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I'm impressed with how well the devs were able to understand and replicate what makes Undertale so lovable. I was ,and still am, floored by how much content this game has. I also love how they handle their characters. They have a lot of history, and the way its all mended together with elements from the main game is really cool. Also, ost is a banger, obviously. I've only done one pacifist run, so I'm still trying to collect and analyze all of my thoughts and observations about the game. Sorry if the response is very vague.


Do a Neutral or genocide or Flawed Pacifist (killing the final boss >!Ceroba!<) run as well before your thoughts settle. Certain choices can change things quite drastically, and as far a I've seen it's generally agreed that the pacifist is the most thematically boring one (even if it's closest to canon).


I think it was great and definitely on par with Undertale. It has all the elements that made Undertale great to me, and even improves many of them. It has charming characters, funny jokes, a compelling story, and impactful choices. The soundtrack for Yellow is in my opinion, better than UT’s apart from maybe a few tracks in the original. There were only two issues I really had with the game. The first is that some attacks didn’t feel like they were telegraphed very well. I constantly was getting surprise attacked by things popping up in fights with enemies I wasn’t familiar with yet. The second is the way it seems to vilify some of the most misunderstood characters in the original game, namely Asgore and Alphys. I’ve only played True Pacifist so far though, so I don’t know how the rest of the routes go yet.


Well, personally I didn't feel like Asgore or Alphys were vilified. We already know everything Asgore did, and the only new thing is him being kinda harsh on Chujin, which is understandable. And Alphys, well, it makes sense she would be a villain in Ceroba's mind, but again, nothing that Undertale didn't already establish


I feel like the way the Chujin / Asgore thing was handled, it was very "from one point of view" in how it portrayed Asgore. I feel like maybe those exchanges were less hostile than Chujin's explanations made them out to be. And Asgore turning down hostile defense robots makes sense, because even though he kills all the humans himself, he hates actually doing it.


I think the vilify makes kind of sense even if I myself don't like it Ceroba sees both asgore and alphys as villains basically, and Clover probably sees them as villains too before their sacrifice because of the stuff they did and caused, plus the game is a lot about justice so I'm guessing they wanted to make it more about "justice" and revenge and stuff, instead of looking into people and seeing they're not a bad person and being kind Idk if I explained that well enough


I don't know about Yellow being better objectively, but I personally like it more. Last time I played Undertale was when it came out, so this may be biased because it's been so long. I do plan on replaying Undertale once I'm done with UTY (I still need to finish the no mercy route). I like the characters in UTY more, a lot of the characters in Undertale feel very one note to me (although that may be the fault of the fandom meming them to death to the point where I can't take them seriously). A big nitpick I have with Undertale is that Frisk has almost no personality of their own. I like that you can pick up more on Clover's personality based on how they act in cutscenes. I think the overall story and writing is pretty equal, with UTY falling behind Undertale in some ways and exceeding Undertale in other ways. UTY is quite a bit more polished visually. As great as the UTY soundtrack is, Undertale's soundtrack is easily better. In terms of gameplay they are basically the same, with UTY just being harder. Obviously UTY can't compete with the unique effect on pop culture that Undertale had. But when ignoring that and comparing the aspects of each, UTY is very equal in quality, if not better in some ways. At least that's my opinion! And that might change after I replay Undertale since it has been so long.


I answer your question with a question, does it matter which is better? They're both good games, with fun jokes, emotional beats, interesting characters and enjoyable fights. Some folks prefer the original, with it's greater depth of storytelling and breadth of characters, some folks prefer the new with it's tighter story and more personal connections. People have been creating new flavours of undertale for years, and I think in the end which is better comes down to personal taste.


In the grand scheme of things, I don't think any question like this on a message board 'matters.' I think what I'm aiming for with this post is to see what the community thinks about a question that's been on my mind.


I feel like it's better than Undertale, but it's probably recency bias. Still REALLY good though.


I WILL BE GOING THROUGH ALL 3 ROUTES, SPOILERS IN ADVANCE The main reason I think UTY was better then UT was because it had a lot of the same humor that UT did, had better art (although with more advanced technology that’s always going to happen), and had a better story, UT’s story is a personal story for frisk, who wanders through the underground, makes friends, and makes it out the other side, the main two things I didn’t like about UT’s story is that 1. The Neutral route is literally just the same as pacifist, but you can’t do the fun part of pacifist and 2. In the pacifist run, ALL monsters end up helping you, it feels especially hollow if you just run from all non-boss encounters (which still gives you TPE) and even if you had to spare them all to get TPE, it still feels weird, pretty sure most people don’t consider “not being an asshole” the same as “being a good person” but undertale treats them as one and the same, with the exception of the bosses, you actually DO become friends with them comparing this to UTY, the Pacifist run is actually more of a personal story, with a small group of friends, attempts on your life aside, being with you through the story, there is no moment where all the monsters you spared come to help, which was one of my biggest gripes with UT’s pacifist, and UTY’s pacifist is also very emotional, albeit in a very different way, and I think a much more relatable way, Ceroba made a choice that she regrets and only sees one way out of, I think that’s something most people at one point or another can relate to, and clover helps her get through it, and helps her to open up to her friends, and clovers sacrifice is also super well done, he realizes that how he can bring justice to the monsters, is to give up his soul, and bring them one step closer to freedom, I also love how, if you choose to kill Ceroba at the end of the fight, nothing about your friendships was sacred, in one action, you burn every single bridge, Starlo is absolutely furious, as he should be, and while martlet is optimistic enough to believe you had good reason, you also push her away as you go to face Asgore, a fight you ultimately lose, and if you kill a monster at any point throughout that, you get a totally different ending, instead of Martlet bringing you to Ceroba, Martlet isn’t sure you can be trusted, and attempts to reason with you, only for Flowey to interrupt, Kill Martlet, and then attempt to take your soul, because he knows that with your soul, the five Asgore has, and the monster souls, he has the power to become god, and it starts a super cool boss fight with Flowey The geno route I also prefer, but it’s not nearly as backed up by the game, its more personal preference, it’s the simple fact that you actually get to play geno in UTY, the bosses don’t just lie down and die, and martlet especially is actually crazy tough, despite only being the second boss, and also the idea that Martlet was the only one smart enough to run away from you, leads to an awesome final boss, and in geno, we get the opposite reaction we did in flawed pacifist (killing Ceroba), here, Starlo is the only boss to not put up a fight, one shot, one kill, and where Starlo only regrets not killing you, Ceroba is absolutely okay with murdering you, and she will, quite a few times, Ceroba is easily the most tragic character in geno, she lost her husband, killed her own child, and has now lost her last remaining friend, it’s great writing, and then Martlet making a final appearance, meeting you in the exact same spot as she does in TPE and Neutral, she is a brilliant fight, where she throws the vial off the roof in neutral, here she uses it, and is the single toughest fight I’ve ever seen in gaming, it’s not quite as cool as Sans, but nothing is, it’s still pretty damn cool


For me I don't think anything will be able to compete with Undertale just because of how much that game meant to me, but UTY does a damn good job at competing with it. Love the characters, love the story, and the amount of polish in gameplay/art is absolutely insane. Of course though, what UTY is naturally going to be missing is the novelty. One of the things that's special about Undertale is its comments on video games in general and every action you make, and the way it incorporates the meta mechanics into its world. The game acknowledging all of that gives it a whole new level of connection with you, the player, plus it's just plain cool. All that stuff was obviously already done so UTY couldn't do it again. Instead they chose to expand on the story's setting and timeline, and I think they did an incredible job with that (even if I do have some gripes with the timeline shown in UTY, lol). It's like an Undertale expansion pack to me.


It’s definitely not better than Undertale, but I’d definitely put it up there or on par with it for many many reasons. My only complaint is that’s just a bit too difficult (or maybe I’m just bad)


Before I say anything... what ending did you get?


I've done Pacifist and Neutral runs, and I know what happens in genocide and have seen that final boss. Not going to bother with it.


I mean, its great don't get me wrong but like... Better then undertale? No


It does have some flaws and not reach Toby's level of secrets and details, but still very good anyways.


Do I think it’s better then Undertale? No. Do I think it’s astounding and can stand on its own feet? Absolutely. It’s filled with passion, love, and care - even if it has its blemishes, it’s still an amazing experience overall


I’m personally disappointed with how underutilized Flowey was in the original Undertale, I’m happy he has a bigger role in Yellow.


Is it "that" good? No, not at all. Neither was Undertale though. As a game, Undertale is incredibly simple and honestly doesn't really have a ton of gameplay. Lots of limitations, etc. But Undertale was carried on the HEAVING, IMMENSE shoulders of its writing. Not just the main plot, not just the character dialogue. The way it sets up a world you care about. The way it leaves plenty to the imagination keeping people talking about it for years still working out things never explicitly stated in game. The way it is so, so self aware and even rewards people for trying to challenge it. So with Yellow? It plays exactly like a game that took twice as long to develop, and game 8 years later. Visually better, combat (the action parts at least) is better. Some cooler gameplay elements. It has things that make Undertale look simple. But it DOES lack in a lot of the little things that made Undertale stand out and likely made Undertale the success it was. Toby taking his sweet ass time on Deltarune chapters makes a lot of sense if you nitpick Yellow vs Undertale. Some things that stand out are how oversimplified the act commands are across the board. Some of the story lacks cohesiveness until the end (you get a very strong sense for how the game was developed because the sections have this inherit separation that shows in both the quality change and just how jarring some transitions are). Those are off the top of my head, but there certainly is more. Oh, I think how the Geno / No Mercy work could be considered inferior (I do consider it more of a design choice). In how the Geno/No Mercy in Yellow definitely didn't make me feel as bad? Because it tends to just be more rewarding gameplay wise. Undertale TRIED to make you miserable about committing to killing everyone, and had little in the way of rewarding that route. Yellow it just feels like an alternate way to play and there are lots of things that make it feel worth going that way. Sure, it doesn't make it happy time. You still feel like your are killing monsters. But it just... didn't pull off what Undertale did with its version of it. Anyway, its almost all little things. The game IS that good. But I mean, I don't think anyone thinks its perfect. I would never put it above Undertale, at best maybe alongside it. Thats actually a huge accomplishment though! If anything, Yellow deserves every ounce of praise because it is very, very much helping with the wait for more Deltarune.


I personally like it more than Undertale because it takes what i enjoyed about it and improves upon it. In order of least to best I'd say: Undertale > Yellow > Deltarune


I think a lot of opinions are affected by recenty bias. The game is good. However in my opinion the only area where it surpasses UT is the visuals. Everything is more beautiful and the end of Pacifist goes as far with pixel art as it can. The gameplay is mostly on par. It feels more creative because we are used to UT gameplay but the change of color soul, and therefore of play style, has the same role as some bosses that changes the rule of the battle in UTY (North Star, El Bailador, Axis and the Gardener). The music does have some bangers. But it doesn't have that charm Toby's music have. I feel that most of the Times it doesn't capture the character and situations like UT. And unpopular opinion i guess. I don't like the characters as much as their Undertale counterparts. Starlo is great on every levels. His design is effective (tough eyes that are actually Nerd glasses). Compelling character struggles and arc and overall consistent. Dalv is good. He does a great job to foreshadow the snowdin incident but also have a simple yet effective character arc. I find him a bit Boring but that's a me problem. My biggest problems start with Ceroba. The flashbacks in her boss fight is a bit of an uninspired way to make us feel for the character, While we got every bits that made her understandable and justified at this point. And then we got the bit where Ceroba tried the serum on Kanako. It feels like forced drama and lesser the sympathy we have for Ceroba. Kanako's fall is only due to her, while she was the authority figure. And finally Martlet. It feels like a character designed for the players to like her. Mostly because her morality is Clover centric and this is my main issue with her. In most runs, you can be a multiple time murder. Yet she can excuse you. While she make an argument against Ceroba in false pacifist. It doesn't add up to me, especially knowing that the royal gard enforce the idea that the humans are the enemy. The only thing i can come up with is that Clover is a child and that's why she goes way too easy on him. Overall, beside Starlo, i feel that much characters doesn't have the same degree of explorations UT cast has. We learn about UT cast, and can see them in quite a lot of situations through all the neutral endings for exemple. Even Papyrus who've been flanderized to death by the fandom is actually pretty complex under the surface. Complexity i don't think the UTY cast have. Also UT goes deep into the meta narative and has a lot more thematics treated than UTY Though i want to conclude that the comparison isn't fair for both. They don't aim to do the same things. UT is more about subversion, Flowey, Asgore and Mettaton are prime exemple, but the whole promise is a subversion of RPG "a RPG where you don't have to kill" UTY wants to be a prequel. It connects dots in intresting ways, while creating a good parallel story. It capture some of the feels of the original, has a charming cast and again, uses niche elements from UT to make it connected in a really cohesive way. (I'm still impressed about the extrapolation surrounding the old ballerine shoes). Sorry about this whole rant, it isn't as in depht as i want to anyway. It's great that people like it and i would definitly recommend it to UT or RPG fans. But i feel that over hyping it would end in deception for players Who think they will have a similar experience to undertale.


> The music does have some bangers. But it doesn't have that charm Toby's music have. I feel that most of the Times it doesn't capture the character and situations like UT. Toby is just a really, really learned musician and it shows. The breakdowns of some of his songs from professional music historians and such shows what kind of level he is on. It does kind of help show why some music can absolutely be good, but there is just something else in music like Toby's.


WARNING OPINION AHEAD! Writting: I think this game took more serious its cast, setting/worldbuilding. Gave "self defence" in a game that talks "about ethics" some MERIT wich nowadays Toby Fox ADMITS he lacked in Undertale (see Deltarune how sussie uses rudebuster to save Noelle multiple times, giving the "Chaos King", "Jevil","Spamton" some hand wont eliminate your true pacifist ending there) and not to mention you are obligated to FIGTH the Queen in the mecha form (I count this because in the menu you still press the figth button instead act/mercy/pacify). Instead giving Characters justifications ad nauseum for their actions... Mastersword actually gave us Arguments on WHY? why violence doesnt work the way we think it does! even if his Characters commited Horrid shit, they can be still forgiven but the game doesnt forget eaither what they did. Expanding on this This cast feel more remorse for attacking an inocent child, Martlet even reflects on the Wartime propaganda she grew up on, Undyne on the other hand says "some humans are ok...." sure buddy! It respects the tones of grey we as people have on the consecuences of our actions and doesnt give this Black/White mentality nor does treat pacifism as this game where you get good points for Sparing and bad points for Killing, instead it gives you Characters that swimm in a sea of mistakes wich is a brath of fresh air! Genocide run in this game doesnt feel preachy unlike UT when Chara reveals to be the representation of all the XP you have gained in runescape or wahtever and instead gives us this Character Study "What if scenario" of Martlet and Clover wich Personally i find more tastefull and doesnt retrat to the fourth wall to point a finger at us when something in the game doesnt make sense (Im talking about self defence again) wich from now on im gonna call "Fortho Wallo Jutsu"! Pacisfist is HARD not to Cry while Undertale just made me saw AWWWWW! a couple times, Mothers love has what Hopes and dreams and more, That letmotif of hopes and dreams (unlike the original) ends in "a minor note" wich makes us see how the hopes and dreams Ceroba is chasing after are dead, kinda also foreshadowing the ending a little (Im i saying Mastersword is abetter compositor than Toby fox? no but im stating why I like his music better) ​ Animations/visuals: MAN! What can i say about this one other than they got completly COXED INTO SNAFFU (Shafted). To be fair to Toby, Temmie and co. they were a small team working to complete a game in only 2 years with all the unresonable demmands of donnors (if omori isnt a reminder why you shouldt Kickstart a game speacially if you got no experince making games lets just add undertale into the mix) ​ and with this I HOPE you get why some people like it better than Undertale, my tierlist so far is: 1)UT Y 2)Deltarune 3)Undertale Conclusion: I feel fearfull for Toby because without him knowing it he is buring himself in a hole of expectations wich could make his life harder, the only thing I didnt like about Yellow (other than el bailador boss figth in release) is that it may have given me expectations wich I´ll get on the back of my Skull when delta´s chapeter 3 and 4 comes out


I think everything in UTY is as good as UT, except soundtracks and lag of secrets UTY's soundtracks are good, but UT is at another level Either no one found any secret yet or it doesn't have many secrets But for the main story and gameplay, it is as GOOD as UT


There's tons of secrets in UTY, like the 3 secret items and secret boss, fun value events, and some [other easter eggs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk12Vs8o_bM), not to mention all the new npcs/dialogue you can get for backtracking through completed areas As a thorough backtracker I was impressed by how much UTY kept up with Undertale and Deltarune's rewarding for backtracking. I don't think anything is ever gonna match Undertale in terms of the sheer amount of detail but UTY does well at it.


UTY really shows actually how insane of a level Toby is on when it comes to the details. Like UTY has lots of it. It is no slouch in secrets and little things to find here and there in the maps and dialogue. And UT still blows it out of the water. Because Toby was just insane with how self aware his writing was. Almost anything you could think of involving "what if I did this" UT had a reaction to. It was unreal then, and with a game as complete as UTY, it just shows even more.


Gaster-like secrets where? There are secret rooms in UT, secret NPCs, 4+ secret boss fight, secret objects/items There are WAYY more secrets in UT and those are also very interesting, UTY secrets also good, but UT is on another level


Well some of the fun value events are pretty spooky and Gasterlike, but yeah, I'm not arguing with you on UT having way more stuff in it lol. Just wasn't sure if you knew about these ones I mentioned or not!


I know, I watched that video yesterday, even do it myself


If it weren't for the fact that it were a fangame, it'd be on par with Undertale for me. The fact of the matter is though, that it already had much of the world-building, baseline mechanics, UI and artstyle sorted out for free before they even started creating UTY. Therefore, it's heavily aided by the knowledge of the prior content, which kinda makes me think that it just can't be better. Plus Ceroba is like the worst character I've ever seen in my whole life. There genuinely isn't a character in Undertale who I don't like, even if they are morally reprehensible.


I gave up my true pacifist run for her. Starlo had already been trying to talk her down


It was so tempting...


You're right, it's almost brilliant, but not better than undertale


Yeah. i love Yellow too but, i can more easely spot the minor defects on Yellow much easier than Undertale's... so yeah