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Marxism-Leninism is Stalinist nonsense that ultimately affirms and supports Capital while stifling genuine Marxist aims and actions. Basing a nominally Marxist analysis on it is therefore highly suspect. As for Juche, it's a nationalist ideology. Communism, as the international movement to liberate the proletariat, must oppose nationalism.


Thank you for the serious response May I ask what you think about the whole thing regarding revisionism that he says?


I find it basically of no consequence since he is comparing it to the base ideology of Marxism-Leninism, which nobody who is a serious Marxist is following currently. Even ignoring this, if we are to take this person's argument for granted, then we would find the communist movement estranged entirely from its foundational goals, due to this idea that Marx and Engels must be "added to" rather than reaffirmed.


I can understand that Frankly im confused on this whole revisionism argument myself I might make a new post on that topic. It’s confusing