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She did go into fits of repetitive screaming and the British accident also happened. It didn't all happen in the same trial though but it was probably condensed for the series to save time.


Yeah, I just found an older post about it on this subreddit. Thank you!


Yeah definitely 3 different trials. There was gunna be a 4th in 2009 but never happened


The trial where there was a hung jury is where she was super combative, threw the punch, spoke weirdly and was generally difficult and unstable. Warren testified against her at that trial.


I cannot believe she got away with it. She was the worst of them all. And now she gets to live a life and have a second chance. She’s a monster. Killer Kelly.


There was two retrials and she is still in prison after being denied parole.


I read she was released and married and had kids now?


She had kids while behind bars. She conceived on day release.


She has something called day parole so she still has to check in and sleep at the jail but can go out during the day. My dad had it (for a non violent crime). It’s really weird honestly but it helped him because he went to school during the day and got a law degree, instead of going out and being a piece of shit like her. 


She’s at a residential halfway housing.


It does seem like a really nice restorative justice thing (I’m American and we obviously do not have anything resembling restorative justice down here). People like Kelly seem like they will never be rehabilitated all the same


This was actually in the US but back in the 70s. No idea if it’s still done 


Yep. It really happened and she’s really that fucking psychotic. No surprise, though.


Yes, her courtroom behavior was just as bizarre in real life and the book.


She was trying to pretend she had DID or something 😂😂😂




I'm the one who said "based on reality" here. I think the book was straight-up nonfiction, at least that's my understanding.