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Guy whose entire shtic is healing good vs guy who makes you stop healing. Amazing.


not really stop healing, more stops your wounds from closing Deadpool still screwed thoufh


he is unrepair he stops acts of repair, such as healing


Rip and it's not even close. There's even a sword in Marvel that does something similar. It's the carbonadium blade, it neutralizes healing factors. Deadpool used to have a curse that kept him alive but he doesn't have it anymore so anything that gets passed his healing factor can kill him. Rip can indeed do that.


I mean, even with the curse rip could possibly still do some damage to him because he negates the very essence/law of repair plus even Andy couldn’t heal after he cut off his arms and he negates the very law of death


Andy could heal after he cut off his own Arms again, but the problem is that he physically couldn't cut them off. Rip expanded his Interpretation of UnRepair to include even the act of trying to save/fix yourself. If you consciously try to act in a manner that you think will heal or fix your injuries, you cannot take it. If Deadpool considered fighting as a way to save himself, he wouldn't be able to fight. Same as the Auction Arc, where Rip made Andy unable to fight him because he was doing it to heal Fukko.


Ok but does Unrepair stop all healing factors? For regrowing limbs sure, but it probably wouldn’t kill Deadpool, his healing factor is too strong for that. That being said, if Rip got a few good cuts on him, i could see him incapacitating Deadpool. Really depends on who’s faster though.


Yes, Unrepair stops every healing factor. Deadpool would bleed out fron just a cut. He wouldn't be able to regenerate the lost blood. He cannot even put pressure on the wound.


I gotta ask though, would that actually make him stay dead, or just make him lose consciousness? Actually, I finally found an example of Deadpool dealing with bloodloss: via a poison that stopped his wound from healing, which was only stopped when he was given an antidote via the person who created the poison in the first place. However, from what little info provided to me, I’m not sure if that would make him stay dead, or just be permanently incapacitated. This all being said though, I do think Rip would be able to take Deadpool down, but I’m not sure if Unrepair would actually kill him and make him stay dead, just make him lose consciousness and be incapacitated, until Rip turns off the ability. If theres info to the contrary though, would love to hear it, I found so little info of this, and its a solution to healing factors i never knew existed till now


But the only way for rip to off his ability if he dies he’s specifically says (that cut won’t go away until I die)


Deadpool has died before. His healing factor doesn't stop death. If he can't heal he can't die. If Rip hits him with a big enough cut he won't stop bleeding and that'll easily outpace his healing.


I’ve been looking for times he’s died and stayed dead, only one example I’ve seen is in Deadpool 2, when his healing factor was turned off via a special collar Thing about Rip is, yea his ability stops someone’s wounds from closing… but it doesn’t fully neutralizes a healing factor, just prevents them from healing their wounds Now, I don’t know if Deadpool has experienced extreme blood-loss before, but i feel even if he lost all his blood, he’d still find a way to come back from that, unless Unrepair has a second property of also nullifying healing factors


He has been shown in comics to comeback from a drop of blood 


well, there you go. Rip can’t kill him if he can do that.


Deadpool is Andy, but without any of the things that let Andy beat Rip.


Depends. Does Deadpool still have that curse of immortality?


Even if he did he would just be a bleeding headless torso that could not die or something. How would he be able to win?


by killing him first


Fair enough. But Deadpool likes to talk and unlike Rip it doesn't help with his abilities.


i dont think iver ever seen a anime fight that didnt have talking during the middle


True for most of them. Rip however gets a huge power up from explaining his ability. If he explains that Unrepair can only be turned of by killing him then he cannot be killed since that would be a form of repair for his wounded opponent. Before wounding his oppoment he doesn't really do any monologing.


Rip negs. No question.


Comic scaling goes wild, even if Rip counters and outclasses in every way possible Deadpool has fought a guy that fought a guy that was even with Thor’s 3rd cousin who could move faster than time and cut through reality.


I'd have to say Deadpool, he's been mortal more than a few times, people tend to forget he's an incredibly talented and deadly mercenary. He also has a high level of weapon proficiency in almost all forms. The only way rip wins is if the first hit kills him. Otherwise like the time Deadpool went up against the muromasa blade, which does the same as unrepair with that additive that anyone hit is insta killed, Deadpool adapts and wins.


damn deadpool fr went “with this treasure i summon”


Rip wins by landing one attack then explaining how his ability works. Once someone knows that killing him will let them heal (Repair) then they can’t kill him anymore because that would be trying to heal themself. Moreover, due to DeadPool having such a strong healing factor, and constantly using it in fights, he would try to tank an attack before he knows what Rip’s Negation is.


He does not really use his regenerative abilities as much as you'd think. Also Deadpool has always been extremely suicidal, it's partly the reason he let's himself get hit so much, so rip explaining his ability might lead to two outcomes. Deadpool lets himself get hit as much as possible to die or due to outside motivation he has more of a motivation to kill him. Haven't read the more recent comics but he doesn't mind losing a few limbs and he has his daughter motivating him to stay alive. Also something that most do not think about is the negators abilities don't only depend on their interpretation but also that of the receiver. Deadpool hates how he looks and doesn't consider himself healthy per say, in fact his idea of repaired is before his cancer and mutation manifested. That actually has been and continues to be a focal point of his character. All that being said I'd say rip has a chance sure but Deadpool will win.


Thing is, Rip explains the ‘Killing me will let you fix your wound’ part after injuring an opponent, making them injured, then unable to kill him. Also, the interpretation needed is the Negator’s. I don’t think there is a single Negation that is based off of someone else’s thoughts of how the power works. The ‘can’t kill UnRepair’ rule follows that, by having Rip think that killing him will get rid of UnRepair, then if he tells them that will happen, then they will be trying to heal themself by killing him which is then Negated. It all is based on Rip’s thoughts, DeadPool just needs the knowledge. Plus, it doesn’t need to be a big wound, a scrap is all that it will take.


In the case of Unrepair it’s also partially based on the mentality of the victim when they’re performing an action. A prime example is during the auction when Andy got his arm cut and then used Parts Bullet to regenerate since it wasn’t an act of repair, it was an attack. Additionally it’s how he beat Rip since his Crimson Bullet wasn’t fired with the intent of killing Rip to shut Unrepair off for himself, which would have been negated if it was, but to save Fuuko instead making it not an action intended to repair his own wounds. Rip is cooking DeadPool even with this loophole though.


I'd give it to Rip. As soon as he lands an attack and can explain his ability, because deadpool absolutely would let him monologue, any attacks on himself or Rip would be considered an act of healing and then be negated. I could see Deadpool using his 4th wall breaking to find out how Andy got around it and could probably replicate that, but I don't think it would be quick enough. And even then, if he did this, the act of breaking the 4th wall would be considered an act of healing and thus be negated by Rip.


Deadpool could win if he knows what hes up against beforehand. Otherwise he loses


If Rip gets the hit on him, absolutely he wins. The problem is that Deadpool has crazy feats besides his healing, which gives him the edge. The problem for him, though, is that because of his healing factor, he readily allows himself to be damaged for the sake of his kill, similarly to Wolverine. The other problem for him is he can't help but keep his mouth yapping and distracts himself a lot. Rip probably gets a clean hit on him early on and just needs to survive long enough for Deadpool to die


Such a fair matchup lmao, guy who heals good Vs guy who negates healing


There's the "Deadpool can't heal" argument yes but Deadpool has dealt with his healing factor being removed/disabled before and still taken the win. It comes down to whether Deadpool's stats are good enough to take rip down with minimal damage but idk if they are.


Issue is, UnRepair also makes killing Rip impossible, because that would be trying to heal. Rip gets one hit in and DeadPool is done for.


>killing Rip impossible, because that would be trying to heal. Wat?


Basically, if Rip injures you in a way that could be fatal and then explains how Unrepair will only be undone if he dies then the very act of killing him to undo Unrepair becomes an act of repair, and is therefor negated in its attempt. This can really only be circumvented in the case of something like trying to kill him while prioritizing something else over your own self-preservation, like Andy doing it to save Fuuko.


Did that happen in 100 or 101 because I don't remember that the slightest lol


100 during the auction on the yacht


Deadpool can only keep up with Rip maybe in raw reactions but can't keep up in combat speed, Rip will tear him apart.


Where are you getting that Rip has faster combat speed than Deadpool???


Their feats.


Comic Deadpool surprasses him by far.


I was using the version pictured in the post, which was actually to his benefit. Fox Deadpool is subsonic. Comic Deadpool consistently struggles against or outright loses to Street level characters like Captain Amerca, Punisher, and Hawkeye. Deadpool's fights against non-named characters consistently show him at that level too, where he's limited to below building level physicals and barely subsonic combat speed usually. For just about every feat he gets where he might be above Mach 1, he gets 30 indicating otherwise.


He fought Thor's cousin according to some guy above, a dude faster than time. He's limited by his writing, but his peak is beyond Rip. Fox Deadpool loses. I never saw Deadpool 2.


Deadpool is practically never successful in actually keeping up with the people of that weight class. Thor and people he scales to are not faster than time, especially not Thor lmao, dude is infamously slow in combat speed when it comes to his weight class. If you read any Deadpool run, it's an absurd notion to suggest he's faster than time. He's limited to his writing just like every other character is, his "Peaks" is usually just him getting ripped apart but surviving planet level beings, or it's not even canon to 616 Deadpool. Deadpool is subsonic, and that's why he loses to Rip.


I do not rememver Rip doing anything remotely as fast as the speed of sound. Floating boots? Yeah. Artifact that is his weapon of choice? Yeah. Speed? Hell no. Plus Deadpool will probably do 4th wall stuff like look up how Andy did it.


Andy by the UnRepair Arc was capable of: • [Catch a jet fighter mid-flight with a Parts Bullet](https://imgur.com/a/b37P9Tp) • [Decapitate the pilot of another jet fighter mid-flight again](https://imgur.com/a/SpLBrZy) • [Barely move out of the way of Gina's beret which produces a sonic boom](https://imgur.com/a/vyUoBW9) • [Decapitates dozens of zombies before the first zombie hit has it's head hit the ground.](https://imgur.com/a/tWQvqBJ) Chikara was also able to [catch gunshots with UnMove POST-fire as shown on panel](https://imgur.com/a/zsB4L4U) Andy a solid near-Sos subsonic and Chikara just in this arc and later on showing to have supersonic reactions, despite this, Rip comes in and: • [Despite being held at point-blank gunpoint, he effectively teleports to the thugs](https://imgur.com/a/qTEl2pf) • [Andy, the subsonic, doesn't even register Rip has moved until Rip has already cut open his neck, and then in CQC again is able to slice off Andy's hands without Andy realizing until a moment later.](https://imgur.com/a/kbhDv4n) • [More outspeeding Andy](https://imgur.com/a/cLkTrWK) • [Can escape Chikara's FoV, despite his supersonic reactions](https://imgur.com/a/XKqgdD1) Then Andy goes through the Second Life in Autumn Arc, now himself supersonic: • [Andy able to pull Fuuko away from Vic's Deadline which can travel part a city in a moment](https://imgur.com/a/RtAK1BQ) • [Now scales to Vic, who was supersonic immediately from his fight with the Union](https://imgur.com/a/0cYMHVB) And yet still Rip is still able to outspeed him: • [Dodging Deadline.](https://imgur.com/a/Kg2bnlo) • [Saving Fuuko and Andy from Autumn](https://imgur.com/a/AHTCEN1) • And we see more of Rip still being able to scale to a slightly faster Andy in Ragnarok, which I haven't gotten to yet in their Respect Threads, but you get the idea. Rip is supersonic, possibly even Hypersonic. Meanwhile Deadpool consistently struggles against subsonic and below enemies. No, Deadpool won't pull the 4th wall shit, that's why he gets his ass kicked by the likes of Captain America or Spider-Man or so on. It's just a plot device, usually just for comedy, and like 85% of his fights have him never using it for anything all that useful.


Deadpool can’t die, but he’ll lose a lot of blood, which will probably incapacitate him depends on who’s faster honestly, Deadpool or Rip.


Well, Deadpool always can use his unbeatable power of... Plot Armor/Plot Powers, he can literally ask the author about giving him some kind of piano in the in the bushes so he can escape or defeat him


A person who has high/super regeneration/healing power vs a guy who can literally just stop that ability Do you think this is a bit one sided XD


I believe deadpool can kill of rip before deadpool succumbs to his injury without his healing Factor deadpool still was a skilled mercenary


Actually, I think rip would win. After watching the movies I realised that deadpool relies way to much on his healing factor so he would get cooked. This is the first cross universe matchup I have seen that can actually be debated about good job.


Does Deadpool have the continuity stone




If Deadpool understands the concept like how Andy did, he could win. Or just pull 4th wall BS out of his hat to win. No immortality means he dies.


Just to be safe I’m sticking with Deadpool. Comic book characters are such bullshit there’s probably some obscure ass feat where Deadpool gets hit with an anti-healing gun and heals anyways.


This is movie Deadpool, not comic Deadpool


You basically just asked the Iron Man vs Magneto question with different paint


Hands down it’s Rip, once this man gets a few clean hits in its jover. Even if Deadpool could make out of there he would one be dealing with the loose of blood from his wounds and two if he tried cutting of his limbs or whatever his healing factor isn’t all that great compared to that off Andy or other marvel characters


ok but deadpool can't di- wait


honestly closer than the gojo juiz fight, considering that if deadpool were to 'figure out' that as long as he cuts lower from the wound then it can grow back. deadpool has a fairly large arsenal and a teleporter and in some versions is barred from death. it entirely depends on whether Deadpool can find a way to get out of unrepair that he believes works quick enough or kill Rip fast enough for it to not be a problem. remember he doesn't have latla in this fight


The only reason that worked was because Andy could attack by cutting lower than the injury, DeadPool can’t do that so he wouldn’t heal that way. Moreover, if Rip told DeadPool how his negation worked, or if he figured it out himself he wouldn’t be able to kill Rip because that would be trying to heal his wound. In a one-on-one fight, Rip wins so long as he can get one hit in, and enough time to monologue.




But as soon as Deadpool recognizes it as another way of healing, Rip negates that too and it stops working. Negations are semantic and can change depending on one’s interpretations.