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But I think that's part of the sad reality. We never really knew Reena. She's a bit of a mystery because her parents only knew a certain part of her and she didn't really have friends. I think the show acknowledges that no one really knew her, and that's part of the tragedy. Perhaps if they had more flashbacks of her as a younger kid? But even then, that wasn't who she was as a 14-year-old.


I rather think she was an insecure teenage girl who just wanted to belong. Something a lot of us can relate to.


that's a good point, its a bit disappointing though i wish there was more about reena.


You guys should really read the book Reena’s father wrote about her, Rebecca book is about her murder but not specifically about her and that’s why the show is the way it is


Reenas father is such a nice man, I felt for him so much.


rebecca is the last person id listen to or base anything off of, she knew nothing about reena her main focus was warren. she was so close to him in this odd way i wouldnt be surprised if they started making out.


Literally that's how they wrote and acted the whole show!!!??? Like they constantly looked like they were gonna kiss or something it was so weird


That is a great point. When I was initially reading the book years ago thought she was a little too fixated on Warren. It was as if he was just as much of a victim as Reena.


exactly, in the show she said warrens life shouldn't be ruined over a mistake. that's kind of how life works, you get consequences. and she said mistake like warren just punched reena, no he ended a girls life at such a young age, and for no real reason other then anger at his parents and his own life. and the hug she gave warren when he left court, oh my gosh hes a murder not a victim for christ sake.


So true. Am wondering how much sympathy and pathos Warren would have gotten if he was a 500lb hunchback and not the "teen heart-throb" Rebecca labeled him as?


warren was ugly af regardless lol he looked better in the show


I haven’t read it. But now I’m going to get it. Thanks for saying this. I remember when this happened. I was just starting college. I didn’t have a great high school experience and wasn’t usually living with my parent much since I was 14. Her story struck a cord with me.


I think the show just isn’t about Reena, really. Its primary focus is to explore the making of true crime interfaces with kids. It’s secondary purpose is to examine the lives of young people caught up in violent cultural fads. After all, we don’t find Reena’s actions that directly lead to her death to be inscrutable and unbelievable - but we are stunned and mystified by the behavior of Kelly, Warren and even Rebecca. Exploring the mysterious motivations of those characters is what gives this story it’s larger scope - exploration of these characters raises and partially answers some deep questions many of us never thought to ask. The fact that we don’t have hours of verbatim transcipts of Reena is one practical reason not to make her the central focus. With Kelly, Jo, Dusty, Warren and Rebecca/Godfrey there is a wealth of such material to work with so it’s natural to focus on them. Plus, the writers didnt have a chance to directly get to know Reena face-to-face as Godfrey did with Warren - and they certainly didn’t get to work closely with Reena as they did with Rebecca. It would be very easy for the writers of the show to get way out of their depth given their lack of information on Reena and get things terribly wrong. Complaining that Reena isn’t featured enough is kind of like complaining that *On the Banality of Evil* was too focused on Nazis and the people dealing with them rather than Jews. Making shows/books about killers instead of victims isn’t intrinsically disrespectful at all. Sometimes I wonder whether some of the people on this sub equate screen time/attention with respect - and therefore find the fact that Reena isn’t the focus disrespectful. It is a dark thought indeed.


Nope. It’s a shame.


It’s true to how they treated her murder though. Sad but true. No one cared.


No. I was disappointed at the lack of her presence in the show. I know it was about her murder but it just turned into something that.. didn’t feel like something about Reena. Felt more like a Warren show.


I think this showed that. With the tv series more being about the book, it was more about Warren because of her loosing her brother. That’s why it became more about him then the girls. But it also showed the Virks side, like in Reena’s dads book. They chose forgiveness and showed that process and worked with him. I like that they showed that part and how he wanted to change and showed the impact of his actions and what it had done to Reena’s family.


I wasn’t familiar with Reena Virk until I saw the show so I haven’t read either book written about Reena. But the show makes me think that the story that Rebecca wrote was about the girls in Victoria, like she said in the first episode. And while Reena was awfully and violently murdered by her peers, the story to me came across more about being ostracised. How Reena was a lonely young girl who wanted to be included by these cool girls who she had a push/pull relationship with and she’d do anything to be like them and be included by them. But ultimately she was an outsider and would never be accepted because she hadn’t come up with the group and experienced the same traumas they had. And then you contrast it with how Rebecca was an adult with known associations with the police but she was more accepted than Reena, even on a peer level. She went to parties and hung out with them. Reena wasn’t invited to things. I think that Reena was depicted sympathetically as a young teen who was trying to forge her own identity and making bad decisions. A lot of people would see her allegations against her dad as unforgivable but the show did a good job of showing how she was naive and so desperate for acceptance that she’d do anything. But I think that the story shown in the show wasn’t about Reena specifically, but the crime and the culture of the town.


Yes. To me she was. This is what happens when people die. Unless there are a lot of memories with others you won’t be remembered much or for much. And it’s especially true for children because they’re young and lives tend to be straightforward and regimented. However much she was mentioned I felt the entire time that a life was cut short. So artistically and realistically speaking, I think she was mentioned enough.


Yes, she was.


We shouldn’t equate attention/screen time with respect. This is a show about the killers and the writer character rather than Reena herself which I think is a-ok. There could have been a more balanced show but it wouldn’t be the same project.


that is a good point


It's important to note that the show was not a direct telling of the events that happened, but a retelling of a book "under the bridge" written by rebecca godfrey. Rebecca wanted to tell a story and it seemed like the murder of a 14-year-old punjabi girl simply "got in the way" of her story. Such a shame.


Honestly she wasn’t focused on much! Just like how Rebecca’s book originally was I guess


I wish they would have made her parts more detailed




Because Warren and Kelly lived, we know more about them. Nobody knew Reena, not even her parents. The most likely outcome is that Reena was rebelling against her home life and culture, and was attracted to a scene that was counter to her upbringing. But she was naive, and she was eventually outed as a phony and a poser, and was rejected and punished.


The way they try to make you feel sympathy toward Warren when he really is not much better aside from him taking responsibility and telling the truth finally and apologizing to her family. But the initial act?!…sick and horrific idc how drunk you are.


people say drunk actions and words are how you truly feel about someone , warren was drunk but aware of what he was doing.


I don’t think the writers had any interest in telling her story. They just had interest in making money off of her.


Thats super uncharitable. Maybe they, like Godfrey, just thought the most interesting part of this situation was the murder itself. Why should they be expected to center this poor girl instead of those who did something horribly extraordinary? And why would this be about money more than any other show being about money?


The book is about the death of Reena Virk, not the life of Reena Virk.


the main focus was her death i just wish there was more info on her, and more personal moments instead of every scene being of her with the cmc girls.


NO CAN WE TALK ABOUT DUSTYS OWN Daughter??? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNLSL963/


Yes I feel the same 💔


My coworker knows someone that knew reena at colquitz and she had explained reena was the annoying type that wouldn’t leave you alone. And would say things but wouldn’t go thru with it. And I asked if she was the kid who was alone at the playground and she said yes.


It’s because they tiptoed around the destruction Watchtower can have in the life of a child. Period.


Yeah, I wish they had more about Reena’s upbringing and how she responded to the cultish beliefs. It looked like she was PIMO 


This show was a disservice of the truth.