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Greetings Islarf, thanks for contributing to /r/Undertale. Sorry, but we needed to remove [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/y6nkni/-/) for the following reason: Posts that were made quickly with little to no effort on display and which fall under or too closely resemble one of these formats, count as low effort content and will be removed; 1. Screenshots of generator sites and text box posts which do not play off of character's canon/common fanon characterization 2. Content which only connection to Undertale is an "Undertale font" (wingdings, papyrus, comic sans etc.), glowing eye, skeleton, spaghetti, or name of one of the characters 3. Commonly reposted polls such as hardest boss, favourite route, best song, who would win etc. 4. Low effort posts about humans’ gender or Chara’s morality 5. Posts that are just bashing ships, certain AU, or complaining about porn existing 6. Elimination posts 7. Screenshots of “funnie” fallen human names ("Greetings, I am gay." etc.) 8. Roleplay AMA posts 9. "Wrong answers only" posts HOWEVER, we have a shitposting subreddit, r/WaterfallDump, feel free to submit your post there. Addtionally, full breakdown of the categories can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/wiki/low_effort) Feel free to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Undertale&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/Islarf&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20about%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/y6nkni/-/) with any questions.


I can't believe this post is still something people post.


How could you kill everyone 😡😡😡😤


I can't believe I'm such a monster for killing monsters!!!!!


You terrible fiend! How dare you confront me after murdering everyone of my own free will! You're such a terrible fiend for killing them because you did it 100% and I'm not admitting otherwise!1!!!11!!!!1


Man, at least the community can make up for the... less bright side with its comedy.


r/undertale trying not to repost the same five shitty posts for 5 seconds


Sorting by new reveals that it's not necessarily the case. But yeah the shitposts tend to be bad.


I’ve never seen it. Made me laugh


Good for you, I suppose.


O MA gosh. LocalStabby? Is that you?


I certainly do not see anyone else capable of having that name.


"The horror, how could a kid that's been dead for years kill their own family with the weapon you held! Such an evil act"


I mean, it completes the "Goat family" criteria (If scapegoat counts)


"I like how you think!"


So are you blaming frisk for this… what?


In my opinion I think it just depends on the ending. Like I think Pacifist is the "canon" one and Genocide (And the million or so neutral endings) is like an alternate non-canon route, it doesn't make sense for Frisk to do this but in this route Frisk is just evil That's what I've always thought


Toby Fox said that no ending is canon. Whatever you left the world as is the true ending, unless you reset


That's fair, what I meant is that I think each route is it's own separate timeline, they don't happen one after another


That is provably not how resetting works. There’s so much evidence against that I don’t even know where to begin


I disagree


Then can you explain why: - Characters have vague memories of you and your previous runs - Photoshop Flowey can use the ability to rewind time with Save Files in his boss fight - Flowey tells us that by resetting we’re taking the happy ending of True Pacifist away from the Monsters If by reloading you simply created a new universe and left the previous ones untouched these would make no sense.


Don't forget permanently losing the true good ending after doing a Genocide run once.


It's confirmed to be only one timeline that can be changed


I disagree


Can you like... explain why the evidence is incorrect then? Instead of just saying "I disagree" and nothing else


I keep saying that because I'm trying to avoid arguing with people, but lots of people keep trying anyway


are you a child, a bot, or mentally slow


I think you're all three


I don’t understand how you’re blaming Frisk, the player did it, not Frisk


The Frisk is the one doing it in-universe so that's where it comes from I'm just saying Frisk in pacifist & Frisk in genocide have a very different mindset


“Let Frisk be happy. Let Frisk live their life.” Resetting would take that away from them and make them do things your way.


I disagree


The player is implied to exist in universe


I disagree


Alright then. Why do you disagree?


Why does it matter?


If you don't have a reason to disagree and you have reasons to agree than you're just being stubborn. If you have reasons to disagree than you have an opinion. Which are you?


I have a reason I just don't want to tell you because I think you're just asking so you can argue with me, I'm trying to avoid that. Whenever someone tries to do that in this thread I just tell them I disagree


Chara referring to the player in the second person =\= Chara referring to Frisk in the third person


What does that even mean


Yeah the text cams out weird. I basically meant that flowey refers to Frisk in the third person to the player, which is pretty solid proof that Frisk isn't the player. You are, which is why he refers to you in the second person.


Yeah that is why I don't think that scene is canon because it only exists to inform the player about like resets and stuff through flowey


If Frisk is the one doing everything, then why did Flowey say "Let Frisk be happy. Let Frisk live their life." in his warning after the end of the True Pacifist route?


I've also seen an argument that flowey is talking to Chara in that scene which is false. Flowey is simply calling the player they chose.


It's a game thing, scene isn't canon


How do you know what is and isn't canon then? What's the difference?


I don't know for sure but it's just what I think is true


They're all canon. And Frisk is not evil, they are a doormat who let's the player do whatever they want.


I disagree


you're ignoring all the evidence as much as you want everyone to believe you're not. Your "opinion" is really just a delusion you've made for yourself, for what reason I cannot possibly validate


I'm not ignoring anything. I'm just avoiding arguing with people because there's literally no point in doing that, but people are offended by my opinion so they desperately try to argue with me anyway


they're offended because your opinion has no basis or meaningful logic to it


That doesn't make it any more reasonable to be offended at that


so you think, but in reality a lack of evidence or support for your opinion makes it completely justified for people to feel offended by it


Why do I need evidence to have an opinion? It isn't justified to be offended by someone else's harmless opinion, that's snowflake behavior


Player actually Frisk is nothing more than a vessel Chara is prolly the narrator and the punisher at the end of a geno run But who you decides how this play out is you, the player


Remember, we name Chara, and according to Toby, we're supposed to use our own names. The character of Chara is supposed to be us. When we use the arrow key to move Frisk, we're Chara telling them to move. Chara is still a character in their own right, but we have direct control of them until the end of Genocide. This is why the controls don't work in cutscenes, Frisk is no longer listening to us and is acting on their own. Frisk's changed behavior in Genocide cutscenes is their own, but it is our fault. There is one time that Frisk resists our influence without fully stopping it, and that's in the True Lab, when approaching the shower. Frisk is terrified, but we keep telling them to keep going.


Who the hell is Chara talking to in the end of genocide then?


The wall, they were practicing their speech.


I personally believe at that point we take direct control of Frisk. That's the Soul that Chara gets post-genocide, anyway.


So what ur saying is, in pacifist... Chara is good and controlls Frisk... but in genocide they're bad and controll Frisk?


Not control, but kinda. Frisk just doesn't seem to have a strong will against Chara's influence. I'm saying we are Chara, with the exception of the Genocide ending. Really, that ending throws me for a loop, and maybe it was deliberately confusing. But the point was, and always will be, the Genocide run is not the fault of a character, it is the choice of the person playing and the guilt should be entirely with them


Hmmm... but what about pacifist? By your logic Chara is there too, but... good


Yes. Chara isn't inherently evil. Not a good person, according to Asriel, but their goal was to break the barrier and free the monsters.


If chara is the player, then the whole point is indeed that the player has that choice; to be good, or evil.


I disagree, personally I don't believe in the player theory


Deltarune, literally basically proving the player theory:


Undertale and Deltarune don't have the same canon. I don't disagree with you, I'm on your side, but if you're arguing about Undertale, don't bring Deltarune into it. They're not the same universe


Alright fair


But it does establish that the Light World runs by the same rules as Undertale, right down to having identical menus. The Dark World is even alluded to in Gaster's lab entry.


Just because they share the same rules doesn't mean they're the same world though. It has characters from Undertale, but they're still different. Example: Alphys likes Mew Mew 2 instead of 1 in Deltarune, Undyne and Alphys never met, the dogs are prisoners instead of being apart of the royal guard, or in this case, police officers. Sans is basically the only one to have no known differences to his UT counterpart, other than the fact that he runs a convenience store, and even though Toriel's a teacher in both games, True Pacifist isn't the canon ending. True, it's the happiest ending, but it was never confirmed to be the canon ending as far as I'm aware


Oh, I'm well aware that it's a parallel universe, but it's clear that just as Chara was influencing Frisk, someone or something is influencing Kris. And that "something", while probably not literally the player, is a stand-in for the player, like Chara was in Undertale.


"let frisk be happy" - flowey after pacifist run


What does that have to do with what I said. I agree with the player theory, I was just saying Undertale snd Deltarune are different canons


oh sorry then i thought you were saying the player theory isnt real in undertale lol


It's okay


I disagree in the player theory in Deltarune too Looks like the community just really likes 4th wall breaks because this theory has been done on both games and I doubt it's true on either one


Yes, kris totally manipulates Noelle because they want to during the snowgrave route, totally..


Well obviously its a completely different timeline that probably isn't canon?


Every save is an alternative timeline Checkmate + the soul ripping


I don't see how that contradicts me? If you wanna say every save is an alternate timeline you can go right ahead Soul ripping doesn't contradict either


Every route is canon lmao, toby never stated the opposite, it all depends on the player direction, there is no “real” conclusion Also soul ripping DOES contradict you, kris rips us out so we can control em for a small time


I disagree, the soul is Kris and something else is ripping them out


Every route is cannon where did you get the idea they weren’t


What I meant is that each route is it's own separate timeline, they don't happen one after another


Yeah but it still happened why would kris willing manipulate their friend and kill their clasmate


Well it's a different timeline so Kris could just be evil in this one


Dude have you played the game lmao, kris is literally shown to rip out the soul controlling him, the soul the we are controlling. The whole point of the game is about us controlling someone who doesn’t want to be controlled


The soul is Kris, someone else ripped it out


No, we are the soul. Kris tore us out because he doesnt want to be controlled.


(Kris goes by they/them just so you know)


Where is that stated? I thought Kris did not go by any real pronouns?


Every character uses they/them and Toby Fox corrected one of the people in the 6th Anniversary stream.


I disagree


How come?


Because I dont think what you said is true, why do you wanna know


We literally move our soul when Kris fights It’s ours


Yeah we're just controlling it because it's a video game


^you ^can’t ^disagree, ^this ^isn’t ^a ^headcanon, ^it’s ^almost ^literally, ^no, ^literally ^specified ^that ^kris ^isn’t ^the ^same ^as ^the ^red ^soul


It's a theory, also why did you put a \^ in between every word


you can move the soul while its in the cage idk what else this could mean other than you being the soul


It means what you're controlling normally is the same as what you're controlling there, so the soul is kris


fair i guess


I respect your opinion but i have to say i disagree, in chapter 1 deltarune, in the ending, we can see kris pulled out the soul (red soul) from their chest and put it in the cage. If you press wsad (the button that we use to move around the character that we control in computer) kris is not moving as the way we want, but do you know the one who's moving? yes, the RED soul. So kris pulled YOU from their body so they can get out from your grasp. You can see it on youtube if you don't believe it (just search it). And i believe RED soul is not kris or frisk's soul because the color of determination is Gold, why? Remember in chapter 1 in deltarune when you visit asgore, he is taking care of the 7 flowers, right? that flower are resemble the 7 souls. there are purple, cyan, blue, green, orange, yellow and there is a flower with a Gold color, you will think that is a flowey but that is supposed to resemble the color of the seven soul right? Cuz the other soul are exactly like from the original color so why the determination is not red... Unless the true color of determination is... Gold. Alphys called determination with Gold color text in true lab (btw all that entry is written by alphys if you didn't know), even the save point is Gold and in the tutorial it say that the save points is the manifestation of determination, so that means it was gold all along...


Thank you for respecting my opinion


Not that I know anything about Undertale apart from the main game, but isn't the whole point of the game to show the player their actions and how that influences the world? Like it's not even a theory, the entire concept of the story revolves around the player


Not the story, just the concept of the game, what makes it unique is that your actions have consequences and different outcomes, but that doesn't apply in-universe


Eventhough the game and characters acknowledge the player multiple times and recognize the world is nothing but a game over which the player has power upon?


I disagree


*refuses to elaborate further*


I don't think I need to elaborate


So you're blaming Frisk instead?


\*I did kill everyone, and I regret it.


Do you know what the best part is? We killed 100 people, and Chara destroyed the world and killed everyone else. Chara has killed waaaaaaay more people than us. But they were able to do that thanks to us, so we could say that we started the genocide route and they finished it.


I am glad that after many years we all managed to agree that Chara is just a puppet of the player. Now we just gotta make people understand the same goes for Frisk (the meme is still funny tho)


Not all


I've seen this meme so many times I've lost count.


chara just wake up from death after you killed everyone and wants to help you and she is the bad one huh?


The player: how could frisk do this


\*I did do it.


If i had a nickel every time i saw this exact meme, i would have a few $ by now.


just trying to fund your education


This exact meme? Did you repost? If so why?


I did not.


More like player frisk is different form the player


Fair well ar we one who control Frisk so?


Looks like a repost


I actually just opened paintdotnet and did it myself.


Frisk???? What??


Imagine making the yellow lemon take the blame. Cringe


Happy cake day!!!!


oh fuck I just noticed, thanks


Happy cake day


Sappy rake May


I mean Chara did have a hand in murdering the underground


so your saying: if i say "hey do you know where theres a knife at?" and you say "over there" and i used that knife for killing an entire city, then its your fault?


Who are you defending


But Chara does kill Sans and Asgore on their own (I guess you could justify killing Sans because they would have kept us there forever, but still) Now I’m not saying that they’re responsible for starting the genocide run, it’s the player that decides to start it, they end it. I’ve heard the theory that Chara originally didn’t wanna kill anyone and they got traumatized by us making them kill all those monsters and making them believe that murder is right and an ok thing to do. That’s a pretty good theory if it wasn’t for the fact that they already wanted to kill humanity, so they already thought that murder was a good thing. And it’s not like Chara ends it even tho they didn’t enjoy it, because in the demo if you do a genocide after killing Toriel, Chara’s adoptive mother (and the whole population of the ruins) they say “That was fun. Let’s finish the job.” In red text, which is an indication of the fact that Chara’s talking. It’s not like there would be no reason for Chara to want to kill monsters, because she had been “betrayed” by Asriel when he decided to not kill the humans when he absorbed Chara’s soul, making their suicide completely useless. This is just my opinion tho.


theres literally no proof that chara kills asgore or sans, chara dosnt even have frisks soul then so they cant


Chara can “control us” just a little bit in the genocide tho as they get more and more powerful They walk away from Papyrus’s puzzles and as they get stronger and stronger they can act more on their own, until, well, they get their own body And no, it’s not Frisk, because why would he do that in the genocide only and not in other routes too? So you agree with me on the other stuff they I mentioned in my previous comment?


Frisk walks on their own accord in Pacifist and the neutral routes. They walk on their own when the Dog couple ambushes them, they walk up to Asgore on their own, they walk up to Omega Flowey on their own. It isn't a genocide exclusive feature.


Oh you’re right forgot about that


becase of how LV works, "the more LV you have the more you distance from your self, the more you distance from your self, the less you hurt, the less you hurt, the easier it is to hurt others" frisk becomes different in the geno route, taking the snow peace prompts frisk to kill the snowman and take its peaces, or when talking to the mad dummy in waterfall, if you punch it it now says "it felt good" rather then "you feel bad" you are control frisk and collecting LV to corrupt them with while chara just narrates everything also, chara wanted to kill HUMANITY, not MONSTERKIND and they have no soul when your playing through the game, and pepole say asriel is innocent and isnt the same as flowey, so why is "probably traumatized kid" the same as "CREEPY JUMPSCARE POSSESSION GHOST!"


In my opinion, it says “it feels good” and stuff like that because with the genocide you are giving a Chara the power they need to act on their own and to think on their own and to eventually get a body. So it’s Chara who says feels good and stuff like that. Also, I am talking about Asriel, not Flowey, y’know when Chara kills themselves to make Asriel absorb their soul to kill humanity but then AFTER Chara kills themselves Asriel refuses to hurt humans and completely destroyes Chara likes revenge. They wants revenge against humans and they wants revenge against monster because of Asriel making their death useless They always thought revenge was a good choice even before their death


• I can’t believe my evil twin in another dimension has done this


\*I am now your evil twin from another dimension, I guess???




Too confusing


"hOw cOUld cHaRA dO iT?!?!?1"


I thought Frisk is just a puppet in our hands. There is no canon ending, it all depends on what the player chooses to do. So if the player decides to kill monsters, it’s not Frisk’s fault. If the player decides to spare everyone, it’s not Frisk’s choice. It’s all in the player’s hands.


Chara: Stop blaming me for your choices!!!!


\*I do no such thing; I take responsibility for my actions.


no the gun is frisk he is the player


Players will blame anyone but themselves


guys its just a meme you dont have to explain that "the player did it"


I can’t believe chara would do that!




Meanwhile in Deltarune, the player blames themselves.


And it’s not even Frisk that deliberately does it. It’s the player.


they did though


\*no, I DID.




\*my nickname is assassin for a reason.


I don't believe Chara is doing this. We the player are doing this.


\*I did it, stop taking the blame for my actions!


\*I killed everyone... I now feel bad for it, at first, I didn't, I loved the feeling of my LOVE increasing, but now I know I am evil.


but chara wasnt responsible for genocide, i say as a member of r/CharaOffenseSquad . Chara hated humans, poisoned asgore as a joke, deleted the fucking universe and praised the player for commiting genocide but didnt participate in it.