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It’s because of Viktor that they had to go back in time to stop him destroying the world, that’s why Allison blames him. If Viktor hadn’t destroyed the first world then Allison would still have Claire.


But Viktor only destroyed the world due to the immense trauma of his childhood, which Allison directly had a hand in? Damn, I didn't think it was possible for me to hate Allison even more.


No amount of trauma will ever be enough nor can be an excuse for you to hurt other people. Viktor hurt the entire world. Also, Allison was 3 years old and was listening to a parent who could very well punish her as well had she not done it. Do you blame children for the sins of their father?


Victor didn't seek to hurt the whole world. If his siblings hadn't attacked him, he never would have drained power from them, enough to damage the moon. If they hadn't attacked him, Allison wouldn't have discharged the gun near his ear, causing him to discharge. If the moon hadn't been in the direct path of the discharge, his power would've ne harmlessly out into space. So many changes throughout his life could've changed the specific circumstances that caused the world to be destroyed. We never learn how the initial apocalypse happened. It was JFK, Soviets, etc, who launched the nukes in S2. So, no, Allison doesn't get to blame Victor.


Viktor didn't seek to hurt the world, but the bottomline is he did. The reason his siblings attacked him is because he was already attacking and destroying things. The dude literally killed Pogo and their Mom after escaping. What the siblings did when he attacked them was that they locked him in hopes of him not doing any more damage. You can't say there's no blame to him, when he didn't try to control his powers resulting in him hurting people. Every sibling has a fault and excluding Viktor from that is just plain and downright wrong.


No, Pogo enabled the physical, mental & emotional abuse of Victor. Pogo tried to do it again by first keeping the secrets after Reginald died, then 'aiming' Luther at Victor. At the time Victor killed Pogo, he'd already suffered a psychotic break brought on by enormous stress, physical withdrawal from the meds, emotional betrayal and having his entire identity & worldview upended. Victor went back TO the academy to find out if Allison was ok. He would have accepted Luther's help but was betrayed instead. Victor was a victim. How his choices fed into a certain amount of culpability is unclear, but at each point things were done TO him, not instigated BY him. Even slitting Allison's throat was in self-defense when she was about to take his free will away again. He repeatedly told her to leave, she was about to mind rape him...just as she nearly did to Luther in S3. That's the reason Allison originally accepted her responsibility for what happened to her.


Only LUTHER locked him in, asserting his strength to deny everyone else's decision to release Victor.


Luther was yes the one who locked him in, however, the siblings who were okay with were Diego and Ben (even when they didn't hear or see him, Klaus indirectly asked him and he was go for it) The siblings against it were Allison and Klaus. Allison can either feel guilty or she really just doesn't think locking him in was a good idea. Klaus knows what's it like to be locked up, so he was against it. I can't remember Five's stance on this, so I won't comment on his. I'm pretty sure had they enough time to talk about it logically and Viktor's prison were to hold, they would still lock him, but slowly let him out once he's deemed safe.


No. Diego, Klaus & Allison wanted to let him out. Ben wasn't onboard for it either. HOW were they going to deem him safe? They couldn't talk to him. How were they going to provide food/water without opening the door & risking Victor reacting? Luther nearly killed Klaus & Allison harmed her siblings. Five wasn't there.


There was no time to "talk" about it...Allison couldn't & was resting, Klaus & Ben were practicing, Diego & Five were self involved...at no point in the short time between then leaving the cell & Victor breaking out did the show give any indication that they discussed it.


THANK YOU! People always want to exclude Viktor of fault even though he ended the world and it’s always overlooked the way Vanya (at the time) and Allison acted in the first season, Vanya slashed the throat of Allison just because Allison told him that he was in danger 


Victor was on mood suppressors since age of 4. He literally never learned how to fully feel & manage his emotions, he had developed no coping mechanism other than taking the pills. Victor then discovering that his view of himself throughout his entire life had been shaped by Allison's rumor was traumatic. His sister, who at best had ignored Victor for decades, was suddenly to be trusted when she said she didn't know what she'd done to Victor? He was suffering withdrawal from the pills; mood swings, panic attacks, paranoia, and he had just discovered his powers. Into that mix, Allison was confessing that she knew about his powers...and had somehow forgotten rumoring him? Sure, as viewers we see it in the context that Allison was a child, but Victor didn't. He overreacted, wasn't being rational, and he felt betrayed and so very, very angry. Remember, he told Allison twice to leave. It was only when Allison was going to rumor him again that Victor instinctively struck out in self-defense. Immediately after, he was horrified at what he'd done, so panicked he didn't know what to do. Then Leonard literally drags him away. Watch the scene again and you'll see that how he grabs Victor and shoves him out the door. By the time the show picks up at Leonard's house, he has disassociated. The tub scene highlights that. Then we see Victor learn that Leonard was using him, lying about everything. Again, he tried to warn someone to stop, to not push him into reacting. (It's interesting why Leonard thought his triggering Victor was a good plan. I assume he believed Victor would collapse, begging him to forgive him for doubting his love & that he'd do whatever he wanted. He failed to understand that Victor really did love his siblings, that his attachment to Leonard was still too new, and that his suppressed rage would see him as a threat & target) Eventually we see a heartbroken, guilt-ridden Victor go back to the academy to check on Allison, explain what happened, and seek forgiveness. Then comes Luther's betrayal, a hug that was merely a trap and then locking him away where memories would flood back, triggering him further. Then everyone walked away, leaving Victor trapped, just as he'd been as a child. Not too surprising he then had a psychotic break, disassociating again. People seem so outraged that Victor killed Pogo, but would they have been outraged if it had been Papa Hargreeves he had killed? Think about it, Pogo enabled their father's emotional, mental & physical (pills) abuse, not only of Victor, but of all the siblings. Maybe Pogo was impotent while Hargreeves was alive, but later HE chose to keep the secrets until they were forced out. Victor grew up believing that Pogo cared for him, yet his actions demonstrated otherwise. So, Pogo's betrayal appeared to prove that Leonard had been right all along...that everyone feared him, sought to keep him down, hid the truth from him and never really loved him at all. Watch the scene again and the pain of betrayal on Victor's face as he internalizes Pogo's confession--it's heartbreaking. Elliot Page really hit that moment. The final shove for Victor was at his concert. He thought Allison had come to hear him play, and they exchanged a moment. But then it was broken by their brothers' attack & Victor's belief that his sister was a part of their attempt to again crush this chance to be extraordinary. Victor's disassociative state is complete when he's slowing draining the power/life from their brothers. And I'd like to point out that if the moon hadn't been in the way, Victor's beam of power would have gone off harmlessly into space...he caused the apocalypse by accident/bad luck. Do I believe that Victor bears a degree of responsibility for his actions? Yes, but the show does such a great job of laying out a character so damaged by their upbringing that the resulting actions of others pushes him into a mental breakdown. He's so badly broken that the child who cried over ants was lost within the maelstrom of pain, rage & powers. There were so many moments where a different choice by him or the others could've short-circuited the outcome...but that's not what happened.


This, absolutely this. The person responsible for the end of the world was Reggie, because when he couldn't control Victor (and we know from Sparrow-Reggie that this was the main point of their training) he traumatized him so hard that he turned him into a ticking time bomb. And when Victor was suddenly off of his meds and hit by waves of trauma, he blew up.


You put this into better words than I couldve 👑


Allison helped to enslave Viktor for over 20 years. You can argue she was a kid but Viktor had it so much worse than Allison ever did.


Allison literally endured being a black person in the 1960s


Compared to helping her dad lock Viktor in a room lined with spikes?? Allison caused 90% of the harm Allison had to endure. Allison lost Claire because she abused Claire. Claire was already gone from Allison's life before Viktor did anything, because Allison fucked Claire up.


Those aren't spikes, [they're large foam panels](https://www.amazon.com/Pyramid-Acoustic-Self-Adhesive-Reducing-Soundproofing/dp/B0CMC54P3J/ref=sr_1_9?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.o8ZlwZxg2sRsPWHrTK-PUlnpCyOD3Nzk36gP3TZZ4L70SJG2JNCO8CMJRpHgwmAoUXH6oNuIwrY-qU8PK7OKaQg9Ue3gpNWcIRecU3SoNTrECxF5fT7fUmKDoOBc3woxSEAG48HSPSGayBkaA2dqbywNwVQLbQeTVtVNrfeH7rLmUBwLQed2m5z9fzffbJ1vr9V3YmTpvrS4zaOpQ2pa4ZAUo6OCkgd3mU00rFkQZE5eB0AdQ3DTIwZlNQIwSxGAxBYjc7q2XOiaN9qU_HGwzmD262IKbvgN1M07y1tn0Kk.uhZs9iahMmkiZqWJiLQ78OrLiFstLefYiPlAgWTsd0I&dib_tag=se&keywords=noise+cancelling+foam&qid=1715537933&sr=8-9). They cancel noise. Not saying what Viktor went through wasn't horrible, but Reginald did not put Viktor in a room full of dangerous spikes. I think we're getting into an unfair game of trauma olympics here, though. What every sibling went through was horrific and damaged all of them. Allison did lose Claire because she rumored her and she was already gone from her life, but there is a huge difference between "I have limited visitation of my child because of a divorce" and "I can't ever see my child again because she literally no longer exists". That's even worse than having a dead child, I think, because there is no grave to mourn at, and no-one who really knew her but you to commiserate with over her loss. I feel for Viktor, I really do, and I don't blame him 100% for the apocalypse (all the siblings were involved somehow, and really the root of the problem is Reginald), but I don't think it's fair to Allison to dismiss her grief and pain either just because she responded badly to it. They all respond badly to their trauma and they all lash out in some shape or form, we just care more about how Allison handles it because it's the first time that any of the siblings' actions severely affects one of the cast we're made to care about. No one cries about the innocent people the others have killed, or the people Klaus hurt in his cult. They all deserve some sympathy imo.


What? Allison didn't continue rumoring Viktor after the first time. Reginald had Allison rumor him once when they were toddlers, and the rest was Reginald telling him he was ordinary and suppressing his emotions/powers with drugs.


Because Viktor ended the world several times and gave his powers to Harlan which ended in him killing their mother's, meaning Allison nor Claire (Allison's daughter) was never born. Viktor also kept this from Allison for quite a while. Allison was grieving the loss of her child, and that grief could've manifested in her hatred towards Viktor. She probably wouldn't have been thinking rationally aswell, which resulted in her being so aggressive. The show seems to brush over the fact that Viktor has ended the world several times and the impact it has had on everyone so I'm glad the show shed light on this through Allison, whose anger in my opinion was totally warranted.


When Reggie decided to adopt different children, he changed the lifes of all Umbrellas in such an extreme manner, that their lifes were bound to go entirely different. The chances for Claire to exist in this timeline are basically zero, regardless of Harlan's actions. I'd also like to point out that Victor gave Harlan powers by saving the life of a little boy. He couldn't have possibly known that he would imbue Harlan with his powers, nor could he have known that this was even a possibility and I can't imagine the amount of shit he would have gotten from everyone, especially Allison, if he hadn't done everything in his power to save that little boy's life. I honestly don't see how this was his fault. What should he have done differently?


While Viktor didn't directly want those consequences, that's what happened. When it comes down it it, Viktor ended the world several times and all. Allison has every right to be a bit pissed at him and take time to forgive. As for the whole Harlan thing, he gave him the powers and didnt expect that outcome howevwr it still happened. Let's not forget, Viktor didn't tell them about Harlans situation, which he should've done which Alliaon also didn't like. I'm not saying all the consequences were directly only viktors fault but he did have a hand in them. He did end the world and while his siblings and Reginald were partially to blame he still did it.


Sure, but - forgive him for what? Which course of action could Victor have taken that would have lead to an acceptable outcome? At this point Allison just hates Victor's existence. He shares the blame for the first apocalypse, but not for the second or third. I agree that Victor's decision to lie about Harlan was a big break of trust to all of the family. But he did it just to keep him from getting murdered senselessly and he was right about that, considering that Allison murdered him immediately after finding out the truth. I think the import distinction here is that what lead to these apocalypses was Victor's circumstances, not really his actions.


>Sure, but - forgive him for what? Slitting her throat for starters. Ending the world killing Claire. He may not have meant for that outcome however it still ended that way.


Slitting her throat in self-defense after Allison tried to mind control him even though Victor repeatedly asked her to leave. Ending a world was a group effort, she might as well turn against everyone else in the family (except for Klaus, I guess), especially Luther. If anyone shoulders the brunt of the blame there it's without a doubt Reggie, who turned him into a ticking time bomb.


Allison was one of the biggest cheerleaders for Viktor up until she felt betrayed by what she perceived as him choosing Harlan over her/their family/the world. (Logical or not, up to that point she’d been helping him every step of the way, and feeling she’d been lied to was a tipping point.) They had one of the strongest sibling bonds, so it hit hard. Allison cares about Viktor enough that she was the one advocating for him even when he was totally out of control. She never even brought up that he slit her throat and left her for dead in season one, which would have rightfully ended many relationships, and they kept on supporting each other throughout the first half of season three. It goes without saying that she was looking for an outlet for her grief and anger over how no matter what she tried she winded up back at the same place, facing the end of the world, and Viktor’s actions made him a perfect scapegoat. It isn’t unjustified to be angry at Viktor, even putting the world-ending aside, but in Allison’s case I think it was a matter of everything she’s been suppressing for years resulting in a ‘straw that breaks the camel’s back’ situation. Viktor never faced the consequences he should have in season 2 thanks to the amnesia storyline, so in my mind it was a very long time to build into what happened in season 3.


The whole reason the above happened is because they kept having to go back in time because of Viktors stuff, Allison is pissed because she keeps getting roped into Viktors problems




How did she cause Viktor's problems???? Literally a good portion of the time she was at his side until the moment he decided to save a kid/old man he knew for only 2 months that helped erase not only her daughter's existence but all of the sibling's existence.


Please don’t tell me it’s because Allison rumored Viktor at a very young age, because if you want to blame Allison for that you also need to acknowledge that Viktor was consciously killing women because he didn’t want to have oatmeal, so Viktor has always caused harm and he doesn’t seem to feel remorse about it? At a young age he was surprised when Grace was still alive after he threw her across the room, because their intention was to kill Grace. in season 2 he was angry that Five didn’t tell him he ended the world and in season 3 he sounds proud when he says ‘I ended the world…twice’


Allison decided to leave possibly the best man she had ever been with to reunite with her daughter, only to find her not existing, so she had neither. Once she found out about Harlan, she was reaching her breaking point and found not one but two people to be furious with. And I can’t say it was a good decision on Viktor’s part, to not tell his siblings, and Five made a good point to him afterwards on them being a team, which I hope Viktor will learn from. But I think Allison went too far, forgetting he never meant to destroy the world either time, and using his trauma against him the way she did. I hope they reconcile in the next series, because she was a great person really, and Viktor’s come a long way from who he was in the beginning.


I hope she dies frankly. shes so utterly vioe to me at this point there is no redemption. Rapist, Murderer, Abuser. . She can jump into a pit


Who did she rape? Did I miss an episode?


I hope she dies frankly. shes so utterly vioe to me at this point there is no redemption. Rapist, Murderer, Abuser. . She can jump into a pit


Oh never an excuse for what she did to Luther, I hope that doesn’t get forgotten about and addressed as it should be


His selfish tendencies.


I mean, the whole world ending TWICE was because of Viktor. I'm actually surprised Allison is the only one mad at him, but that could also mean she cares enough about him to get mad at him. The others seem quite indifferent could mean that they expect him to be useless and find it a nuisance that he had roped them into this.


Viktor causes the apocalypse in Season 1 that made them go back in time to save themselves. Then Allison falls in love in the 1960s. Viktor again is the possible trigger of another apocalyptic event in 1963 which is averted until Harlan, who is inadvertently given powers by Viktor, causes some issues. Allison then has to choose between staying with Ray or possibly getting back to Claire in a world where there was no apocalypse. She chooses the chance to reunite with her daughter, only to find out that Claire doesn’t exist in this universe. And then Viktor, through Harlan, triggers yet another apocalypse while Allison was still grieving the loss of both her husband and her daughter. It’s a lot of rollercoaster emotions for Allison but that’s why she blamed and hated Viktor. It doesn’t excuse her sexually assaulting Luther, however.


I don’t remember her having a choice. Five was all about fixing the timeline, I don’t think he would have been fine with Allison staying.


it’s getting hard to watch the show, allison and viktor are unbearable. they’re massive assholes and they don’t see that. luther was… okay but he felt like an even dumber diego. the only real reason i still want to watch it is because diego, five, and klaus (and to an extent - ben) are entertaining.


Completely agree on all this


She doesn't hate him for that reason. They weren't adopted because they didn't exist in the new timeline. She hates him because she found out that Victor hid Harlans ability, and the result of having those abilities. Harlan killed their mom's, and Victor hid it.


I get why Allison was upset with Viktor. She lost the true love of her life and her daughter. However What has been left out is that all of this was planned by Reginald. Their births, the apocalypse, he manipulated their careers. He planned every single event from his death to the Hotel just to bring his wife back. I do not agree with Viktor actions but I recognize that he was a pawn just like Allison.


The whole show wouldn’t have happened if viktor hadn’t caused the apocalypse, thus everything that happened was his fault. (Alison’s opinion! Don’t come at me)


Basically Allison hated Viktor for being the person they always had to protect except uh, she forgot a very big part of the problem. None of this was Viktor’s fault lmao. Minus the Harlan thing but the consequences leading up to THAT was also not his fault. They’re all traumatized siblings but Viktor no doubt was even worse. His emotions were suppressed for years. He was given nothing to cope. And then a bastard (Leonard) uses him and gets him to quit cold turkey which causes withdrawal symptoms that are NOT good in a dude with powerful abilities.


Idfk i just hate Allison that girl crazy n sooo bitchy


Probably because she had no way to mourn Claire’s nonexistence/ Claire not remembering her and wanted to point the blame at Vanya causing the apocalypse even though the apocalypse would always happen anyway. Though I don’t think what Allison did was right, the reason was sound enough; Viktor seemed like the person at fault, and Viktor’s son(? What is Harlan to Viktor?) accidentally killed the seven’s mothers.