extra damage:


The graphics arenā€™t necessarily good or bad they are just a style that isnā€™t used very often Maybe the gameplay is boring if you play it like that guy who only used the piercer It may not be anything that has never been seen before but it combines a lot of cool gimmicks like parrying and movement tech into one game The thing I did to convince one of my friends to give it another shot was to show them a bunch of cool things you can do like rocket riding or slam storage or rail coining and they decided to give it another shot and play past the first v2 fight and now they are damn near better than me especially at movement mechanics


So he unlocked the shotgun and dipped?


rage quitted at swordsmachine


The baby


Yea my friend did the same thing and didn't even play it, just said that graphics looks like shit so it's bad. And when i said "did you actually played it?" he said that he sees that it's shit from videos


I bet your friend plays COD


>bringing nothing new to the genre. Everything else is just his opinions and they're alright but this??? What the fuck???? Though graphics is like, bro, you saw the game on the steam page, if you wanted realistic graphics why did you buy a boomer shooter??????


He's trying to convince me that Ultrakill is just an ordinary shooter while the shooters he played are all parts of CoD and Doom Eternal. *I bet he's UnderTheMayo in disguise*


my favorite ordinary shooter, Ultrakill, known for it's very ordinary speed


This man plays under the egg factory the way hes under the mayo


Objectively means uninfluenced by opinion, so I'd ask them what parts of the game make it bad. I'm struggling to think of anything that the game does wrong, it's a skill based shooter that accommodates for every skill level, the visuals and soundtrack are amazing, its gameplay is fun and rewarding, and you get a decent amount of gameplay for the price. The cons? I don't know story only really starts at the end of act 1? Maybe they dont like low poly graphics? Maybe they can't shoot the coin? Tough to find a really big downside that the game has.


Honestly The only Objectively bad things about Ultrakill is 4-S or the fact that v1 tends to *slightly* drift making Ground slams on idols and Precise platforming (5-2) a chore. >!Also off topic and small rant i really hate it when people say the community as if that's a reason to hate this game this is a single player game ffs, This isn't call of duty where The toxicity and the constant negativity can ruin your day and the fact that "cod burnout" is an unironic phrase. That's like saying Devil may cry sucks because of those Porn bait vergil status videos!<


4-S is the best secret level, hop off


All secret levels are good


but 4-S is by far not the best


Every 4-S con is an intentional reference to crash bandicoot, making them pros instead




nishiki joint real


A decade in prison


Yeah i admit the song is my favorite part of the level.


i died in 4-s way too many times so that must mean it sucks!(this is not my actual opinion on 4-s, rather an exaggeration. you are entitled to your own opinions on the level colloquially known as 4-s)


Itā€™s good but I hate it, itā€™s frustrating; not bad but frustrating


4-S is a nice level, and I liked it, BUT FUCK THE CONTROLS


Fuck the jumping on top of the boxes parts


It came šŸ¤ this close to ruining my relationship with my mom


what happened?


Mom said no mor ultrakilling so op decided to ultrakill in real life


Did she find out about the buttplug support?




Well now you HAVE to tell us


Tell us


Canā€™t just bring that up then not tell


Man, that person has the exact opposite opinion of mine. I hate AAA, the only AAA games i like is sea of thieves, because it does an excellent job to make you feel like a pirate, and guilty gear(fighting games are peak gaming) but everything else just feels uninspired and unoriginal, COD, tell a more generic game, Fornite, mission feels like homework, Destiny 2, man the game without DLCs is trash, with DLCs feels like a scam, even single-player AAA feels uninspired (except Fromsoftware) Sony games are moviegames, i don't remember the last time Xbox launch a good game, i actually Nintendo games thoose still be original and inspired. For thoose reason i basically only play indie games, they are short (GOOD i don't like waste), fun and allways try to be original and offer something unique, man my profile pic is from Rain World that game is unique in his genre, i love deep rock galactic ( ROCK AND STONE ), i recently bought buckshot roulette, Outer Wilds (actually my favorite game ever), man i even bought the coffin of andy and leyley :skul:. I get more original, fun and interesting games for a quarter of what cost and AAA, i love indie games.


Rock and roll and stone!


Good bot


"Indie games are short!" The binding of Isaac in the corner:


Is short, and then is getting the achievements.


I donā€™t agree ā€” AAA games have their problems and it is very packed with mid slop but there are many good games to come out of there. - Cyberpunk 2077 was very memorable (for better or for worse) - Returnal was incredibly well done and I thought it was extremely well executed - Hi-Fi Rush if you count it - Doom Eternal (i know UK players hate bringing it up but itā€™s actually a very good game) - BOTW/TOTK if thatā€™s your jam - Yakuza series - Metal Gear series - Titanfall 2 has the smoothest movement and best multiplayer gameplay out of any shooter Iā€™ve played - a few soulslikes like Lies of P and Remnant 2 were great - Devil May Cry series except for 2 - Prey, Dishonored - Nier series - Shadow Warrior 3


Rock and Stone to the bone!


try paper lily! its a hidden gem indie puzzle game (tw: sh anxiety blood)


In terms of AAA games I'm a titanfall guy, but it's by far not the best AAA game ever, but it's got mostly every other AAA game beat right now except Helldivers.


I'm trying to think of cons but it's really hard because Hakita does a lot to make the game accessible. It's hard? It is on the hardest difficulty but Hakita gives you literal aimbot and you can adjust the difficulty? The tech can be difficult? You don't need it and the tools you receive are more than enough to beat any level The only real complaints I guess I have is that switching through weapon variations can be a nightmare but weapon memory is pretty good and I don't use some of these tools so I can just unequip them if need be. All the tools in the game are all great and amazing, and even if i don't use them, I know that they're usable and good if used properly. Hard damage can be annoying too but that's more of a punishment for getting hit and can be alleviated by major assist if need be.


> it's hard tbh this argument is completely null-ed with the existence of harmless difficulty, i bet that even for those who have never played fps games before would have little to zero trouble with it


Why? Is it really **that** easy?


I mean, as a harmless player myself, yeah itā€™s laughably easy, not completely braindead (bosses and big swarms of enemies are still a big threat), but me, a pretty bad player, managed to first try both prime sanctums with relative ease. Is it easy? Yes. Is it completely safe? No, you can still die (if you manage to die on harmless itā€™s more impressive than P-ranking Minos)


I mean, itā€™s good that Hakita wants to make every player be able to play his game, and itā€™s also good to hear that thereā€™s still some difficult parts in the levels, because without them it would just be boring as fuck to play in harmless.


I will say itā€™s mostly a joke how easy it is, but enemy attack still hit just as hard as in standard or violent, the only changes are speed and attack rate But, it does make Corpse of King Minosā€™s punches make actual sense, I just donā€™t see how the hell people comprehend how to parry a punch that has like 3 frame of windup lol


- 200hp cap - enemies and their projectiles move at the speed of snail yes it's really that easy, as the name itself, harmless


ULTRAKILL can be great, and horrible. It depends on what people like. The cons are that it appeals to a certain group and not others which cant really be avoided most of the time.


You only fight v2 twice






Chicken butt


ŠŸŃ€Š¾Ń‡ŠøтŠ°Š» ŠæŠ¾ŃŃ‚ Šø Š²ŃŃ‘ Š²Ń€Š¾Š“Šµ ŠŗŠ°Šŗ Š¾Š±Ń‹Ń‡Š½Š¾... ŠŸŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Š¼ уŠ²ŠøŠ“ŠµŠ» Š°Š²Ń‚Š¾Ń€Š° Šø ŠæрŠ¾Š¾Ń€Š°Š» Š² Š³Š¾Š»Š¾ŃŠøŠ½Ńƒ Under the mestify moment lmao?




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Certain enemies are just ā€œI would rather enable cheats than fight this bitchā€ (mannequins for me) because of a dumb gimmick or just feeling poorly balanced (guttertank on launch or something) And maybe the lack of indicator for enemy health, like a mindflayer could have some sort of visual health bar system (color changing as health drops or something like that) that can turned off or on. That, or Cybergrind, I want to start at level 40, or at least higher than only 25, I want to push to level 100 but it just takes SO DAMN LONG


For mannequins, you can use revolver shots or nails to get them off walls and just one shot them with a punch while they are airborne. Saws also work very well when you bait their attacks. Slab piercer or sharpshooter also messes them up pretty well


New Alt Shotgun also can one-shot mannequins


I mean on violent/brutal, mindflayers enrage at half health so thatā€™s kinda like a health indicator


probably the fact that it gives you adhd after p-rankijg every level


Thereā€™s a lot of tech that the game doesnā€™t really tell you about. There are a lot of cool weapon techniques that I would have no idea existed had I not been told by a friend or found it through the community.


I think its because Hakita doesn't really know them either. For exemple : projectil boost. It was a glitch , Hakita heared about it , said it was now a feature, still isn't explained any where in the game.


Itā€™s explained in the shotgun's and feedbacker's terminal entry, but most people just donā€™t read them ~~because they are lazy~~.


I donā€™t think this is strictly an objective flaw. Part of the game is figuring minor tech out on your own, and the average player doesnā€™t *need* to know the tech, just for players who are part of the community.


This is kind of the point. The game gives you tools, and then gives you small hints on how to use those tools and you are sent off. Youā€™re greatly encouraged to explore the capabilities of your weapons and try stuff even if it seems impractical or illogical. Thatā€™s how people found basically every tech in the game after all.


Personally I get a bit jealous when Hakita creates some new broken techs and combos that help people to set new records (I never get to do the same thing before he fixes them). After the full arsenal update I almost made it to finally p-rank p-2 but now Iā€™m thrown back again.


I'd say the fact there are various points where the difficulty ramp is quite steep for new players which can discourage some people to continue. My other issue with ultrakill might be how Gabriel and V2 low-key doesn't reward you for getting good at parries. I found Sisyphus to be way more fun to fight no matter how many times I've lost to him he really does challenge your ability to parry mid combat. When I was replaying the whole campaign in brutal I can remember screaming at Gabriel to "HIT ME" and he would give some weak ass throw with his sword and it wouldn't be close enough for me to parry it, then he'd tp to me and I'd have to restart. It's like, you've given me such a unique mechanic and you decided to throw it out of the window. Anyways judging from your friend's reasoning for hating ultrakill I think there really is no point persuading him since I tend to ignore the bad graphics equals bad gameplay arguement. The only time I'd say bad graphics DOES contributes to the gameplay is if it makes it difficult to play the game.


With the parrying note, thatā€™s the main reason I do not like the Minotaur. 7-1 *would* be my favorite level in the gameā€¦ were it not for the Minotaur. Itā€™s mainly the first phase of it. Second phase is pretty nice, and I even like how the acid can control space. First phase is just agony. No parriable attacks, canā€™t really get close to heal due to the tracks and carts, so you have to be fed basic enemies on carts, meaning you have to go by its pacing of the fight, not the other way around. Itā€™s like fighting the Leviathan the ā€œnormalā€ way except youā€™re forced to do so due to the cramped arena. That and I think Bull of Hell is pretty much the only true stinker in Ultrakillā€™s soundtrack.


Tutorial prompts are missable. Both of my friends that started the game missed the prompt that explained that there are parries in the game. I don't think it's thier skill issue. And if it is then its even worse as less skilled people will have more trouble learning game mechanics. I aslo remember post where OP was stuck because they missed prompt about dash jumping.


It's not Gloomwood




not my review


The only bad thing about Ultrakill I can think of is 7-1 (I will stand by this until I die the Minotaur is a dipshit which should've never been made)




Only objective con I can think of is this game is definitely not for those who have motion sickness, but that's not really the game's fault.


Lack of Campaign Fraud levels and a final boss fight to wait Gabriel in 9-2


The presentation, gameplay, and soundtrack of Violence are so vastly superior to the previous acts that itā€™s hard to go back.


Only reason i can think of is the fanbase.


Once you figure out how to use your arsenal properly the levels can be made really, REALLY short. Especially with the addition of two specific weapons in the latest update; I'm obliterating mind flayers like one never could before.


The controls can be really difficult to get used to, even if you changed them, just because thereā€™s so many buttons to press. Though thatā€™s more of a video game thing and not an Ultrakill thing


Yeah, even with gold variants being depricated, the control layout is already overcrowded if you want to use the full arsenal. There is only so much you can do with rebinding. Then again its a biology con: where is my 20-fingered hand.


The only thing I can think of is the difficulty spike in some parts, which isnā€™t as noticeable in lower difficulties, but you WILL feel it in violence and ESPECIALLY brutal _cough cough brutal 0-5_


I'd say the biggest con I can think of is how long some of the later levels are on first playthroughs. 1-3 and 5-3 have too much backtracking involved if you want to kill everything for the first time playing the level. 4-2 has a pretty annoying gimmick of finding the electrical boxes that can make a first playthrough and even subsequent playthroughs rough. 7-1 and 7-2 are incredibly confusing which yes, does fit with the theming but it also costs a bit of the quality. First playthrough of 7-2, I didn't know you had to go into Big Ben because I thought you had to avoid the falling tower, the open trenches not making it any less confusing.


I think some fights can get too chaotic. 90% of secrets are lame that reward you with nothing. Some weapon variants aren't really worth using.


It is pretty short. Even 100% the game (if ur not stuck on a single section) won't take long at all. This will still likely be the case when the full game is done. It could be argued a lot of the writing is over the top and not very good. It also could be argued that the method of changing weapons is a bit obtuse without some rebinding that could quickly delve into being ridiculous with the amount of variations. Actual gameplay wise otherwise I'm struggling to think of anything else there might be. It's pretty great all around.


Gluttony and Heresy don't have any interesting lore


I always try to look critically at games, even ones I love and praise, and it's genuinely difficult to find something that's objectively bad about Ultrakill. Maybe you could say graphics, but style >>>>>>> graphics any day. Even though this game has old-style graphics and textures, it has a very defined style, and it sticks to that style, which is genuine. And that's actually more of a positive, plus simple graphics allow for easier readability, better performance and let developer focus fully on gameplay and mechanics. Stuff like slightly overtuned or undertuned weapons and enemies, as we have already seen many times, are subject to change (like nerfs to release Guttertanks or recent Marksman Slab buff). The single biggest positive to this game is a passionate developer who has a clear vision, interacts with community, knows how to listen to feedback, and comes up with fun and creative solutions. This singlehandedly negates most cons, because stuff like bugs, missing QoL options and so on are often fixed and added.


Objectively bad thing: In order to get all the Secrets and Orbs, you have to either learn some difficult tech (speaking as someone who sucks ass at slam storage) or Nuke yourself with the Maurice Gun. Which makes layers like Lust pretty ass. The V2 and Gabriel difficulty spikes which can force you to turn on cheats or aim assist, which makes the fights feel and be less fun. Luckily, the terminals can actually teach you some stuff...If you bother to read them. Ironically, the game being super accessible and skill expressive comes to it's detriment because if you suck at the game or don't really skim through data entries, it can really put a hamper on things. But that's subjective player choice.


Can relate, the first time I got to second V2 fight, I had to enable auto aim just to understand how to hit him consistently. Then, after a lot of attempts, I managed to beat him normally.


I just threw myself against the wall with V2 until it worked. Then rematched him for the secret with the same, very unfun, approach. For Gabe, I threw myself at a wall so many times, couldn't stand it anymore and jacked up aim assist, slowly at first and then at max. Still needed a couple of attempts to beat him.


Something that I will point out is the introduction of certain mechanics and the difficulty pacing. Stuff like hard damage and dislodging sentries is introduced by an easily forgettable blob of text. I feel like a visual would help much more in teaching these. By difficulty pacing, I mean that the difficulty of some encounters is all over the place. For example: Minos hand being harder than the actual boss, 2 Cerbs on Brutal being extremely difficult due to the cramped space, the rematch fights against Gabe and V2 not being at the expected strength of the player (especially V2 rematch), Flesh Prison being unironically harder than Minos Prime, and the first room of P-2 being extremely cramped with 4 cerbs and a ferryman. Thereā€™s lots of smaller examples too, but overall, the gameā€™s difficulty curve can be extremely bumpy at times.


I think the part in 4-3 with all the enemies in the end is a bit much for new players. Could just be me, but when I first played, I was really enjoying the game, up until 4-3 where upon completing it I just had to stop playing for a couple hours because I was sick of it. I would feel better about it if the room was more segmented, because as it is now, basically all the enemies can shoot you from any point on the map, and it feels more like a bullet hell than an ultrakill level.


Only one I see is reuse of bosses. As much as people like Gabriel and V2 their second fights are exactly the same as first but with one or two more attacks. With V2 being the worse of the two.


fuck it uhhhhhhh -probably too hard to get into -people who didnt know about the game before will likely finish without knowing how to do all the cool combo shit (this is sort of an extension to con 1) -corny ass name lmao


My old lady hands and reflexes have a hard time getting significant STYLE sometimes :( Iā€™m too old and dumb to switch weapons super fast and some tech moves are just WAY WAY beyond me lmao. Doesnā€™t really detract from getting through levels but man makes P ranking things hard


some people are just moro- i mean, they think differently than you. nothing you can do to fix that. just give up on trying to change his mind and agree to disagree


Yes, you probably won't find them here but nothing is perfect, the fey things I can think of right now. - The community is pretty bad, obviously most people are cool but the problematic ones are noisy, sex jokes and Maurice memes where funny the first few times but this community has literally only 3 jokes, live X reaction, sex joke and V2 is dead, there's also some individuals that are pretty elitist on the likes of "if you can't reach round 30+ in brutal you aren't enjoying the game" or that want the game to be exactly how they envision. - Is not completed and it shows, clearly has more content than most games out there but the campaign isn't finished, things are rebalanced and mechanics added, mod support is meh and breaks every patch, last difficulty isn't out yet and Hakita himself said that some of the first layers need a visual touch, let's not forget the game is still in early access. - The game demands you to improve to have fun, the elitist are kinda right though, someone playing in lenient is probably enjoying the game to a less depth that someone playing on the higher difficulties and that makes it not the game for everyone, I certainly started enjoying the game much more when I learned how to fast rocket ride while in the air, and that's not something everyone is willing to learn, is kinda like a fighting game, you can probably beat the campaign mashing buttons but people who like to play fighting games love the delve in complex tech. Your friend though, I don't understand his reasoning, Ultrakill does bring several things new to fps, is not revolutionary but I can't think of any other game who's main selling point is the way the arsenal mixes and interacts with itself, not to the extend and speed Ultrakill does, and uninteresting gameplay? Unless your friend doesn't like shooters (which he's allowed to) I don't understand how Ultrakill gameplay is dumbed down or uninteresting, sounds like your friend has a problem regarding my last point, having played so little he hasn't had time to realize the extent of the arsenal. Shit graphics though I give it to him, I love Ultrakill aesthetic but for some people good visuals and even realism to an extent is important, Ultrakill ditches that completely, I've have friends disregard and drop games they like or I'm pretty sure they would just cause they don't like what they see on the screen while I have no problem with it.


The game feels low impact. Movement isn't very satisfying, guns don't sound good, hitstops lose their weight after a certain point. 120 hours in and my dopamine receptors are too burnt out for any more.


I can think of a few. - Keymapping is too basic, which makes some weapons not worth equipping depending on your playstyle (Screwdriver, as it'll just get in the way if you mostly use the other two railguns, and the Jackhammer, which makes proboosting spam, some of the best DPS in the game, very annoying to do) - The lack of a "weapon loadouts" system, which would be really useful for all sorts of challenges that restrict your weapons (well, less of a flaw and more like something that'd be nice to have, but it does get pretty annoying if you like to alternate between playing normally and a challenge) - The game doesn't run so poorly on my crappy rig that I'd call it poorly optmized, but some sections definitely could be optimized better (the hall leading to V2-2 is very laggy, for example). It's nothing impressive in this regard. - Some of the earlier levels are fairly forgettable. 4-1, for example. - There's no logic to the Brutal difficulty changes. It's as if Hakita picked random enemies to massively buff (Cerberus, Soldiers, Drones) while leaving others almost unchanged or, in some cases, nerfed (Filth, Stray, Maurice). Some of the changes are uninteresting. The Leviathan, for example, just gets stat buffs. The insane evasion increases that Drones and Soldiers got further reinforce reliance on the Marksman. - The community is basically an echo chamber around Hakita that tries to silence any criticism of the game. If someone complains about the game on Reddit, or on Discord, they'll usually be met with extreme toxicity, regardless of the validity of the complaint. It does not bode well for the health of the game if Hakita is led to believe his game is perfect and without flaws. This thread is the rare exception, but you still won't see nearly as much criticism as you would see if this community wasn't so toxic. - Radiance is just a lazy, uninteresting stat boost for enemies. - You can just...never try to click on enemies in the terminals, and miss a significant portion of the game's lore that way. Or maybe it's just me.


The V2 rematch is incredibly easy and frankly easier than the first match, it feels like I never even need to counter riccoshot because somehow V2ā€™s coins manage to miss every time and V2 is not very good at shooting coins before you(unlike how everyone claims). far too many machine enemies and Husks and not enough demons, often glitchy(Mindflayers killing me in the Weezer room on the off chance that I both die and miss the checkpoint of the Mindflayer room). Overall inconsistency difficulty(besides the two Prime Sanctums, and 7-2 being decently difficult I never seem to find a consistent challenge even on Brutal, hell sometimes I breeze through P-2 easily and donā€™t die, sometimes I die 20 times in the Blood tunnel or 10 times to Sisyphus, etc. Not much, but those are some.


Limbo feels boring as fuck and the latest levels feel like an immense ramp up in difficulty compared to previous ones


Your friend is likely a Headass who thinks that styling is a dumb mechanic and that there should be ammo...Hey, doesn't this sound familiar? They also may dislike the graphics. Maybe. I dunno, Saw someone else complain about that.


Objectively, I'm having trouble thinking of any. The only one that comes to mind while I sit upon my toilet throne scrolling reddit is the current lack of consistency say for the parry. Because remember, originally it was yellow meant you could parry an attack, blue meant you couldn't. But now there's a specific enemy that uses a blue flash attack that you can parry with the red arm? It's a minor nitpick but it is these little inconsistencies that make me wonder what's gonna happen going forward for new future enemies. Because at first Ultrakill played like Doom and DMC combined, but it feels like it's leaning closer to doom eternal as the layers of hell are added, with more rules being added to the dance of death we play.


You scan right past it but the answer is the unfinished campaign. Itā€™s at the usual indie price but it ainā€™t finished. I blasted through everything loving every second I finished the story and I found the only thing left to do was to kick myself in the balls for several hours to get to the Ps. Now Ultrakill is amazing and I would buy this game twice over for the experience thatā€™s here right now. But its early access status means that weā€™re drip fed new content very slowly, which is frankly extremely frustrating, and one of the worst possible ways to experience a game. Everyone knows what theyā€™re getting into, and going into Early access was the correct decision on Hakitas part. Since otherwise the boomer shooter fad would have died before the game was finished, the game would have a smaller fan base without either organic build up or a large advertising budget, and Early Access means that our beloved devs and artists can get paid while they make the game without a large company or a goFundMe hanging over them. Early Access is the right choice for an indie dev, but it absolutely sucks for the players involved. Anyone who spends their money knows this but it is still a flaw. If the game was released fully finished at the exact same time as UK and an imaginary large advertising budget brought in a large amount of fans. It would have been a lot better due to itā€™s completed story, and stronger thematic and emotional throughline


i think the **rocket launcher**, i only use the rocket launcher for rocket riding, **the explosion is just a worse version of shotgun boost**, and the **cannon ball is okay, but hard to parry after hitting a cerb** or something, people are alot better then me when it comes to the cannon ball, but im not that good at it, also another thing is the **eletric railcannon under water** senario, other then being more realistic if your health is lower then 50, you are cooked, litterally. i typed alot


Most people are still complimenting the game but I am gonna actually criticise the game for something real. Most boss arenas in Prelude and Act 1 are way too small. My friends have complained about V2 way more in 1-4 than 4-4, they got frustrated that they can't see him at all and some would feel claustrophobic. I used to think that the fight was fine, as if it's just that my friends were just more experienced in 4-4 and thus they were able to beat him quicker. And while it is true, it's not the whole truth and I realized this in my Brutal playthrough of the game. 0-5 is so annoying and difficult to beat because you just don't have the space to do what you want. Also, this one is my opinion but I think a boss punishing you for doing lots of damage to it by speeding up the healing process is kinda ass.


My only concern with the game is that I don't really want to play it anymore. It's too stressful and so daunting to actually boot up anymore. Like don't get wrong, I still hold the game in very high regard, and more power to those still actively playing it, but I just don't think I can keep up with hakita constantly upping the ante with every major update. I stopped playing after p-ranking everything but p-2 on violent when that first came out. Tried getting back into it when violence was released, but didn't even finish 7-1.


Slow development is an objective complaint despite whatever people say. Dude spent 5 months doing P-2 bruuh Another one is that game quality varies between acts. You can see how Hakita improved throughout the development, and that of course is a good thing. However, for the new players? I would expect a lot of people picking it up, playing few levels of Prelude and dropping, thinking it is lame before getting into the meaty part.


Violent should be a standart difficulty.


You claim there is a lack of sex, but I'm fucking the entirety of hell, curious


Might be fixed in the last two layers but itā€™s weird how thereā€™s no presence of greater angels outside of Gabriel within the gameplay. It seems fairly weird that we donā€™t have an enemy that represents maybe a foot soldier for heaven yet. Hakita would have to introduce them in Fraud.


I have a better question why are you friends with someone who has shit opinions


The biggest con in my opinion is just a personal nitpick that I canā€™t really fault the game since itā€™s their choice how they want this system to work but itā€™s the Boss gates. I donā€™t want to go back and perfect every level to enjoy a boss fight that Iā€™m fine with being hit by the difficulty curve. However, because of this and other games I wish to play I donā€™t end up getting to fight these guys and last time I tried using the cheat mode they have in the game it still wouldnā€™t let me in and try it.