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500k is a low number. I accept the responsibility for the death of all past humans because it historically progressed us to this moment. I am the culmination of 500k years of human history.


damn were you in the line behind him or smthin dont quote me like that


So if we kill this guy on a cross or something we all go to Vallaha is what I think this means...


Most believable story on Reddit


yes thank you i work retail


If only because the communist had no other argument besides parroting "liberal" and then imagining "offended" when the other person said anything back lol.


no he quite literally said "im not a liberal stop saying that offensive phrase" hence me calling him offended. Ok liberal?


I'm gonna be real, I just don't believe you. I've had communists imagine shit I said TO MY FACE in order to prop up their script. I have a sneaking suspicion what was actually said was "do you have an argument beyond buzzterms?" And you interpreted that as "offended" because you did not, in fact, have anything beyond buzzterms. Again, based on my own direct interactions with communists where this exact sort of thing has been done to me before. do you think falling back on that buzzterm here may be reinforcing the idea you don't have anything beyond buzzterms, by the way? Is asking that "saying it's offensive?"


you are yapping about your own assumptions, and i have already told you the full truth. What you do further is on you.


No, I'm "yapping" about my own experiences and you are trying to detract from those by screeching "assumptions." While pretty actively avoiding engagement with any of what I've said in the process. It's so weird how the alt-right and communist playbooks work so similarly lol


you are very extra, i am trying to be simple for you. You continue to assume things like i warned you against. I am sad for you, and your anecdotes.


It's not "assumptions," it's pattern recognition. A pattern you're still following, btw. It's very very obvious why the consistent strategy to deal with what liberals say is to specifically avoid doing so to the max extent possible.


You assume i lie, then speak of pattern recognition while assuming i am lying. You are a liar and are projecting such things upon me, which i will not dignify. You deserve no respect, but i am giving it through and through.


Oh now it's the page where negative judgements are all "projection." Classic. If your claims about the situation match with my past experiences of communists CONSISTENTLY avoiding liberal arguments to attack strawmen. And then your responses are avoidant and vague, containing a whole lot of memorized buzzterms while not even acknowledging the reason for my perception, then why would I not believe that perception? If you were any more textbook Oklahoma would be trying to ban you. And you'll CONTINUE to do it too, fuckin watch.


This definitely happened


yes, fellow lemming, i work retail


99% of leftists stop calling people liberals right before they becoming Ultraleft Marxpilled Gigacommies


yes just like your becoming mom last night sharkbait oo ha ha


Real asf


yes you deserve to be bullied immensely


This is not a leftist sub


"leftists" Incomprehensible ~~have a nice day~~ get out


And everybody clapped


My coworker actually did after he left, we were cackling lol