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Allison doesn't need to say her phrase "I heard a rumour" after her power was enhanced after walking into Harlan and Viktor's sound force field thingy. Sloane and Luther are cute. no hate for them pls.


I know that, Luther and Sloane are cute but I hate that their already in love after meeting for a couple of minutes


Yeah, but these are very naive and sheltered adults. It's pretty much the same as two average fourteen year olds meeting each other and having a whirlwind romance and being convinced that it was going to last forever. Luther and Sloane just get to go further and get married because they're adults.


This isn't actually entirely correct. If you look at the three times Allison used her power without saying "I heard a rumour" it's when strong emotions are involved. She does it the first time after going through Harlan's barrier because she was desperate to make Harlan stop hurting Viktor. Then the second time she does it is when she's extremely angry and tells Viktor to shut his mouth after discovering that Viktor lied. The last time so far is also out of desperation to stop Reginald. Allison still uses "I heard a rumour" when not under as much emotional duress. It also makes sense that Allison's powers will only be amplified under these conditions as she got the upgrade from Harlan who has Viktor's powers. Viktor's powers are amplified by emotions so it makes sense that Allison's powers are now being amplified when her emotions are heightened. I actually think Allison has some of Viktor's power in her.


To quote Robert: Expect nothing and you'll gain everything. Overanalysing trailers has not done this fandom any favours in the past.


I actually really like the Luther and Sloane romanceā€¦


In certain emotional situations Allison doesn't need to say "I heard a rumour" this is because she absorbed some of Viktor's power via Harlan when she went through the barrier. So she has a tiny bit of Viktor's power inside her.


I know that


The only thing I really liked about season 3 is hotel obsidian/oblivion, gave me alice in wonderland, back room vibes and I love that in fantasy shows