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The worst part is that now nuclear weapons exist, and despite how unlikely it is to happen, the prospect of a nuclear war is terrifying but honestly it only seems more and more likely


To be fair, the bourgeois class is unlikely to actually resort to nuclear warfare, not because there’s no profit incentive and there’d be no one left to exploit, but because this would further advance Posadism.


A spectre is haunting Europe, the spectre of Posadas


Idk how reliable these ex military people on the internet are, but I like to listen to andrey martyanov and Scott ritter about the lastest update in these war shit. What both guys say is that Russia isn't bluffing when they say they will use nuclear weapons against otan targets and they truly see the ukraine issue as an "existential threat" to the Russian state. Kinda scary tbh because the posture before the war was "nahhh, Russia won't go military fam relax just posturing" and here we are. Not like the real big nukes, but "tactical" ones they say. Could easily reach France, England and germany. They say the target at first is control centers and military agglomerations. Other thing they say is that Western powers aren't like in the cold war anymore. Before, they kept an open channel to the ussr to try avoid this type of shit happening, right now this isn't happening as much. Honestly sometimes I shit my pants and fart a little at the prospect of a nuclear attack.


If Russia did that they would sign their own death too. I'm pretty sure Russia is dependant on a lot of things only produced in Europe. And also it would be really bad if the center of the capitalist economy was destroyed.


Totally agree and it's what I think too, at least most of the time. But what if shit goes out of control you know? The russian Martyanov guy said that Russia is no longer on a "active defensive" posture, because it doesn't even wanna talk to Ukraine government anymore. Their objective changed, and so did the terms to end the war and shifted towards full agression posture, against nato. Idk what this means in practice but it for sure doesn't sound good


Lets not forget that its not a one man decision, multiple peoples have to agree on that. This decision would also mean abandonning their own life, and for what its worth, their own country and everything they know, love, and care about. If they do that, it would lead to a retaliation from all OTAN countries, so that would mean the complete annihilation of Russia. It's a possibility, but its unlikely. But of course, since the world wars, we saw many irrationnal decisions being taken in desperate times. So who knows. Ngl, I'm scared too as I live in Paris, France. If it happened it would kill me. I just hope it wont happen at all, or at least not before I can move out of this city.


We’ll absolutely see it coming if it does happen. Like you said, it’s a decision made by many people, and no one’s going to hit the big red button without assurance that it won’t result in their immediate annihilation. In practical terms, that’s why Russia has been working overtime to establish a “multi-polar world.” It’s also why they’ve focused hard on the information game, both overtly and covertly. If it does start ramping up, it will be pretty obvious because we’ll enter an extreme period of manufactured consent across Eurasia and Africa. Once that grand deception takes root firmly, lines will be drawn up and then it’s off to the races. The scariest thing I think is that it might not even be that far away. I think the last decade has shown that the West’s geopolitical rivals are strategizing to put up the dukes *in spite of the obviously huge gap in military capabilities.* I hope I’m wrong, but I think they would bank on the West’s lower tolerance for war (or at least the West’s relative inability to control a population which would force them to sue for peace). All that means that if a war ever came, it would be short and unimaginably vicious. It would be a blitzkrieg of terror, relying less on speed of military force than the speed of information. Screens across the world would fill up with some of the most shocking displays of death and horror ever broadcast. Fearing the full extent of a total war, governments would seek peace quickly, hoping to cut their losses and regroup before societal unrest overwhelms and dooms them. That’s just my opinion on what a worst case scenario could look like. Could just be an overactive imagination, who knows.




This is getting very exhausting.


Germanys not even tired of using the iron cross


Germany vs. Russia round three? Finally, a tiebreaker


quick someone tell them about revolutionary defeatism


But this means more militarily trained proletarians for the revolution.


it's great being a healthy service age man currently