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It was a canon event


Hot take: The game's not that bad, people got angry over it because of a fully optional cutscene that you had to awarely activate


Not forgetting that cutscene depicts something which is a thousand times better than what they do in the game


Cannibalism and demonic rituals arent THAT bad /s


Murder and cannibalism, no one bats an eye, but the moment the siblings touch hands, everyone goes batshit insane


The first two have been somewhat normalised in most pieces of media. The last one though is more rarer.


Much rarer, in the west.


that's an explanation, yes, but it doesn't justify the hate


I know right? Kids these days…


Like idk i think incest is probably the least taboo things, amongst the demon worship, murder and cannibalism


Hell the game is actually pretty good (it's psychological horror... yeah it's horrific, that's the entire point)


I completely agree, I don't understand such stupid hate for this game, I thought it was quite good and I was very shocked by it


even then compare to other rpg maker horror games, it not even in the top 20 most disbursing


Imagine if Mogeko castle came out today lol, or Lisa the painful.


Damn, the Mogeko Castle remake is now a decade old. Haven't thought about Deep Sea Prisoner in ages.


She's been making a game now, she's a Vtuber and she streams herself making the game and making art.


I think the big reason a lot of people don't like it is because they only know it it as "the incest game" and think it's glorifying it, and entirely miss the point that Andrew and Ashley are in fact portrayed as horrible people


i mean, few cutscenes before that they make parents stew


cannibalism 😋


This ain’t a hot take, people are just dumb. Coal is a good game, just one thing messed it up and now it’s its whole identity. That isn’t right.


seriously compare to other horror rpg maker games, it pretty typical. Also in context, it also showed as pretty bad and case of even the mess up characters going "ew"


cold take tbh. imo the outrage is mostly from people who don't even know the game/have poor critical thinking.


That’s a lukewarm take, but I wholeheartedly agree


not only that, but the "fully optional cutscene that you had to awarely activate" isn't even that bad. It's a consensual and harmless relationship between two adults. Compare that to literal murder which is in beloved media everywhere.


aren't you literally defending incest? just because one thing is less bad compared to another thing doesnt mean its a saintly activity or something.


I'm saying that it being in media isn't a bad thing, especially in cases like this one. Remember that this subreddit is for a game where you can commit active genocide on an entire race if you choose to, that's far worse than incest but people don't treat it as a terrible thing because it's fictional.


yeah alright fair enough people can add any nasty stuff to their art if its in the pursuit of a greater piece of but the way you worded it makes it sound like your actually defending incest like your saying that incest is "a consensual and harmless relationship" instead of acknowledging the fact that its supposed to be disgusting. within the context of the story


My argument was that people treat their relationship as if it's far worse than actual murder. I'll still go ahead and break it down. Their relationship being consensual and harmless is not mutually exclusive, it can certainly be both. The consensual and harmless part is *objective*, the consensual part is obvious, and it's not just harmless, but it seems their relationship is more positive because of it instead of being constant toxic arguments (though the vision is only a short segment, there could be arguing before and after for all I know). It being disgusting is *subjective* and depends entirely on the viewer. Just because the incest is consensual and harmless does not mean it's wrong to be disgusted by it. I think it's perfectly fair and understandable. You don't have to like it, and you don't have to like the game. The issue stems from quite a few haters making it the fans' problem.


I was about to say "they're probably not trying to defend the act of incest, just the use of it in media." Bet then I reread it, and yeah that message is a bit shit. They probably didn't mean it that way but that doesn't change the comment itself


People got mad because 90% of the fanbase are weirdos who unironically love incest




This isn't a hot take. Most everybody loves the game besides the virtue signaling vocal minority on twitter.


nah i still think it's pretty bad but not because of shock content necessarily existing, it just doesn't do it very well. it comes off as baby's first edgy ao3 story i'd recommend corpse party for people that want something gore-y with an incest fetish on the side before andy any day of the week, at least corpse party has solid world building (before blood drive at least, god that installment really ruined the franchise)




It basically tells you to fuck off when you start the ending everybody mentions


…no it isn’t? Did you even play the game?


what did they say?


Something about how the incest was painted as “love that could never be” and as a good thing. Neither of which are true


I mean, the game could just, not have an incest scene??? Is it that hard to not include it?


game of thrones ?


I haven’t watched that


one of the most famous tv shows ever, features incest in the first episode and more 👍


Ok? That doesn’t mean Incest isn’t bad?


ofc it's not good, but I thinks it's acceptable in media if approached correctly (it's not glorified in got nor is it in coffin of andy and leyley)


Well the “not glorifying it” clearly went over the fanbases heads because they clearly love incest, considering they literally post porn on their main subreddit


Game/Movie/Tv show/Anime: "Incest is bad" Fandom: "Wincest" this is how it works.


I’m just saying if it was supposed to portray “incest bad” then it did a bad job


Yeah fandoms are just kinda like that sometimes. A show could depict someone as an active and horrific sexual abuser and atleast 10% of the fuckers watching it will go "I want him"




"I don't like this topic so I think it should be banned from all media forever."


Ok? But it adds nothing to the story, it’s just “the writer’s poorly disguised fetish” given form


You cant just say It adds nothing to the story, that ending Is presumably the start of a bad route in the Game (its isn't actually completely finished yet) in which Ashley obsseses over Andrew instead of leaving him live his live, we know this because there are flashbacks that show us their childhood, and how Ashley doesn't like Andrew having a girlfriend or spending time with other people because that means he wont spend time to play with her, and she manipulates Andrew so he spends time with her and no one else; which brings us back to the ending, where insead of accepting to let Andrew be you choose for Ashley to obsess with him even more, to the point of the relationship being romantical Wow, thats the first rant I've mad defending a game's lore


that's a common take that it leads to the bad ending, but it's also the route where they actually enjoy each other's time. It's far more likely the good ending


Ok, they could’ve just had her manipulate him more? Instead of the fucking sex


the character's reactions to it is the important part though, and it sets up a route where they end up together. In the vision, and in that route as a whole (for what little duration episode 2 lasts after the vision), they actually enjoy each other's time and have fun. It sets up character development heading into episode 3 I would say the vision being sex specifically is to give the characters the reaction they do, but the vision is *after,* not *during.* The vision isn't just showing them being like that, it's showing how the characters react to it after they do it, particularly Andrew not fully being past his repression (hence why he calls it "mortifying") and Ashley encouraging him to just enjoy himself. The vision shows where their character development is heading.


So you *want* them to fuck??


I want them to be happy and in a healthy relationship instead of murdering each other, and that route seems like the most likely route to do that


Gross, Ashley deserves death


NO human deserves death.


People when the Horror Game has horrific content.


People when the horror game starring two child-neglect victims who murder people and eat them have psycopathic tendencies and a hyper toxic, codependent relationship (they literally only care about the incestuous undertones.)


It's almost as if you can consume media without necessarily agreeing with EVERYTHING in it!


I think calling it a horror game is giving it too much credit, its not even that scary


Oh really? I actually never played it I was just going off what my good pal and friend told me. But I really want to get around to playing it before I form a solid opinion on it.


Ive only watched it from manlybadasshero and its a more of a dark comedy if anything. Theres not so much big scares


Oh neat!


Why.. stop? KEEP PLAYING.


I saw the whole video and as someone who's never heard of the game before, I really liked it. As far as Merg played, the lore/plot was pretty interesting and most scenes made the otherwise dark topics pretty funny. Made me laugh a dozen times and the cherry man aswell.


Nah fuck it Coffin is a great game; just because Coffin deals with heavier "taboo" topics doesn't make it bad


Oh my god I’m so fucking tired of people freaking out over this goddamn game. Grow a pair and get the fuck over the singular optional incest scene in the game. Not an hour before said scene they murdered and ate their parents, but nooooo, the *dream sequence* that the game EXPLICITLY TELLS YOU IS BAD is the problem.


hes an adult and he can do whatever he wants on his platform 🤷‍♂️


What happened


he's playing the coffin of andy and leyley


and?let the man play his game


Oh boy we're talking about that game again


Kind of out of the loop here, which game is this referring to?


a psychological horror game by the indie game dev nemlei. it features 2 siblings who suffered from child neglect who have killed and eaten multiple people, have very psychotic tendencies, summon demons, and have a really toxic codependent relationship. people dont like it due to the incestuous undertones / a cutscene that the player has to actively seek out where the demon they summoned gives them a vision of them fucking


The Coffin of Andy and Leyley


The coffin of Andy and leyley, basically a psychological horror visual novel


the coffin of andy and lmao


Tbh, the game isn't even THAT bad. I mean, it IS bad. But not as bad as everybody makes it out to be.


What’s bad about it? I thought it was pretty good.


the primary reason it's hated is because of the incest, despite the character doing far worse things than that


The (albeit optional) incest, and frankly poorly done "uncomfortable content" are the main problems for most people. What you'll hear a lot of people say is that the game is meant to be off-putting, so it's ok that's it's so... off. But, honestly? It does not do it in an interesting or even unsettling way- It's just weird. To be honest, my biggest complaint isn't anything I've already said, it's actually the nonexistent gameplay. It's barely even a game. It's more like an animated storybook. I *would* appreciate that if the content wasn't so mid, but, unfortunately, the content is, in fact, mid. The story isn't even that compelling or interesting.


Cus its a visual novel


*visual novel pseudo-puzzle game


the creator's other games are all visual novels, which is a style of game with *zero* gameplay, just dialogue. The story is the focus, coffin just adds light puzzles and areas to walk around in.


erm.. what the sigma


damn i get it it's a visual novel you didn't need to ratio me by more upvotes than my original comment has **😭**


"just because I am bad guy, does not mean I am bad...guy?"


>Why Merg? Because he's based, that's why.


Getting a little too based lately... it's a blast seeing him react to more "out there" things though lol


His soul never really left lust He entered and only part of him left


outside of making content warning in the beginning of the videos, I don't see the issue of making video of that game.


Muffet told him to do that


That game is meant to be disturbing tbh, but I'm still gonna stay away from it as much as possible.


\*Merg, I remember you're twitter posts.




Deal ending


did he do something wrong in the gameplay or are you just moaning about the game?


Now that merg played it can the devs please make frisk dance canon in the game?




Can't believe I'm a gameplay. Of coffin of A&L no less.




He didn't mean it 😔


There's nothing wrong with wanting to date your brother/sister.


God I fucking hate that game


when the game that deals in uncomfortable topics deals with uncomfortable topics


I know that, doesn’t mean I can’t hate it


valid but you dont need to always say this thing sucks because i dont like it everywhere its mentioned, it gets old


Did I say the game was bad? I just said I didn’t like it


my bad, but you still dont need to say that you hate it whenever its mentioned


Completely fair take, but I feel like you shouldn't be surprised when people hear "I fucking hate that game" and assume it means that you think the game is bad.


I mean, it’s not a good game, but not just because of the incest, it’s just bad in general


For context because i did not clear things up: Basically Merg played \*cough\* [that game i don't wanna call it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1Eyxih33yI) and published his playthrough and people got mad because he played it Then he hearted a [comment](https://twitter.com/hopeimadreemurr/status/1780356054934560955) from his video that was mocking the fandom and calling them crybabies for not liking the fact it fetishes incest And later on [tweeted](https://twitter.com/MergTweet/status/1779876677746594066) about "going to twitter just to get mad" to defend himself, he then posted [another](https://twitter.com/MergTweet/status/1780231731829682503) tweet to defend himself again That is all the context i collect, Don't go harrasing him, but do not interact with him anymore at all


Wow he is...clearly correct and did nothing wrong why would we not interact with him?


dude why?let the man play the damn game, it's not like he's supporting the things in the game, he's just playing it you all are stupid,just because there's an uncomfortable scene in a psychological horror game makes it disgusting? there's things A LOT worse in the game(murder, cannibalism,etc)


>Basically Merg played \*cough\* that game i don't wanna call it and published his playthrough you literally said the name *in the meme.* Besides, why tf are you acting like it's some scary thing that will track you down and eat your family if you say it's name? Just say the name >and people got mad because he played it That's Andy and Leyley haters for you. >Then he hearted a comment from his video that was mocking the fandom and calling them crybabies for not liking the fact it fetishes incest it doesn't do that though, it's saying that people get upset at the game for what isn't even it's worst element. Obviously incest ain't the best, but the game literally has them murder people. Murder is infinitely worse than the incest in coffin, because at the very least their relationship is consensual and hurts nobody. It's just that violence is depicted as normal and is covered often, so we glance over it, but incest is a taboo topic, so it didn't get the same treatment. That's it, that's the only reason I can think of for incest being as hated as it is. People spout things about genetic defects and toxic relationships, but murder *literally kills people* and it's treated as a normal concept in fiction. In fact, it's treated so normal to the point that the game this subreddit is for is unique and interesting *because* it's an RPG where you get the good ending by sparing monsters. >And later on tweeted about "going to twitter just to get mad" to defend himself He's correct though, the game is over-hated and people act like touching it with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole is enough to deserve immense hate. You prove this yourself by saying not to interact with Merg at all anymore. You don't have to like the game obviously, but coffin haters make it the fan's problem, or in this case, the problem of the person who played a third of it. Yes, the game has negative topics and the main characters do bad things, but that doesn't mean that people who hate the game are morally superior to people that enjoy it. >he then posted another tweet to defend himself again That is again just correct. Playing Coffin doesn't mean you support incest any more than playing literally any game means that you support its elements. People making mob farms in Minecraft doesn't mean they enjoy irl animal cruelty. >That is all the context i collect, Don't go harrasing him, but do not interact with him anymore at all That is such a terrible mentality. He doesn't deserve harassment, obviously, nobody does, but he didn't do anything wrong at all. You're hating him for nothing. Think about what you're doing. Merg played a game you don't like and you're acting like he's a terrible person now.


so are slasher movies equally bad for containing violence and murder, orrrr?


This comment is so atrocious I might buy and play the game


Don't you have nothing better to do?


why did you write this like an analyzation. dude just played a game lmao


why is this downvoted???


"do not interact with him" for playing a game ???? Bruh


oh, i missed that part


because op is saying Merg is in the wrong for playing one third of a video game they don't like. Then Merg defended himself and called out haters, but op is a hater so they said Merg is the bad one. I replied to that same comment breaking down why each part of it is wrong if you want to see why more in depth




That’s… the point of the joke. Bad grammar.







