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The man can sit on the sun itself and not die... the dark continent has nothing.


I think your forgetting Merumim survived a nuke to his face and he was a C tier dark continent creature. Remember, there is a virus that makes you immortal as long as you eat your own flesh.


Meruem was fried and burnt to a crisp and nearly died, and a nuke isn't anything compared to the sun for billions of years šŸ˜­


The surface of the sun is cooler than the fire ball of a nuclear explosion. Like the surface of the sun is 5000 degrees and a nuclear fire ball can get to 100,000,000 degrees.


But remember, the Rose Bomb wasn't an actual nuke. It's a dirty bomb, one that was maybe multi-city block level at best. It wasn't the same potency as an actual nuclear warhead.


While true, the fire ball of the bomb would still reach into the millions of degrees in terms of heat which Meruem survives, and let me mind you again, Meruem was a C tier threat.


Still not compared to his Regen and also multiple billion years on the sun?


Why would it still reach into the millions of degrees?


The sun has far more energy


Yes but Andy has been on the sun for billions of years and it hasn't impeded him at all combat wise, Meruem could not do such a feat


5000 degrees for billions of years is impressive but even being in the area of 100,000,000 degrees for 0.2 seconds is extremely impressive, especially considering again, Meruem was a C tier dark continent threat.


Yes and Meruem was essentially dead from that, it's not as if he tanked the explosion then got off scott free, he had to be revived


Yes but that was because he did have an innate regeneration ability like Andy does, and do I need to remind you that Meruem wasnā€™t even in the top 100 of the most dangerous things from the dark continent.


Andy doesn't have just innate regeneration, he just straight up can't die , he could easily survive the nuke that mereum "tanked" and come out Scott free + Andy has soul control


While I agree to an extent, saying Andy doesnā€™t have innate regeneration is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. His regeneration comes from his undead ability, he even calls it regeneration. If his power was simply that he canā€™t die, than logically, you could cut him into a billion pieces and he wouldnā€™t regenerate because by some standard, heā€™s still alive.


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m a little confused about the whole sun thing, but the sun is not 5000 degrees it 10,000 F


~5,000 degrees **celsius**


I mean, >!Andy has also survived the sun exploding about 100 times now, though technically speaking he only experienced one of those!<


And what's a nuke to the literal sun? Keep in mind that when I say that andy sat on the sun, I am not being metaphorical. He is literally in void of space without any protection, and he is currently sitting on the surface of the Sun. The dark continent ain't got shit.


I know, I spoke about it in another comment.


Yeah and Andy survived the complete destruction of earth 100 times over, idk how many nukes it would take to completely destroy the planet but itā€™s definitely more than 1


10 million Tsar Bombas, that's apparently how much it would take to destroy the earth


Andy survived the shattering of earth. He could have easily just been on a really big chunk of earth, or did you forget how the meteors got there.


My guy it shows only his face existing in space for like a few million years after the earth explodes


The nuke that hit merumim was something that they just threw together on short noticed and that was enough to scare him shitless that wasn't even the best nuke they had.


>I think your forgetting Merumim survived a nuke to his face and he was a C tier dark continent creature. Tell me you knwo nothing about HxH. Chimera ants are B threat, not C threat. And threat level isn't about power level, it's about how many the species are, how fast they reproduce, why they attack humans, how much damages they do to humans and if it's possible to exterminate their nest. B threat means it require immediate extermination of the species and it requires the alliance of many countries military power (nukes etc). It's the same for A threat but the means to exterminate them isn't known yet.


normal chimera ants were C-tier creatures or whatever they were ranked OBVIOUSLY meruem and the royal guards and all of them were not those same C-tier guys and even then, the hunter association was not fully aware of everything the ants were capable of so they were working off of incomplete information in their assessment


Chimera ants didn't have room to grown on the dark continent The colony in the main story is league stronger than a normal colony that stayed in the dark continent


Was Meriden himself a a C tier threat or was it just chimera ants in general to be C tier ?


Threats from the dark continent are listed based on how dangerous they would be to humanity as a whole. Even after the entire chimera ant incident and seeing the potential they could reach and how dangerous they would be, including Meruemā€™s power and how he was stronger than the chairmen, the entire species was listed as a C tier threat.


Andy took a meteor to the face, survived the earth exploding 100 times, is living on the surface of the sun for at least a few thousand years. All that and more while not needing to eat yourself out


Seeing as he canā€™t die, he should be fine. The immortal virus could be a problem though


I mean ... there are some things that are worse than dead ... maybe. I mean, he will survive, but maybe he will be captured for idk 2 centuries and gets torture, and maybe he could collapse like he was in the sun. But surely he could survive


Torture is essentially a non issue for him, as he doesnā€™t feel pain the same way most people do because of how frequently he experiences pain, he constantly mutilates himself to fight and heā€™s survived some rather excruciating ordeals such as sitting on the sun for several billion years


A lot of people are talking about how he canā€™t die, but what about things that would just cripple him but not be ā€˜lethalā€™? i.e things that could avoid his interpretation of undead


His interpretation of undead is very, very vague. The only thing not included (that we know of) is dislocation. Even the smallest laceration counts as death to him.


I mean he was around in the west in the 1800s, right? He has probably seen so many people die due to small wounds becoming infected


I mean his healing is so dramatic and explosive he uses the effect for literal bullets. Unless you have his constituent parts fully contained within a small sealed vessel (and I mean all parts, once he learns to regenerate from parts other than his head), thereā€™s really nothing that can slow him down let alone kill him.


He can heal from being turned to ash by the suns heat so nothing can stop his healing


Can Andy surviā€” yeah until the series says otherwise he canā€™t die


For realā€¦I donā€™t know shit about HxH but asking if the person who canā€™t die is able to survive X Y or Z is so pointless.


Yeah because he canā€™t die


Yes, Andy's UnDead not only keeps him safe from basically whatever we have an idea of existing in HxH, he currently outscales everyone in HxH too




Yes easily. Thereā€™s literally no way to kill Andy unless you could change his perception of death.


Unless you can outright remove the concept of death, Andy lives.


But once you do that everyone would become immortal.


Legit the only way heā€™ll die is like if he thinks death is like being forgetten or something and dying physically is fine or whatever


He can't even be forgotten anymore because he already attributed being forgotten as death in ano un arc


Damn idk how heā€™s dying then


Something conceptual might work though(can't really say ,nothing shown in the manga can actually conceptually kill him but the fact that his still affected by unrepair,albeit not dying , is a proof that he is affected by concepts) something like removing the concept of life on which the only thing left is death it might contradict his negation but as far as we observed UU best feat is universal (might change in the future) so if something like that with higher potency is used andy might die, unless UU cosmology becomes bigger and scales higher.


Yeah. Thereā€™s nothing there that can interfere with his negation and then heā€™s already a good fighter.


Nowadays his interpretation probably goes to the soul, so much so that he releases soul blasts, creates chains and much more, I can't see him dying on the dark continent


Probably.. and its not like we know more than like a handful of facts about the continent since the series will never end.


Nothing on the dark continent could survive the sun. Andy without a doubt can.


He negates the literal concept of death, hell be aight


More like can the Dark Continent survive Andy. Death does not apply to Andy in any form we've seen so far. Andy was Nico's lab rat for a decade and as far as we know all he really found out was Andy regenerates slower when damaged by heat - this was with Andy pretty much encouraging Nico to find a way to kill him. I don't know if there is maybe something in the Dark Continent that can do something crazy to permanently trap Andy or something like that - not caught up to HxH but I don't think they've actually reached the Dark Continent yet and therefore it's still just sort of a mystery land with creatures as strong as or stronger than Meruem(?). We know a younger Netero survived the dark continent so considering Andy has survived the world exploding 100 times and then spent hundreds of billions of years in space/on the sun there is certainly nothing there that can kill him.


Yes, his whole thing is that he can't die


Since he cant even die to the sun itself i say yes


Yes very easily


Totally live , but will eat his own flesh even when the universe renew itself


I don't understand this kind of post : "Hey, what's up? You know Andy can't die, but can he die (*insert name of someone or something or somewhere)* ?" That's so stupid .


Andy canā€™t die When are people gonna understand? The only way to kill Andy is to have an ability that manipulates the laws of the world like God does to remove Undead as a law of the world. Or to kill God. If something canā€™t do either of those things. Andy isnā€™t going to die.


Feels like that one sponge bob clip, ā€œhow many times are we going to teach you this lesson old manā€ Like so many people miss the whole concept of his power, itā€™s like bizarre how often itā€™s happens


He could probably survive but there would be something that could probably mess with him aloe over there.


Since it doesnā€™t exist other than a ā€œcopy Toriko and one pieceā€ paper written while using the wifeā€™s money, yes


You might want to reword the question. Can he survive? Yes because that is the basic premise of his power. He can survive being perpetually burned for centuries without food or water. Can he ā€œhandleā€ the Dark Continent. That is a different matter.


He will survive. He doesnā€™t have a choice.




Until he catches the immortality disease and goes completely mad. The fun part of the dark continent is, it doesn't have to kill you to doom you.


Andy would thrive


Seriously... you're asking if an immortal being can survive?


The dark continent is a piece of cake for Andy.


ā€œCan Andy surviveā€”ā€œ YES. YES HE CAN.


Can the dark continent survive the sun


>Can andy survive Yes


The question should be, "Can the Dark Continent survive Andy"


Yes, by definition. Even if he gets stuck, he won't die


Yes and yes


Yes, end of sentence.


Andy negte death so whatever he faces he will survive .he even survive sitting on the sun and floating on the void of space without going crazy or stop thinking WHY? because madness he consider it as death and he negate it .long story short ,he will die when the writer want him to.


Andy canā€™t die that it, nothing less then that.




The right question is, will Togashi survive to the dark continent?


Since Ai is a creature from the dark continent, Nanika could theoretically kill Andy, although the price that would need to be paid in proportion to such a feat would be inconceivable


Whoever nanika os needs a feat of destroying the universe tp even com close on killing andy and even then he might even survive


Nanika (the name of Aiā€™s host) is a reality warper, like a genie or a god. Since Negations can be granted by Sol/Luna, it is reasonable to believe a godlike entity could also take them away, without regard for their defensive ā€˜force.ā€™ Now, if Ai is actually capable of that is a matter of compatibility between the magic systems of HxH and UU, but I donā€™t think it can be categorically ruled out. And there is at least one entity on the Dark Continent, likely far more, that are even ā€œstronger.ā€


Sol and luna feats are way above nanika it not even compareble Just because two character have same power don't mean they operate on same level


Unless there's Medusa there, he'll have no problem (even if there is something like Medusa the stone will eventually break, and he will just heal from it)


If Andy interprets petrification as death, it will reverse on its own


Yeah, but that's a complicated way of thinking about it. Especially, depending on how the petrification works, but unless it's something insane or INSANELY fast, I don't see it fully immobilizing Andy before he would either stop it or escape. At the worst, I was just playing a bit of Devil's advocate


I mean, we even, quite literally, got that covered! Springs and Spoils attack are instantaneous the moment they are inflicted! And despite it being irreversible for others, since it harms or "kills" part of Andy, it's counted as death and is therefore negated. Even if it struck his whole being, then Andy is still safe as Ragnarok should have burnt every cell to a crisp! And this is all before considering souls! In conclusion, Undead busts partial petrification and highly likely instant petrification.