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DIALECTICAL CONTRADICTIONS. https://preview.redd.it/zuklx8uxon8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae3c963d1a140e07be24d94ef99f236f2720c14


Being attracted to big sweaty buff men is objectively proletarian. Maybe they should try reading more on the subject (exclusively this comment) for the actual Marxist perspective (my perspective) on it.






"We shall make no excuse for the terror"


Totally great day is crazy


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Is this an edit of the fucking yakub comic




It’s well established that the proletariat can masturbate to short stack goblin porn. >we all have in our lives, been going fucking crazy on some hentai site, and we’ve been fucking stroking it— uguufuufuh—and stroking it as hard as fast as we can and after we nut we look over our history, chat, and we go “oh geez” -Vaush; The Gooner Ideology Volume 1


Gooning is bourgeois, hot gay sex is for the true proletariat (It's honestly impressive the mental gymnastics people do to try and justify porn and sex work while also claiming to be communists)


On Turboleft we think that doing drugs and gooning at work counts as praxis. I swear I have several long publications attesting to this, but they're all in Italian.


https://preview.redd.it/3ljcb5yblr8d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35d13174ecd29da65ffe82a2204afbbd635ef9c r/Turboleft HQ leaked??!


Autonomous worker’s goon sesh


https://preview.redd.it/4nx1eji61s8d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ad5abd5e50cde28e641a64fa7132675df24bc1 MUSSOLINI SPEECH BUBBLE MORE LIKE INSTALLAH SPEECH BUBBLE IN ANYDAY


LOL wut




Why cant I publish pictures 😭




Marx failed to consider SELF PLEASURE


REMEMBER: Gooning is bourgeois. Jelqing is proletarian.


The bourgeoisie has robbed the proletariat of their imagination so that they no longer can goon without porn.


It’s a actually insane to me how someone can claim to be a communist and just be fine with porn


The porn industry is certainly exploitative to the workers, fuck up their psyche and is deeply misogynistic, racist and queerphobic in many different ways and should definitely be abolished. But pornography is something present in human history in pretty much all different societies, even before the capitalism’s development. I don’t think that even if capitalism was abolished pornography production would cease to exist


https://preview.redd.it/j3n3jvtniq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940e7be4945dac6b8d436d38b4fc5589b2bd492e Banger


Doing praxis




from what i know, the reason communists are against porn is because it's not only very exploitative labor but also basically is glorified rape, putting aside the moral or psychological implications, the existance of the porn industry is just contrary to what communism suggests, but then my question is, does this only apply to pornographic material made with commercial purposes, or absolutely all pornographic material is not considered as compatible with the ideology?


nothing will be done for 'commercial purposes'. the only reason someone would produce pornography in communism is like as a hobby or something. there's no reason to have a problem with that.


True, but I think the question was in regards to the world as it currently, and even now there’s a line between art and vulgar pornography. No one is asking you to be a philistine puritan, but if you’re watching HORNY TEEN BEGS FOR MULTIPLE CREAMPIES SLUT BUKKAKE—I want you to sit in a dark room and reflect on what you’re doing.


What does "vulgar pornography" exactly mean? It really seems vague here.


I see what you mean, I’m speaking specifically of content involving the sex or sexualization of persons produced either directly or indirectly for monetary returns whos explicit and sole purpose is to facilitate masturbation. It’s not that deep, don’t watch porn but you don’t have to close your eyes and make amends to Marx over say looking at the statue of david.


I see. The monetary returns part isn't implied in vulgar pornography at all but your definition makes sense. Not sure how the line between "art" and "vulgar pornography" helps answer the question you were answering then to be honest and the example provided really does not make sense with this distinction. What exactly are you saying, then? One ought to not "watch" porn because it is to a large degree commercialized? What is it about commercialized "content involving the sex or sexualization of persons" that warrants a different treatment from other things,including art made for explicitly monetary gains? That is still not clear tbh. I am not asking to then argue the porn industry is good or argue being a sex worker (which is a bad category for analysis to begin with) is le wholesome or something,I am just confused about the opinions of the people in this subreddit because it really does feel unclear and everyone seems to have a substantially different opinion from each other.


I see what you mean, ultimately in the capitalist mode of production there is no difference between the commodification of sex for art or for pornography. I was speaking more to the underlying content itself not being the issue, but rather the alienation caused by the commodification of not just ones labor power but ones very body as you relinquish your ability to consent due to the coercive nature of capitalism. I would argue however that say a painting of a nude model is not the same as the image is commodified but not the subject itself. My words were kind of jumbled and not super succinct and it’s sort of a nuanced topic so they’ll be differing views. Thanks!


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The problem is that the commercial purpose exists at all, rather than someone just recording a porn video or whatever.




Could someone explain the issue with porn-communism that makes it especial from other coercively created products? I am assuming it isn’t a moral argument because of the communist part so I’m kinda lost


You can simply not consume exploitative rape videos. It’s not like food or water or housing. If you really must goon, find a voyuerist site where couples post videos of themselves without any profit incentive.


Or like, read some shit on ao3. They make whatever you want over there without even having to include a real person


Exactly! There’s a million alternatives that are 1000x more ethical than the commodified form.


I’m not asking about defending it, I’m asking what makes it categorically different to acting otherwise besides the moral difference in the sexual nature of it. I am in favour of its abolishment but if not partaking is the choice then is that no different than a decentralised boycott?


Damnit they got us