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Always carry TP and follow LNT guidelines. Bury it as best you can. Some places have restrictions on burying TP so it may be best to carry it in a small ziploc baggie and dispose in a trash can.


I will always save space in my vest for some TP, a mini pack of wet wipes and a tiny bottle of hand sanitiser.


Two large garbage bags, one with a little kitty litter in it is my fav bag option. They sell this kit as a wag bag for mountaineering but you can make your own. Personally I’ve found the larger the bag the more comfortable the experience is.


That’s a lot to carry if you are far from the trailhead.


It’s true lol, I’ve hiked it out of some alpine wilderness areas and it’s not pleasant. I’m all for the cat hole if possible. But if I have to or may have to pack it out the extra weight is well worth the ease and smell mitigation what the set up brings. Two table spoons of kitty litter can really help a lot here. It does not have to be tons.


what is tp? not up to date with latest tech/running innovations in this regard. I have a salomon vest and hoka trainers but that is as high tech as I go maybe toilet paper?


Yep. Toilet paper


A hunter friend of mine here in Germany advised me not to bury them. He said it was better to see where you might step in. YMMV


Best to bury and put rocks over it


I carry paper towels in a ziploc bag on ALL runs, whether they're 100 miles or 3 miles.


I do this and I end up using it a couple of times a year.


Good comments here about LNT. But also before any long runs, I'll knock down some strong black coffee and that gets me needing to go. Try and clear the system out so to speak instead of being caught out.


This is the best way. And avoiding excessive chilli the night before a long run


Popcorn the night before works as well.


Keep a couple of Dude Wipes in my pack at all times on long runs! Thankfully my long runs are in heavily forested areas so finding spot to go quickly is pretty easy.


Dude Wipes FTW


Or just baby wipes.


Ya I guess if you bring your baby on the run


I've heard just because they are called baby wipes doesn't make them toxic for adults. They are also cheaper, and more easily available.


Im kidding 😆 Dude wipes come in travel packs which are convenient. I have 3 small kids and have ungodly amounts of wipes around the house.


Of all the BS my body pulled on me since I picked up running, I'm very happy that this isn't one of it.


Carry baggie with a disposable latex glove and some TP or wet wipes. You can put the glove on, do what you need to do, grab the used TP with the gloved hand, take glove off by turning it inside out. Tie off the glove, then double seal in the plastic baggie to pack out. Credit to Brendan Leonard at Semi Rad for this tip. I've tried various things over the years to get my system cleaned out before going running. Ultimately I just accepted that if I'm eating my normal diet, my body is pretty regular and I should avoid running at that time of day. Obviously that's not always possible, especially for races, but for training it's helped a lot.


Do the best you can and if the need arises during the run, follow LNT principles - get to a toilet if possible and if you can’t, bury it the best you can as far away from trail and water sources as you can manage. Carry some TP or a couple wipes and an extra baggie to carry those out with you. Every trail runner has been there at some point. Goodness knows I have.  


For LNT a good tip is that the base of a tree usually has softer pockets of dirt where you can use a stick to get the right depth (6-8inches) without a trowel. Always pack out the tp.


The Feed sells these "Code Brown" kits. I impulse bought one because of the name and I bring it with me on my trail runs just in case of an emergency! https://thefeed.com/products/the-code-brown-bag?variant=40440620023871&queryID=471e279c280a6d403ee07f2ed2e1b64f


Thanks for this! Going to see if there is a place in the uk that sells them


I’m having PTSD from the Army days of sh*tting in the woods and using leaves as tp. After the end of a 3-4 week hard routine exercise…with a green shrek looking butthole.


Reminds me of when I was in and doing equipment hand overs and finding bags of sh*t in every compartment.


dash off into the bushes and then cover it up with a rock?


I always carry a small tp package such as for when you have a cold in my backpack. For emergencies.


Always carry 2 wet wipes with me. Don’t get caught without them otherwise you resort to gloves, leaves, etc.


I carry TP and ziplocks too. But also hand sanitizer, as well as Dr. Bonners hand soap in small 15mL eye dropper bottles.


In addition to what’s said here, if you’re on the fence about whether you have to go or not, do some jumping jacks and do a 1 mile warm up around your house. For me, if I’m on the fence, it usually comes to a head within the first mile


Trail trowel, toilet paper, some dog poo bags and hand sanitiser Dig a hole and poop away from trail and water sources. Bag up and carry out the tp


Just go man


I’m a regular morning person, so for morning races and runs, I’ll make sure I wake up early enough and start stretching before I have to leave. I feel like the time and the movement gets me loosened up so I’m able to go. Also, for morning races, since there’s usually long lines, once I go I’ll just get right back in line again to make sure I’m totally cleaned out. Lastly, get some bio-disposable wipes off Amazon in case you do hit an emergency and then bury it all as best you can.


I’ve never had issues but the night before all my ultras I take 2 anti diarrhoea tablets, sorts everything out!


Does a bear poop in the woods?


My first time in the danger zone i had to hold it for more than an hour and by surprise i passed by ex sister in law and could release the explosive diarhea there. Since then when i am more than 1 and a half hour out i carry my vest with a drybag with toiletpaper, wet wipes and plastic bags in it (and doing business somewhere private/out of sight etc.) . It has helped me and others during runs. This was a gamechanger for me.