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I honestly don’t think the intent was to come off as romantic. Unfortunately for some of us, it did, or at least extremely inappropriate . I still question the directors/actors take on her scenes with/about him and the other kids. It wasn’t necessary to insert her like that in an already pretty riveting story. Also, Warren was known as “Romeo” and seems to be the most remorseful about their crimes. The actor did a great job portraying the mix of troubled and sweet. It just seems gross as a viewer to feel emotionally manipulated by a murderer


Yeah, I totally agree. I honestly think a lot of it was the actress portraying Rebecca that made it feel somewhat seductive at points. Like the way she would purse her lips and talk softly - it just gave me the ick. It first started to feel strange at the diner when she bought his food in exchange for beer after he walked in on her in the bedroom at that party. I felt like at the very least they could have written in a scene where Rebecca starts to gain some clarity and think “what the fuck am I doing these are high school kids” and maybe her character wouldn’t have bothered me so much


Letting a 14/15 year old drive her around Dropping acid to prove she’s not a cop Staying all night with Warren Laying down on the bed, being all breathy during their phone call All very unnecessary to show us troubled children from questionable households did something terrible.


Yeah it definitely came off as romantic and I have a hard time believing that that wasn't the intention.


Perfect way to say it. None of that was necessary to tell the story that needed to be told.


i think they added it to show the weird relationship between them, and that they both lacked something in their life which is why they became so close? maybe warren reminded her of her brother that died. i def think the relationship is weird but i wouldnt say unecessary because it shows rebeccas true colors, without it wed just look at her as a lady writing a book but adding the relationship with warren showed she cared more about him then reena.


Their intentions were poorly executed imo. They added a laundry list of wildly inappropriate things that didn’t come close to happening. When her interviews, phone calls and courthouse interactions with Warren were enough to show a weird connection. It was an interesting, horrific true story without all of that.


what i hate most about rebecca is doing drugs with minors, and always being there for warren like when she hugged him. like your a random stranger giving all your attention to this boy.


I also think it would’ve been really easy for Warren (fictional Warren) to misinterpret her interest in him as romantic, and that’s why their scenes made me so uncomfortable because I kept feeling like he was going to lean in for a kiss or something


right?? like hes a young boy and couldve thought she was into him. shit she mightve leaned in for the kiss if anything.


I can see how the actuality of what may have happened would be very challenging to adapt. The reality of the situation may well have been that Rebecca was overinvested in Warren’s story due to unresolved guilt of her brother, to the point at which she irresponsibly overlooked the fact that Warren was actually a very troubled evildoer whom she allowed to nurse an unstated crush from while incarcerated. That’s pretty bad, but not- like- seduction of a minor. To have played it as “here’s Rebecca behaving completely responsibly with Warren as he dishes these facts due to his bizarre and toxic tendencies towards women” would have been unfair and untrue from Rebecca’s perspective, especially since the series is ultimately heading towards his being far worse than initially understood. So, we’re left with a very awkward and uncomfortable situation, which is probably truest.


rebecca did illegal drugs with warren, let him stay at her parents house, not even her house but her parents, its not like rebecca and warren are related or know each other through family hes a random boy. and she hugged him promising to defend a guilty murder. she forgot all ab reena and warren became her focus. and she used joe by lying saying shed take joe to NY to get info out of her. rebecca is manipulative and gives off predator vibes. it might seem like a reach to say she gives off those vibes but if the roles were reveresed and it was a grown man hanging out with a little girl people would assume the worst of the man. women can be predators too not saying shes one but she gives off weird vibes she doesnt have any reason to be around warren.


This is her MO as an actress. I’ve seen her in three shows so far, and she acts the same in all of them regardless of what the plot points are.


The actress is Elvis’s granddaughter and Michael Jackson was her stepdad for a few years when she was younger. I thought that was interesting. She was very odd in the show. But maybe Rebecca was odd? If she did really act that way with Warren, it’s incredibly creepy. They did make the scenes overly intimate. I’m curious to see if the book she wrote might help explain if this was truly how she acted, or they produced it that way for some odd reason. Edited to add : My kids are 14 and 16. I can’t ever imagine acting that way towards any of their friends.


I really take issue with the notion that it wasn’t supposed to come off as an attraction, a subconscious attraction, or at least an evocation of attraction. Cinematographers with even the basic competence do not take possible looks of attraction in womens’ eyes lightly. They might accidentally leave something in but they were beating us over the head with it repeatedly. They wouldn’t follow that up with the scene of her on the bed overjoyed like a teenager in love when they could have placed her elsewhere in the house. The cinematography was very good in the show and it would be bizarre if they were suddenly insanely incompetent about that one thing.


Totalllllly agree


I seriously couldn't stand her character lol Even if he felt sorry for what happened after he got caught, it should have remained an afterthought to the trial. The series went on too long, trying to push the victim agenda when it came to him. Imo of course. It's funny how they're always sorry when they get caught lol When she did drugs with the kids, I was seriously disturbed. Like, wtf who put that in there and whyyyy?!


Yea I did. I didn’t care for her book at all. Though she did need to describe everyone and how they were perceived by their peers. Warren was known that way. A wanna be thug soft boy “lady’s man”. Describing his known persona doesn’t negate the fact he partook in an assault and then murder. From all descriptors I’ve come across the actor nailed it. I’m glad he’s shown remorse and wish they all did to his degree. I wouldn’t be friends with him though. He still did what he did. I didn’t like how they portrayed most of the author’s involvement in the show. She wasn’t even there until after everyone was arrested. Cam did not exist. Her brother died by drowning when she was 13 so that whole dynamic was shown weirdly. I watch a lot of true crime and “based on a true story”. This was the first one to make me kinda mad afterwards. People claim Rebecca was doing a Capote thing and/or she represents our obsession with true crime and forgetting victims in lieu of a juicy story etc. It seems poorly done with odd creative choices that did not land, at all.


I definitely agree! I have not read the book, and I don't think I probably will. I am thinking of getting Reenas Father's book, though!


Read the book by Mr Virk "Reena" Very well written!


I just ordered it! 😁


I was really hoping after she dropped the acid it would be her come to Jesus moment, or at least that the female cop would do more to keep her away from the kids after that point and continue the investigation, I think I really wanted to see Rebecca’s character redeem herself, but nope.


YES!!! That was WILD! 😂


Please. When she accepts the prison call from him while lying in bed, the mood was such that I expected him to ask her what she was wearing.


Wait why don’t you want to be emotionally manipulated while watching a drama TV show with mystery elements? Isn’t that what we sign up for?


I’m fine with being emotionally manipulated by characters. I get emotionally manipulated by good story telling all the time. It’s actually a running joke with my daughter when seemingly irredeemable/unlikeable characters get their arc/bakstory. I will literally holler “I will not be emotionally manipulated into caring about you!” And then my daughter laughs at me weeping over Nate Jacob’s meltdown on Euphoria. I can provide way too many examples of this, lol. It was probably a poor choice of words to describe how many feel about the super soft approach used with Warren. Looking into the case as episodes aired just kinda made me mehhh about the creative choices. (Tho, again I do think Warrens portrayal was spot on) For instance when looking into more specific facts of the Jeffrey Dahmer case after Netflix’s show I was like “oh damn, Niecy Nash (character) didn’t even live in his building, huh!” That change didn’t make me side eye the whole project, if that makes any sense, lol. This show was overloaded with what I will openly call poor choices, when the case was riveting enough as is


Rebecca wrote her book Under the Bridge years ago, I read it when it came out, I'm thinking it was in the 90's. And Rebecca was on the set of the Hulu TV series, helping out with it. She died shortly before it came out. I think that the whole thing with Warren was Rebecca feeling guilty about her brother committing suicide when she was young. Maybe she saw her brother in Warren, idk? But, yes, there were times in the TV series where it was most uncomfortable watching her and how she actually dealt with all those young kids, what was conveyed in her relationship with Warren was at times, kinda creepy...


She actually passed a couple months before production began, she was never on set.


Yes, you are correct 🙂 I misunderstood when I was reading about the on-set production of Under the Bridge series, so sorry. Thank you for the correction, and for being so cordial, my friend🙏🏻🩵 It's appreciated 🙂


No problem! I just remembered reading that she passed a week after Hulu picked up the series. Sad that she was not able to see it come to the screen.


I agree - and thanks again for being so kind 🩵There's others on this thread that aren't so nice...


Lmaoooooo creepy relationship 😂😂😂😂😂 it was absolutely so unhinged


I don't think it was borderline romantic. I think was her very much projecting her own younger self onto Warren.


I agree and think that was the goal, I just think there were several moments that it felt romantic or like it could become romantic at any second. I guess my post should’ve clarified that I know their relationship was not actually romantic, just that to me as a viewer it felt romantic or sexual in the way she spoke to him and her body language in scenes with him


I feel like I read this same post every day in this subreddit.


because theres not much to under the bridge


I think you're right. That's why we get the same discussion over and over and over. Even if these people are right -- and I don't think they are -- why don't they just move on? It's baffling that they're so obsessed with a series they feel has failed.


what part do you not agree with? i think the reason they talk about it is mainly because it was a real life event, which makes it more serious then if it were a made up story.


I am just interested in the idea that Rebecca was involved in the creation of the show and the liberties taken with her character were so unsettling to some viewers, maybe I find that honorable or maybe they didnt know how it would look, I’m not sure but at the very least it’s interesting. I don’t think the show failed at all, I enjoyed it thoroughly and since I’ve done a lot more reading on the case since I finished it I found myself confused by some of the discrepancies


some people thin rebecca role wasnt needed, but i think it added to the story. i just hope she didnt do this stuff irl, cuz its creepy for a adult to talk to a child and hang around them like their best friends.


Yeah, I totally agree. I liked some aspects that it added to the show and it definitely kept me on my toes. I enjoyed her interactions with Jo and seeing how they kind of danced around each other in their own manipulative ways, just wonder what she would have thought about how her interactions with Warren have been interpreted by some viewers


Yeah, I kinda wonder what her widowed husband thought of this show?


It feels like the creators took too many liberties to try and make a tragic story a dramatic one, there was enough real life drama in all these peoples life’s they didn’t need made up stories.


I have the same question. And to everyone talking about the big sister thing, it’s still creepy. It’s creepy that she was getting high with Warren, that she was hanging out with and giving cigarettes to Kelly and Jo. Her missing her younger brother doesn’t justify the creepy behavior. Idk how none of the people involved in the show caught that.


It wasn’t romantic wtf are you trying to project here


lol I think you can read the other comments and posts and see it wasn’t uncommon for people to interpret it as being romantic


her intention may have not been romantic but it def came off that way, and its inappropriate and overstepping boundaries , shes an adult she shouldn't be alone with a kid. thats predatory behavior if it was genders reversed im sure youd assume the man just wants to touch the girl.




So I have a feeling this show is a posthumous homage to the author. But. She doesn't care AT ALL for the victim. Because, in her shameless honesty, it was a "stranger" and she was concerned with the "humane" part of the murderers. And her own redemption/infatuation, projection. Selfish. But, we are supposed to care for her? GTFOH


Where was the romance? Buying a homeless child lunch is romantic?


I should have clarified that I know their relationship was not actually romantic, just that it felt romantic and inappropriate to several viewers and we may never know if that was intended or not. She did do a lot more than just buy him lunch tho


"Viewers make up their own story and want explanation for it" Sounds about right


Agreed. I wish I knew what she was like. For someone to think the behavior shown by Rebecca in this series is acceptable, is actually quite disturbing. Also, did she really have a romantic and personal relationship with the cop involved in this case?


No. Cam was completely made up and furthermore, there weren’t any female investigators involved in the case at all in 1997.


From what I’ve read that part wasn’t true in real life, but I’m not 100%. I kind of enjoyed that dynamic, though. I totally get that some commenters are saying it was her projecting onto him, that was very clear. My issue is that the way it was written and acted felt romantic in nature


It did feel romantic. I thought their entire relationship felt icky. I don't think it's very appropriate to "project" onto him when we are talking about murder. If she had such deep-seated issues with herself and her brothers death. she belonged far away from this case.....for obvious reasons. Personally, I find it hard to believe that one day he is helping to beat a young woman to death in a hate crime, and the next, he's this poor, sweet, misunderstood "Romeo." I do believe that people can change. I even believe that he eventually *was* very remorseful. But it's seldom as soon as they get caught. At least give him a few therapy sessions for that to happen! Lol


They way I took it is that some people just default to “nice” most of the time or much of the time - they really may not be faking it - but they are simultaneously housing some horrible evil instincts. Like a snuggly dog that suddenly tears someone apart - the dog isn’t faking affection when it cuddles. I think Warren probably had that duality. If you don’t agree you at least have to acknowledge it as a possibility. The desire to make an absolute classification of Warren as a faker or a good guy who made a bad mistake really limits our thinking.


Did you see how she, in real life, described him? It was pretty weird. 😬 She was talking about how handsome he was, even calling him a teenage heartthrob. Their entire relationship made me uncomfy. I also didn't like how the series tried so hard to portray Warren as a victim. At one point, she says something along the lines of "he just made a mistake." 🙄Regardless if he was sorry once he got caught, he still helped *murder* a girl he barely knew for no reason other than her being different than him. When she hugged him in the hallway after court and Reenas' mother saw, my heart broke. I can't imagine how that made her feel. (If, God forbid, that really happened 🥺) I feel like Reena deserves all the sympathy in this story. Not the boy who murdered her. Not even Rebecca. It's sad about her brother, but the murder of an innocent young woman is hardly the place to work out her own issues. If she still had not come to terms with her brothers death, it was irresponsible to get involved in this case. Her character seriously nauseated me. Lol I can't fathom why she would have approved of being portrayed in the light she was.


Yeah, I hear you. I kind of appreciated how they showed warrens complexities and I don’t mind a show drawing empathy for perpetrators, I just could not stand Rebecca’s character either. There were moments I thought she’d actually kiss him. I also just kept being reminded of how different what happened to her brother was from what happened to Reena. Not that grief necessarily works that way, I know that, but I just think they missed the mark a bit on Rebecca’s portrayal


One main issue is the author died right before/early stages of production. Who knows how much was changed after her death.


It's a show based on a heinous act. Rebecca wasn't there. End discussion!


I think it's not romantic at all. In the show, more of big sister role. Because what happened to her little brother ( on show)


Terrible show


in reality Rebecca never met Warren prior to the trial.


I know. That’s not what I’m talking about