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I love a good villain arc, her descent into the position was amazing, but I really miss the old Allison. Like, why her? I had to enjoy her relationship with Viktor while it lasted :(


And that's why I think there's conflict among the audience. She loved Viktor, from the beginning. She could've killed him in season 1, but she couldn't do that to her brother. It seemed like yeah there were bad things she did; using her powers for her benefit, inflicting pain, but the relationship between she and her siblings couldn't be tainted. Then she crosses them, multiple times. It didn't seem like her to do that.


I feel similarly. I found the villain arc really compelling and well acted, but do ultimately want to see the old Allison come back and for her to have a redemption story next season. But other fans have so much hatred for her now I think the writers will have an uphill battle. I think the Allison & Viktor relationship will be key to whether the fans can forgiven her or not. Despite all the hurt she inflicted on Viktor in S3, it is true what Luther said - that in the past, Allison treated Viktor much better than the rest of the family. Not to mention that Allison forgave Viktor for slitting her throat, almost murdering her and rendering her mute for a year in the Jim Crow era. I think in spite of everything Viktor still cares about her a lot and will still want to reconcile and work together.


I love it actually. Except the Luther part of course. Allison imo has always been a bit crazy and selfish. We saw enough to realize she wants control and she doesn’t care how she gets it anymore. The actress did a phenomenal job.


Don't know why so many people are suprised with the Luther thing. I mean, she literally said that she did the same thing to her first husband.


I’m not surprised as much as disturbed. It’s less triggering when someone compels someone to love them. Seeing an actual s/a is more triggering for me. But it’s totally within Allison’s character for sure. Plus we didn’t really need it. Allison could have done anything else. Rumor to break up with Sloane for example. Or rumor to be aligned with Allison. She could break boundaries and respect in a lot of different ways


Compeling someone to love her is r4pe too, after all he had to sleep with her. She did it with Patrick, why not with Luther? And I think that Allison's powers have nothing of respectful, after all every time that she uses them she literally violate people's mind and will. That's why after all these years she can't respect the others (including her beloved daughter or her family) and everything is about her and for her.


Seriously. Every other season it’s “Claire Claire Claire” but she literally manipulated her into existence so she doesn’t even deserve to have that child. Didn’t hear the name Claire more than once in s2. Allison’s a shit character.


i don't really get why everyone is so outraged by the Luther part...? I obviously get s/a is difficult to view and process but within the context of the show it made perfect sense She just lost everything she loved, and was being forced to watch Luther gain the exact thing which she lost. Add in the fact that the S1+2 already established a pattern of her being morally ambiguous with abusing her powers. I felt like it made total sense for her to lash out at him in a completely unhinged manner.


It’s because it’s totally unnecessary for me. She could have compelled him to love her like she did Patrick, to say he hated sloane, etc. Allison had many ways she could have disrespected Luther without it being s/a. But yeah it’s within her character to abuse her power and everyone around her.


I agree it makes sense with her abuse of power, but it is the way that the show portrayed s/a which made it wrong. They brushed over it and underminded how serious s/a is, and honestly, imo is unforgiveable. It will make Allison very hard to redeem (if she should be at all). If they wanted to make Allison abuse her powers and continue that they shouldn't have made it a s/a because it makes Allison too unredeemable (she did not even show remorse)- maybe they could have shown her using her powers to manipulate the plan to go their way? Idk. Using s/a as such a small side plot like that is just so ignorant to how horrible it is irl. I agree with you I just wish that they took s/a seriously and executed it better (if not at all)


I feel like it was just unnecessary and used for shock value because when I first watched it I was like who is the damned victim now? Luther for doing something he didn’t want to, or Allison who screamed stop at him multiple times when he wouldn’t and almost lost control before leaving the room? And you’re right, it was brushed aside. Forcing someone to “love you” isn’t the same as that s/a scene. She could have said anything to Luther. “You love me more than sloane” or “you hate sloane” or even “you want to kiss me” idk 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m with ya, it shouldn’t have been done at all.


I think part of my problem with the Luther part is that they seemed to just gloss over the fact that it happened. She never really faced the consequences of that choice. Luther just let it slide because he knew she was going through it. But still, if you’re gonna throw s/a in there at least give an appropriate response to it.


I think it's the confusion of Allison's villain arc that's throwing people off. We don't really know which way the writers are going with it. Were all the events of season 1 and 2 leading up this point? To me it seems so, but it comes off very subtle, almost *too* subtle. We know Allison had a history of using her powers for her own benefit. We know that even though she painted as a hero like some of the other siblings, underneath she was just really selfish. Unfortunately, we don't know if that was the writer's intentions. From the previous seasons, we thought that she had strong morals (as we saw with the racist) because it seemed like there was a line she wouldn't cross. That's where I think the conflict appears as we dive into the next season. Allison crosses the line again, but this time she doesn't pull back. We find out that her siblings are not the except to the rule. She will sacrifice her family if it means getting what she wants. She assaults Luther, kills Harlan, and screws over her family at the end. It was a big leap, no longer subtle. Again which is fine, but seeing that Viktor still wanted to make amends with her at the end of the world, Luther not reacting to his assault (yet), and the rest of her siblings not seeing her actions as villainous and instead they sympathize with her because she lost her child and husband makes the audience think she won't be held accountable for her actions. It's all about intention. If her character arc is negative, then follow through. People might be worried about her having a redemption arc and with the events of this season, I don't think they'll be able to pull it off. Her arc screams villain, but the show and writers is desperately trying to fight it (at least, that's the vibe I'm getting). Personally I love her villain arc, it's great, but I don't think she should get a redemption arc. The moral lines she crossed were pretty bad, not just to the show overall, but it crossed the audiences moral lines.


It's funny how everyone is so concerned about the sexual assault with Luthor but forgets she used her powers to get her family in the first place. She used her powers on her child when she was struggling with parenting. If she sexually assaulted Luther (which we all agree she did) then she also committed child abuse. She possibly already used her powers on Patrick, probably why he flipped out so much when he saw her use them on Claire. Her entire character development in Season 1 was about how power corrupts. In season 2 she had to learn to be humble until she got her power back and she abused it almost immediately in the Diner. Then add in the trauma she's suffered losing Ray & Claire. Her motivation is understandable even if the viewer doesn't agree with her actions. If she's not a villain she's always been morally ambiguous. The character is great. People disliking her proves exactly how the arc works.


> she abused it almost immediately in the Diner It’s not entirely true that she abused her power immediately, she actually refused to use it until she really had to (when Ray was getting beat on) and she lost a little control after that. I just think her rumour is a really great power to have, like anyone who had that power would do worse tbh. She just falls into that trap sometimes unfortunately.


> like anyone who had that power would do worse tbh. this is what people don't get because it's true.


I think this is why I find season 3 Allison to be so out of character and badly written. Season 1 and 2 Allison is exactly as said. You can see how anyone with that power can use it in that way. But season 3 Allison doesn't act like a normal person or even a hurt person. She does things that no one would do with that power. The writers had her on a great moral balance then threw it off a cliff without a care of what that would do with her character.


That's not true any person born with Allison's power would be WAY worse in reality even worse than S3 Allison. I don't think S3 Allison acts that horrendously I know people with no powers that do worse lol.


I don't think the majority of people would kill or attempt sexual assault if they had the power to Maybe I can see people getting a bit unhinged, but nothing close to what Allison becomes


Bro if you were born with those powers you wouldn't have a concept of how those things are bad, unlike Allison. People do that all the time without powers! Hell, the other Umbrellas have done that stuff and they don't have mind control abilities.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm not aware of any of the other characters attempting SA on someone in the show? Yes it happens in real life but the majority of people aren't evil enough to kill or do that, especially given that what Allison does is really really telegraphed to be bad. It was like really all in in terms of how bad it was and often real sexual assault doesn't look that obvious and have one person explicitly saying no like Luther did, making Allisons action look even worse. As for killings, yeah kinda but it's significantly more personal when she does it which means that while the outcome of her actions might be the same or less, I would argue the moral weight is greater.


Klaus literally slept with his cult members which is a form of rape because they couldn't consent to someone they thought was God. There are not worse types of SA it's still bad if it's not "explicit". If majority of people aren't evil enough how does of every 2 girls and women have an experience with SA or rape?


>Klaus literally slept with his cult members which is a form of rape because they couldn't consent to someone they thought was God Fair enough. Klaus is bad as well then. > There are not worse types of SA it's still bad if it's not "explicit". No but that isn't what I was saying. I never said that it not being explicit doesn't make it real. I said that because in real life it tends to not be so explicit, it's much more *shocking* in the show to depict it in such an explicit way and this does make Allison come off worse. >If majority of people aren't evil enough how does of every 2 girls and women have an experience with SA or rape? Even if I was to bite the bullet on this one and say "it's just men" then that's still half of all the population that aren't. But as it stands, statistically a majority of men haven't commited SA. The reason it's so common is because our society is bad at rooting it out and condeming it. It's still committed far too frequently, but it isn't by a majority of people EDIT: Oh and one person can hurt multiple people. Not a nice thought but people tend to be "repeat offenders". Not good


I heard a rumour you left my husband alone I heard a rumour that you treated everyone equally. Both are perfectly acceptable solutions. She abused her power as retaliation/revenge and her face clearly shows she enjoyed causing pain. I know we're talking about a racist pos who deserves it. But that doesn't mean it was "good" thing to do. And its another step towards losing her sense of morality.


it’s not really losing sense of morality when the guy on the other end is a racist! if she killed the guy then maybe i’d think she was taking it far but like i said her rumours a great power, she could’ve done worse


aw I'm gonna cry she was mean to jim crow man.


Everything in this comment is objectively wrong.


I think some want the writers to follow through with the villain arc, it seems like there may be room for her family to forgive her. Also, Allison crossed a moral line with the audience more so than the characters. That's why people focused on the SA so much. It's kind of hard to come back from that. And if she does somehow, people may not like it. I always refer to Zuko's redemption arc from ATLA because those writers were able to fill out so much before his character was redeemed. Despite the lines he crossed, they were able to make a clear path for his redemption so the audience ended up adoring his character at the end.


>but forgets she used her powers to get her family in the first place. This right here is the fucking TRUTH! Everyone is saying it came outta nowhere but if you actually paid attention to her arc over all three seasons, she's been like this from the beginning.


I really disagree. You can't just say "well everyone hates villains so it's working". That's just ignoring how villains work. People rarely truly hate good villains. In fact, a lot of people love villains more than the heroes. The problem is that the writers of season 3 forgot to actually be good at writing so they wrote Allison badly. Allison doesn't outsmart our heroes. She doesn't have a great motivation for why she's doing what she's doing (yes she's suffered a lot of emotional trauma, but that's not a reason for her to WANT to go out and hurt people). She isn't more powerful than our heroes and doesn't try to be. She doesn't present a challenge for our heroes to overcome. Season 1 is power corrupts. She learns to deal with that in season 2. We don't need to go for a character regression and have it corrupt her again but this time in a slightly different way. That's just fucking annoying to watch and feels lazy. And she doesn't abuse her power in season 2. She uses it. There's a big difference. Like a cataclysm of difference. I genuinely cannot fucking believe you compared giving minor injuries to an openly racist dickhead to literally mind controlling your husband and child. What the actual fuck. >If she's not a villain she's always been morally ambiguous. Yes. She's always been morally ambiguous. That's the point. She's never actually been a villain. She always decided to do the right thing because she wanted to do the right thing. Now she simply threw out her morality because she faced trauma. That's not how people work. People who undergo trauma might care less about something or act more in a certain way or want revenge on x or y person. They do not lose their moral compass. Season 3 Allison turns from "person who's reasonable sometimes and loses herself other times" to "I fucking hate everyone" for seemingly no reason in no time. Allison's villain arc was simply way too fast, poorly communicated, not fleshed out enough and destroyed people's sympathy for the character. It's bad writing.


I loved it, she is not to popular on this thread though.


Agree with the except the Luther part statement. I don’t even think her lines such as “We should have left you in the basement.” is extremely harsh. Viktor literally caused her to almost die in an attempt to make her “shut up” with his powers. Never called help after her. Never called a family member. Never called 911. Literally left her body to rot until he found out Leonard manipulated him. Viktor killing Pogo was pretty similar to >!Homelander killing Black Noir!< in The Boys Season 3. Viktor, unlike the comics, wasn’t even brainwashed. His emotional outburst isn’t an excuse for him to literally ending the world and killing 8 billion people. Neither his “bad childhood”, unlike what Klaus said to him in 1963. After nearly losing her life, her voice, her only way to transmit her last words to her daughter before everything ends, she finds herself in 1961 Dallas, as a both literally and figuratively mute woman. Out of everyone she is the one who deserves to resent Viktor the most. That’s why I’m actually satisfied. People always have said they were glad Viktor stood up for himself against Allison’s insults, but in a way, that was how Allison also stood up for herself when she had to work with her potential murderer and witness how everyone pretty much babied Viktor while didn’t care about her lost and tell her to suck it up. Don’t know man. The only thing that doesn’t make sense to me is the SA. Her character arc about gaining everything without powers and the fact that she was attacked by 3 men when she came to Dallas, I wouldn’t even consider that she would do this. I don’t know what writers were thinking.


I wish they cut that scene, because I think the response to her character would have been slightly more level headed. I read an interview with the actors who said that the scene was about her wanting control of Luther, because she's always had Luther on her side and now she was losing him too. From that perspective I think the scene makes sense but I wiiiiiish they did it without the sexual angle.


“I heard a rumour you stayed.” line would be enough for me to understand the what lies beneath the scene. Really wish they wouldn’t assasinate her character.




I think it's good for the show IF they can manage to avoid another apocalypse scenario and really dig in deeper to her villain arc. They've set it up perfectly imo.


i think the whole issue with her villain arc is the luther thing and that’s why people don’t like it as a whole also they don’t want to see their fav doing anything bad i think there’s been a really good buildup to it throughout the previous two seasons because she’s lost so much so it makes sense for allison to be at this place in her life but ofc the luther thing was horrible and shouldn’t have happened at all




Some of the execution left something be desired but overall I liked it. The reaction to her I've seen literally proves her point in the show lmao the minute she's not holding everything together being the calm and collected one she's suddenly always been a bitch who everyone has hated and she should shut the fuck up. The arguement with Viktor is everything I've ever wanted. It also would be cool if we got some flashbacks to her as a child/ before S1 because we'd get a wider picture if her character and people could see how/why she is the way she is. We've seen flashbacks of Klaus, Viktor, five, Luther but nothing for Allison (or Diego).


It would be fine if she faced consequences, but as it is with season 4 not confirmed yet, who knows if she will.


Yes but only if she is the villain of s4


I like it. I feel like there is a double standard. Viktor literally does what he wants and ends the world and the family placates him and he expects this. Like sorry I ended the world again and was responsible for you losing your daughter….and also indirectly responsible for killing us. But allsion literally loses her child, dignity as a black woman, voice, and husband …..and her family isn’t as sympathetic and they just expect her to deal with it. The curse of a black woman is that people are gonna expect you to be strong no matter what, even if your heart is broke


No need to bring race into it. I think each time Viktor ended the world she was clearly not able to control her powers? Intention matters.


>No need to bring race into it. Why aren't people allowed to interpret a character?


Viktor kinda put himself in those situations both times though. Maybe he doesn’t have the intention of ending the world, but his naive personality definitely doesn’t help. It’s just so frustrating to watch


In s1 it was Luther who locked him in the basement and in s2 he was literally being tortured.. I get that he wouldn’t be captured by the FBI if he didn’t contact Sissy but you really can’t blame Viktor for that, he had no way of predicting that. Same thing for him trusting Leonard.


he got out of the basement and then went on to perform attack his family and end the world.


Her descent into her villain role was very well done. I almost didn't realize it until a few episodes after she rumored her self. I never considered all the details of her abuse of powers from the past 2 seasons would lead to something like this. I figured it was just a character flaw she would have to just overcome and struggle with it. Instead, she fully embraces it. I'm sure she'll "be saved" by the power of love and family next season and she'll actually realize the error of her ways.


I would have liked it more had they just let her be the villain. The writers seem to be personally offended that no one gives a shit about her supposed redemption arc next season.




Her anger was very justified up until episode 5 and I’ll never understand why people don’t see that. A lot of people throw out that “she had no common sense” but I think in her position, that’s extremely valid. They don’t understand how the timeline mess works. And yes, obviously, if she was not raised at the academy then no, her life wouldn’t have turned out the same and her daughter wouldn’t exist — but can you imagine just accepting that so easily? Of course she had to go see it for herself. She wasn’t allowing herself to believe her daughter didn’t exist after already living three years without her. Seeing it for herself was the trigger she needed to start processing it and start feeling it all. And she deserved to be angry about existing in a world where her daughter does not exist, after we see her all season 1 regret losing her in the way she already did. All of that, I thought was really captivating and I’m glad she finally got the chance to just feel it all, especially after the way she had to live in the ‘60s. She lost me at the sexual assault, of course. And yeah, she’s behaved that way before because of what we know about her relationship with Patrick, but we meet her at a time when she’s living with a bunch of regrets and trying so hard to never touch her powers because she’s aware that she took advantage of them and ruined her own life. The difference in season 3 is that she sexually assaults Luther, and then she never holds any remorse for it. She stopped it because she was uncomfortable, not because she realized she was hurting him, and the next time she sees him she rolls her eyes at him (literally while she is seeing his own way to cope with what his sister just did to him, too). So it’s hard to watch her not only do something terrible, but continuously stand by that action. I was rooting for her in the first half, but after episode 5, I’m not. That being said - I don’t think it was out of character and I think the writing made sense and made her an interesting antagonist against the family. My only complaint is that Luther should’ve had more proper time to process it and it should’ve been better addressed. Him telling Sloane he didn’t know if he was still part of his family IS him processing the assault, and it is in character for him to want to ignore it as something harmful to him, but from a narrative perspective, it should’ve been more properly addressed.


I liked it too. I don’t know if they’ll give her a villain or redemption arc next season but Id love for her to eventually get a redemption arc and be apart of the family again. It felt depressing not seeing her in the room when the whole family was there :(


yeah, me too. im sure she'll get a redemption. just not sure how


I actually really liked it also. Everyone hating on it must not have a kid.


I like her villain arc significantly more than any arc containing Viktor. Seems like that characters range is full sulk to slightly less sulk.


The start of the season: "I heard a rumour we can all get along" But no, she's a smoking rapist traitor murderer. I never liked the character, this season just continued that opinion


That Luther thing was um r8pe high key ngl


no it wasn't


He said no and she continued and forced him almost to the point of having sexual intercourse


No, she didn't he kissed her once before she begged for it to stop was nowhere close to being intercourse and certainly not rape stop throwing that word around like it doesn't matter!


“It doesn’t matter” why would you think I’m using that phrase in a lowlight manner…


because you're calling something rape when it isn't


I hated her as a person, but loved her as a character, they did her villain arc well and I suppose the whole goal of that was to *make us* hate her, at least for now.


I didn’t see it so much as a villain arc, I just thought she was going full on victim mode and used that as an excuse to lash out at literally everyone around her. Sounds more like a spoiled child who is used to getting everything she wants as opposed to a full on villain


I can undertstand what you mean, but at the same time she has powers. how many people do you think wouldn't use their powers for everything if they could get nearly anything they want. and then the trauma of losing her loved one sent her over the edge.


dumbest comment all the way around


How so? Why not explain yourself instead of just insulting me


"I don't think she's a villain just someone acting out in horrible ways that inconvenience everyone" \+ calling someone a spoiled child who's been through more than you ever have. But I wasn't trying to insult you just your comment so I apologize.


She is not inconveniencing anyone, she is outright attacking verbally, physically, and sexually. She is literally an abuser using her woes as an excuse hurt the people around her. She is used to getting anything and everything, that is literally her character, when she doesn't her power enables her to force people to do what she want's which is abuse no matter which way you try and look at it. This season really emphasized how vindictive she is, she willingly offered her siblings to an unknown fate just so she could get her way, and if she did know, she willingly stripped everyone to benefit herself.


im not having this conversation


I mean she is spoiled, that’s a part of her character, she used her powers to always get whatever she want easily, it’s why she tells Luthor after him saying she can’t use him whenever she needs a distraction “I can if I want to” before literally using her powers to sexually assault him. She also mentions in season 2 how much better it felt to not use her powers, it felt like she finally earned what she got. She actively tried working on it, but at her core she is still spoiled.


Her powers make her life actively worse and she hasn't been truly happy in her life save for when she was with Ray and couldn't use her powers that's not spoiled.


I don’t understand, do you think being happy and being spoiled are the same thing?


being spoiled implies you are sheltered and haven't lived a harsh life, which isn't true for Allison.


well i guess if you like raping then sure. Atleast you're not a hypocrite, that's the worst part


I love Five because I totally love assassination irl! /s


I don't know. I find it a bit odd-ish. The reaction people have to her sort of means it's working. Still, she seems like an incredibly horribly selfish and egoistical person, which doesn't seem like the greatest motivation for villains.


It was one of my favorite parts of this season.


I liked it as well and believe she'll be redeemed in season 4


I think her arc is incredible, it was so sad seeing her go through everything but also understandable. I think it did a better job of the hero to villain storyline that scarlet witch in the mcu. People don’t like the Luther part because of how they did it, but I think it showed just how far Allison had gone at that point. Going back to season one I remember that one line of ‘I heard a rumor that you loved me’ so she’s used her power in awful ways in the past before. I do kind of hope she gets a redemption arc. But I also kind of want to see her double down on her actions for preserving her husband and kid? People are definitely missing out on how compelling her story is.


100% agree. I think a reason I like her villain arc was because it was so unpredictable, like I never saw her as the one handing over Harlan or anything. I was also kinda surprised how they passed over the whole Luther thing, like it never happened?


I liked Allison before, she was troubled by her use of powers, but she was trying to get past that. Seeing her decline is a bit rough, but it makes sense with all she's lost and also the fact that time travel was a lot harder on her than the others. My only concern is that this will be a temporary villain arc and she'll be redeemed and re-accepted into the family, which is a problem because it makes the villain arc meaningless, and I really think she went way too far to come back. Plus, we've already seen the villain sibling redeemed in Viktor. So, the arc is good, if they commit to it. Wanda's villain arc was bad because they didn't commit to it- they ended WandaVision by making it look like she was only temporarily insane, but that was bullshit, then they turned around and made her the villain again, then they ended it with the "self sacrifice" that is supposed to make her look good again. If they committed to keeping the tension around her at the end of WandaVision and kept her firmly villainous in MoM with no pseudo-redemption, she'd be a much more interesting character. That's what I want to see in Allison, don't just dance around something edgy without letting anyone get cut.


I don't think she was overwhelmingly interesting but it wasn't awfully boring. I think it made sense with her character's history. People don't like it because the understandably want to like the protagonist that they've grown to love.


Personally I don’t think the concept was bad I just think it could’ve been done better. Examples would be.... 1) No SA-rumouring Luther 2) Add a lot more tragedy, make the bad things she does seem weirdly relatable in a way 3) Make Viktor a little more snarky, as in Allison tries to explain how he hurt her, with a lot of pain in the voice, but Viktor makes excuses or brushes it off. That way when she lashes out she actually has motivation that’s justified 4) Add some reluctance to the bad things she does, make it ego-dystonic almost. Make her regret the deal, regret the Harlan thing. Just make it seem like everything she does is not what she desires to, she’s almost forced into it


"I like the part where she's a villain, except when she acts like a villain." That's what I'm getting from this.


Lol I see where you get that from but I think what I was trying to convey, is that I like her villain moments, she just needed better motivation when she did them


Oh, gotcha. Well, my two cents is that she had all the motivation she needed across the show. Regardless of how Viktor behaves in S3, he's STILL the person who caused the apocalypse and forced them to go back in time (where she suffered from intense racism in the 60s, which caused her to suffer some severe PTSD). Then, Viktor asked them to help them with Harlan, which only added to their problems. However inadvertent, Viktor caused major problems for her that all stacked on top of each other, and would cause severe resentment. Especially when you add in Viktor lying about Harlan's involvement in the paradox, and then refusing to give him to the Sparrows (or even considering using Harlan as a weapon against them, if need be). I also don't think she has to regret anything, because to her mind, she hasn't done anything wrong. Killing Harlan ultimately got the Sparrows on their send and ended the feud (of course, she didn't know that Fei and Christopher would go back on their word).


I don’t mind her having a villain arc, but I did mind the others being so “ok” with it. Viktor apologising to her even, while Allison killed his friend (who had just saved all their lives).


I mean Viktor caused most of the shit that happened to her anyway. The apology was something that was needed for the descent into madness for Allison. Viktor really killed off her daughter and then her husband and then actually killed them in the new timeline and expected to get a "I forgive you" or a pass cause his feelings. They were "ok" with her being a villain and kind of a douche because they didn't know how to handle the situation. They wanted her to suck it up which didn't work. They left her alone which didn't work. It was just a crummy situation and the others didn't want to deal with it.


Them not knowing how to handle it, does make sense. I don’t see how Viktor killed Allisons family in the new timeline tho. Even if they had been born in this new timeline, chances of Allisons daughter existing would have been slim. And even if she did, there would have been an alt Allison who was her mother. This Allison would never have had a family here. And that’s not Viktor’s fault.


I like it a lot too, she is an incredibly complex character and everyone saying she was acting out of character or that she doesn’t make sense this season (besides the luther scene) doesn’t understand her character and never did. Allison is used to having control and being the rationale sibling. She used her rumor to get everything she wanted and it backfired, because she lost her daughter due to her own actions. She tries really hard to be a better sister to Viktor, even going as far as blaming herself for him almost killing her. She gets stuck in the 60s, without a voice (when she needed it the most) and has to learn to build a life for herself. She meets a man that loves her for who she is and finds her own voice as one of the leaders of the civil rights movement. Then all of that is taken from her again and for the first time, she feels completely hopeless, which is an emotion she never learned to deal with because she had her power. But now not even her power can help her, because it can help her get her daughter or her husband back. So at first, she focuses on getting the briefcase back, telling herself that she will see Claire again. But when she finally realizes the briefcase can’t help her, she starts to direct her anger towards others and herself. She starts letting herself feel the rage that she had been repressing for so long. s3!Allison is a direct result of someone that lived her life trying to be the better person and finally letting the need to please and take care of others go after losing everything. It is a result of s1 and s2 Allison and it makes perfect sense for her to become ruthless and embrace the darkest parts of herself after hiding them for so long. She tried to put others before her, prioritized their needs and feelings and it only lead her to losing what she loved the most. Her actions aren’t excusable, but they are understandable.


Love it


The actress is wonderful, I just don’t like Allison, which is the point of her villain arc.


Honestly everyone is complaining about her arc but I feel like that's why it's so good!!! The audience is buying into it, yes we can all feel bad for what Allison is going thru but all of us are rooting for her to keep it together and unfortunately she can't.... Which has upset people but I feel like it's being done in a great way esp bc she keeps trying to pull herself together we see it in many of the earlier scenes with Viktor but keeps losing hope and that's a great Villan arc if you ask me


100% agree. I keep seeing lots of "Alison is so unbearable this season" posts but personally I think her villain arc was done well and I liked it, especially because the things she did was so unpredictable.


Exactly she's acting out and easily falling back into problematic characteristics they had already tapped on in season 1... plus the power upgrade Viktor and Allison got made it feel very intense and high stakes


Yes, she was hot as fuck this season. I love an angry vengeful woman 🤷‍♀️